Number of People

Chapter 1663: Ren Zijuan hit a wall

  Chapter 1663 The Ren character roll hits a wall

  Feng Ziying noticed that Emperor Yonglong's eyes were calm and thoughtful, not entirely in disbelief, um, how should I put it, probably with a feeling of indifference but a little disapproval.

After all, he is surrounded by the ministers of the cabinet, the seven ministers and the bosses of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, as well as the ubiquitous spies of Long Jinwei, and those veterans of the Fifth Army Commander's Mansion. He has never experienced any storms. He can provide him with advice and judgment on any major event that he has never seen before. If something really happens, he feels that these people should have given advice long ago.

  Feng Ziying can also understand, as the king of a country, with millions of troops under his command, and a wealth of talents in the court, what problems can he not consider?

Besides, I am amazingly talented, but more of them are because I was no longer inward at the beginning and was able to jump out of the mold, so I have some more outstanding opinions, but they really involve specific and targeted affairs inside and outside the government, especially things like Involving Prince Yizhong and the Supreme Emperor, the courtier Wu Xun's intentions, and the future of the princes, I am afraid that Emperor Yonglong may not trust him.

  This is not a question of your opinion, but rather a question of your experience and understanding of human nature.

  But it is precisely this understanding of human nature that Feng Ziying thinks that perhaps it is more likely to cause problems when he is in it.

  Emperor Yonglong may attach great importance to the question of Prince Yizhong, but will Ye Xianggao, Fang Congzhe, Gao Panlong, Huang Ruliang and other important officials have the same height and attention as Emperor Yonglong? Even the Minister of the Ministry of War like Zhang Huaichang, the chief general of the border town like You Shigong, and even the veterans in the military who should have offered advice and suggestions, do they have the same sense of crisis as Emperor Yonglong?

   I'm afraid not necessarily.

  Feng Ziying thinks that the biggest problem of Emperor Yonglong is that he ignores that the interests of these people are not completely consistent with his. He thinks that these people should take care of him with all their heart and soul, but this is not the case.

  Can these people really fail to see the danger of Prince Yizhong? Can't see the possibility that Prince Yizhong's party will join hands with the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River, and then may collude with the Mongols, Jurchens and even the White Lotus Sect? Can't see the danger that this year's Northland drought could escalate the situation?

  Feng Ziying doesn’t believe it, but they may have overlooked it, may have seen it but didn’t take it seriously, or may have intentionally or unintentionally underestimated it. Only the most direct stakeholders will be nervous and pay special attention.

  Who is the most direct stakeholder in this game?

  In addition to the beneficiaries of Prince Yizhong, who will be the real biggest victims?

  Feng Ziying thinks it should be Wei Guangwei, Geng Ruqi, himself, Lian Guoshi, Fan Jingwen and other young men and young scholars from the north.

  Once Prince Yizhong came to power, the Jiangnan Party’s momentum would rise sharply, and his career would be most affected by a group like himself, and his influence would even exceed those in power like Qi Yongtai and Qiao Yingjia.

People like Qi Shi and Qiao Shi are old anyway, but they have deep qualifications and high prestige. Even if Prince Yizhong becomes emperor, the court will be in a stable and balanced situation in the future. Some people are decent enough to keep their current positions, but only those young warriors in the North who are under 40 years old, I am afraid that the future will be much narrower and darker.

   Lack of room for improvement, many of them may only be able to linger in place, wasting their days, and they are the biggest victims.

  Unless their own personal interests are involved, how deeply will those important ministers in the court care? Especially when the emperor himself didn't believe it that much, it was even more doubtful.

And those young men whose future is at stake mostly work in the local government, and most of them are below the fourth rank. They don't even have much chance to understand the delicate situation in the court, let alone pay attention to and plan, like themselves At such a young age, he is already a senior member of the fourth rank, and he is still working in the middle of the capital and has some understanding of these situations. It seems that he is the only one.

  So from this point of view, it seems that only people like myself are the least willing to see this kind of situation happen, and they most urgently hope to attract the attention of the court and the emperor, and prevent all risks from happening.

   Such an opportunity to meet alone is really rare. The topic of choosing a crown prince is meaningless to Feng Ziying. Anyone can be the crown prince. As long as it is not Prince Yizhong, all he wants to talk about are issues related to Prince Yizhong.

   Then what to say at this time, how to attract the emperor's attention and recognition, needs to be carefully considered.

  Emperor Yonglong also seemed to be aware that his attitude made Feng Ziying a little dissatisfied, but he really saw it that way.

  He even knew exactly what Feng Ziying wanted to say.

In fact, Qi Yongtai, Qiao Yingjia, Huang Ruliang, Liu Yixiu, Lu Song and others all more or less mentioned the worries and concerns that Feng Ziying told them. Qi and Qiao mainly talked about Prince Yizhong, and Huang Ruliang mainly They talked about the impact of the slow follow-up replenishment of the second warehouse in Beijing and the risk of severe drought in the north. Liu Yixiu and Lu Song talked about the spread and development of the White Lotus Sect in the capital area.

