Number of People

Chapter 1700: Renzi Juan Encounter (Continued)

  Chapter 1700 Encounter with Renzi Juan (Continued)

   "Keep in formation, slow down, and don't panic." Zhang Dingyuan gave orders while observing the left wing with the help of the light of the torch.

The number of cavalry that appeared was not many, only twenty or thirty cavalry, and the damage it caused was not large, only three or five people were injured, but the impact on the morale of the army was not small. For now, Zhang Dingyuan also The only way to keep the team moving forward is to have certain casualties. This is the price that has to be paid.

The whole team moves forward in a mountain-shaped position. The protruding part and the two wings are the spear team, while the central army is the firecracker team, and the eagle-billed gun army is at the end. Protect the bulky hawk-beaked gunmen.

Only a small amount of cavalry is not enough to pose a great threat to the team, but if it exceeds a hundred cavalry or even a few hundred cavalry, then Zhang Dingyuan has no choice but to make a formal threat. In this kind of darkness, if hundreds of cavalry can easily use their mobility Attacking from any angle with the bow and arrow projectile ability will cause huge threats and even losses to this temporary team, and it is difficult for the lack of cavalry to make corresponding countermeasures.

   To deal with this kind of ranger, if the opponent does not attack head-on, if you want to repel the opponent, you must either use cavalry against cavalry, or you can only set traps to let the opponent fall into the trap, but neither of these seems to be possible for your own side.

At this time, it is not possible to speed up the marching speed. Many of these are recruits. Marching in the dark and facing harassment is already a little flustered. A few can stabilize the formation, even if the casualties are higher, but if the formation is not chaotic, it will not bring too many opportunities to the opponent.

Zhang Dingyuan expected that the opponent's cavalry would not have a large number. If the enemy had really crossed the river on a large scale, there was no need to use this kind of harassment to delay his march. All harassment can only show that the other party lacks confidence.

   Wanting to understand this, Zhang Dingyuan became more determined and his pace became more steady.

  In the field five hundred steps northwest of Zhang Dingyuan, Hong Tingxiang also observed the current situation with a serious face.

  He never thought that the imperial army would come so fast, far beyond their imagination.

According to the situation reported by the scouts before, from Longhutai, Hongqiao, Gonghuacheng, to Qinghedian, although there are troops stationed in Ji Town, the number is only a few hundred people, a thousand households, and even a few. Only a hundred people, like Hongqiao, are nothing to worry about, but who would have thought that in such a short time, how could a large army enter Gonghua City, and even take advantage of the situation to march north, directly threatening the control of Yuhe Stone Bridge.

As a vanguard officer, Hong Tingxiang certainly knows the importance of the Yuhe Stone Bridge. Now that the Yuhe River is full of water, the army can only cross the Yuhe River through the stone bridge. Once the imperial army controls the Yuhe Stone Bridge, there will be no way for the army to go east. .

  Hong Tingxiang didn't think that the Yuhe Stone Bridge could be blocked by an army of less than a thousand people, but he saw that the opponent had a large number of gunners, which aroused his vigilance.

Once they control the stone bridge and use firecrackers to block the bridge deck, it will definitely bring huge casualties to their own side. What he can do now is to harass the other side as much as possible, delay the speed of the other side's advance, and let the army that has already stationed in the Red Bridge Come quickly.

It's a pity that the outpost cavalry in my hand is only a hundred or so, and they are scattered. One is patrolling the bridgehead, and the other has already marched to the east. My own only has a mere forty cavalry, which is not enough to stop the enemy in front of us. an army.

It is not known where this army came from. It stands to reason that the main force of You Shigong's army in Jizhen is still in Shunyi, and no matter how fast it is, it is impossible to surpass his own army. However, this army of thousands of people did appear in After entering Gonghua City, he caught his side by surprise.

   Judging from the flags and robes and armor, this army is more like the uniform of the Beijing camp, but Hong Tingxiang couldn't believe it.

  When did the veteran soldiers in the Beijing camp dare to go out of the city to fight? In the Battle of Santunying, a group of Mongols beat the **** out of them, making the frontier soldiers laugh their heads off. Now that the Beijing Camp has only begun to rebuild, how dare these people come out to fight, and they are not afraid of mutiny and collapse immediately?

  But the scene in front of him was real, and the formation of the marching army seemed to be in good shape. It was completely different from the previous impression of the Beijing camp, which surprised Hong Tingxiang.

  Hong Tingxiang has arranged for the sentry horse to return to the Red Bridge to report the news, hoping that the army will speed up and come over.

   But before that, Hong Tingxiang must do his best to delay the army's march to Shiqiao.

"What should we do?" The deputy next to him asked hesitantly: "We have harassed them for two rounds and caused them some losses, but their marching formation has not been affected much. If this continues, at most half an hour will occupy the bridgehead. , we have less than fifty people at the bridgehead, and we can't resist it at all."

