Number of People

Chapter 1715: Renzi Juan's bright waves are beginning to fall, and the undercurrent is gradual

  Chapter 1715 Renzi Juan Mingbo Chushi, the undercurrent gradually rises

  The two armies confront each other, of course it is impossible to cease fire and stalemate. As the main force of the Jizhen army gradually arrives in place, contact battles between the two sides will naturally begin to increase.

Along the line from Gonghua City to Yuhe, the cavalry of the two sides launched a small but extremely fierce confrontation. The contact battles, encounters, assaults, and strangulation battles of dozens of cavalry to one or two hundred cavalry suddenly increased. Every battle is bloody. Although it can't be said that it hurts muscles and bones, it also makes people feel the cruelty of war.

If the Xuanfu army is the elite of the frontier army, the Jizhen army is not weak, especially during the two years when You Shigong served as the chief soldier of Jizhen, it also focused on weeding out the old and the weak, and built a capable force of its own , and this time the main force he led came here, almost all of them were the elites of the direct line that he could handle.

Although only half of the Xuanfu army is stronger in terms of military strength, this is Jizhen's home court, and the backing of the capital city makes him have no worries. Gonghua City has become a nail in front of the Xuanfu army, so Jizhen The army did not lose the wind in the confrontation with the Xuanfu army. On the contrary, the Xuanfu army was a little uncomfortable because of the Yuhe River and Gonghua City, and it was difficult to fully deploy in order to highlight its own advantages.

  This small-scale but high-intensity war lasted from that day to the evening of the second day. Both Niu Jizong and You Shigong realized that in a short period of time, both sides had no choice but to do anything to each other.

The Xuanfu army has the upper hand, but the geographical advantage is not superior, especially the Yuhe River makes it difficult to deploy, and the logistical support will only become more and more difficult, which also makes Niu Jizong quite troubled. Facing the continuation of this war of attrition, You Shigong also felt a great heartache. These are all the elites of his direct line, and it is not easy to make up for the loss.

  In this situation, both sides seem to have consciously controlled the intensity of the confrontation, and began to keep distance and reduce the frequency.

And Niu Jizong is also considering how to properly deal with the problem of the rear. If Prince Yizhong can make progress in the capital city, then there is no need to continue fighting this battle, but if he fails to make a breakthrough, then he will It is time to consider how to go south quickly to ensure the future survival of this main force of our own.

  You Shigong finally entered Gonghua City.

The main force of the Xuan Mansion, which has been able to detect Niu Jizong, began to retreat and retreated to the west of the Yu River, but the Yu River Stone Bridge is still under the control of the Xuan Mansion Army. At present, the two sides have actually broken off contact, and they seem to be thinking about what to do next. .

  You Shigong received the order to intercept the Xuanfu army in Gonghua City, and not allow the Xuanfu army to enter the capital. Now that the goal has been achieved, it is only necessary to guard this line and wait for the order of the Ministry of War and even the imperial court.

On the opposite side of the Xuanfu army, You Shigong didn't think that Niu Jizong could continue to fight at all costs. Gonghua City in his own hands is different from He Huchen's. If you want to take back Gonghua City, it will not be an easy matter. .

  Tiewangshan has been paying attention to the news from the capital, and the capital is also paying attention to the movements of Gonghuacheng anytime and anywhere.

  When the Xuanfu army occupied Hongqiao and reached the front line of the Yu River, Ye Xianggao was already a little hesitant in his heart. Once the Xuanfu army came to the city, how should the DPRK and China respond?

   Directly declare the Xuanfu army a rebellion? Calling on King Qin?

  Jizhen army is on its way in the starry night, but I am afraid it is too late. Once the Beijing camp in the city is opened and the Xuanfu army enters the city, Prince Yizhong may really play the "Change of Seizing the Gate". What should I do?

  Being Yu Qian? Ye Xianggao didn't think about it, but if he just surrendered and surrendered, from the heart, Ye Xianggao would find it hard to accept.

He knew very well that Tang Binyin, Miao Changqi, Zhu Guozhen, Gu Tianjun, and Jia Jing were the direct descendants of Prince Yizhong, and they were also scholars from the south of the Yangtze River. Those people wanted to climb on his head in their dreams. Dissatisfied, now that he has managed to bet on the right treasure, with Conglong Zhigong in hand, how can he let his group of people sit firmly in their current positions?

  Combined with Emperor Yonglong's kindness in promoting himself and others, if he just bowed his knees to Prince Yizhong in this way, under the eyes of everyone, Ye Xianggao felt that he might not be able to do it, and he would rather resign first and then worry about it.

  Already have this idea, but Ye Xianggao still doesn't want the situation to go to that point, but he also knows that some things cannot be controlled by himself.

Previously, the emperor arranged for Zhang Chengyin, the chief soldier of Xuanfu, to prepare for a counterattack, but the information collected from various sources now shows that Zhang Chengyin and several of his confidants were quietly taken down before the Xuanfu army took any action, and their whereabouts are still unknown. Prince Yizhong and Niu Jizong's attack in such a way really caught the court by surprise, otherwise why would the whole situation have come to this.

  Fang Congzhe and Qi Yongtai went to Iron Net Mountain, and there is no news yet, which basically means that the emperor may really be in a coma, and it seems that there is no need to ask where the assassin came from.

