Number of People

Chapter 1751: Ren Zi Juan Disturbance

  Chapter 1751 The Disturbance of the Renzi Juan

  Shen Yixiu, Xue Baochai, Xue Baoqin, and Yingchun were all waiting for Feng Ziying in the room without resting.

  Seeing Feng Ziying coming back, a group of people gathered around.

  Seeing their expressions, Feng Ziying knew what they wanted to ask, but he didn't want to say more.

   There is really nothing to say. There is nothing he can do now, but to comfort him. After all, he still has to wait for the court's plan to deal with it before he knows what the final outcome of the Jia family will be.

  Facing the expectations of his wives and concubines, Feng Ziying couldn't bear to ignore them.

"Okay, don't ask any more questions, I'm going, I've seen everything I need to see, but there is really nothing to say now, I don't know how the court will deal with it, I can only think of a way when the court's decree comes down. Let’s deal with it.” Feng Ziying waved her hands wearily and annoyed, “Now I have nothing to do but just sit and wait.”

   "Then Mr. Tan, girl Tan and girl Yun..." Baochai was still very concerned about these few girlfriends who were always close in the garden.

"They're okay too, but maybe they're holding on." Feng Ziying sighed, "Your sister, don't ask me what to do, I don't know, I can only say that the soldiers will cover up the water and the soil, and I will do my best. "

  Seeing that Feng Ziying seemed to be in a bad mood, Baochai couldn't say much, but Shen Yixiu didn't say much, just stood quietly aside.

After thinking for a while, Feng Ziying said again: "I am afraid that Rongning and Ningfu will not be able to keep it. The imperial court is now in financial difficulties. Jiangnan will definitely cut off water transport, and taxes will not be handed over. When the war is about to start, a large amount of military expenditure will need to be raised. Sooner or later, we will have to deal with these families who are inextricably linked to the Nanjing Puppet Dynasty. The Niu family, the Wang family, the Jia family, the Shi family, and other families of the four kings, eight gongs and twelve lords, I guess they will not be able to escape. ..."

Both Xue Baochai and Xue Baoqin's expression changed slightly, while Yingchun at the side was already in tears, Shen Yixiu was still calm, but frowned, and she considered the problem from a different angle: "My lord, if the court only relies on this to raise military expenses, Afraid that something is inappropriate?"

"Of course it won't just be based on this. It will definitely take multiple measures. Two days ago, Xu Dahua, the left servant of the Ministry of War, proposed to sell the Zunhua Iron Factory to Shanshan businessmen. In addition, several gunpowder factories and military workshops under the Ministry of War They are all sold to raise military expenses,..."

Feng Ziying didn't expect Xu Dahua's temperament to become so radical all of a sudden. It was only later that he heard that Gu Tianyu, who had always been at odds with him, was now appointed Minister of the Ministry of Officials of the Nanjing Puppet Dynasty, and directly dismissed his nephew who was serving in Nanjing. At that time, the nephew's family came home in despair, and sent a letter crying to complain, which aroused great anger in Xu Dahua, and now he was all thinking of flattening Nanjing as soon as possible.

  Xu Dahua believes that the current workshops under the Ministry of War are inefficient and corrupt.

Now that the Southern Expedition is imminent, there is an urgent need to raise military expenses. In addition, the weapons and firearms of the Nine Sides are also urgently needed to be replenished. In order to meet the needs of the two aspects, it is better to directly sell the gunpowder factory and military workshop under the Ministry of War to qualified businessmen. Firstly, it can raise military expenses, and secondly, it can also improve the efficiency and quality of purchasing weapons and firearms.

"In addition, I also suggested to the cabinet that selling Xishan kiln can raise a large amount of military expenses." Feng Ziying said casually: "Of course, Haitong Yinzhuang still has a lot of money that cannot be borrowed. The court is willing to borrow, as long as there is collateral , then Haitong Yinzhuang is naturally willing."

Shen Yixiu was originally worried about whether the imperial court could support such a large-scale war, but seeing her husband say it so easily, she felt relieved: "The situation of Xishan Kiln is too complicated, and it has been delayed for more than ten years. If it is to be sold, I'm afraid I still need to clarify the original ownership relationship,..."

"Doing extraordinary things in extraordinary times is related to the survival of the court. Whoever wants to look forward and backward can only say that this person is not suitable for that position." Feng Ziying said with a smile: "Mr. Ji Hui (Liu Yixiu) Being Minister of the Ministry of Punishments, one should not be so confused. Zhang Gong (Zhang Jingqiu) and Qiao Shi’s Metropolitan Procuratorate also shoulder important responsibilities. How can there be any benevolence of women at this time? Not to mention Captain Long. A group of masters who want to be skinned and cramped, finally have the support of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, so why don't they gear up and work hard?"

   "Then Haitong Yinzhuang..." Shen Yixiu asked again.

   "King Zhongshun and the others may have to do some work, mainly to strengthen their confidence." Feng Ziying pondered and said, "But it's not a big problem. If the court is willing to provide enough collateral, King Zhongshun and the others will definitely be tempted."

   "What collateral?" Not only Shen Yixiu was very interested in this question, but even the Xue family sisters and Yingchun were a little curious.

