Number of People

Chapter 1697: Ren Zijuan Cold War

  Chapter 1697 The Cold War in the Renzi Scroll

   Only Feng Ziying knew that he was exaggerating this time, but he had to.

If you don't cheer up the hearts of this group of people, I'm afraid some of them will kneel in secret. As long as one person's attitude is ambiguous or softened, then Prince Yizhong will quickly find a breakthrough, and then the situation may change. It's getting out of hand.

  What Feng Ziying has to do is to harden the attitude of these people, at least to withstand the pressure and fear in the past few days, and persist until the battle of Gonghua City sees the outcome.

If you lose, what Feng Ziying said is just a joke, but at that time, Jiangshan Yiding, people's hearts have already been attracted to compete for the new imperial cabinet and the position of the seven ministries, how can anyone come back to care about Feng Ziying's bragging? Cowhide?

   Besides, Feng Ziying is just a twenty-year-old young man, frivolous and arrogant, boasting, isn't it a normal behavior for people of this age?

From Feng Ziying's point of view, although he is optimistic about the combat effectiveness of He Huchen's troops, the Xuanfu army is not good enough, and the Xuanfu army is coming with all its strength. Among the fifth army battalion and even the Shenji battalion that King Zhonghui can mobilize, there are a few that can Reach the combat effectiveness of He Huchen's department?

  He Huchen's troops are only more than 3,000 people. Even if they rely on Gonghua City to defend, how many rounds of attacks can they withstand the Xuanfu army?

  Anyway, Feng Ziying doesn’t care anymore after all the words have been said. After all, it will take that battle to test the combat effectiveness of He Huchen’s troops. Of course, this result may have too much influence, and it is related to whether the country will change color, but no one can choose.

  Seeing Feng Ziying finished speaking, Fang Congzhe discussed with Qi Yongtai and Li Tingji, and he could only set the tone like this. No matter what, he had to wait until after the battle between the Jingying, Jizhen Army and Xuanfu Army.

  As Feng Ziying said, the situation is not out of control. The imperial court originally had arrangements, such as Yang Yuan, the commander-in-chief of Datong Town, and Chai Guozhu, the commander-in-chief of Shanxi Town. It is time to respond to the news at this time.

As long as Jingying and Jizhen can withstand this round of attacks by the Xuanfu army, the situation will be greatly improved. Shanxi Town and Datong Town will start to attack from the west to the east, and Jizhen will attack the Xuanfu army. Failure is predictable.

   While a group of people were discussing overnight, many people outside Emperor Yonglong's palace also stayed up all night.

When the situation evolved to this point, some people had expected it, such as Zhang Chi and Xu Junru, as well as Su Lingyao and Zhang Qi and Zhang Ji. Maybe they only participated in a part of it and didn't know the whole picture of the whole incident. , but this does not prevent them from being happy about this situation.

   No matter what caused Emperor Yonglong's coma, but now that this is a fact, shouldn't it be time to set up a reserve?

This is a question that many people are concerned about, but when the news that Prince Yizhong sent Niu Jizong's Xuanfu army to advance to the capital city was still circulating in the palace, these people suddenly realized that the situation did not seem to be going as they expected It developed in that direction, but went in a completely different direction.

Only at this time did they discover that Prince Yizhong, who was really hiding behind his back, suddenly possessed such great power. There is room for counterattack. Everything on their side seems to be based on Emperor Yonglong's good health. Without this support, they are nothing.

  They could even just watch the drastic changes in the situation, while none of the incoming cabinet ministers and the seven important ministers who stayed here seemed to consider or care about their thoughts and opinions, and directly excluded them.

  Although the martial law situation has not been lifted, many people have been able to move freely. The princes like Zhang Chi, Zhang Qi, Zhang Ji, Zhang Sui, Zhang Yu and their mothers can gather and contact freely, but others certainly cannot.

Because everyone realizes that Iron Net Mountain is no longer the place to decide who belongs to the entire Great Zhou, but the battle of Gonghua City, the siege of the capital city, unless Emperor Yonglong suddenly wakes up, but the imperial doctors are all pessimistic .

   "Mom, what should we do now?" Zhang Chi was dressed roughly, his eyes were bloodshot.

  He didn't think that the uncle wanted to support him and only wanted to let them go after he became the throne. Why did the situation suddenly change, and the uncle wanted to supervise the country, and even his brothers died? How can this be?

Now he realizes that his uncle's advantage is so great, even far surpassing himself who has always felt good about himself. He has the support of the army of Xuanfu Town, the support of the gentry in Jiangnan, the support of the military heroes in Beijing, and How can I compare the popularity of contacts accumulated during my 20 years as a crown prince?

  The only support for myself and my brothers is the father, but now the father...?

