Number of People

Chapter 1661: Ren Zi Scroll Wind and Rain in the Palace (2)

  Chapter 1661 Renzi Scroll Palace Wind and Rain (2)

Feng Ziying's attitude is very normal in the eyes of Concubine Guo. Now anyone with a discerning eye can see that the emperor favors King Lu more, while civil servants are more willing to follow the old rule, that is, to stand up for the chief. In any case, it will not be the turn of King Fu who is between the two. Prince Li and Prince Gong.

  Many people even think that Prince Gong is only ten years old, and it is uncertain whether he will live to adulthood. It is very common to die young these days.

At least King Shou, King Fu, and King Li are not only adults, but they are all married and have children. King Shou already has two sons, King Fu and King Li each have a son, and King Lu is fourteen years old. In the eyes of many people including the emperor, they can get married immediately, which is a plus in the eyes of many people, but Prince Gong is only ten years old, and many things are still difficult to determine, and the danger of dying from illness is not far away.

   This is also the pain in Concubine Guo's heart. Her son is better than the other princes, but he can only be excluded from the election because of his young age. This is something she cannot accept anyway.

Although the emperor's health is not very good now, in Concubine Guo's opinion, as long as he has a good life and will be raised, it should be possible to persist for another two to three years or even three to five years. With talent, he can definitely do better than the other princes.

  It's a pity that this point of view has not been supported by other powerful people. This makes Concubine Guo, who is calm on the surface, very anxious, and even feels a little desperate to go to the doctor.

She had approached Zhang Jingqiu before, but Zhang Jingqiu ignored him; her uncle, Chen Jingxuan, was still in a state of desperation and dared not show up. Concubine Guo also asked for advice. Wen Chen came up to find a way to speak out.

  Concubine Guo also approached King Zhonghui, who seemed to be more impartial, to test it out, but King Zhonghui was impeccable and refused to get involved at all, which made Concubine Guo very disappointed.

The suggestion made by my uncle moved Concubine Guo a little. Among the royal family, King Zhongshun was undoubtedly the most important side, but it was a pity that King Zhongshun had already bet his treasure on Mei Yuexi and Zhang Yu. He is trusted by the emperor, and if he supports him, it will only backfire; King Lianzhong has been staying out of the matter, and it is more difficult to deal with than King Zhonghui, obviously knowing that the water here is deep and the water is shallow.

On the other side of the eldest princess, the eldest princess Yong'an is more friendly to herself, but Concubine Guo knows that the emperor is not close to the eldest princess Yong'an, and prefers to trust the eldest princess Yongning, but it is a pity that the eldest princess Yongning and Mei Yuexi went away He got closer, and it was obvious that he had sensed the emperor's intentions, so he bet the treasure on King Lu.

   Today, she accidentally ran into this Feng Keng here, which made Concubine Guo's eyes shine.

Uncle mentioned inadvertently the friendship between him and the Feng family. His father, Feng Tang, was the governor of the three sides, and now he is also the governor of Jiliao. He also asked him for help during the Linqing civil uprising, and he responded positively, which allowed Feng Keng to escape. It is impossible for Feng Keng and the Feng family to deny this relationship.

Speaking of the several parties involved in the Linqing civil uprising that year, Li Sancai, the governor of the water transport at that time, was already an old cabinet minister, and Qiao Yingjia, the censor of the Cao Cao, was already the censor of the right capital of the Metropolitan Procuratorate. The governors of the three sides fell immediately.

Now Feng Keng has a great reputation among young and middle-aged scholars in Beijing, and even the entire group of northern scholars respects him very much. In addition, his teachers are Qi Yongtai and Guan Yingzhen, two northern scholars and Huguang scholars. The leader of the people, the weight of his words is even more extraordinary, no wonder the emperor has to summon him to listen to his opinions.

  Maybe this is an opportunity?

   It's just that how to get through this relationship needs to be carefully considered.

  The Princess Yong'an in front of me may be a thread. Her son seems to be a classmate with Feng Keng, and the relationship seems to be very good. This is a channel that can be used.

   Coupled with his uncle's kindness to him, if he promises benefits, maybe he can make a breakthrough?

Concubine Guo also knows that a character like Feng Ziying who can sit in the Shuntian Mansion at the age of 20 is definitely not a naive and childish person. What was bought was that he was immature, and his father and masters would not allow him to express his opinion without authorization.

   But this is a path after all. On the other hand, Feng Keng is a natural genius, and his attitude can also affect the attitudes of Qi Yongtai, Guan Yingzhen and Qiao Yingjia, not to mention his father.

  If you can find a way to draw this person into your camp, it can indeed play a magical role in four or two.

"Master Feng is too modest. It is enough to let the emperor summon him for advice." Concubine Guo smiled gracefully. Do a lot of advice for my Great Zhou, and relieve the emperor's worries."