   But everyone can guess like this in their hearts, but there is no basis for it. Everything has to wait for Long Jinwei to conclude the investigation and come up with evidence.

  Everyone is actually paying attention to the movements of all parties. Prince Yizhong is still in the palace in the capital city. It seems to be very leisurely, and there is not much other movement, but Ye Xianggao judges that the other party is also paying attention to the progress of Niu Jizong's Xuanfu army.

  Before, Ye Xianggao was really worried about what he would do if Prince Yizhong came for a showdown, but fortunately, the other party didn’t seem to have much confidence in his heart, so he stood still and everyone waited.

  No one expected that the two divisions of the Fifth Army Battalion went out of the city to seize Gonghua City, and also repelled the attack of the Xuanfu Army's forwards on the Yuhe River.

Up to that time, Ye Xianggao didn't think that the troops in the Fifth Army Battalion could stop the Xuanfu Army. No matter in terms of numbers or combat effectiveness, they were not at the same level. Maybe the Xuanfu Army underestimated the enemy and was frustrated, but soon they were It will conquer Gonghua City in one fell swoop, and then go straight to the capital city.

   But it was beyond his expectation again. The Xuanfu army failed to capture Gonghua City until the morning, but only crossed the Yu River, and then launched a fierce offensive and defensive battle in Gonghua City.

Ye Xianggao couldn't understand how a group of recruits from the Fifth Army Battalion could fight so well, and their fighting power had become extraordinary, but he understood that the situation might not be as bad as he feared most. As expected, Ji The town army finally arrived at the last moment, blocking the approach of the biggest threat.

  The stalemate between the Xuanfu army and the Jizhen army in Gonghua City and the Yuhe line finally reassured Ye Xianggao that even if Prince Yizhong came to the door at this time, he could deal with it calmly with full confidence.

  Of course, there are still many follow-up questions. The emperor has been in a coma. How should the court respond?

  If the emperor is still awake, does the court need to set up a crown prince or a state supervisor?

  There is also the characterization of the eastward advance of the Xuanfu army. You can't hide your ears and steal the bell, right?

   In addition, how should Prince Yizhong deal with it, or ignore it and pretend to be deaf and dumb? If action is to be taken, but how to deal with it? In the absence of other evidence, can he be placed under house arrest in advance to prevent accidents?

   These need to be carefully considered and carefully discussed.

   "Master Xiang, Master Li and Master Zhang are here." Chang Sui whispered.

  Ye Xianggao nodded, and signaled: "Please invite the two of them to the flower hall."

  Li Sancai and Zhang Huaichang arrived in a hurry. They already knew the situation of the battle in the west, and they felt more at ease, which also meant that there were more things to consider.

   "Daofu, Huaichang, sit down." Ye Xianggao waved his hand, "I haven't slept well in the past two days. I can sleep soundly tonight."

   "Brother Jinqing, I'm afraid I may not be able to sleep well." Li Sancai said calmly.

   "Oh?" Ye Xianggao frowned, "What's the matter?"

   "The one in Anfu Hutong is restless." Li Sancai glanced at Zhang Huaichang and said, "I'm afraid Huaichang has heard of it?"

  Prince Yizhong's mansion is in Anfu Hutong, so they all use the one in Anfu Hutong to refer to Prince Yizhong.

  Zhang Huaichang raised his eyebrows, "I know, I know, but he won't come to me. If he wants to find me, he should find someone he thinks can be interesting."

Ye Xianggao has been concentrating on the war situation in the west during this period, and he has entrusted Li Sancai to take care of this aspect, so he is still a little unclear, "Someone who has a show? Who did you find? Cunzhi (Gao Panlong) or Mingqi (Huang Ruliang characters)?"

"No, it's those from Huguang. Bo Xiaogong was targeted by them, and Dongxian and Zishu..." Li Sancai is from the north, but he has always been on good terms with scholars from Jiangnan, and he has very little relationship with scholars from Huguang. .

  Ye Xianggao frowned, "Brother Bo Xiao won't care about such things, but Dong Xian and Zi Shu wouldn't be so unwise, right?"

"Theoretically, this should be the case, but it is said that there is a lot of resentment among the scholars in Huguang. Many people such as Fei Bai (Xiong Tingbi) and Mei Ming (Guo Zhengyu) feel that the emperor's employment is unfair and partial..." Li Sancai did not continue. .

   This is an unsolvable knot.

There are too many monks and too little porridge. The seven ministries of the imperial court and the cabinet plus one Metropolitan Procuratorate. There are only so many positions. Scholars in Jiangnan, Beidi, Huguang, and other regions all want to fight for more, but one more point for you means that others will have less. One point, so it is impossible to be happy at any time, and there will always be people who are dissatisfied.

  If Prince Yizhong wanted to use this to stir up trouble, he chose a good opportunity to start.

There are five people in the current cabinet, three in Jiangnan and two in Beidi. Huguang scholars have always been worried about it. They have always advocated that there should be two in Jiangnan and two in Beidi. Guan Yingzhen and the others knew that it was only divided by region, but they, as the leaders of the Huguang scholars, could not take into account the anger of the Huguang scholars.

  (end of this chapter)

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