Number of People

Chapter 1790: Ren Zijuan cleverly planned Ziying's public and private considerations

  Chapter 1790 Ren Zijuan cleverly planned Ziying's public and private considerations

   It was already Xuzheng time when Yuanyang returned to Rongguo Mansion.

  Feng Ziying is also very concerned about the situation of the Rongguo Mansion being seized, so she has been waiting.

  But it is not good for him to ask too much in person, that would be too exaggerated, and it would easily cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

   Fortunately, there is a character with a special status like Yuanyang in it, and Zhao Wenzhao was specially greeted, so he can grasp the dynamics inside in time.

Yuanyang's identity deed has been taken long ago, so when the Rongguo Mansion was seized, Yuanyang's identity was also checked. Her repayment to Jiamu also moved Long Jinwei, the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the Ministry of Criminal Affairs. So everyone didn't make things difficult for her.

  During this day, Yuanyang was also busy up and down, looking around to prevent Long Jinwei and Bingmasi's people from taking the opportunity to mess around, and they were exhausted.

  When she returned to Feng's mansion, she couldn't even straighten her waist, and it was Qingwen who helped her out of the car.

   Seeing her situation, Feng Ziying also wanted her to rest first and talk about it tomorrow, but Yuanyang refused. This night passed, and many things could not be delayed.

"I don't know how the government finally came to a conclusion, but judging from the current situation of the government, the Ningrong and Rongfu are afraid that they will not escape this catastrophe." After experiencing the turmoil of the day, Yuanyang's face was haggard, but she still held on to her spirit , "The old ancestor, the wife, the eldest master, the eldest wife, the second master Bao, the third master Huan, several girls, grandma Zhu, brother Lang and brother Cong, were all taken away. By the way, there are Miss Qiao,..."

  Sister Qiao is the daughter of Jia Lian and Wang Xifeng, who was also taken away unexpectedly.

  Feng Ziying frowned. This little girl is too innocent, but she must find a way to save her as soon as possible.

   "The others will have to wait a long time. There are prominent servants in the mansion. I heard that many things have been found out,..."

Yuanyang's face became more and more ugly, including his brother Jin Wenxiang and his wife, who were also confiscated with more than three thousand taels of private money, which was shocking. You must know that Jin Wenxiang did some shopping for Jia Mu entirely because of his relationship with Yuanyang. Unexpectedly, in three to five years, more than 3,000 taels of silver could be obtained. Calculated, he and his wife can earn hundreds of taels of silver from the Rongguo Mansion every year.

"I know this. The situation of Zhou Rui's family and Wu Xindeng's family is appalling. The Rongguo Mansion is almost in danger. Any money hidden by any of them can easily help the Rongguo Mansion for a year or so. I don't know you How does the Rongguo Mansion manage things? Every year, these people steal a lot of money from the mansion,..."

  Feng Ziying shook her head again and again.

Yuanyang didn't know the details of what happened to the stewards in the mansion, but only knew a lot. When her elder brother asked, the others would neither admit nor tell her, but after hearing what Feng Ziying said, It is estimated that the number is not comparable to that of his brother.

"A few years ago, my wife was in charge of the affairs of the mansion. Zhou Rui, Wu Xindeng, and Lin Zhixiao are all trusted by my wife, and Yu Xin is from my ancestors..." Yuanyang muttered for a long time before whispering: " Later, it was Lian's second grandma who was in charge, but these people can't be moved,..."

   No wonder Sister Feng used to complain and complain all day long, but she refused to explain. It turns out that these people have their own heels, even if she knows that these people have dirty hands and feet inside, what can she do? Either it's Jiamu's person, or her aunt's person, who can she touch?

  Yuanyang also sees this clearly, but it is even more impossible for her to speak up.

Feng Ziying waved her hand, and said a little irritably: "I'm too lazy to care about these **** things in the Rongguo Mansion, but now I've been raided by Captain Long. Isn't this giving the government a handle for nothing? All servants are so greedy, let alone you The leaders of the Rongguo Mansion? With all this money, why didn’t they think about returning Daiyu’s money?"

   Yuanyang became more and more embarrassed and speechless.

  Feng Ziying also knew that it was meaningless to talk to Yuanyang at this time, so she just stopped, "Yu Xin, Wu Xindeng, Zhou Rui, Lin Zhixiao, Wang Shanbao, besides these people, who else?"

   "There are also Shan Daliang, Dai Liang, Qian Hua, Zhang Cai, Wang Xing, Qin Xian, Qin Ming, and my brother and his wife..." At the end, Yuanyang's eyes turned red with embarrassment.

Hearing this, it seems that all the big and small management leaders in the Rongguo Mansion have been involved. Dai Liang, Qian Hua, Zhang Cai, and Wang Xing are all subordinates of Yu Xin, Wu Xindeng, Zhou Rui, Shan Daliang, and Lin Zhixiao. The little steward did something, but he didn't expect to be taken down.

   "Your brother?" Feng Ziying looked at Yuanyang in surprise, "Why is your brother..."

Seeing that the mandarin ducks were crying with shame, Feng Ziying quickly shut up and waved her hands: "Forget it, let's not mention these bad things. It may not be a bad thing if more people go in. At least the old lady can have a few more people to take care of them, no So lonely, isn't it?"

   "Not only that, people like the ancestors and his wife and elders were also taken away by the government..." Yuanyang hurriedly said.

