Number of People

Chapter 1695: The Ren character roll is out of the way, I'm going to pretend!

  Chapter 1695 The Renzi scroll is out of the way, I'm going to pretend!

When the group arrived at the Tiewangshan Palace, it was already the hour of Xuzheng on the second night, and at this time they also received news from the Ministry of War that the Xuanfu army had gone west and occupied Longhutai, and was marching towards Changping Prefecture , At the same time, the vanguard troops were sent straight to Gonghua City.

  The bad news also came one after another, that is, Zhang Chengyin in the Xuanfu army could no longer be contacted, and several of Zhang Chengyin's confidantes and generals were nowhere to be seen, and there was no news.

Changping is in the northeast of Longhutai. If you want to march to Gonghua City and even the capital along the post road, you must not solve the threat of the Changping garrison. road.

Feng Ziying got the news that the three ministers of the cabinet had arrived at the palace at the first time. She just took a nap, and she couldn't sleep well in this situation, so she went to meet Fang Congzhe and Qi Yongtai with dark circles. A lot of people are similar to me.

  Everyone didn't sleep well in the past two days. Fortunately, the three ministers of the cabinet came, and with the backbone, everyone felt relieved.

  No matter what the final situation is, whether it is to choose a crown prince or establish a crown prince, to confirm the supervision of the country, or even to directly support Prince Yizhong to ascend the throne, after all, there are people who will take the lead, and they will naturally bear the responsibility for making the decision.

A large number of people were outside the palace of Emperor Yonglong, with various emotions, but everyone also considered that Emperor Yonglong was still unconscious, and the imperial physician was helpless, so he could only force-feed some hanging ginseng soup from his mouth. No one can tell how much it goes in and how much effect it can have.

When Qi Yongtai saw Feng Ziying, he felt a little relieved. At least there was a caring person around him who he could discuss with. Of course, Han Yu and Wang Yongguang were also there, but thinking of what Feng Ziying reminded repeatedly before, Qi Yongtai had to admit I still underestimated the vision and ability of my disciple.

Ziying had repeatedly reminded herself not to underestimate the possibility of Niu Jizong's Xuanfu army moving eastward, and to pay attention to the determination and careful deployment of Prince Yizhong's party. Once the action is taken, it must be carefully planned. Some arrangements of the court may have been detected and understood by Prince Yizhong long ago, and it may not be possible to fulfill his wish.

   Unexpectedly, Feng Ziying unfortunately said that the emperor was assassinated, and Zhang Chengyin had no news. Obviously, Niu Jizong found out about it and dealt with it. The current situation can be described as extremely bad.

In contrast, Han Yu and Wang Yongguang's thinking is still too traditional and conservative, and they may have no problem handling ordinary affairs, but in the face of this critical moment, Qi Yongtai hopes to hear some ingenious suggestions to turn the tide, and obviously Han Jian and Wang Yongguang did not have this ability, only myself, the disciple who always brought surprises, might have some different gains.

  Choose a side hall as the meeting place. Except for the three ministers who came from the cabinet, Chai Ke, the left servant of the official department, Wang Yongguang, the left servant of the household department, Han Yu, the left servant of the punishment department, and Xu Dahua, the left servant of the military department.

  No one objected to Feng Ziying's joining. It seemed that in the past two days, everyone including Xu Dahua, who was not too interested in Feng Ziying, took it for granted that Feng Ziying could participate in the discussion.

"Everyone, Lu Song has already reported the preliminary investigation. There were two groups of assassins in total. The first group launched an attack. The emperor was assassinated, but only the waist and buttocks were injured, which was not enough to make the emperor fall into a coma. The emperor had a process of falling from the horse, it is estimated that he fell from the horse after being attacked, but it is not ruled out that he fell from the horse before being attacked,..."

  Fang Congzhe's introduction was slow but cautious.

  "Mr. Zhonghan, what do you say about falling off the horse before the attack?" Han Yu raised doubts. He is the minister of the Ministry of punishment, so it is reasonable to ask questions.

   "According to the investigation by Forbidden Officer Lu Songlong, there is something wrong with the black horse that the emperor rides. It was found that the black horse was too excited and restless, as if it had been drugged. When checking the stables of the hunting garden, one person was found missing,..."

  Fang Congzhe's introduction aroused everyone's shock, and Xu Dahua couldn't wait to ask: "Have you ever found out the origin of the groom?"

   "I haven't found out yet, I only know that the groom should have been in the hunting garden more than ten years ago, and I have never found anything unusual before..." Fang Congzhe shook his head.

The others were whispering again, subconsciously thinking of certain things. More than ten years ago, it meant that it might be the time when Prince Yizhong was the crown prince. At that time, the Supreme Emperor and Prince Yizhong often came to the hunting garden. Could Yuan's people be Prince Yizhong's people?

"In addition, the reason why the emperor fell into a coma has not yet been ascertained. According to the preliminary investigation by the imperial physician, in addition to the possibility that the emperor was hit on the head by falling from the horse, there is also a possibility that the emperor took too much elixir. I also took medicine for purging fire and reducing noise, resulting in deficiency of qi, imbalance of yin and yang,..."

  Fang Congzhe briefly explained the relationship between the emperor’s taking of elixir and the medicine for purging fire and reducing noise. It is not difficult for everyone present to understand, because there are many scholars who like elixir, and it is mostly regarded as a kind of elegance.

"That's the responsibility of Li Kezhuo and Cui Wensheng. Did they do it on purpose or did they not know the nature of the medicine?" Han Yu was extremely opposed to the emperor's taking of the pill, and Qi Yongtai and him were both pills. A staunch opponent of Yimen, but it couldn't stop the emperor from liking this way.