Zhang Chi felt chills in his heart. Perhaps his uncle had already considered all of this as exhaustive. He was just a chess piece in his hand, or even a dispensable chess piece. Just like the news from Captain Long Jin, everything from horses to Dan The medicine, even the assassination, has been prepared twice, it can be said that one after another, there is no flaw in it, and it must be done.

   Now that the Xuanfu army has entered the capital city in one fell swoop, who can stop the uncle from ascending the throne? It seems that the scene of the "Change of Seizing the Gate" in the previous Ming Dynasty is exactly the same as today's situation, right?

   Maybe Fang Congzhe, Qi Yongtai, and Li Tingji came to organize this group of people to discuss in the side hall, just to discuss how to welcome Niu Jizong's army into Beijing, how to celebrate the uncle's ascension to the throne, right?

  Xu Junru is also confused.

When it comes to palace tactics, she is naturally not inferior to others, but in the face of all kinds of things under this general trend, she can't intervene in everything outside the palace. It seems that the three ministers in the cabinet didn't even pay much attention to her, of course The other concubines received the same attitude, so what can she do now?

If it was chosen among the princes Zhang Chi, Zhang Qi, Zhang Ji, and Zhang Su and Zhang Cong, Xu Junru felt that he still had a chance to wrestle with the court ministers, but it was simply not his turn now. It's the eldest brother who wants to take the throne, and wants to completely cut off the hope of the emperor's line!

   How can this work?

   But what can I do?

"Chi'er, don't worry. Look at the attitudes of the princes. They don't show much anxiety or despair." Xu Junru collected himself, "Although your father is in a coma, I asked the imperial physician that the head injury is not serious. Heavy, the effect of taking the elixir will not be like this, it may be due to the temporary stagnation of Qi and blood after the impact, a little rest, you should be able to relax,..."

Zhang Chi's mood eased a little when Xu Junru comforted himself and Zhang Chi, "Mother, but the imperial doctor also said that the father can only take care of him slowly and wait for recovery, but the uncle is aggressive like that. There is not much time left. Once the uncle really If he succeeded, all the officials in the court surrendered, that would be the second 'Change of Seizing the Gate', even if the father finally woke up, I'm afraid..."

Zhang Chi didn't go on, but Xu Junru understood that waking up was equivalent to not waking up. The situation in the court has completely changed, and it may even be worse than the situation of the previous uncle. The uncle will never let the story repeat itself. of.

   Zhang Chi’s words reached the point, time, if it takes ten days and half a month, or even January or two months, maybe the father will wake up, but will Prince Yizhong tolerate that time?

   Maybe within three to five days we will see the outcome.

For three to five days, thinking of this, Zhang Chi shuddered. Once his uncle supervised the country and even ascended the throne, he would be like the sons of the eighth and ninth uncles. Have you lived yourself?

   No, you can't just sit there and wait.

"Mother, we can't wait like this. Maybe we should unite with the others at this time. We can't wait for them to decide our fate." Zhang Chi's face became more grim. Also, Su Lingyao, Mei Yuexi and Guo Qinyun don't want to see each other. If the uncle can't take the throne, we all still have a chance. It doesn't matter which of our brothers ascends the throne as the emperor, the others can also be mixed up. I'm a prince, but when my uncle is in power, we can only be reduced to second-class county kings, and those sons of my uncle will ride on our heads,..."

Xu Junru was also moved by his son's words. Thinking about it, once the uncle ascended the throne, all the big guys would be kicked out of the palace and find a house in a back alley to die, and the wives and concubines of the uncle would replace themselves and others. , suddenly became the new owner of the Great Zhou Palace, this kind of contrast is hard to think about.

  It is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal. How many people can bear this kind of life?

   "Then Chier, what do you mean..."

"Let's find Su Lingyao, Mei Yuexi, and Guo Qinyun together. Let's join hands to meet Fang Congzhe and Qi Yongtai and mobilize all available resources. We must not agree with Prince Yizhong to supervise the country. We must wait until Father woke up,..." Zhang Chi gritted his teeth.

At this time, he had already realized that he might have been cheated by his uncle. Fortunately, he had never had direct contact with his uncle. It is to refute by creating chaos on one's own side and profiting from it.

   "But if the Xuanfu army really breaks into the capital city, then..." Xu Junru is more concerned about this. Once the Xuanfu army enters the capital, all these efforts will be meaningless.

"It's not that simple. I feel that the imperial court must have been prepared, but they have all concealed us. As long as we unite to meet Fang Congzhe, we will know. Born among our brothers, we must not let the uncle's line get involved." Zhang Chi seemed extraordinarily sober at this time, "First agree with the outside world and solve the threat of the uncle, and then let's talk about other things. If you perform well in front of you, maybe this is still an opportunity.”

  (end of this chapter)

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