Number of People

Chapter 1840: Inspecting the Renzi scroll, exploring Yaoqing, picking grass and looking for snakes

  Chapter 1840 A detailed investigation of the Renzi scroll to explore Yaoqing's grass hunting for snakes

  Qian Keli spit out a mouthful of white mist, stomped his feet, put his hands in his arms, turned around, and returned to the original place.

  It's too cold this day, if you stand for a while longer, your body will become stiff, and you have to walk for a few weeks to keep your body active.

  Qian Keli is the Shuntian government office that has advanced for three months.

  The big adjustment of the third class of yamen servants, a large number of dawdling characters were cleared out, and they were given a chance to come in.

  Qian Keli is a native of Xuanbeifang. His home is next to Xixin Sinan Factory. He has studied under an elder of the Dahe Gang since he was a child. He is a distant relative of him, and he also joined the Dahe Gang.

Although he has this opportunity, his talent for learning martial arts is a little weaker. He has only practiced the first three moves in the Twelve Transformations of the Eagle and Snake, but he has no further progress. However, he has a flexible mind. He is profound, so he has some attainments in lightness kung fu.

Shuntian Mansion Yamen's third class of yamen servants was adjusted, and all parties were competing to allow their own disciples to enter. Although Qian Keli was not skilled in martial arts, but his mind was lively, and his lightness kung fu was passable, so he was recommended to enter and stayed in the government yamen. .

As the target carriage moved, Qian Keli also shrank his neck and trot along the way calmly, leaving from the side alley, and quickly passed the news to his partner on the other side of the alley, "Hurry up, they left from there, probably walking Go north on Chongwenmenli Street."

   "Oh?" The partner nodded, "Understood, go to the front to catch it immediately, and keep an eye on this side."

   "Don't worry, they only have one person left here." Qian Keli patted the other party's shoulder, "Come back as soon as it's over there. We have to summarize the movements of the past few days. Your Excellency is waiting to hear the news."

  Two hours later, Qian Keli and his companions returned to the government office with tired faces but full of energy. The heat blowing against their faces made them relax physically and mentally even though they were covered in snowflakes.

   It is reasonable to say that Wu Yaoqing is not qualified to have a room in the Shuntian government office, but as Feng Ziying's confidant, it is not a big deal to set aside a room for him, so he also has a special public room.

After listening to Qian Keli and his wife's report, Wu Yaoqing nodded and had a rough idea in his mind, "The other party first stayed at Chongwenmen, and then went to talk to the refugees who were renovating Chongwenmen. How long did they stay and who did they ask?" , what did you say, did you get it?”

"I stayed for less than half an hour. I was there next to a stall selling cooking cakes and mutton soup. There were two people who spoke to me. One was from Ni Er, and the other was a local boss from Weizhou. ,..." Qian Keli responded quickly, "I went to ask the two of them later, just asking where they came from and how the drought in Shanxi was like, and I also said that he had a relative there, and I didn't know what the situation was. To build relationships, I also asked how many people came here, what to do with the family, etc..."

  Wu Yaoqing nodded, he already knew that the target was from Jianzhou Jurchen.

  This is the clue from Long Jinwei. He has been watching for a long time, but this person hides deeply and is very low-key, but he often goes out. He even went to Tongzhou and Xianghe some time ago, making people unable to understand his intentions.

   "Where did you go after that?"

"I went to Rizhongfang, and one of them left alone. We kept an eye on it, and finally met someone in a pharmacy in Baodafang. Now we are still verifying the identity of that person. Arriving at the other party's place of residence,..." Qian Keli's partner replied: "Probably not a native of the capital city, the Renshoufang Shuangnian Street where he lives is mostly business travelers who come to Beijing from other places, especially those from Huguang."

   "Oh? From Huguang?" Wu Yaoqing moved slightly.

Although there are more Huguang businessmen living on Shuangnian Street, it doesn't mean anything, but most of the people who come to the capital live together, and there is one thing Wu Yaoqing knows. These Jianzhou Jurchen and Southwest Bozhou Yang Yinglong are connected. As for the fact that one is in the northeast and the other is in the southwest, thousands of miles apart, it is impossible to know how to connect, but this alone is enough to make Wu Yaoqing vigilant.

The war in Bozhou in the southwest was not progressing smoothly, especially after the Nanjing Puppet Dynasty raised its banner, Wang Ziteng did not appear to be in cahoots with Bozhou on the surface, but he took the initiative to break away from the confrontation with Bozhou in action. The main battlefield, but quickly retreated to Huguang, and began to implement military control over Huguang.

The Denglai Army moved eastward and seized Yuezhou, Changde, Baoqing, Changsha, Hengzhou, Wuchang, Huangzhou, and Chengtian in one fell swoop, taking the entire essence of Huguang into its pocket, and opened up connections with Jiangxi and Nanzhi. Instead, they completely abandoned the remote areas in the west such as Shizhou, Chenzhou, Yunyang, Jingzhou, and Yongzhou.