"Of course it's Jiangnan." Feng Ziying smiled, "This time the Nanjing puppet dynasty is newly established, and the Jiangnan gentry will definitely cling to it. Once the Southern Expedition wins, the imperial court will definitely liquidate it. Think about it, Jinling, Yangzhou, Suzhou, Hangzhou , Ningbo, Songjiang, Huzhou, etc., which place can’t pull out ten or eight large households, and after liquidation, it’s indescribable how many billions of trillions are there?”

If you think about it, it is true. From the Ming Dynasty to the founding of the Great Zhou Dynasty for a hundred years, Jiangnan has been nourished for more than two hundred years. The main battlefield in the Great Zhou replaced the former Ming Dynasty in the north. Jiangnan was not affected by the war, so most of the Jiangnan gentry were inherited for a hundred years. However, once the war is over, those gentry who are on the wrong team may face a tragic end.

This is also a major reason why Feng Ziying believes that the imperial court will win in the end. Because these gentry and merchants in Jiangnan have never had a **** attitude, especially the grass-roots team like Prince Yizhong is more of a hunting ground for frustrated politicians and careerists. Although he was dissatisfied with the imperial court's Jiangnan tax policy, he hadn't risen to the point of raising the flag to rebel, but now he was pushed to the forefront, and he must consider retreating when he calmed down.

It is certainly a good thing for Prince Yizhong to win, but if he loses, a big family cannot be destroyed. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain the necessary channels of communication with the northern court, and even to convey sincerity. This is also the way for a big family to survive. .

  Under such circumstances, Feng Ziying firmly believed that as long as the imperial court could persevere through this year's difficult period and make progress in the war, then Prince Yizhong would not be able to sustain it.

   Hearing that the imperial court could use the future liquidation of Jiangnan as collateral, all the women were shocked, but after thinking about it, why not?

  Since you want to join the rebellion, you will naturally have the consciousness of being decapitated in a different place, let alone your little family property, but suddenly thinking of the Jia family, everyone can't help but feel a little scared.

   "Master, there are still one or two thousand people in the Rongning Second Mansion..." Baochai couldn't help asking.

"It's hard to say how people will deal with it now. Those other than the five clothes, as well as the children born in the family and the servant girls bought in, should not have much to do with them in theory, but they are members of the Jia family. How to deal with it depends on the court's attitude, but I don't think it will be so lenient." Feng Ziying said leniently.

  Shen Yixiu also saw that Feng Ziying was in a bad mood, so he took the initiative to end the topic: "Okay, you are also tired, Mr. Xiang, go to rest earlier, and I will leave first."

   It's time to stay at Erfang's side tonight. Shen Yixiu came here to show his attitude that he still cares about Jia's side. After all, Xianggong and Jia's side have a deep relationship, and this is what a woman should mean.

  Feng Ziying also nodded, "You should also rest earlier, it's too late, so I won't go to see the good girl."

  Shen Yixiu smiled, "Well, tomorrow morning Qiwu will say that Dad is missing again."

  The atmosphere became a little more relaxed, and Shen Yixiu left lightly, leaving only Baochai, Baoqin and Yingchun three daughters.

  Feng Ziying raised her foot and walked towards Baochai's main room, and the three daughters followed silently.

Wife, concubine, concubine, Feng Ziying looked at the three daughters who were graceful and dignified, or translucent, or charming and gentle. People's eyes are red and purple.

   But now, I don't have that much thought to think about these things.

   "Sir, is it true that the Jia family can't be kept?"

  As soon as she entered the room, Baoqin couldn't help asking.

"Well, I'm afraid we can't keep it. It's inevitable to search Rongning's second mansion. As for the old lady, wife, sister-in-law Zhu, girl Tan, girl Yun, fourth younger sister, Baoyu, and Jia Huan, it's also very difficult. How to deal with them later depends on It depends." Feng Ziying shook her head, "If it's just to send you into exile, it would be easy. Let's clear up the Dali Temple of the Ministry of Punishment, find a safe place, stay for a few years, and then look for opportunities to pardon."

  The girls all took a deep breath, it was easy to send them into exile, so what could be more serious? Don't dare to think about it.

  Sitting on the kang, Xiangling and Yinger came in to change Feng Ziying's clothes and take off her shoes. A pot of steaming hot water was also brought up, and the two women squatted down to soak Feng Ziying's feet.

   "Sit down, too." Feng Ziying leaned on the kang, her feet dipped into the water, Yinger had already massaged the soles of Feng Ziying's feet seriously, scooping up water to wash them, and Xiangling knelt on the edge of the kang to massage Feng Ziying's shoulders.

  The decadent life in the feudal era was so extravagant and happy, and Feng Ziying enjoyed it, so even if you put in a lot of effort for it, it is worth it.

   Baochai sat with Feng Ziying across the kang table, while Baoqin and Yingchun sat in the official hat chair next to the kang.

   "Then Mr. Xue's side..." Baochai finally asked the most worried question.

  Aunt Xue is Wang Ziteng's direct sister. Wang Ziteng and Niu Jizong are the two major military figures in the Nanjing Puppet Dynasty. The Niu family and the royal court will definitely search Zhulian. What about Aunt Xue?

   Baochai is naturally concerned about her mother and elder brother, including herself, but she also knows that it is unlikely that she will be affected. After all, her surname is Xue and she is already married.

  But on the mother's side, Xue Wang's family can't get rid of the Wang surname here, and the elder brother is also the nephew of the Wang family.

  (end of this chapter)

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