Number of People

Chapter 1738: Ren Zi Juan Jian Guo

  Chapter 1738 Ren Zi Juan Jian Guo

  Nakalka people are used to contain the Jianzhou Jurchen, which was the strategy agreed upon by the cabinet and the Ministry of War.

  They are located between the Jianzhou Jurchen and the Chahar people, adjacent to the Haixi Jurchen and the Horqin tribe, and their position is very important.

But the Haixi Jurchen is too weak, and now there is only one Yehe tribe to support the overall situation, but the Horqin people are biased towards the Jianzhou Jurchen, so the Neikalkha people are increasingly becoming a balance hand for Da Zhou in Liaodong and outside the border wall .

  If this chess piece is used on the Chahar people, then the Jianzhou Jurchen may be liberated, which will bring huge pressure to Liaodong Town.

  Feng Ziying is also not sure about this point, and the various details in the past life history can no longer be used for detailed reference.

  He only knew that the Jianzhou Jurchen would become a serious problem, and the princes in the court also knew it, but now that the Jianzhou Jurchen has developed to a certain extent, it is difficult to judge.

But there is one thing Feng Ziying still remembers. Jianzhou Jurchen captured Fushun after Li Yongfang's surrender, and thus looted tens of thousands of Han people, and then took over the savage Jurchen tribes, and their power quickly expanded. Nurhachi soon It will be hideous, and it will start to launch a continuous offensive against Liaodong.

  So from the point of view of this detail, Feng Ziying felt that Nurhachi would never let go of such an opportunity of civil strife in a big week, and would definitely use it to launch an offensive, but could Cao Wenzhao, who had just taken over as the general of Liaodong Army, stand it? Especially when people like Zhao Liaojiao and Juniper are still somewhat dissatisfied.

  Feng Ziying did not dare to answer this question, so she could only hesitate for a long time before saying: "Students can contact the Neikarkha people and promise a huge profit, maybe it is possible, but on the Jianzhou Jurchen side, the students dare not speak nonsense."

  Even if the imperial court wrote to Cao Wenzhao at this moment, Cao Wenzhao would definitely answer clearly that there is no problem, but what should we do if there is a real problem?

Cao Wenzhao is a brave general, but Feng Ziying can't say whether he can be the general soldier of Liaodong. Even Feng Ziying has no way of judging whether it is a wise choice for his father to let Cao Wenzhao be the general soldier of Liaodong instead of choosing Zhao to teach. It can only be proved by the final results.

Li Sancai also knew that this question was difficult to answer, but it was too difficult for him to ask Feng Ziying. It is very rare for the Khalkhas to help.

The situation is not good, and the mood of the people in the courtyard is not very good. It is said that everyone is here to discuss and express their opinions, but in fact it is to unify their thinking, or to come up with their own strategy for the next step to reach an agreement with Ye Fang and the others. , draw the bottom line, and determine the goal.

   Soon Qi Yongtai called everyone into the meeting room, Feng Ziying and Lian Guoshi took the last steps, and Qi Yongtai and Li Sancai took the first steps.

  The topic is very simple, it is to determine the next move of the court around the current situation.

  Announced that Jiangnan and Prince Yizhong rebelled, and ordered all regions not to accept the puppet government's orders. There is no doubt about it. There is no problem in the North, except for Shandong, but Huguang, Guangdong, Guangxi, and Southwest need to guard against Nanjing's lobbying.

Although everyone doesn't think Nanjing's sending people to lobby will have much effect, after all, these officials are all appointed by the imperial court, and the local gentry also recognize the imperial court's Zhengshuo, and Jiangnan has always had his eyes on the top, thinking that he is superior to others. Other places are dismissive, so they are not popular, but it is not ruled out that Jiangnan scholars who are inclined to Prince Yizhong have too much prestige in the local area and act as monsters, so it is also necessary to arrange targeted inspections and appeasement.

"Only the name can be right. The current emperor is unconscious. I am afraid that we still need to determine the crown prince or supervisor first, so that we can have an account for the people. Therefore, I think it is best to determine a candidate for the crown prince or supervisor as soon as possible." Sun Juxiang proposed himself. suggestion.

   "Then should the crown prince or the supervisor be selected first?" Cui Jingrong asked back: "The choice of the crown prince is of great importance. If the decision is made without authorization, the emperor will wake up in the future and it is not what he wants. If he wants to adjust it, I'm afraid it will cause a big disturbance."

  Wang Yongguang also heard the implication of Cui Jingrong's words, frowned and said: "Ziqiang (Cui Jingrong's word), you mean that you don't know the crown prince first, but only decide to supervise the country?"

"Whether it is the crown prince or the supervisor of the country, in fact, we all know that the establishment is to give an explanation to the people of the world. In fact, whoever is the prince or the supervisor of the country cannot play much role in a short period of time, and he cannot be like the emperor. The same can be used to deal with the current situation, but the crown prince is an official status, and the prison country can be temporary, and can even be replaced at any time. The initiative lies with us, so it is more appropriate to establish the prison country."

Cui Jingrong's opinion was endorsed by Zhang Huaichang, "I agree with Ziqiang's opinion. There are many difficult things to follow up in the next step. We need a supervisor who can cooperate with the court tacitly. It is not appropriate to determine the candidate for the crown prince now, and we will consider it later. suitable."

