Number of People

Chapter 1805: Ren Zi Juan lends him the best of both worlds

  Chapter 1805 Renzi Juan borrows his mouth to get the best of both worlds

  Feng Ziying left angrily.

   There is no doubt that this is a warning and a wake-up call.

  I still have too much fame, which makes some people not used to it.

   It's just that Feng Ziying still doesn't understand which aspect of the person he is.

  The Jiangnan scholars in the court?

   It shouldn’t be the case. At this time, these Jiangnan scholars and officials in the court are still a little uneasy. They will not provoke, even if they don’t like themselves, they will bear it.

   That is the northern scholar.

I am still getting ahead too quickly. In the past few years, new tricks have been released almost every year, making too much noise and attracting people's attention. Coupled with the promotion and praise of "Internal Reference" and "Today's News", it will inevitably make people Some old antiques are not pleasing to the eye.

  In addition, that person in Miyun may have some ability behind him, and he was able to conduct this wave of investigations. According to Qiao Shi's words, it is estimated that he will wait until the middle of next year to make adjustments, and he cannot let himself do it.

   But what is this? Feng Ziying couldn't help laughing, did she really think that she wanted to eliminate dissidents and install her own people?

   But it seems to be considered, Miyun is not good, given a Xianghe, Xianghe should be better than Miyun in terms of conditions, this is Qiao Shi's compensation for himself, I don't know how he will negotiate with Gao Panlong.

  Since Master Qiao agreed so readily, he must have had a tacit understanding with the Ministry of Officials long ago. Of course, Feng Ziying would not refuse the kindness.

  Xianghe is not only the former garrison station in Yingzhou, but also close to the canal. The geographical location is important, and the economic conditions are far better than Miyun. From this perspective, it is still profitable.

  Wu Tong was considered to have built a big bargain, but Feng Ziying was still upset.

   He had a plan for arranging Wu Sheng to go to Miyun, but now that the plan has been disrupted, he has to think about it separately.

   Fortunately, Master Qiao also said that in the middle of next year, half a year, I can still bear it, but at that time, who will be arranged to go to Miyun?

  In the future, Miyun will become an important coal and iron base like Zunhua in Shuntian Prefecture. It needs a person who can carry out his own intentions to control it, but now it has to be postponed.

  Of course, the loss of the mulberry elm harvested in the east, Xianghe's economy is developed, and it is adjacent to the canal, so Wu Sheng can play more autonomously when he goes there, which can be regarded as a consolation.

  He returned to the government office with a feeling of depression in his heart, it was getting late.

  Fu Shi came back and reported the harvest and storage of potatoes and sweet potatoes in several states and counties, which was not satisfactory.

  Even if Feng Ziying personally greeted and Fu Shi personally went down to implement it, but before seeing the actual effect, the lower counties were not very angry. This is actually a problem of execution, but there is no way.

  But the impact of the drought is gradually increasing, and this will soon be reversed. Fu Shi is quite sure about this.

"Qiu Sheng, thank you for your hard work." Feng Ziying waved her hand, signaling the other party to relax a bit, "We have done our best. If it is to deal with the disaster in our Shuntian Mansion, I think we have done enough, but we are Suncheon Prefecture, the capital of Gyeonggi, is a good place, and any movement around the situation will affect us, and the imperial court is also watching us, so we can only make more thorough preparations."

Of course Fu Shi understands that the reason why Shuntian Mansion is Shuntian Mansion is to share the worries of the imperial court. Once there is a disaster in the whole Northland, the refugees will run to the capital without even thinking about it. Those who cannot be stopped at that time should come to Shuntian Mansion carried it.

  In the past, the imperial court could still help, but this year's situation, as we all know, probably basically has to be borne by the Shuntian Prefecture itself.

   After talking about official business, Feng Ziying and Fu Shi talked about private matters.

"I greeted the Jia family with Captain Long, and I wouldn't treat them too harshly, but you also know that you will inevitably suffer some hardships in the prison, and they are all used to being pampered. It must be difficult in the early stage, but The longer you stay, the more you will get used to it.”

  Feng Ziying's words made Fu Shi sigh deeply, but he was still very glad that he was not involved.

   "My lord's help to the Jia family, Qiusheng thanked the teachers here,..."

"Okay, you and I don't need to talk about this. Anyway, I am also related to the Jia family, and I should do these things." Feng Ziying responded, "The old lady is very sober, and I talked to her a lot. She said that she had nothing else to ask for, but she wanted to keep Baoyu, Brother Huan, and Brother Lang, and they could count on saving the vitality of the Jia family..."

Fu Shishen thought it was right, "Baoyu is the son-in-law, Huan Ge'er and Lan Ge'er are reading materials, the idea of ​​the old matriarch is justified, the Jia family's life is over, if they can come out, let's rest for a few years before coming back." decide as things go."

   "Well, the old matriarch also told me that if the Ningrong Second Mansion is to be sold, I hope the Feng family can buy it..." Feng Ziying casually said.

