Number of People

Chapter 1814: Ren character scrolls take into account the overall situation regardless of length

  Chapter 1814 The Renzi scroll takes the overall situation into account regardless of length

  After reassuring Huang Ruliang, Feng Ziying talked with Huang Ruliang about the issue of grain storage in Dagu and Dingzigu.

  After receiving Feng Ziying's more optimistic estimate of the confiscation and sales, Huang Ruliang felt more at ease, so he didn't care too much when discussing with Feng Ziying about the issue of Tingzigu and Dagu grain storage.

He is also very clear about the various forces behind this, and he also needs to consider the follow-up to continuously transport all kinds of materials, including food, from Guangdong, Guangxi and even Jiangnan to Beidi through this huge commercial network, otherwise Beidi will be under the imperial court. It will be very difficult to defeat Nanjing, and it may even directly lead to the failure of the imperial court.

   This is not something you can forcefully take over.

   You can forcefully take over the warehouse docks and grain storage, but what about the fleet? What about the supply and transportation system in Jiangnan and Guangdong and Guangxi? Without these, all you can get is a bunch of dead objects of little value.

  So the best way is to cooperate.

   I have to say that the Ministry of Household Affairs is still relatively lagging behind or belatedly aware of this aspect.

  On the one hand, the maritime trade system in the north itself is far behind that in the south. Except for a little foundation in Shandong, it is almost blank in Beizhi and Liaodong.

It can be said that it was all due to Feng Ziying's own efforts to build Yuguan Port in Yongping Mansion. Sea trade transportation network in demand.

Feng Ziying, on the side of Shuntian Mansion, went all out to dredge the Wei River and build Dagu. Fortunately, the conditions in Dagu are much better than that of Yongping Mansion, especially the Wei River connecting the canal, which can connect the sea and the canal. It goes directly to the capital, avoiding the need to go overland like Yuguan.

  In addition to the ports and wharves, more importantly, Feng Ziying spared no effort to facilitate the entry of Shanxi merchants who had basically never been involved in sea trade into the sea trade system.

Although compared with the sea trade merchants in the south, he can only be regarded as a toddler, but relying on the local advantages of the ports in Yongping and Shuntian, after all, he still has a foothold in this industry. With the development of iron materials, coal, and cement in Yongping Prefecture, the trade began to be transported southward on a large scale. This complementary trade greatly stimulated the development of large-tonnage sea trade.

Ningbo, Dengzhou, Zhangzhou, and Guangzhou, in addition to continuing to build Fuchuan for long-distance voyages, also began to introduce technology to build larger and higher-spec Western-style Clarke sailboats for use in Southeast Asia and even more distant countries along the Indian Ocean. In Yuguan and Dagu, although Yuguan and Dagu do not have the ability to build such ships, they can only build some small sand ships. Improvement into a Galen ship would be more suitable for evolution into a sailing warship. Although Feng Ziying is not proficient in the history of this aspect, she knows a little bit.

The appearance of this kind of large sailing ship indicates that the long-sea trade will quickly become popular in East and Southeast Asia. From Liaodong and Beizhi to Guangzhou and even Southeast Asia, the basic conditions for long-sea shipping are already met. In terms of distance, It is not much closer than the South Sea to the Indian Ocean and even the Arabian Sea.

The emergence of Clark sailing ships and the improvement of Fuchuan technology are all preparations for Da Zhou's shift from offshore trade to far sea trade. Although Feng Ziying also played a big role in this process, the more important thing is Da Zhou's trade in Southeast Asia. The change in attitude made the maritime merchants finally realize that the sea ban may never appear in the policies of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Therefore, under the stimulation of this kind of interest, the demand for ships and even shipyards has rapidly increased, which has also made Dengzhou The shipbuilding industry in the ports of Ningbo, Zhangzhou, Quanzhou and Guangzhou also flourished rapidly.

This has also had a positive impact on the shipping and shipbuilding industries of Yuguan and Dagu in the north to a certain extent. Feng Ziying knew that Yuguan and Dagu now have shipyards, although they can only build sand ships, and even It’s not too early for Fuchuan, but compared with the original level of only a few fishing boats, it has improved a lot, and Feng Ziying also believes that with the further development of the maritime trade industry, the shipbuilding industry will develop in Yuguan and Dagu sooner or later. The severance of water transportation also objectively stimulated the heating up of this industry.

Huang Ruliang is not a mediocre person. He is a Quanzhou native with the most developed sea trade. He is no stranger to the sea trade industry. A consensus was quickly reached.