As Minister of the Ministry of War, Zhang Huaichang, considering that the imperial court will have a series of major actions in the future, especially military actions, must bear the brunt. He must have a name, and he needs a person who cooperates with the imperial court. Therefore, it is obvious to choose a temporary supervisor. It is safer, if the candidate is not satisfactory, or if he is too assertive and disagrees with the court, then just change it.

  Li Sancai frowned and said, "But who should we choose to supervise the country? Before the emperor liked Lu Wang more, many people knew this, but..."

   This is also a problem. Before that, the emperor must have revealed some ideas with some key ministers who are close to him, such as Li Sancai, Gu Bingqian, and Zhang Jingqiu.

These few are regarded as the "imperial party" in the eyes of many people. Although they come from different backgrounds, Li Sancai raised it at this time, clearly expressing his position on behalf of Emperor Yonglong. Unfortunately, Emperor Yonglong is unconscious now. The number depends on whether everyone agrees.

Qi Yongtai couldn't help frowning, Li Sancai revealed this meaning first, he just wanted to preconceive it and let everyone subconsciously recognize King Lu. , it should be Shou Wang, although Shou Wang is indeed not very satisfactory, but he is the real eldest son.

   "Daofu, I'm afraid everyone will recognize Li Chang more?" Qi Yongtai coughed dryly.

   "Brother Chengfeng, we don't have the rule of setting up leaders in Dazhou, but setting up virtuous people." Li Sancai retorted tactfully.

  "Why do you think you are a virtuous person?" Qi Yongtai asked back: "It is certain that the king of longevity is the elder, but how do you know that the king of salary is a virtuous person? Maybe some people will think that the king of Gong is more virtuous, so how to deal with it?"

This question is indeed difficult to answer, but even Qi Yongtai feels that the three grown-up princes, Shou Wang, Fu Wang, and Li Wang, are mediocre, but he can't explain it, but if you want to appoint Lu Wang as the supervisor or even the prince, that means King Gong is equally qualified to challenge this position, and King Fu and King Li will certainly not give up.

Qi Yongtai's question made Li Sancai ponder for a while, and then responded: "The emperor intends to make King Lu the crown prince, and he once disclosed it to King Zhongshun, King Zhonghui, and even the two eldest princesses of Yong'an and Yongning, and also told me about it. , if it is Lishou King, I am afraid that the royal family will not be able to pass the hurdle, and besides, what does Ye Xiangfang think about it?..."

   This is a problem.

   This is a private matter of the Tian family, but it is reasonable to say that the Tian family has no private affairs. Whether the cabinet should intervene is a matter of opinion, but it is impossible to say that it will not intervene at this time.

   Li Sancai's words made everyone here hesitate,

   "President Ye and Fang Xiang will probably agree with King Shou, right?" Cui Jingrong hesitated, "After all, everyone was inclined to establish a leader at the beginning."

"But King Shou has a frivolous and headstrong personality. His mother Xu Huanggui has been in charge of the harem for many years, and Long Jinwei also said that he should have some relationship with Prince Yizhong. If he is appointed as the supervisor or prince, in case... I am What if Captain Long finds out that it is related to the assassination of the emperor, what should I do..."

   Li Sancai's words startled everyone present, even Qi Yongtai was surprised. His gaze immediately turned to Zhang Huaichang and Qiao Yingjia, "Shouwang and Prince Yizhong have something to do? Seriously?"

  Generally, Long Jinwei doesn’t have much to do with the imperial court, but when it comes to military affairs, he has contacts with the Ministry of War, and when it comes to officials’ corruption and treason, he will communicate with the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

  Zhang Huaichang and Qiao Yingjia both nodded expressionlessly, and Qiao Yingjia coughed lightly and said, "There is indeed such news from Lu Song, but it's just contact, which doesn't explain anything,..."

Li Sancai shook his head with a serious face: "Brother Ru Jun's words are wrong. If we talk about normal contacts, King Fu Shou and Prince Yizhong also have contacts. After all, between elders and juniors, but if Captain Long specifically brought it up, wouldn't it be normal? Contact and exchanges? Everyone should understand such situations.”

  Qiao Yingjia remained silent. Indeed, even he himself did not believe that Captain Long would specifically list such clues because of his normal contacts.

Qi Yongtai's face turned serious. If this is the case, then it is definitely not feasible for King Lishou to be a prince, and it may not be suitable to be a prisoner. Nothing has been confirmed, and the investigation of Iron Net Mountain's assassination has not yet made much progress, and it may be difficult to make much progress in a short period of time.

Seeing that everyone was hesitant, Feng Ziying felt that this question was very simple. He didn't intend to establish a crown prince at first. Emperor Yonglong is not dead yet, and it is more orthodox for the cabinet to continue operating in this name.

   "My lords, the student has a humble opinion." Feng Ziying stood up and cupped her hands.

   Qi Yongtai, Li Sancai and the others all set their eyes on him. They all knew that he was wise and insightful, and they also had some expectations in their hearts.

   "Ziying, tell me."

   "It is not appropriate for the crown prince to make an agreement at this time. The prison is only a temporary setup. If the princes feel that it is difficult to choose between the king of longevity or the king of Lu, then it is better to set up the left and right prisons side by side." Feng Ziying said casually.

  (end of this chapter)

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