Fu Shi was slightly taken aback, thought for a while before saying: "What does the old lady mean by this? The Rongning Second Mansion said that the location is average, and the construction of the Grand View Garden is too extravagant and expensive. Now it seems that it is a bit against the law. I'm afraid that the term "family visitation villa" can't be used anymore, and I have to change my name and surname, which is not very cost-effective."

"Well, I'm not too optimistic, but the old matriarch's intentions are very firm. He only said that he owed a lot of money to the Lin family, and it's hard to let go of his guilt. In addition..." Feng Ziying said lightly: "The old matriarch is probably also the second brother of Ning Rong. The house can’t be sold for a good price.”

"Can't sell for a good price?" Fu Shi finally understood, and immediately frowned, "The old matriarch's worry is not without reason. The location of Jinchengfang itself is ordinary, and there are many Jia families in and out of Ningrong Street. People rely on Rongning and Ningfu for their livelihood. Now that the trees are falling and the monkeys are scattered, I am afraid that they may soon become a poor place, far inferior to those good places like Dashi Yongfang, Shixiaoyongfang, Nanxunfang, and Baodafang. For the location, the mansions seized by the Niu family and the Wang family may fetch a good price, but it is really difficult for Rongning and Ning two mansions."

   "But what the imperial court lacks most now is silver. It just hopes to sell it at a good price. If you can't sell it at a good price, it may have to fall to people like you to make up for it. How can the Jia family make up for it?" Feng Ziying said leisurely.

  Fu Shi also felt a big headache, he already understood what Feng Ziying meant, and if he couldn’t sell it for a good price, he was afraid that the imperial court would not treat the Jia family members lightly.

Theoretically speaking, the Jia family members in the imperial prison, except for Jia Amnesty, are all wives or the younger generation who are not in charge. It is big, but there are also some conditions, even if Feng Ziying wants to help out in it, he has to meet some bottom lines.

The money and property confiscated by Jia's family is not satisfactory, and they are all eyeing that the mansion can be sold for a fortune. If they can't sell for a good price and make the people in the household department dissatisfied, then I'm afraid they will have to make a fuss, but where are these people in prison? Can it still stand the toss?

   "This matter is really difficult." Fu Shi also sighed and shook his head, "Then what does your lord mean...?"

   "I'm still thinking about it, let's see what happens in the end."

Feng Ziying's purpose is very clear, that is to let Fu try to deliver the message and spread the news, so that the Jia family on Ningrong Street understand that only the Feng family can save the Jia family now, and the purchase of the Ningrong second house is also the Jia family's begging The Feng family bought it, and the Feng family also suffered a loss if they bought it.

Fu Shi is Jia Zheng's student, and he is quite famous in Jia's family. If he goes out to spread the news, it will be more credible. In addition, Fu Shi can also write to Jia Zheng to pass on the news to the other party. , Let the other party understand their good intentions.

After all, it is still necessary to be both established and established. He clearly wants to take down the mansion of Rongning Second Mansion, but he has to appear to be entrusted to help before he is willing to come forward. Feng Ziying herself feels tired, but Considering Qianhongwanyan's plan, he also accepted it.

  Going home, Feng Ziying met Ping'er eagerly at the door.

   It's rare that Yuanyang and Jin Chuan'er didn't follow, Feng Ziying gave Ping'er a wink, and Ping'er obediently followed Feng Ziying to the small courtyard over the study.

"Yuanyang went back to Ningrong Street, and Jin Chuan'er followed his wife to Dahuguo Temple..." Ping'er's cheeks were flushed, her beautiful eyes were blurred, panting, while blocking the clutches of her clothes, Begging: "Master, take it easy, it hurts..."

   But where can I stop it at this time? She has been back to the capital for two days, and she will rush back to Tianjin Wei tomorrow. Although she can't really be happy, such kindness is inevitable.


"Let's talk to Sister Feng when I go back this time, so I can find time to accept you, so that you don't feel at ease all the time." Feng Ziying finally moved her mouth away from the fragrant place, and gasped, "I've made my master feel like this." If you are not up or down, you will have to find someone else later,..."

   "Yu Chuan'er seems to be here..." Ping'er chuckled, pulling the brocade quilt to cover her naked half body, "When grandma is born, the servant girl will fulfill my master's wish."

"Yu Chuan'er is an inhuman girl like you, I don't want Yu Chuan'er to be unable to get out of bed for a few days." Feng Ziying shook her head, "I'm afraid I can only go there if I find time, and I may not be able to catch up with her." Before the birth, please explain it to her."

"Then I'll go find Qingwen. The maidservant saw that Qingwen had to wait for the master's blessing with great difficulty. Now that the house is closed, her expression and posture are different." Ping'er glanced at her charming and silky eyes, and almost lost her mind again. Let Feng Ziying's defense be broken, and he couldn't help pinching the pair of meat mounds again. The pain was so painful that Ping'er couldn't help but hit Feng Ziying's naked chest, "Be gentle, sir, it will be yours from now on. I don't even care about it,..."

   "Well, it's not easy for her. She has a dry temper. The East Mansion relies on her to make arrangements, busy all day long..." Feng Ziying finally regained her composure and sat up.

  (end of this chapter)

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