Number of People

Chapter 1767: Ren Zijuan at a loss

  Chapter 1767 Ren Zijuan at a loss

   Entering Ningrong Street, Feng Ziying could detect something strange.

   There were a lot more idlers, and many of them could be identified as the head of the stall at a glance, and they didn't seem to hide their identities very much. This situation was even more obvious at the gate of Rongning Second Mansion.

To be precise, Ningrong Street can only be regarded as a short alley. Except for the Rongning Second Mansion, most of the small households living in other small households are descendants of the Jia family. The Jia family moved from Jinling to the capital for nearly a hundred years. , the side branches and concubines are so numerous that it has long been difficult to count.

These Jia Jiayuan house brothers and the direct branches of the Rongning Second Mansion have different relationships, some of them are still walking around, and some have nothing to do with each other, and they live their own lives. It's just a little bit of expression during festivals, weddings and funerals.

  This kind of relative relationship is not even comparable to the children of the second mansion. After all, these children have been following the head of the second mansion, and the relationship is much closer.

It is not clear whether the Rongning Second Mansion has heard the news that Niu Wang's family has been seized, but now the abnormality in Ningrong Street, most likely the Second Mansion has noticed, so when Feng Ziying's carriage arrived at the East Corner Gate of Rongguo Mansion, there was almost nothing outside. No one could be seen, and the corner door was closed.

   It was still Ruixiang who knocked on the door, and it took a while before someone came to ask. He heard that Feng Ziying had come, and there was a sudden commotion inside, as if he had received some great news.

  Feng Ziying, who hadn't got off the car, couldn't help shaking her head. It seemed that the Jia family's heart had been lost. Everyone was like a frightened bird, anxiously waiting for that moment to come.

  What is this called? Sit back and wait, or catch with nothing?

The door opened quickly, and a large group of people rushed out, crowding Feng Ziying in, almost treating Feng Ziying as a life-saving straw. Whether it was Wu Xindeng or Lin Zhixiao, they all looked at Feng Ziying eagerly, as if they wanted to see Feng Ziying's face. See some clues.

  Feng Ziying naturally saw the expectations of the crowd, so she could only smile wryly and wave her hands: "Don't look at me like that, I'm just here to have a look, I don't know anything else."

The look of hope floating on the faces of the people dimmed again, but Lin Zhixiao calmed down a bit, "It is the greatest encouragement for the Jia family that the uncle can come. The house is almost dead now, and the big guys don't know what to do. What to do, some people moved out quietly, and some people couldn't fall asleep,..., hey,..."

  Hearing what Lin Zhixiao said, Feng Ziying could only sigh. The tree fell and the monkeys scattered, and the tree has not yet fallen. The monkeys are all relieved, but then again, who can stand still in this situation?

  A group of people walked to Yimen, Wu Xindeng asked Feng Ziying: "Is the uncle going to the old ancestor's side, or the old master's? The younger one has already arranged for someone to report to the old ancestor."

Feng Ziying originally didn't want to meet people like Jiamu, but only wanted to meet Daiyu, Tanchun, and Xiangyun to talk and comfort her. In general, it seems unreasonable not to meet and say hello.

While hesitating, he saw that a group of people from the Yimen had come out in a swarm. It was Jia She in the lead, followed by Baoyu, Jia Huan, Jia Lan, Jia Cong, and Jia Rui in the distance.

  Jia She's face was livid, probably because he didn't sleep well, his eye bags were swollen, his eyebrows were wrinkled, and he no longer had the arrogance and arrogance of the past, replaced by fear and anxiety.

"Brother Keng, you came just in time. What's going on outside? Why are there so many idlers waiting around the gate of our house?" Jia Amnesty asked angrily, "Everyone who went out to buy vegetables in the kitchen said, At Ningrong Street, I was questioned by someone, not from the government,..."

  Feng Ziying glanced at Jia She, and said indifferently: "Uncle She asked me, don't you know who those people are?"

Jia Amnesty seemed to be pierced by an awl when he was full of energy, and he let out his breath suddenly, and said dejectedly: "Sure enough, I said, is it really Captain Long? Is the court going to attack our Jia family? Damn it!" Jia Jing, the stupid second child!"

  People around are silent, even Baoyu and Jia Huan are hard to fight back when Jia She cursed their father.

"Brother Keng, what should we do now?" Jia Amnesty was still a little unwilling, "Jia Jing is a matter of the Ningguo Mansion, and has nothing to do with our Rongguo Mansion. The second child must have been coerced. You I also know that the second child is timid. In Jiangxi, he is not familiar with the place of life. If he is threatened, he will have to submit obediently. It is definitely not his intention,..."

   This Jia Amnesty is not stupid, he can think of this point to argue and explain, the question is will the court accept it?

Feng Ziying knew very well that since the imperial court decided to do something, it would definitely be to sweep the hole. To put it bluntly, a war was about to start, and the Northwest Army, Shanxi Town, and Ji Town's army would all be mobilized. Liaodong and Datong might You have to face the Jurchens and Mongols, which one doesn't cost a lot of money?

