Number of People

Chapter 1710: Ren Zijuan retreat

  Chapter 1710 Renzi Juan Retreat

When the sky was getting brighter, the roaring Xuanfu cavalry group had defeated the Jingying cavalry who blocked them without any suspense. No matter the number of troops or the combat effectiveness of the two sides, they were not on the same level. Therefore, such a result No surprises either.

  The Jingying cavalry retreated quickly and fled eastward. In the dark, it was difficult for the Xuanfu cavalry to intercept these fleeing enemy troops, so they could only continue to advance eastward at their own pace.

Following the failure of this blocking cavalry, He Huchen also knew that his defense system on the stone bridge was meaningless, and there were reports from scouts that the Xuanfu army was building pontoon bridges at both ends of the stone bridge, probably after dawn. , the Xuanfu army will be able to cross the river on a large scale through the pontoon bridge.

Once the Xuanfu army crosses the river from both wings, it will form a flanking attack on the headquarters stationed at the south end of the bridge. Although the bridgehead is only two miles away from Gonghua City, considering the combat effectiveness of Zhao Keming's army, He Huchen can't count on Zhao Keming's army. If he can go out of the city to give reinforcements, he can't even count on Zhao Keming's troops to defend Gonghua City.

  Under such circumstances, He Huchen had no choice but to consider shrinking his troops as soon as possible and retreating to Gonghua City.

But now as soon as we retreat, the army of Xuanfu at the north end of the bridge will immediately overwhelm us. If we fail to manage this short distance of two miles, it will become a deadly trap. A retreat will turn into a rout and a war loss. The biggest is often on this retreat.

   But now they have to withdraw again, the cavalry of the Xuan Mansion have already begun to march towards the bridgehead, maybe half an hour, maybe an hour later, they will appear on the flanks or rear of their own side, and even cut off their way back.

He Huchen thought that he would be able to defend until noon. The huge gap in strength cannot be made up by one or two tactical victories. Two disastrous defeats, it must be a defeat, and it is impossible to organize an attack at all, but for the Xuanfu army, it is only 10% of its strength, and it has nothing to do with the overall situation. It can bear such defeats a few times.

   "My lord, we need to retreat. If we don't retreat, we may be too late. We may not be able to leave if the Xuanfu army steals our way." Liu Jichang stood beside He Huchen, carefully observing the north end of the bridge.

Encountered the attack of the tiger squatting cannon, the Xuanfu army did not dare to gather at the north end of the bridge, but withdrew the army to 300 paces away, but you can still see hundreds of cavalry still lining up. , and they'll pounce.

Apparently, the Xuanfu army was also aware of the difficulties faced by the Beijing camp. Once the cavalry crossed the river, the Beijing camp at the bridge head might be attacked by cavalry from the flanks and rear. The only way for the Beijing camp was to retreat, and they wanted to What they did was to take advantage of the withdrawal of the Beijing camp to launch a pursuit.

"Well, I know, it's time to withdraw." He Huchen felt a little regretful, but he couldn't accept it. The two battles brought out the prestige and morale of the Fifth Army Battalion. Now they can straighten their chests and say that they will do the same when facing the Xuanfu Army. Don't be afraid, you can also defeat them.

"Then evacuate according to the plan." Liu Jichang also nodded, "As long as we defend Gonghua City, even the Xuanfu army can bypass Gonghua City, but if Gonghua City is not pulled out, they will never be able to comfortably go east, and they dare not !"

Both He Huchen and Liu Jichang have a very clear understanding of this point. How could such a huge weakness be handed over to the enemy when the tens of thousands of troops are involved in the follow-up logistics support, and when they have to face the Jizhen army ahead, the two armies When the confrontation or even the war started, wouldn't it be a front and back attack as soon as the Beijing camp of Gonghua City came out?

  So as long as they withdraw to Gonghua City, it will be a victory, and He Huchen is also confident that he will be able to defend Gonghua City for a day.

  The key now is to successfully bring the five thousand soldiers under his command back to Gonghua City.

Fortunately, the dozens of camp vehicles confiscated can play some role. After all, it is only two miles away from the bridgehead to Gonghua City. He Huchen ordered Liu Jichang to pull out all the camp vehicles of Zhao Keming and the headquarters that had already entered Gonghua City. , coupled with the confiscated large number of camp vehicles, several semi-arc-shaped vehicle barriers were set up along the line from Gonghua City to the bridgehead. Maintain such fortifications, and adopt a steady retreat method to achieve retreat step by step.

   When Niu Jizong learned that the Beijing camp on the other side of the bridge had begun to withdraw troops, he rushed to the bridge head immediately.

At this time, the sky had already brightened, and because they were worried about being attacked by tiger squatting artillery on the high ground on the other side of the river, the Xuanfu army assembled to keep a distance of a hundred steps away from the north end of the bridge, but even so, you could see the high ground on the other side. The tiger crouching cannon on the ground had disappeared without a trace, and it was obvious that the opponent had already evacuated in the dark.

