Number of People

Chapter 1835: Ren Zijuan's first confrontation with Ziying revealing her edge (3)

  Chapter 1835 The first confrontation of the Renzi volume, Ziyinglu's sharpness (3)

   "Really?" Feng Ziying said indifferently: "I don't care about the other things. I just miss the old days, so I can't let go. Let's see the price of the sale by the court..."

   Didn’t say not to buy it, and didn’t say that you must buy it. Feng Ziying’s attitude is also soft but hard, which makes Zhang Chi feel even more uncomfortable. Shouldn’t you ask yourself about your attitude? Or take the initiative to show weakness?

Zhang Chi was also thinking about whether he should take the initiative to show his favor, and generously stated that he would not compete with the other party for the Rongning second house, but when he thought of Jia Yuanchun's plump and beautiful figure and face, as well as his slightly indifferent attitude, he felt a little nervous. Unable to hold back his desire, and looking at the pressure brought by Feng Ziying's high-spirited spirit, he felt unconvinced in his heart, shouldn't it be the other party giving in?

Now that I am in charge of the country, as long as my father dies next step, I will be able to ascend to the great position, even the supreme king, even the cabinet ministers must obey my arrangement, the other party is just a small fourth-rank Shuntian mansion Cheng, dare to be so arrogant?

Reminiscent of Yaoqing who had rejected him so many times before, Zhang Chi was furious for no reason. If he ascended to the high position, he would not say that he would take action against him immediately, but appointing a Shuntian governor is always a matter of course, no one can say what's wrong?

"Hehe, nostalgia is a good thing." Zhang Chi suddenly smiled for no reason, "Jia's family was imprisoned for the serious crime of treason. No wonder Ziying you often go to the prison. Even the Sanfa Division dare not make a decision lightly."

Feng Ziying's face also became colder, but her tone was still calm: "No matter what crime, no matter who, there are laws of the court, and outsiders cannot interfere. Although Ziying is dull, she does not dare to offend. It is human nature, Ziying would like to thank Your Highness for reminding me."

   Being pushed back by Feng Ziying neither soft nor hard, Zhang Chi's face was cloudy and uncertain, and finally nodded: "It's okay. Well, Ziying, you just came, but Gu just looked around, so let's go first."

  Feng Ziying also said goodbye according to the etiquette, and Zhang Chi walked along the road with a group of people.

   Both Jia Qiang and Ruixiang dared not make a sound. Facing His Highness King Shou, who is the supervisor of Zuo, they were still a little apprehensive.

   After all, he is the authentic prince, the emperor is unconscious now, once he dies, it will be his highness who will ascend the throne as emperor.

  But in today's conversation between the two, even Jia Qiang and Ruixiang could hear that the two sides seemed to be not in harmony with each other, and they both had hidden tricks, which made the two of them feel chills down their spines.

  Jia Qiang has a deep understanding of Feng Ziying's domineering this time. Who would dare to speak with His Royal Highness Shou Wang in such an attitude? If the people from Rongning and Ning's second mansions were afraid that they would be so frightened that they bowed their heads and bowed their heads, but this master can still face each other coldly, this is too...

Feng Ziying also knew that there was no need for her to compete with His Royal Highness Shouwang, of course it was not because the other party was a supervisor, but because of her current status, it was easy for others to look like she was standing up for others , especially when those few people are targeting this one.

In the eyes of outsiders, the position of the prison state is high and powerful, and it seems that it is only one step away from the throne, but Feng Ziying knows that the right and left prison state may not necessarily become the last heir logically. The king's dormancy in secret, and Prince Gong's eagerness to move, all show that the battle for the throne will not be resolved in a short time.

   Really think that the cabinet ministers don't know about the various performances of these people in secret? That's the joke.

  Long Jinwei is responsible to the emperor, but not to the unenthroned princes. In fact, the cabinet ministers have already inspected these few, and they should not be satisfied.

"Brother Qiang, everyone said that the location of Rongning's second house is not good, and there are many shortcomings, why did His Royal Highness Shou Wang see it?" Feng Ziying walked leisurely with her hands behind her back, and said casually: "Dear Lai What have you been doing for two years?"

Knowing that Feng Ziying actually asked the second question, Jia Qiang quickly said, "I heard that Lai Dacai relied on His Royal Highness Shou Wang, and Lai Shangrong has been running around all the time without being able to donate an official. I am a small official in the Ministry, and my nephew doesn't know what to do. Lai Sheng has disappeared for a while, and I haven't seen him for a long time..."

Just when Feng Ziying asked about the situation of Jia Qianglai's house, Zhang Chi's face turned livid and ferocious when he walked out of the Grand View Garden, but he also knew that this was not the time to be angry, so he suppressed his inner anger until he got into the carriage and returned to the mansion , just called Lai Da and asked him carefully.

   "What do you think is the relationship between the Feng family and the Jia family? The Jia family committed a serious crime, and he dared to be so entangled with the Jia family in such a rampant manner, and even bought the Rongning second house, and he was not afraid of being reported by outsiders?"