   "Turn over the group from the east, let's go around and give them a shot from behind." Hong Tingxiang gritted his teeth.

He knew that this was also an adventure, and the group from the east was only about 80 riders, which was still too few. The opponent had at least 800 riders, if there were 300 to 400 riders, Hong Tingxiang was sure to completely overwhelm them. This still somewhat rusty and clumsy army was completely defeated.

   "From the back? I'm afraid it's too late." The deputy hesitated and said, "And there are so few people..."

"Whether it's too late or not enough, we have to do this, otherwise this group of people will be overwhelmed by the bridge. Have you noticed that except for the peripheral spearmen, almost all of them are firecrackers. Formation at the bridgehead, if our people want to cross the bridge, they have to charge with firecrackers, and how many people will die!"

  Hong Tingxiang gritted his teeth, and his deputy's face was a little ugly, but he had to admit that this was reality.

  Who knows where this blunderbuss of such scale came from? Even in Jizhen soldiers, such large-scale firecrackers are rare, and there are almost no swords and shields. Except for spearmen, they are firecrackers. An army with this configuration is extremely rare.

   Before it was time for two cups of tea, the team from the east had already arrived, and the eighty or so riders quickly disappeared into the darkness.

Zhang Dingyuan was sweating profusely all over his body. The temperature in the autumn night had dropped to close to frost. Apart from the exercise caused by the march, he was more nervous. This was his first time leading a team to attack, and it was also a night walk. With such a barrier, he tried his best to keep his eyes wide open and look around, while pricking up his ears, trying to hear any changes in the surroundings clearly.

But it was obviously in vain. All kinds of noisy sounds made him hard to guard against. In the end, he could only let it go. The sound of trampling formed an indescribable serenade.

  The enemy's ranger disappeared, which made Zhang Dingyuan very nervous.

  If the Xuanfu Army is so easy to dispatch, then it will not be called the Xuanfu Army.

In Liaodong, Zhang Dingyuan knew that the nine-sided elite was just a general term. Only Liaodong Town, Ji Town, Xuanfu Town, and Datong Town were really called elites. There was also a three-sided Yulin Town that was not satisfactory. Datong, Xuanfu, Liaodong, and even Jizhen are less coquettish.

  The importance of the Xuanfu army has always been ranked in the top two. Only Datong Town can stabilize the top, and Liaodong Town only gradually rose after 30 years of Yuanxi. Before that, it was far from being able to compare with Datong Xuanfu.

"Notify Zhou Zhanpeng that the enemy's rangers have disappeared and may harass the rear. We will slow down appropriately to make them ready for battle." Zhang Dingyuan thought for a while and then said: "Order the right-wing Wangxian spearmen to extend backward, To prevent the enemy from sneaking into the rear, the Jiao De Department on the left wing controls the speed, and takes out one to replace Wang Xian's Department to defend the right wing. We continue to march and let Zhou Zhanpeng decide the pace of the march,..."

A series of orders were issued, and the entire march slowed down suddenly, and Zhou Zhanpeng immediately became nervous after receiving the notice. Night cavalry raids were the biggest threat to heavy gunfire soldiers like them. Although they were protected by the shields of auxiliary soldiers, But how useful is this protection when it comes to rushing in? At most, it is the resistance to some arrows. Once it breaks through, it will be like a tiger entering the herd.

   Fortunately, Wang Xian's spearmen also turned quickly and surrounded them in a semi-arc shape. Although the line of defense was a little thinner, they finally had a layer of cover.

"Sound of hooves?!" When he heard the sound of hooves from behind, Zhou Zhanpeng felt that he had made the right bet. Since the main force had continued to march towards the stone bridge, there was only one or two miles of land anyway, even if it was grinding, it could be done. It's better to stop now and gather the whole team. This won't disturb the enemy too much, so take a gamble.

  The auxiliary soldiers have already inserted the shields at the front, and the gun racks are propped up as a support. The soldiers set up the eagle-billed guns, and the spearmen on both sides move closer to form an inverted Ω shape to protect the eagle-billed guns.

  Hong Tingxiang did not expect the enemy to react so fast, and what surprised him even more was that the enemy dared to stop and change formations suddenly while marching at night, which was completely beyond his surprise.

But at this time, it was too late for him to think about it. The 80 or so riders gathered together with great difficulty. Under the light of the torches, it could be seen that this group of enemy troops numbered around three or four hundred people, and they were actually separated from the other main force. a chance?

  Running along with the horseshoes, Hong Tingxiang stared straight ahead with blazing eyes. His slightly undulating body looked so vigorous. The protection target composed of the enemy's spear team was not in place yet. There was a huge gap in the middle, the firecrackers?

  He saw a shield bracket set up on a bracket. What shape is this?

  Hong Tingxiang was a little surprised, but in his astonishment, a dark red spark suddenly burst out from the dozens of brackets in his eyes. It was not until a sharp pain pierced his armor and entered his chest that there was a loud bang in his ears.

  (end of this chapter)

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