   "It should be so." Feng Ziying responded, and Concubine Guo greeted Princess Yong'an to leave, but Zhou Peisheng came up quietly and said in a low voice, "Your Excellency, you don't have to worry about it. Maybe Concubine Xi is not in a good mood these days."

  Feng Ziying responded meaningfully, "It seems that all the empresses in the palace are a little restless these days."

  Zhou Peisheng was stunned for a moment, then smiled knowingly: "That's true."

  Feng Ziying saw Emperor Yonglong in the East Palace.

  The inner palace is divided into two parts, one is the East Palace, where Emperor Yonglong lived alone, and the other is the West Palace, which is much larger in area than the East Palace, and is mainly reserved for the harem concubines and underage princes.

  In fact, every autumn at Tiewangshan has never been as tense as this year. Not only did all the concubines come, but all the princes also came together.

In the past, there were times when the Iron Net Mountain Autumn had the intention of setting up a reserve, but generally speaking, it had been basically finalized before. The Iron Net Mountain Autumn was just a formality. , at least there is still a long period of time for the prince to train and hone through the Zhan Shifu. After several years or even more than ten years of polishing, he will take over the throne without any surprises.

  Like Emperor Yuanxi, Prince Yizhong was the crown prince for 20 years but failed to succeed to the throne. Even Emperor Yonglong took the throne after being the crown prince for several years after becoming King Zhongxiao.

  Emperor Guangyuan and Emperor Tianping before Emperor Yuanxi had been crown princes for many years, and they succeeded to the throne smoothly without any disturbance.

But this time it is different. It is no secret that Emperor Yonglong is in poor health. He has heard of it from the Mongolian and Jurchen outside the side wall, or from overseas Japanese lands, and even Hongmaofan and Folangji. But there are five sons, and it seems that all of them have a chance, and none of them are willing to stand still.

The more delays in this situation, the greater the future troubles. This is why Emperor Yonglong decided to confirm the candidate for the crown prince after this autumn. Only in this way can he use two or three years of time and energy to help his son clean up Obstacles, cultivate confidantes, stabilize the ground, let them sit firmly in the country before they close their eyes.

  Looking at this young man who walked in slowly, Emperor Yonglong was in a daze for a moment.

  When I saw this young man for the first time, no, he should still be a teenager at that time, at most he was a teenager entering the youth stage, when was that? After the rebellion of Ningxia Qibai and Liu Dongyang was put down, the time when this son came back to report victory, right?

Although I have heard of this son's reputation before, but I have never seen it. That time I played alone in the East Study Room. Well, let this guy enjoy the honor of only the cabinet elder and the six ministers. Emperor Yonglong I was very impressed. Feng Ziying’s performance that time made him very satisfied, especially Feng Ziying’s proposal to recover Shazhou and Hami, which were lost in the previous Ming Dynasty, became a highlight after his succession. Absolutely.

On the contrary, the subsequent policy of opening the sea was quite controversial. Although the imperial court benefited a lot, it caused Feng Ziying to suffer a lot of criticism, especially these criticisms were mostly from northern gentry. Jiangnan's plan has damaged the interests of the Northland.

In fact, it cannot be said that the interests of the North have been damaged, but it is true that Jiangnan has benefited more, but it is the imperial court that has benefited the most. On this point alone, Emperor Yonglong felt that Feng Ziying's overall view was better than many in the court. The important ministers who are crippled and deficient, and the gang of Jiangnan scholars in Nanjing are even more contemptible.

   "The humble minister Feng Keng has met the emperor."

  Feng Ziying kowtowed in accordance with the ritual.

"Be flat, give me a seat." Emperor Yonglong leaned on the throne, and the bright yellow dragon robe was loose, showing his old and thin body more and more, which made Feng Ziying's heart tremble. Compared with the last time he saw him, the emperor His body seemed to have aged a lot, and even his original pair of clear and sharp eyes seemed to be clouded a lot, and they no longer had the fierce and domineering spirit of the past.

"Feng Qing, I haven't seen Qing for a while. I'm coming back to Beijing from Yongping. Isn't it a good place to sit in the Shuntian Palace?" body.

   "Eating the king's salary, being loyal to the king, sharing your worries for the king, it is my duty." Feng Ziying responded indifferently.

   "Well, I like to hear these words. If all the officials in the court have Ziying's attitude like you, then I can enjoy the rest of my life in peace." Emperor Yonglong sighed.

  Feng Ziying got up quickly, "Your Majesty!..."

"Okay, I made a slip of the tongue, but it's not a secret that I'm not in good health, and Ziying should also know what my intentions are for this fall." Emperor Yonglong cut to the chase, "I've seen you a few days ago. Many people have listened to the opinions of many people. Of course, this autumn is not just a matter of selecting and establishing a reserve. I also have other court affairs that need to listen to opinions from all parties. Ziying, You are not a court official, but the matter of Shuntian Mansion is related to important places in the capital, and I think your opinion is equally important, so I specially summoned you here to hear your opinion."

  (end of this chapter)

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