   "Why is this?" Feng Ziying asked in confusion.

   "I heard that they are going to report each other and testify against each other..." Yuanyang had lingering fears: "If it wasn't for the **** of slaves and servants with the Lord, I'm afraid they would be brought in as well. Amber and Pearl were all taken away."

Feng Ziying understood that this still aimed at the entire Jia family, confiscated all the seized assets, and naturally collected all kinds of evidence so that they could be confiscated, and maybe even punished. It is skilled operation, not surprising.

   "Then what are you going to do?" Feng Ziying didn't have a good idea either.

This is a major policy set by the imperial court. All these rebellious and rebellious families involved will be sent to the eighteenth floor of hell. They will not stop until all their property is seized. A large amount of money and food, without the currency support of these inspections, how can we continue to fight?

"The slaves don't know what to do. Tomorrow, the ancestors and the others will be in the prison of the Ministry of Punishment and the imperial prison. I don't know where they will be sent tonight. I hope the uncle will go to investigate tomorrow, and then help to take care of it." , so that the servants can go to the big prison to visit."

  Feng Ziying also has to admire Yuanyang's loyalty. It is not easy to achieve this level, but Yuanyang still does not change his original intention. With this loyalty alone, he has to help the other party.

"Well, this is what it should be. I will arrange it. You have been tired all day today. Go and rest quickly. I asked Jin Chuan'er to arrange it for you. It just so happens that Ping'er is back, and you too See you in Heping, let's talk, let's go to bed earlier."

  Feng Ziying's reassurance made Yuanyang feel at ease. It is really solid to find such a man to rely on, and he has the confidence to do everything.

   came out with Qingwen, Yuanyang also felt tired after a while of haggard heart.

"Yuanyang, let's go, Jin Chuaner has prepared everything for you, so I will let you live together peacefully, so that you two sisters can have a good talk tonight." Qingwen knew that Yuanyang has always been close to Hepinger, and said with a smile : "After talking at night, get some sleep, and you can continue talking tomorrow morning, so we can have a heart-to-heart conversation."

"When did Ping'er come back?" Yuanyang was refreshed when he heard that Jin Chuan'er and Ping'er were waiting for him. He hadn't seen his best girlfriend for a long time. Now that he was exhausted, he really needed such a girlfriend. Comfort yourself.

   "It seems that I entered the city this morning. I went to Ningrong Street when I entered the city. I saw that scene, so I hurried back here."

Qingwen accompanied Yuanyang through the corridor to the place where Ping'er settled down, and shouted, but saw a crowd of people pouring out, besides Ping'er and Jin Chuan'er, there were also Siqi and Yu Chuan'er. They all gathered around.

  A group of people huddled together, all crying and laughing, a burst of excitement and closeness, and then entered the door.

  While the big maids of the Rongguo Mansion gathered together to discuss, Feng Ziying was also thinking about the Jia family.

  But it is impossible to ask, he has to ask both emotionally and rationally, publically and privately.

   But how to intervene is also very particular.

  At first, I thought it was Long Jinwei and the Metropolitan Procuratorate. At worst, I might go to Dali Temple in the future, but that was all a follow-up, but I didn't expect that because of the Lai family's report, the Ministry of Punishment would also come in.

   Both the Metropolitan Procuratorate and Long Jinwei are easy to talk to, and there are people who can talk to each other, but Liu Yixiu, the minister of the Ministry of Punishment, doesn't like him too much, so he has to go through another channel.

  But Feng Ziying is also prepared.

  Liu Yixiu was promoted from Youdu Yushi of the Metropolitan Procuratorate to Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, and he also wanted to do something ambitious.

  Feng Ziying didn't have much dislike for this person. This person was born as a scholar in the south of the Yangtze River, and he was able to keep Qiao Yingjia under control in the Metropolitan Procuratorate, which also shows that he has some skills.

  Feng Ziying, an official who wants to do things, has always recognized it. Now that Liu Yixiu is serving as a minister in the Ministry of Criminal Justice, then Shuntian Mansion or Feng Ziying has plenty of resources to cooperate with the other party and seek results.

It just so happened that Wu Yaoqing and Shuntian Mansion also had some clues about the White Lotus Sect matter, because it was too broad and far beyond the scope of Shuntian Mansion, so it was necessary to cooperate with the Ministry of Criminal Justice and let the Ministry of Criminal Justice participate. If there is a purpose, it can also let the other party show affection, come in and share the results of the battle, and achieve a win-win situation, which is Feng Ziying's consideration.

  However, it is absolutely impossible to go to Liu Yixiu so rashly, but Feng Ziying also has people in the Ministry of Punishment, and the left servant Han Yu is the best person to contact.

  Start with Han Yu first, let the Ministry of Punishments understand some of the situation, realize that this matter is indeed promising, and then talk about other things step by step, it will be much easier.

   At that time, it will be related to the honor and interests of the entire Ministry of Criminal Justice. Even Liu Yixiu cannot violate the interests of the Ministry of Criminal Justice as a whole. As long as the interests are consistent, it will be simple.

This is not purely using power for personal gain, even if I really intend to use this matter to make some deals with the Jia family, but to solve the threat of the White Lotus Sect, it is a big deal to cooperate with the Ministry of Criminal Justice, even if there is no matter about the Jia family, Feng Ziying is the same Will cooperate with the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

   Third watch, shout out, ask for some tickets!



  (end of this chapter)

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