Number of People

Chapter 1828: Ni Erbiao's Loyalty in Distress of the Renzi Juan

  Chapter 1828 Ni Erbiao is loyal when the Renzi scroll is in danger

The matter of teasing the girls and winning their hearts is just a small episode in Feng Ziying's complicated daily affairs to adjust her mood. Facing the increasing number of refugees and the increasingly severe price situation, these are the things that trouble Feng Ziying and make her happy. Feng Ziying is under great pressure.

Feng Ziying discovered more and more that the reason why Shuntian Mansion is Shuntian Mansion and the reason why it is several levels higher than other mansions is that there is a reason. The center of a country is located, and the essence of a country is gathered. A little voice can be amplified countless times and spread throughout the world. In the whole country, it is not an exaggeration to mobilize the whole body.

It can be said to be blunt, starving to death of a hundred people in Yongping Mansion has less impact than starving to death of one person in Jingshi City. The asymmetry and occlusion of information makes any action and influence in Jingshi City be affected. Elevates to different stance heights.

  Feng Ziying found that her current working time distribution has also undergone some changes. Based on ten days per ten days, she basically only has about seven days to run around in Shuntianfu and Xiabian counties to deal with affairs.

  In the remaining three days, at least one day will be occupied by Wenyuan Pavilion, and the remaining two days are almost spent in the Ministry of Households, the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Industry, and the Ministry of Punishment.

  Especially the household department went the most. As he himself told Huang Ruliang, he, the Shuntian Fu Cheng, could become a non-staff servant of the household department.

  Refugees entering Beijing has become the biggest event in the first ten years of Wing Long.

In fact, this wave of refugees began to appear in December of the ninth year of Yonglong. The refugees from Datong and Taiyuan in Shanxi went through the north to Baoding and Zhending, and brought a large number of local victims to the north. It was like an unstoppable flood. .

  Although the local government tried every means to prevent them from returning, it was clear that at this level, unless they resorted to violence, they could not stop these refugees who were trying to survive.

  Even if the imperial court and Shuntian Mansion were mentally prepared, when the arrival of refugees far beyond the century of the founding of the Zhou Dynasty, especially during the Yuanxi period and the first ten years of Yonglong, it still caused panic in the entire Gyeonggi.

In particular, the impact of this wave of displaced persons is still fermenting, so that the victims in some prefectures such as Henan, Beizhi, and Shandong are also affected by this, and they begin to spontaneously ask for the most convenient, richest and most affordable. The place where the capital lives - the capital marches.

Everyone knows that the price of food in Gyeonggi has risen to an unprecedented level, but it can barely bear it under the suppression of the imperial court. The arrival of these refugees will not only consume more materials including food, but will also bring more people. There is a lot of panic. Can Gyeonggi bear such pressure when the water transportation cannot be restored temporarily?

Some officials of the court are also worried that once such a large-scale refugee enters the capital, once the food price rises to a level that the people of Gyeonggi cannot bear, they may fall into an uncontrollable chaos, and the turmoil and chaos in Gyeonggi will inevitably affect the imperial court. The prepared Shandong strategy, once the Shandong strategy fails, it will be fatal to the court.

  The idea of ​​intercepting refugees on the spot, or even using the army to deal with them is not unknown, but it is very difficult.

   Firstly, the local government is not motivated enough to reduce their own local pressure and transfer these risks to other places. Why not do it? What's more, the financial relief from the imperial court has not been honored, which is not entirely the responsibility of the local government; second, once it is dealt with, it is very likely to cause civil uprisings in Baoding and Zhending, areas where the White Lotus Sect is most rampant, and the guards in these places The army is relatively weak, and if you are not careful, the situation may become unmanageable, which will be counterproductive.

   "Qiusheng, how is the situation?" Feng Ziying put down the wolf hair in his hand and asked in a deep voice as Fu Shi, who had lost a lot of weight, came in.

"It's too chaotic. The Ministry of Industry is not fully prepared at all. If this drags on like this, something will happen!" Fu Shi said angrily: "I have already handed over the strategy to the Ministry of Industry, but it's hot and cold. Master Cui and the others He paid great attention to it, but the specific work below was pushing three obstacles and four obstacles, obediently obeying and contradicting. The first batch of more than 6,000 refugees screened out had been arranged to Daxing, and the county government had also made preparations. Some took the lead and some arranged, but the Ministry of Industry This side has been unable to come up with a repair and construction plan for a long time, and it is said that Jieshenku is also arguing,..."

"What can Jieshenku talk about?" Feng Ziying had expected the procrastination of the Ministry of Industry for a long time. Cui Jingrong had not been the Minister of the Ministry of Industry for a long time, and he was not a strong chief official, so the Ministry of Industry's work efficiency should not be expected to be too high , but the Jieshen Treasury is currently more important than the Bank of the Ministry of Households. If there are problems there, then the plan to use work to relieve refugees will be troublesome. This is absolutely impossible.

"Your Excellency, you should know that although the Jieshen Treasury is managed by the Ministry of Industry, it is mainly used by the inner government. The imperial court's proposal to temporarily embezzle money and materials from the Jieshen Treasury has aroused strong opposition from the palace. This is a precedent. Because Wailang, a member of the Ministry of Industry who is in charge of Jieshenku, has always been directly appointed by the emperor, Liu Shilu, the current member of the Ministry of Industry, refused to accept the order of the Ministry of Industry. The Ministry has not been able to transfer money and materials from Jieshen Treasury until now,..."

