Number of People

Chapter 1679: Ren Zijuan is doomed

  Chapter 1679 Renzi scroll is doomed

  Emperor Yonglong realized the approaching danger for the first time in his life.

From the prince to the emperor, it is not that he has not experienced storms, nor is he a literati who has no power to restrain a chicken. It stands to reason that a hunt like this is not a big deal to him, even if he is old, but since childhood His polished body is more than enough for such a hunt.

  Over the years, he has also encountered various unexpected accidents, but none of them are as sudden and weird as today.

  Intuition will not lie, he has a hunch that today's situation seems unusual.

The crotch under the crotch was particularly excited and agitated. The dying struggle of the wild boar seemed to stimulate it, making it agitated. Even if he took the rein, he could not control it at all, even if he escaped the impact of the wild boar. The wild boar fled again, but Wu Zai was still unable to control it, but roared and jumped wildly, as if it had been attacked.

   At the same time, what made Emperor Yonglong even more uneasy was that he felt his body was uncomfortable. His whole body suddenly felt a little weak, and his whole body was sweating profusely, his muscles and bones were weak and weak, which was unprecedented.

This series of horse gallops made him a little tired, but he knew his body very well. Although the amount of activity during this run was relatively high, if he wanted to sweat, it would be nothing more than a little sweat on his forehead and back. Why? Now he feels that his waist, legs, and crotch are sweating profusely, and he also feels dizzy for a while, which is obviously abnormal.

  As soon as the rein was loosened in his hand, Emperor Yonglong felt a chill in his heart. The black horse under his crotch had already parted ways with the wild boar, and was running wildly along the river valley. The violent bumps exacerbated the collapse of Emperor Yonglong's body.

Emperor Yonglong wanted to rein in the horse subconsciously, but he felt that he was a little bit weak, and his eyes became dizzy and black, so he had to bite his lips hard, stimulating himself with stinging pain and **** breath, so that I can stay awake.

  He knew very well that if he fell off the horse like this, he might not know whether he would be able to get back up after the fall.

   What went wrong? Didn't I arrange everything myself? It shouldn't be like this.

Countless faces flowed in front of Emperor Yonglong like flowing water, Li Kezhuo who was loyal and conceited, Cui Wensheng who was submissive and feminine, Cheng An who was honest and dull, Zhou Peisheng who was respectful and simple, Qiu Shian who was estranged from day to day, and those few faces. The beautiful dimples who used to be more beautiful than Huajiao by the pillow, and the vigorous but somewhat ambitious faces of the sons, sometimes blurred, sometimes clear,...


   "Xi Lv Lv" a horse neighed along the valley road, and all the people in ambush tensed up.

For this assassination, they have been preparing for a month, and they have done countless separate attack drills before. Where does the target come from, how many guards are there around, who will deal with the guards, and who is responsible for the assassination. Countless times, every time must be perfect, and strive to be foolproof.

But what shocked them was that there was only one rider galloping along the valley road, and the rider on the horse was on the verge of falling, as if he had been attacked. Someone rushed to do it before his group?

   Or is it not the goal at all?

  However, judging from the attire of the person on the healthy horse, it matches the information obtained, and it is clearly the target.

   Before they had time to think about it, Feng Shimian and Su Delun immediately became nervous. The big crossbow in their hands was already prepared, the tendons were tightened, and the crossbow bolt was stringed.

Emperor Yonglong only felt that his eyes were dazzled, and his body was even weaker. The violent Wu Xiaoma brought him here aimlessly, and the guard who had been following behind him was obviously not as good at running as Wu Xiao. dropped far.

He tried his best to rein in the horse, trying to slow down the horse under his crotch. He had already realized that he could no longer control his body, but if he rolled off the horse at such a speed, he might not die or lose a layer of skin. So he could only hope that the horse would slow down so that the guards behind could catch up and help him control it.

  Seeing the black horse entering the ambush circle, and the horses behind had already caught up, Feng Shimian and Su Delun couldn't care less, this was the only chance, and it might be impossible to miss it.

  Several figures roared up from the trees and grass, or flew down, or sprinted close to the ground, all of which came straight to Emperor Yonglong on the Wuzhui.

  The guards behind were also obviously aware of the danger, their hearts were about to burst, and they flew up from the horse desperately, roaring angrily: "How dare you, thief!", and pounced towards this side.

  Emperor Yonglong was dizzy and dazed, and in a trance, he saw several figures rushing towards him in the air, and some of them held knives in their hands, and some held crossbows, with murderous looks on their faces, obviously they did not come to save him.

At this moment, Emperor Yonglong was a little dazed. He had searched the Shenshu camp several times in this area, and before he went hunting today, the Banner Guard and the Four Guards camp had checked again, and they all said there was nothing unusual. How could so many people suddenly come out? People come to assassinate themselves?