"It's impossible to say for sure yet." Fang Congzhe saw that Qi Yongtai's face had shown impatience, and then he got to the point: "These situations can be settled and let Long Jinwei investigate further, but everyone knows that the Xuanfu The army is marching towards the capital city, and Xihuan has ordered You Shipower's army to go to Gonghua city to deploy defenses. This has been done very well and saved us a lot of time. In addition, Prince Zhonghui has also returned to Beijing to lead the Beijing camp to send troops to defend Gonghua city first. , This can buy time for You Shigong's army, but it depends on whether Gonghua City can be defended, otherwise the situation will still be quite serious,..."

   The side hall fell into silence.

Xu Dahua's sudden decisiveness made people very surprised, but the three ministers in the cabinet knew that it was because of Feng Ziying's suggestion that Xu Dahua was so bold. On the one hand, Fang Congzhe and Li Tingji were surprised by Xu Dahua's behavior, but on the other hand I was also shocked by Feng Ziying's boldness and lobbying ability. It was not easy to convince Xu Dahua.

   King Zhonghui's performance also surprised people. Not long after he took office as the governor of the Beijing camp, he actually dared to lead troops into battle in person? Before, everyone thought that it was the emperor's trust in King Zhonghui that allowed him to take up this position, but now it seems that this prince who has been idle for a long time has been underestimated. Could it be that he is really a man who can fight well?

   But in any case, it is a good thing that the Jingying dared to go out of the city to fight and buy time for the Jizhen army.

Fang Congzhe didn't mention the matter of Zhang Chengyin. Various signs showed that Zhang Chengyin's plan to turn against Zhang Chengyin originally planned had failed. Niu Jizong saw through or expected this move a long time ago. The morale of one's own army.

  The situation has developed like this, unexpectedly, and the cabinet did not expect it to become like this, but it is difficult for the cabinet and the seven princes to accept it like this, and let Prince Yizhong take over everything.

It has not been long since the new cabinet and the seven princes took office. If Prince Yizhong ascends the throne, a big reshuffle will be inevitable. The gang in Nanjing will be on stage one by one, waiting for this moment to come , I am afraid that everyone present here will inevitably be kicked out, no matter if they are from the south of the Yangtze River or from the north.

   But is there any room for redemption now?

  Do not accept this reality, so what?

  The various things discussed by the three ministers of the cabinet on the road before, are still discussing whether to establish a reserve or not, and who will supervise the country, it sounds like a joke.

  Prince Yizhong may come directly to court in the next step, and we are still discussing the establishment of a Chujian state. Isn’t this a joke?

Before coming here, the three ministers in the cabinet had imagined that the assassination of the emperor was just an isolated incident, but when they heard that the Xuanfu army had occupied Longhutai and marched into Changping, this illusion was shattered. Fortunately, You Shigong's army attacked first He Zhonghuiwang unexpectedly led the Beijing camp to seize Gonghua City, only to retain the last glimmer of hope.

  If the Xuanfu army can be blocked on the front line of Gonghua City, then there is still room for recovery. Once the Xuanfu army breaks through the defense lines of the Jingying and Jizhen troops and arrives at the capital city, there is no room for recovery.

They are all sensible people, and they all know very well that the possibility of blocking the Xuanfu army in Gonghua City is very small. Needless to say, the Beijing camp has that little force against the elite Xuanfu. The Neikalkhas have been defeated, and now they are facing the much stronger Xuanfu army, and the strength of the army is still very different. Is there a chance?

  You Shigong rushed over from Shunyi, is there enough time?

  Perhaps it's time to consider how to turn around decently. Among the gentlemen present, there are many people who have such thoughts.

  The resistance of the Jingying and Jizhen Army may win some respect and dignity for the court, but the final result seems difficult to change.

   If the army of the Xuanfu really swept in, the Jizhen army would not be able to resist it.

Feng Ziying was also keenly aware of the change in the atmosphere in the hall. Fang Congzhe might not have had this intention at first, but he had been rambling on for a long time about the meaningless investigation of the emperor's assassination, and then said his own countermeasures. Feeling lucky, which made Feng Ziying speechless.

This kind of posture clearly shows that you are not optimistic about being able to withstand the offensive of Prince Yizhong. With such a pessimistic attitude, it is fine to change someone else. You are the second assistant of the cabinet, and Ye Xianggao is not here. You are the backbone of this group of people. If you are so soft-boned, don't you know that if Prince Yizhong is really going to be on stage, the first ones to be cleaned up should be you group of scholars from the south of the Yangtze River?

Prince Yizhong, who is a little smarter, knows that no matter how much he doesn't want to see the scholars in the North and Huguang, he needs some people to decorate the appearance and balance all parties. Only the scholars in the south of the Yangtze River, and the gang in Nanjing are waiting so hard. Stretched.

The atmosphere in the hall became more and more strange. Feng Ziying didn't want to show up so early, but Master Qi seemed to be thinking about something. Li Tingji was dumbstruck, and the others were even more preoccupied and unwilling to speak. If he didn't come to break the deadlock, maybe it would drag on. Everyone felt that the situation was more and more unbearable, and they were even about to lie flat.

"My lords, the students think that the situation is not that bad. The Xuanfu army is not as powerful as imagined. They also have internal problems. There are Shanxi Town and Datong Town behind it. I believe the court should make arrangements for it." Yes, as for Niu Jizong being the governor of Xuanda, what he can actually control is the Xuanfu army, and he can't even control the Xuanfu army..."

  Feng Ziying knew that she had to come forward to pretend to cheer up these people, otherwise, once these people's mentality collapsed, she would have supernatural abilities, and it would be useless.

  (end of this chapter)

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