The Ministry of Households will purchase all the grain stored in Dagu, Dingzigu, Yuepogang, and Yuguan Port at a price of 10% off the current market price. Grain and some other materials, this is almost an ancient version of government procurement. With the current market price locked, as long as the grain can be shipped from the south, it is almost guaranteed to make a profit, and the profit is huge. It can be imagined Once this condition is brought out, it will definitely stimulate the shipbuilding and shipping industries, and at the same time, it will also severely suppress the food prices in the Gyeonggi region.

However, the impact of the severe drought in the north is getting bigger and bigger, refugees are entering Beijing in large numbers, the war between the north and the south is imminent, and the recovery of water transport is nowhere in sight. Even with such favorable conditions, if the current price of food can be maintained , can already make the imperial court feel at ease. As for the price reduction, don't even think about it.

   "It's finally settled." Feng Ziying picked up the teacup and took a sip, then leaned on the pillow and stretched her body, "It's not in vain for the hard work of Brother Tiao over the past year,..."

   Baochai and Baoqin were sitting at the side, while Yinger and Lingguan had already replaced Feng Ziying's official boots and brought hot water to soak Feng Ziying's feet.

Baoqin was the most excited, her eyes were shining, she couldn't help getting up from Baochai's side to Feng Ziying's side, sat down next to each other, and while massaging Feng Ziying's shoulders, she asked, "Mr. If you sell it to the imperial court, you will suffer a bit of a loss in terms of price, and if Xianggong said so, brother should have some benefits, right?"

Feng Ziying glanced at Baoqin, couldn't help but shook her head and smiled and said: "Baoqin, you really think about your brother, your husband came back from a busy day, you didn't say you cared, but you were all thinking about your brother What are the benefits? Why, are you still not satisfied with selling at a good price? How much is the price of wheat and rice purchased from Guangzhou, Songjiang, and Huguang? What is the price of grain in the capital now? You can wake up smiling when you fall asleep."

"Sir, even though that's the case, the price of grain in the capital city has doubled now, but there is still room for the price to rise. There is no need for the imperial court to buy it. We just resell it directly to the grain merchant, or sell it at our own grain store. If we sell grain to the imperial court, what we want is the imperial court's approval?" Baoqin's thinking is exceptionally clear, and his mouth is also extremely sharp, "We are equivalent to giving profits to the imperial court, and we are also contributing to the imperial court. Help, of course the imperial court will give you a reward."

"Baoqin, what you said is not unreasonable, but selling at home, firstly, it takes time, secondly, it takes up funds, and thirdly, have you considered that if everyone sells grain to the imperial court, there will be a wave of drop in grain price? The rate of decline It must be more than 10%, right?" Feng Ziying asked rhetorically.

"Sanggong, what you said is wrong. Now the news of the severe drought in the north is spreading all over the place. The people in Gyeonggi want to buy grain and stockpile it. Even if everyone sells grain to the imperial court, it is still difficult to suppress the price of grain. , As for the occupation of time and funds, that is nothing to worry about, we have time, and we also have funds, if it is not possible, we can also borrow from Haitong Bank."

  Xue Baoqin has this temperament, and she will not dare to refute just because it is what Feng Ziying said, "Shanggong is so decisive and generous to sell grain to the court, there must be something in return."

  Actually, Feng Ziying also knew that Xue Baoqin could not be persuaded, because this reason was too far-fetched, and the trend of rising food prices is too obvious. If there is no advance storage and shipping guarantee, it can be said that the price of food in Gyeonggi may even double.

Now the price of corn in Zhangjiawan has risen to 227 qian per shi, the price of japonica rice has risen to 4 liang per shi, and the price of inferior flour has risen to 329 qian per shi. It can be said that the public resentment in Beijing is already boiling The common people know that this is due to the double pressure of the severe drought and the interruption of water transportation. The court also tried its best to calm down, so it barely caused a shock. But if it continues like this, Feng Ziying knows very well that something will definitely happen.

Feng Ziying is not a businessman. Although Xue Biao and himself are actually one, and he earns more than half of the money, but for his own sake, he doesn't care much about the money anymore. What he pursues is not economic. interests, gradually shifted to expanding their influence and control.

Once food prices really get out of control, the situation of the court will collapse and affect the war between the North and the South. Shanxi merchants have exchanged opinions, and not all of them are stupid, and they all understand the stakes here, not to mention that the bulk of their interests are still in the coal-iron complex and cement business, and they care more about long-term business rather than short-term profits.

   "It seems that Baoqin felt that Xianggong's plan with the imperial court was a bit wrong this time, and he suffered a lot?" Feng Ziying asked with a smile.

"Ms. Xianggong's move must have a deep meaning." Baochai interjected with a smile to smooth things over: "It doesn't matter that Brother Tiao won't gain anything for the time being, and our Feng family is not short of that little money. Don't fight for this moment. On the contrary, getting a good impression from the imperial court will definitely be of great benefit to Xianggong in the future."

  (end of this chapter)

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