  Fu Shi licked his lips, and introduced Jie Shenku's situation with some difficulty.

Feng Ziying only knows that the Jieshen Treasury is under the control of the Ministry of Industry, but it is indeed mainly used by the inner government, that is to say, it is part of the emperor's inner treasury, and it is the most important part, because it is the Ministry of Industry system in the imperial court system. The collection is completed, rather than directly collected by mine supervisors and tax supervisors as in the past.

Mining taxes collected by mine supervisors and tax supervisors can be put into the Jieshen treasury, but more directly go to the emperor’s internal treasury, just like the civil uprising that Feng Ziying encountered in Linqing, in fact, the tax supervisor set up checkpoints in Linqing , collecting tariffs, resulting in civil uprisings.

   But the Jieshen Treasury is different. It is part of the imperial court system and has the collection rules and channels stipulated by the laws of the Great Zhou Dynasty, but the money and materials collected are mainly for use in the inner palace.

As long as the money and silver materials collected and stored in the Jieshen Treasury are silver, iron, lead, copper and a small amount of wood, the Fourth Division of the Ministry of Industry collects material silver from each province in the form of a quota every year. According to the six-year standard of Yonglong, the annual material silver collected is about The discounted silver is about 800,000 taels.

Since this part of money and silver materials are mainly used for the inner palace in the palace, during Emperor Yuanxi, the palace was extravagant and extravagant, and there was never any surplus. However, after Emperor Yonglong succeeded to the throne, with Emperor Yonglong's relatively frugal nature, basically They can all have a balance of two to three hundred thousand taels of silver. It is estimated that the balance of Jieshen Treasury should be more than two million taels of silver. For the current court, this is not a small gain.

   "There will be such a thing? A foreign minister from the Ministry of Industry can hinder the decision-making of the imperial court?" Feng Ziying found it incredible.

   "My lord, Liu Shilu was appointed by the emperor. This is the practice of this dynasty. It is similar to the censor who patrols salt in the Huaihe River and Huaihe River. He can only be appointed or dismissed after the emperor nods." Fu Shi was also very helpless.

   "That means that as long as Liu Shilu refuses to agree, the court will be helpless?" Feng Ziying thought it was too absurd, "What do the Ministry of Officials and the Ministry of Industry say?"

   "The Ministry of Industry is still persuading Liu Shilu to take care of the overall situation, but Liu Shilu said that the two supervisors disagreed as an excuse, so it is difficult to follow." Fu Shi replied.

Feng Ziying laughed angrily, "Thousands of refugees are crowding inside and outside the city right now, and tens of thousands of people are still flocking here. Just because of such a rare event, such a big plan has been put on hold. I really don’t understand what the people from the Ministry of Household Affairs and the Ministry of Industry are doing? How foolish they have to be for this kind of thing to happen.”

   Fu Shi was silent, and he also felt incomprehensible.

  Forcibly suppressing the anger in her heart, Feng Ziying pondered for a moment.

To solve this problem, it seems that we have to start with Liu Shilu. Both the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Officials have such an attitude, completely unaware of the urgency and seriousness of the problem. These refugees have entered the city and have nothing to do. Fortunately, if it drags on for a few days, I'm afraid they will become restless. Who will provide them with food and drink? Shuntian Mansion's plan is to absorb at least 30% to half of the elite refugees, otherwise it will be a powder keg.

  Liu Shilu shifted the responsibility to the two **** supervisors, and it seems that King Shou and King Lu also took the opportunity to make trouble, obviously dissatisfied with the court treating them as decorations, and wanted to show their own existence.

It's just that now more than 6,000 refugees have entered the city, which is equivalent to handing it over to the Shuntian Mansion. The Ministry of Industry's money and materials have not arrived, so they can't start work. If there is any trouble, they are all responsible. .

   "Someone call Ni Er, I'll talk to him." Feng Ziying thought for a while, but he could only let Ni Er carry it first.

  Ni Er came very quickly, as if he had been waiting outside the government office.

"I have met you two adults." The current Ni Er is completely different from the Ni Er of the previous two years. He is dressed in a purple-trimmed robe, a square scarf on his head, and a green emerald ring on his thick finger. He walks calmly. , although the attitude is still respectful when you come in, but if you change the occasion, you can already feel that your bearing is very different.

   Yang Yi Ju Yiqi, in just two or three years after seeing him, Ni Er has lost the aura of a rogue proletarian in the past, and has transformed into a gentleman in the city.

   "Do you know why you are here?" Feng Ziying didn't have an ordinary relationship with the other party, and asked directly.

   "Master Fu has already talked to Xiao, the maintenance strategy in the city determined by the Ministry of Industry and Shuntian Mansion, and now Minzhuang has entered the city, but there is something wrong with Jieshenku..." Ni Er is very calm.

   "Well, this matter cannot be delayed, and three days later, there are still 8,000 people who will be screened and enter the city. Are your people ready?" Feng Ziying didn't talk about the Ministry of Industry first, but asked Ni Er.

  (end of this chapter)

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