Although the tiger squatting artillery team withdrew, the flag on the bridgehead was still towering, which meant that the Beijing camp was still stationed on the opposite side. In addition, after the camp vehicle was confiscated by the opponent, it was re-stretched on the other side. It can only be roughly seen that there are a large number of Beijing camp behind the camp vehicle The soldiers are stationed, which means that if you want to pass the stone bridge, you will still be hit by the enemy's firecrackers.

  Niu Jizong couldn't tell for a while whether the opponent really planned to withdraw troops, or whether he wanted to use such an opportunity to seduce himself into the bait, and also wanted to use their superior firepower to deal a blow to his side.

In this case, one can either use camp vehicles as a base to advance again, but this is too time-consuming, and it will take time to find soldiers and organize dozens of camp vehicles. Niu Jizong is worried that if the opponent is just bluffing, maybe when he prepares camp vehicles to form an formation, The opponent will take the opportunity to evacuate.

  But if you just use the shield as a cover to launch an attack, you may encounter a failure.

   "Yunlu, what do you think?" Niu Jizong turned to ask when Guo Yungui was seriously injured and his younger brother Guo Yunlu was in charge of the department.

"If the Kuching Ministry has already crossed the river, then the Jingying on the opposite side will not be able to persist any longer. It is inevitable that they will withdraw to Gonghua City. The only thing that is uncertain is whether they plan to set up a trap for us to ambush us again when they evacuate. Their firearms are too powerful, far better than all the firearms I have ever seen,..."

In fact, Guo Yunlu didn't want to take any more risks in his heart. He encountered a catastrophe at night, even his brother broke his arm, lost hundreds of elites, and his morale was severely damaged, but the coach even named him. If someone tries again, prevarication may not help, it will only make the coach dissatisfied.

So he simply took the initiative and said: "Marshal, why don't you let the humble staff send people to try again, get a few campers over, let's bring more shields, and a small group of people go over and try it out, and then we will know what the other party is up to." .”

  Guo Yunlu didn’t want to repeat Li Daming’s attack. The loss was too great. A small-scale trial of one or two hundred people would be a loss. He could bear it, so he simply made a suggestion first.

  Niu Jizong was not very satisfied, but that was all he could do. The tragic situation last night was obvious to all. No one wanted to let his subordinates go to die. Guo Yunlu is so good, willing to take this burden, it is already good.

   "Forget it, Yunlu, you can arrange for someone to try to charge immediately and see the reaction of the other side." Niu Jizong nodded.

   Two hundred people attacked again from the bridge deck under the cover of more than a dozen camp vehicles, but they encountered fierce gunfire from the very beginning.

  The heavy-duty firecrackers on the high platform were fired almost like a roll call, which caused the Xuanfu army, which lacked cover on the top, to fall into a painful and passive beating process from the very beginning.

More than 40 people were shot and injured before 200 people advanced to the south of the bridge. Compared with the previous situation, the situation was much better, but the result was not optimistic. The remaining 100 people were soon at the bridge Encountered the siege of the spear team, the remaining dozens of people had to flee back to the north of the bridge in a hurry.

   It’s not a trap, but the opponent was indeed prepared. This gave Niu Jizong a headache, and Guo Yunlu breathed a sigh of relief. More than a hundred people were killed or injured in exchange for not continuing to invest, and waiting for the troops crossing the river to launch an attack. This can be regarded as masturbation.

He Huchen also noticed this point. This kind of surprise attack by a small group of troops is actually a temptation. If he doesn't fight back in the strongest and most vicious way, then it may be a large-scale charge later. He is not afraid of the opponent's attack. A large-scale charge, but once dragged, the Xuanfu army transported across the river by boat and pontoon bridge will bite the entire army, no matter how difficult it is to escape, this is what He Huchen is most worried about.

  As soon as the Xuanfu army retreated back to Qiaobei in embarrassment, He Huchen gave the order to retreat immediately.

The eagle-beaked gunmen quickly evacuated from the high platform, and then went straight back to Gonghua City. At the same time, the spear team and the fire gun soldiers assembled around them also began to cover alternately, evacuated from the camps one by one, and quickly followed the reserved passage. Evacuate to Gonghua City.

  The north side of the bridge reacted very quickly, and immediately discovered the change in the south direction of the bridge.

  Niu Jizong immediately ordered Guo Yunlu to organize the army to cross the bridge again and launch an attack.

Although Guo Yunlu also noticed the change in Qiaonan, he just encountered a hunt just now, and now he is going to regroup for an attack, and he is somewhat unwilling in his heart, but he also knows that this is not the time for fighting spirit, so he organizes an attack immediately , but in the specific promotion process, it seems to be much more cautious.

   When the team advanced across the bridge until the circle of mud wall did not encounter any resistance, Guo Yunlu realized that the Beijing camp had really withdrawn, and only then began to actively pursue it.

At this time, the cavalry of the Kuching Department of the Xuanfu Army who came from the west also found the Jingying army that was retreating rapidly, and they were overjoyed. This kind of retreating army knows that the morale of the army is the most chaotic, and the cavalry is often the most capable. When he exerted his power, he didn't think about it, and started to attack from the flanks.

  But without thinking, he kicked the iron plate.

  (end of this chapter)

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