Number of People

Chapter 1742: Recruitment of Ren Zi Juan

  Chapter 1742 Recruitment of Renzi Juan

  Feng Ziying and Lian did not stay too late for state affairs. From afternoon to evening, it was time for the princes in the court to discuss. Feng Ziying estimated that he might not be able to come up with a strategy tonight.

Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe also have a large group of people. In addition, Qi Yongtai also needs to seek the opinions of Guan Yingzhen and Chai Ke from Huguang. It is not so easy to make decisions, which also shows the problems caused by the lack of a backbone.

   Unlike Prince Yizhong, although everyone has their own ideas, as long as Prince Yizhong makes a final decision, everyone can immediately execute it.

   It is rare to come back to practice state affairs, so Feng Ziying naturally wants to call several other students from Beijing Central School to have a good get-together.

  Fang Youdu, Fan Jingwen, He Fengsheng, Sun Chuanting, Zheng Chongjian, Wu Sheng, Song Shixiang, Wang Yingxiong, Xu Qixun, Chen Qiyu, Fu Zonglong, etc. were all called, a lot of people, and it was extremely lively.

  Dengxian Tower is the tallest building in Nanxunfang Shaojiu Hutong. It is a three-storey building with an antique flavor, and a pair of couplets hang high, "Slaughtering the world has such meat, and governing a big country is like cooking small fish."

  Feng Ziying has eaten here twice, and feels that this place is quiet amidst the hustle and bustle, the transportation is convenient, and there are not many idlers, so it is very suitable for entertaining guests.

"So Ziying, you and Junyu have been sitting in Wenyuan Pavilion for a day?" Fan Jingwen's tone was not without envy, but he also knew that he was not qualified yet, and he could get into this subject in Yonglong's fifth year. , I'm afraid there are only Feng Ziying and Lian Guoshi.

"Then what was the discussion, and what is the result?" Wang Yingxiong also asked curiously: "Did you talk about the Southwest War? I bet that Prince Teng will definitely cause trouble in Huguang. That is the granary of the Great Zhou. If Huguang is lost, The price of food in Gyeonggi will at least double!"

"I'm afraid we can't talk about Huguang?" Chen Qiyu said in a deep voice, "Shandong is the key. If Shandong is lost, the capital will be unstable, and Henan will be uneasy. The court's first task should be to regain Shandong. The canal is directly approaching Xu Yang, this is the way to overwhelm people with force, and plan to attack with troops, Xu Yang bears the brunt of it."

   "Yes, what Yu Xuan said is true. Shandong is more important. Even if Huguang wins, the food will still have to be transported northward by water. In the current situation, how can it be transported northward?" Fang Youdu also agreed with Chen Qiyu's point of view.

   "Not necessarily. Huguang and Henan are adjacent, and you can also go by land, but it will be more expensive." He Fengsheng shook his head. He is from Huguang, so he naturally cares more about Huguang.

"It's not just bigger, it's too big. It takes at least a bucket and a half to transport grain into Henan by land." Sun Chuanting shook his head, "Instead of that, it's better to lead the army directly into Huguang and eat it in Huguang. Wouldn’t it be better to go to Huguang, and then go east along the river?”

"This is a good idea." Wang Yingxiong praised: "Go east along the river and take Jiangxi first, and Nanjing will definitely not be able to sit still, and the main force of Prince Yizhong is concentrated in Shandong and Jianghuai, and there is only Deng Li in Huguang. Ah Jun, it depends on whether Wang Ziteng's Denglai army can hold steady in Huguang, if the court only needs to solve the Denglai army, then the follow-up battle will be easy."

"Who will fight the battle of Huguang?" Sun Chuanting mused, "Wang Ziteng is a veteran general, and he deliberately kept his hand when fighting Bozhou. Lord Yang's Jingxiang army may not be able to deal with the Denglai army. The juvenile Shenggong army is a bit extraordinary. , but the guard army is too weak, the Jingxiang army has only been formed for a short time, and its combat effectiveness is worrying, so this battle is not easy to fight."

  Sun Chuanting didn't mention Yang He, only the Jingxiang Army. Everyone knew that Yang He was not a general who was used to fighting.

  Lian State Affairs pondered for a while before saying: "Master Xiong may be allowed to lead the army."

   "Oh?" He Fengsheng was overjoyed, "Mr. Xiong has an outstanding military strategy, and he will definitely be able to take on this great task."

Feng Ziying has also heard of Xiong Tingbi's name, but he also knows that although Xiong Tingbi has some abilities, he has a stubborn personality and can't tolerate others. , Bi Ziyan and the others were quite a headache for him.

Xiong Tingbi was famous for patrolling Liaodong during the Li Chengliang era. He hated Li Chengliang for abandoning the Six Forts of Kuandian. In the future, he tried his best to impeach Li Chengliang. Although he was unsuccessful, it also made him famous, and his analysis of the situation in Liaodong He is also very insightful, but whether he can make contributions in Huguang remains to be seen.

  Feng Ziying does not think that those who were famous in the previous life can be successful in this life. Sometimes the environment changes, the times change, and the conditions change, so it may not be possible to reproduce that kind of success.

After looking forward to the current situation, the topic slowly returned to everyone's current career. Except for Sun Chuanting, Song Shixiang, Chen Qiyu, Fu Zonglong and Xu Qixun who were still watching politics, Fang Youdu, Wang Yingxiong, Wu Wei, Zheng Chongjian, Fan Jingwen and He Fengsheng Waiting for a few people to fight in the seventh part.

Feng Ziying never agreed with them staying in the Seventh Metropolitan Procuratorate. Except for Zheng Chongjian and Wang Yingxiong who were in the Ministry of War because of the unrest in the past two years, so they often ran down, the others were more struggling. boil.

"I suggest that if you have the opportunity, you can go down to the bottom and do it. Maybe you will gain more. It is not what I want to spend all day in various ministries waiting to die." Give a few classmates a good lesson.

"Ziying, we are different from you and Junyu. When you go down, you will be guaranteed by a good man. You will be able to reach a big level after two or three years, and you will soon find an opportunity to be transferred back. We are different. Stay in Beijing. Although it is a bit boring, at least our life is stable, and we can do things according to our own wishes." Fang Youdu was very frank in front of Feng Ziying, telling the truth.

"Now is the time to be turbulent, and it is also a good time for everyone to make contributions..." Feng Ziying ignored Fang Youdu's explanation, and said to herself: "Shuntian Mansion is in the center of the storm this time, and two county magistrates have already been crowned And go, now there is a vacancy, if you are interested, you might as well think about it,..."

   "Oh?" Fan Jingwen and He Fengsheng were a little moved, "There are two county magistrates in Shuntian Prefecture who have resigned? Which two counties?"

   "Dong'an and Dacheng." Feng Ziying's target is also these two people. Compared with Fang Youdu, He Fengsheng and Fan Jingwen are more flexible in their minds and more strategic in their actions.

  Dongan and Dacheng are both in the south of Shuntianfu, one is in the south-central, north of Triangle Lake, and the other is at the southernmost tip, deep into Hejianfu.

There are many prefectures and counties in Shuntian Prefecture. Feng Ziying's control over the prefectures and counties is still not enough, and he urgently needs someone to help. Dong'an and Dacheng are both in the southern hinterland of Shuntian Prefecture. The terrain is flat and suitable for the development of agriculture. The two get tempered.

  (end of this chapter)

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