  Zhang Chi panted heavily, and put the teacup on the coffee table heavily, and most of the tea overflowed, making Lai Da tremble in fright.

"This, I really don't know." Lai Da lowered his head, and said cautiously: "Ten years ago, although the Feng family and the Jia family were considered family friends, they really didn't have many contacts. As far as I know, Well, although Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan was studying in the Imperial College, he only came to Rongguo Mansion once or twice, and his father Feng Tang and Jia She and Jia Zheng were just casual acquaintances,..."

   "Oh?" Zhang Chi rubbed his chin, his eyes were full of fierceness, "Then why is it so hot in the back?"

"It seems that Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan went to Shandong and happened to meet a girl from the Lin family who came to Beijing from the south of the Yangtze River to join the Jia family. The girl from the Lin family is the granddaughter of the old lady of the Jia family. Huai inspected Yan Yushi Linhai, and then Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan and Jianyou got engaged to a girl from the Lin family, and the relationship between the two families quickly became close. Later, Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan married Xue's daughter, and also took Xue's daughter The other cousin of Xue's daughter is 媵, Xue Wang's mother and Jia Wang's are both sisters of the rebel Prince Teng, and Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan also accepted Jia She's concubine as his concubine, so the relationship between the two It is very close, by the way, the current Patriarch of the Ningguo Mansion, General Wei Lie, is said to have gone to Nanjing, and his wife and two younger sisters were also taken as concubines by Xiao Fengxiu..."

  Lai Da knew the origins of the Jia family and the Feng family very well. He sorted out the relationship between Feng Ziying and the Jia family clearly.

It's okay to work for His Royal Highness Shou Wang, but he also sees that His Highness Shou Wang is still a little jealous of Xiao Feng's Xiuzhuan, otherwise there would be no room for verbal confrontation in the Grand View Garden before. I have seen His Royal Highness Shou Wang be so polite to other people before, so he will definitely not interfere with the entanglements between such important people.

  Although Zhang Chi knew that the relationship between the Feng family and the Jia family was unusual, he had never seriously understood the specific situation. Today Lai Da said this, so he understood what the relationship between the Jia family and the Feng family was like.

It turns out that the relationship of the previous generation is not so close. All the reasons are due to the fact that Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan married many daughters of the Jia family and the Jia family's in-laws. Working hard for Jia's family, sleeping with so many daughters, should also contribute.

With a lot of thoughts, Zhang Chi was thinking about how to deal with this matter, and asked casually: "Lai Da, are the daughters of the Jia family so outstanding? The daughter of the Jia family is a concubine, so why is she spinning around the Jia family?"

"Hey, my lord, the younger one has been in Jia's family for decades. It turns out that the four kings, eight lords and twelve lords in the capital city are considered to have a lot of contacts with the Wuxun family, and they have seen some talents, but the girls of the Jia family are really good. What is unique is that it is very outstanding. I wonder if the prince has seen the eldest daughter of the Jia family, who is now the imperial concubine? It must be extraordinary to be able to enter the palace. Let alone, but the imperial concubine also has a younger sister. Girl, that is also very outstanding, and Xiao Feng Xiuzhuan married Xue's daughter and Lin's daughter, who are considered to be cousins ​​of noble concubines, both of whom are one in a million, with outstanding looks and talents,..."

Lai Da's mouth was full of admiration, "It's Miss Shi, the grandniece of the old lady of the Jia family. I'm afraid the prince knows that even the niece of Shi Nai Shiding, the historian, and the fiancée of Sun Shaozu, also has the appearance of a fish and a wild goose. There is Jia Jing's concubine daughter, although she is younger, she has the face of Diaochan Zhaojun long ago,..."

  As soon as Jia Yuanchun was connected, Zhang Chi's mind suddenly changed.

It can be said that ever since he met Jia Yuanchun that time, Zhang Chi felt a little dazed. He knew that the precedent of Prince Yizhong was before him, but that evil fire has always been stored in his heart and cannot be extinguished, and he can't help but fantasize All kinds of things that put that beauty under him.

This kind of situation only happened when he saw Concubine Mei and Concubine Guo when he was young, and he gradually forgot it as he grew older. A thought.

Fortunately, he is quite sensible, knowing that if he provokes such a thing and is found out, he will be out of the position, so he has been forbearing, but now that Zuo Jianguo has taken the position, and he is being held by the noble concubine in Rongning's second residence. The family-speaking villa aroused some thoughts, and knowing that the Jia family has fallen, Jia Yuanchun is like a bereaved dog in the palace. If not for the mother's kindness, he is still under confinement, and now he can only stay in Fengzao Palace. Dare to go out, all kinds of lively thoughts sprouted again.

To win the Rongning Second House, you can go to Jia Yuanchun and talk about it, look at the attitude of the other party, maybe this woman has to ask her to save her family, if this is the case, then again It couldn't be better.

Thinking of this, Zhang Chi's heart became hot, and he couldn't even hold it back. As for Feng Ziying's intention and attitude, he subconsciously put it aside. Really right.

  (end of this chapter)

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