  The money borrowed from Haitong Yinzhuang has to be repaid with interest, but you rebels, that is the meat on the chopping board, you are slaughtered, and you have a good reason, how can you let it go?

  Wherever it is placed, it will be the first target for surgery.

"Xie Shibo, I understand what you said, but this is not Shuntian Mansion's trial, but Long Jinwei's case. Well, there may be the Metropolitan Procuratorate, rebellion and rebellion, these are all big cases of Tongtian, and in the end Maybe the Ministry of Criminal Justice and Dali Temple will come to interrogate him, and my nephew also believes that Uncle Zhengshi will be cleared in the end, but I am afraid that the court will not listen to this now."

   Jia She did not understand this, he was just not reconciled.

   "According to you, then our Jia family can only watch the knife and the ax add to the neck?" Jia She looked unkindly and looked at Feng Ziying, "Can you bear it?"

"Shi Bo, my nephew is an official of the imperial court, but he is only the prime minister of the Shuntian Mansion. It is not the turn of the Shuntian Mansion to discuss such a big case, and my nephew is helpless." Feng Ziying spread her hands, "My little nephew came today because he heard about the dragon. The Forbidden Captain is already searching Wang's and Niu's houses, so I came here to take a look..."

   "What?" Everyone around said in unison, especially Jia She swayed, almost fell, and grabbed Feng Ziying: "Brother Keng, what are you talking about?"

   "My nephew said that Captain Long has sealed the gate of the Niu Mansion in Li Ge's old alley today, and the Wang family in Nianzi Hutong is the same." Feng Ziying stood still and did not move.

   Jia Amnesty's blue face suddenly turned pale, and he was speechless for a while, while Baoyu rushed forward and grabbed Feng Ziying's arm: "Brother Feng, the Niu's house has been seized? Really?"

"It should be true. This kind of news will probably spread all over the capital city soon." Feng Ziying glanced at Baoyu with some regret, her big face like jade was also frighteningly white, and her handsome eyes were dull The ground hangs down, "How could this be?"

I didn't want to tell the news at first, but after thinking about it, how long can I keep this secret? It's better to say it, so that everyone can calm down and calm down while I am here, so that there will be no chaos. Feng Ziying paused: "Nuuuuuuuuu The Wang family has nothing to do with the Jia family, and you don’t have to worry too much. Even if the Jia family is involved in something, it is not the same as the Wang family and the Niu family. It may be rebellion, the Jia family may be attached to rebellion, so don't panic too much, besides, there is still a big girl in the palace, and there is me outside,..."

  Hearing what Feng Ziying said, a group of people who had been stunned seemed to come to life, and bowed one after another.

Then Wu Xindeng and Lin Zhixiao even came forward to kowtow, but they were dragged by Feng Ziying, and they slept with their daughter anyway, how could they afford to be like this, but Wu Xindeng and Lin Zhixiao were crying all the time, saying: "Jia The catastrophe happened to the family, thanks to the protection of the uncle,..."

Feng Ziying didn't get entangled with them, and walked straight inside, but Jia She seemed to have realized something, and his energy and spirit were a lot tired. After all, this adversary could not escape, which also meant that he might be killed. The pursuit is only slightly lighter than that of the Niuwang family.

   For those who are present, perhaps such a result can be accepted, but for those who are masters, it is a completely different matter.

  From a guest to a prisoner, this contrast is too great for them. In contrast, people may not have such a big feeling.

   Entering Yimen, Feng Ziying glanced at Wu Xindeng and Lin Zhixiao beside him: "How is the old lady?"

Wu Xindeng and Lin Zhixiao exchanged glances and nodded: "It would be great if the uncle wants to see the old matriarch, but the old matriarch's spirit may not be good. The old matriarch has not slept well these days. Said, only fell asleep in the morning,..."

Feng Ziying nodded: "Then I won't go to see the old lady. I think the old lady has also experienced big storms. I'm afraid I know it well. It's meaningless for me to see you again. Forgive Shibo, why don't we go to Rongxi Sit in the hall, so we can talk about the arrangements in the mansion."

  Jia She was waking up from a dream, and quickly nodded like a chicken pecking at rice: "Okay, okay, it's time to discuss the arrangements in the mansion, don't wait until things come to an end and make a mess..."

  Sitting in the Rongxi Hall, Feng Ziying was also a little emotional.

He has come to Rongguo Mansion many times, and he has a good chance to take a seat in this Rongxi Hall. Looking at this couplet, "The sun and moon are shining on the seat, and the haze is glowing in front of the hall", written by Dong'an County Wang Mu Shi back then, I don't know if the Dong'an County King may have escaped this time?

Feng Ziying was sure that the King of Beijing and the King of Nan'an would not escape this catastrophe. Now that they had taken action against the two families of Niu Wang, the court would not hesitate to attack the families involved one after another. The King of Dong'an and Xining Whether the county king can escape depends on what roles the two of them play in it.

  The hall was silent, Feng Ziying was lost in the sky, Jia Amnesty looked like a mourner, Baoyu's face was ashen, Jia Huan was gloomy and silent, Jia Lan and Jia Cong hadn't really understood the situation, and the whole room was really at a loss.

  (end of this chapter)

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