What the **** does this happen? What exactly are Shangsan Qinjun and Long Jinwei doing?

  A string sounded in the air, and the crossbow shot out in an instant, surrounding Emperor Yonglong.

Emperor Yonglong had already fallen into a dizzy state at this time, and his body fell crookedly off his horse before the crossbow arrows approached. It hit the armour-wrapped part of Emperor Yonglong's waist, and for a moment it was unclear whether he hit the vital part or not.

  Emperor Yonglong's body finally fell down, his helmeted head hit the ground heavily, and was dragged a few steps by the still running wild horse before his body crashed to the ground.

  At the moment when Emperor Yonglong fell off his horse, the guards following him flew up and felt that they were fighting with Feng Shimian and Su Delun in the air.

  Sparks flew in all directions as the metal and iron sang together.

Seeing more than a dozen people pounced from behind, both Feng Shimian and Su Delun realized that this assassination could only end here, and the guards around Emperor Yonglong were all selected expert guards, not ordinary people Even if they can fight, they are also not sure.

After a whistling, several people who had been lying in ambush in the bushes as a cover suddenly jumped out, and the crossbow in their hands "bang bang bang" sprayed out continuously, forming a dense net of crossbow arrows. At the same time, Feng Shimian and Su Delun The others also suddenly fell to the ground and rolled, burrowing into the grass.

Some of the guards surrounding him rescued Emperor Yonglong who had fallen unconscious, while the other group clung to the gang of assassins. They knew very well that if they could not catch this group of assassins, there would be a confession, no matter what Emperor Yonglong would do. Whatever their fate, their fate is already doomed.

   While Feng Shimian, Su Delun and his party were fighting desperately with the palace guards, in the birch forest twenty feet away from them, the six people were in a state of embarrassment.

It can be clearly seen that the five Musket heavy-duty guns that have been set up are placed on special brackets, which are commonly known as turtledove guns, and they have already aimed at the only road twenty feet ahead. Unexpectedly, according to the plan, when the target passed this line, they who were ambushing in the woods could easily make a perfect shot.

   "These damned White Lotus Sect!"

  The first person couldn't help scolding in a deep voice, "Not enough success, more failure!"

  The other people were silent, the distance was too far, and they couldn't make a move.

  Their standard preparation is also directly facing the valley road directly below the front mountain, and this kind of heavy firecracker is too heavy, and it must be erected with a special bracket, otherwise one person cannot lift it at all.

  In order to be sure, they dispatched a group of five people, just to prevent Yonglong Emperor from being protected by guards. The goal needs to be achieved after a round of shooting, so they set up positions here early to ensure that they can be killed with one blow.

  Who would have thought that the group of Bailian Sect would cut off the beard first? !

   It’s fine to cut off the barbarian first, you have to do it in one fell swoop, and you have come up with such a nondescript result.

  The emperor fell from his horse, but they couldn't tell whether the opponent's assassination was successful or not, but judging from this posture, it seemed a little suspenseful.

   Now more and more guards, standard-bearer guards, and people from the Four Guards Battalion have followed up. Seeing that a large-scale search is about to start, if they don't leave, even if someone comes to meet them, I'm afraid it will be a lot of trouble.

   "Go! If you don't go, it will be too late, go back the same way!"

At that moment, he was so angry that he gritted his teeth, but there was nothing he could do. The only consolation was seeing Emperor Yonglong fall from his galloping horse. With Emperor Yonglong's body in his fifties, this fall would cost half his life no matter what. , It depends on whether God accepts him or not.

   "Then, my lord, these firecrackers...?" Two of them were still a bit reluctant to part with these musket heavy firecrackers.

   These were bought from Luzon on a special trip, and each one cost four or fifty taels of silver.

They are all dedicated gunners. They have trained for this heavy gun for half a year, and they really fell in love with this kind of turtledove gun or book eagle mouth gun, which can shoot as far as 200 meters. Not only is the power doubled, ordinary plate armor can be easily penetrated, and the shooting accuracy can also be greatly improved.

  According to today's ambush distance, the five musketi focused on the target and shot, with a high degree of confidence that they could be killed in one blow.

  It's a pity that such a good opportunity was ruined by those Bailian sect members.

"Throw it away." The person at the moment said without hesitation: "We can't take it away, so we can only travel lightly. These firecrackers are all bought from Nanyang anyway, and we are not afraid of being spotted by Captain Long. They can't find out where it came from, if we are captured by Long Jinwei, then we will be in trouble, let's go!"

   A group of people dropped the musket with five stents, and then sprinkled some medicine to annihilate their breath to prevent the hounds from tracking them down, and then quickly went into the woods and disappeared without a trace.

  (end of this chapter)

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