   Its purpose is self-evident. It is to control the entire grain-producing area of ​​Huguang, completely cut off the channels for the north to obtain food, and let the north collapse without a fight.

This intention is good, and the action is quick enough, but Huguang is not compared to other places, the territory is vast, and Huguang has always been closely related to the North, and the gentry are also inclined to the North. None of the leaders of Huguang scholars headed by Guo Zhengyu stood in the direction of the south of the Yangtze River, which also brought great resistance to Wang Ziteng's military control.

It has become the norm for the local government in the Huguang area to obey the law and violate the law, but Wang Ziteng still dare not turn his face at will. Without the support of the local government, he cannot move an inch, so everyone is testing their bottom line. It is possible to quickly replace Huguang officials.

   But the problem is that now Nanjing is also wooing Huguang, how can it dare to easily replace Huguang officials? Once he broke up with the local government without the support of the local gentry, the situation in Huguang would suddenly get out of control, and Wang Ziteng's situation would be even more difficult.

  At this time, the righteous role of the imperial court Zhengshuo was revealed, which was felt by both the Nanjing side and Wang Ziteng.

  Although Wang Ziteng has an army of tens of thousands in his hands, if he really wants to disperse it to various prefectures, it will not be enough, and he dare not do that.

  Sun Chengzong served as the right servant of the Ministry of War and the commander-in-chief of Jingxiang Town, and began to integrate the military power of the imperial court in the entire southwest region. He no longer commanded by multiple leaders as before, which immediately made Wang Ziteng feel the pressure.

  Sun Chengzong is not as good at martial arts as Yang He, a civil servant. This is a person who is really good at martial arts.

  After he took charge of Jingxiang Town, he did not immediately launch an attack on Bozhou or his own side. Instead, he carried out training in an orderly manner, exactly the same as Feng Tang did in the northwest, which made Wang Ziteng even more afraid.

Wu Yaoqing pondered for a long time before he said: "Ke Li, you two should bring a group of people and keep a close eye on these people. We can't just rely on Captain Long's side to coordinate and communicate with each other. This group of people has been very tolerant in the early stage, but they have become active during this period, there must be a conspiracy. In the past few days, you have been watching in shifts. No matter what Long Jinwei and the others do, we will follow our way. If there are not enough people , I authorize you to recruit a few more hands in first, and I will go to the experience department to say hello, and you must completely stare at each of them, who they meet every day, where they go, and how long they stay. I wrote it down one by one in detail, without any omissions,..."

  Both Qian Keli were refreshed, which is very rare.

   Authorize myself to recruit a few more people, which means that non-staff personnel can be included, and it is too difficult for non-staff personnel to enter the Shuntian government office.

Especially after the completion of the new round of integration of the third class of yamen servants in Shuntian government office, Shuntian government office basically no longer recruits new people, and the non-staff personnel are also strictly controlled. These non-staff personnel basically serve as the backup of the third class of government officials To supplement the strength, once there is a vacancy in the third class of yamen, it will be filled from non-staff personnel, so the competition for this non-staff quota is also quite fierce.

According to Feng Ziying, the non-staff personnel in the Shuntian government office are a bit similar to the business establishment of the capital of later generations. Once confirmed, the income will basically be guaranteed in drought and flood. Especially for those ordinary people in the world who can't read a basket of big characters and only have some fists and kicks, this is simply the pinnacle of life.

Even Qian Keli and the others are also shouldering the task of recruiting more fellow-townsmen for their sect, and fellow sects to enter the Shuntian government office. The elders of the sect will mention this matter almost every time, because they also pass this way It is also a waste of the sect's network resources, not just that they can fight and run loyally.

   "Don't worry, my lord, leave this matter to us, and I will give you a satisfactory explanation." Qian Keli exchanged excited glances with his partner, and hurriedly bowed to salute.

"Well, you also know that this year's situation is special, the situation in Beijing is complicated, there are many exiles, and there is a lot of pressure on all parties in the government office, but we can't slack off in intelligence, so the adults also explained that there are not enough manpower, you can do it yourself Recruited in, I can temporarily use it after I pass the review, as long as the performance is outstanding, the government will not hesitate to give some rewards, and you also tell them, perform well, there are many opportunities,..."

  Wu Yaoqing's words also made Qian Keli and the others even more excited, and couldn't help clenching their fists as a signal.

   "Okay, you guys go." Wu Yaoqing sorted out his thoughts.

It is not yet possible to determine the intentions of the Jianzhou Jurchen. For now, it seems that it is not the best time for the Jianzhou Jurchen to attack, but he also needs to remind the adults that he may have to say hello to Liaodong. It is difficult to judge what is coming from the news from the side, and it is necessary to analyze and judge based on Liaodong Town's understanding of the Jianzhou Jurchen and their surrounding situation, but this is undoubtedly not a good sign.

   The third change, ask for 500 monthly tickets, double your efforts, Lao Rui continues!



  (end of this chapter)

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