  Emperor Yonglong of course also attached great importance to these issues. For Prince Yizhong, he has his own arrangements.

  The replenishment of the second warehouse in Jingtong is indeed slow. This is mainly because the price of grain in Huguang has risen.

   As for the issue of the White Lotus Sect, both Liu Yixiu and Lu Song believed that the proliferation of the White Lotus Sect in the north was not a matter of one or two years, at least it must have been traced back to the pre-Ming Dynasty.

After the establishment of the Great Zhou Dynasty, especially during the Tianping and Yuanxi years, the White Lotus Sect developed fastest in the north, especially in Shanxi and Shaanxi. The Tumed people live mixed together and have become an important force in the Fengzhoutan area, which is still not to be underestimated.

Although the White Lotus Sect is rampant among the people, Emperor Yonglong also knows this, but according to Liu Yixiu's feedback from the Ministry of Punishment, it has been like this for the past ten or twenty years, and there has not been much change in the past two years .

   If there is something different, it is that Feng Ziying was assassinated at the Yutiangu River Ferry, which is suspected to be the so-called White Lotus Cultists.

Because when he was a co-prefect in Yongping Mansion, he hunted and suppressed the White Lotus Sect, which triggered a strong reaction from the White Lotus Sect. It is said that the civil uprising was related to the White Lotus Sect and nearly killed them, so there was such a big hatred.

   Liu Yixuan's implication is that although the White Lotus Sect has spread among the people, it is not that it has become so out of control in the past two years. It is more related to Feng Ziying's personal grievances and emotions. It probably means that Feng Ziying has a taste of public revenge.

  So Emperor Yonglong is also willing to hear what Feng Ziying wants to express. Is it true what he said and not alarmist, or is it a bit unfounded?

"Ziying, I know that you have done a good job in the position of Prime Minister of Shuntian Mansion. Qi Qing, Qiao Qing and Huang Qing have also mentioned some of your worries to me, but I can tell you clearly that you and Qi Qing , What Qiao Qing mentioned, I have considerations and arrangements, so don't think that Qi Qing and Qiao Qing are indifferent. As for the issue of Jingtong's second warehouse replenishment, the progress must be accelerated in October, and the grain price in Huguang will also increase. When it comes down, Huang Ruliang has arrangements; regarding the White Lotus Sect, I have ordered Liu Yixiu and Lu Song to intensify their investigations, if you need assistance from the Ministry of Punishment and Long Jinwei in Shuntian Mansion, just bring it up..."

Feng Ziying's heart sank. Emperor Yonglong did not mention Prince Yizhong, but he mentioned what Qi Shi and Qiao Shi said, which was the threat of Prince Yizhong's collusion with Jiangnan that he and the two talked about, and even Niu Jizong and Wang Ziteng, I have already made it very clear. I didn't expect that Qi Qiao and the two also told the emperor, but the emperor's current attitude is obviously not taking it to heart.

"Your Majesty, Prince Yizhong has been dormant for a long time. This fall will definitely irritate the other party. If the other party has plans, it will definitely happen during this period. I urge the emperor to attach great importance to it and be fully prepared. Otherwise, if something unexpected happens, then It's a catastrophe,..."

"Okay, Ziying, I'm very clear about this matter, and I also understand your loyalty. We don't care about what Prince Yizhong wants to do. If he really wants to do something rebellious, the law of the country will naturally serve him." Emperor Yonglong's eyes sharpened, and he was no longer as depressed as before, "I know what you are worried about. Isn't it Niu Jizong and Wang Ziteng? Even Wang Ziteng may still flirt with Yang Yinglong. Are you still worried about the White Lotus Sect in Fengzhou Beach?" It may be possible that the Tumet people and even the Chahar people will be bribed to take the opportunity to make trouble, I am prepared for all of this,..."

  Feng Ziying was slightly startled. He didn't expect Emperor Yonglong to speak so thoroughly all at once. If Emperor Yonglong knew all this well and had made thorough preparations, then his worries might be unnecessary.

For example, whether the White Lotus Sect in Fengzhoutan is connected with the White Lotus in Shanxi and Beizhi, and then attracts Tumut and Chahar people. Feng Ziying has no ability and energy to investigate, so she can only tell Long Jinwei and the Ministry of War. I hope they will pay enough attention to avoid being caught off guard. I didn't expect the emperor to know about it, and there are still preparations. This will make people feel more at ease.

"I still know some things that you don't even know, including all the family affairs that are not humane,..." Emperor Yonglong's tone was a little more desolate, "But I have to be responsible for the great Zhou Jiangshan, so some things just stick to it." The heart can only do it,..."

"So Ziying, you can also rest assured. If there is nothing other than these today, then there is no need to mention the matter of Prince Yizhong. I hope to hear it after so long. Do you have any other news that can bring me joy? , if you are not willing to talk about the topic of choosing and establishing a reserve, then I am willing to listen to this topic,..."

  (end of this chapter)

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