Number of People

Chapter 1842: The Renzi scroll made Lin'er and Sister Feng think about it

  Chapter 1842 The Ren character roll made Liner and Sister Feng think about it

  He Fengsheng's excitement poured cold water on Feng Ziying's head, and he suddenly sobered up a lot, and was silent for a while.

  From the ministry to the prefectures and counties, it was He Fengsheng who truly experienced the difficulties of working below.

   The distrust of your colleagues, the resistance of the gentry, and the indifference of the common people, even if you are the extermination of the family and monopolize the power, so what?

Without the cooperation of these people, you will not be able to push any work at all. This is why Feng Zi repeatedly told He Fengsheng that even if you borrow money, you must recruit a group of your own staff, and you must be good at such things as criminal names and secretaries. , Household workers, etc., it is best to have worked for several times in other states and counties.

  Only in this way can you avoid being deceived when you are a newcomer, and you can quickly grasp the situation through them, so that people from all walks of life in the county cannot easily exclude you.

Even so, He Fengsheng still deeply felt the difficulty of doing things. If it weren't for Feng Ziying's full support, if he hadn't made every effort to make good friends with the local government, and if he hadn't faced the Shandong War and made the entire work center of the North Region tilted to this point, he wouldn't have done it. Know how much time it will take to open the situation.

But even if this step is achieved, there are still too many conflicts of interest involved. It can be said that during this period of time, He Fengsheng has spent 40% of his energy on doing things, and 60% of his energy on how to balance and resolve various conflicts, in order to quickly open up. situation.

  So when Feng Ziying poured cold water on him, he found himself unable to refute.

Seeing that He Fengsheng was hit by him, Feng Ziying didn't care, and smiled: "Mengzhang, why, just this little thing stumps you? You are a person who wants to be a member of the Ministry, this point Do you have no confidence and will? Everything is difficult at the beginning. You have already made a good start and gained a firm foothold here. They are not monolithic, they also have differences and conflicts, so as long as you make good use of it, you will find that many times it may not be as difficult as you imagined at first. Slowly summed up the experience."

He Fengsheng couldn't help laughing, and shook his head: "It's hard to say that I'm scared, but I just think it's so difficult to do something practical? If you say that these people are all good people, but they just can't see the general trend clearly. It’s just that I don’t want to make small profits, and I know that I can’t do it, let’s not say it’s a car with a mantis arm, at least I won’t hit the south wall and don’t look back,..."

"Okay, don't be overwhelmed with emotion. Now is not the time to be emotional. Do your thing with peace of mind. I support you." Feng Ziying patted the other party's shoulder, "Dong'an is a good place, you are good at planning. Do some business, and strive to achieve some results this year and next year, and with the experience in the state and county, you will be able to have the qualifications for promotion in the future."

  Feng Ziying didn't hide from He Fengsheng, and was straightforward.

He Fengsheng was a little surprised, but he didn't feel anything. He just thought that Feng Ziying would continue to help him with these classmates so that he could establish his status in Shuntian Mansion and make achievements. It is an honor for the students of this subject this year.

"I heard that in view of the current situation, the imperial court may let the Jinshi students who studied politics in the eighth year of Yonglong end early and go to work earlier. At that time, students such as Huchen, Yuxuan, Zhonglun, and Yizhong will also have to go to school. Being an official, this has created pressure on people in our department, and we can't be compared by them."

Feng Ziying looked at He Fengsheng with a smile, and He Fengsheng shot back angrily: "Are you putting pressure on us people? What are you worried about? We should be worried, right? But please take care, Ke Yao, I and I All three of Luyou are working hard for you, whether you will be compared with them, you can decide for yourself."

After staying in Dong'an for half a day, Feng Ziying went straight to Dacheng. Fan Jingwen's side was better than He Fengsheng's side. After all, he was from Hejian next door. After looking at it, he felt relieved, and went straight to Tianjin Wei along the canal.

  When entering the mansion in Tianjin Acropolis, Feng Ziying was still in a daze.

   I can't tell what it's like, it's like a dream, why I came to this world in a daze, and then followed the general trend to skyrocket, and now I have become a big member of the party.

That's all, and there is such an inseparable relationship with the "Dream of Red Mansions" that I inadvertently grabbed when I left my previous life. Messed up.

Lian's second sister-in-law, Lian's second grandma, second sister-in-law, second grandma, Feng Lazi, Feng Jieer, these kinds of titles, that charming but charming image actually appeared in my life, and even entangled with me Unclear, she actually came to this step in the end, not to mention having an affair, she actually gave birth to a son for herself.

  I still have no heirs, and now I have a son with a wild woman, but this woman is still the one I remember the most in my previous life, and he couldn't accept it for a while.

If you can't accept it, you have to accept it. This is a living reality. If you want to struggle to survive in this world, or even live a more comfortable, comfortable and unrestrained life, then you can only go down without retreating one step, and We have to go higher and more steadily.

  He has to bear all these entangled in his body calmly, and even enjoy it, so that he can live up to such a journey, so he accepts all the gossip, slander and criticism, even if he comes.

  At this point, he is not afraid to use any means to respond and counterattack, he also has the qualifications and confidence.

   Taking a deep breath, Feng Ziying finally stepped into the gate of the mansion.

   Ruixiang went in to report early, and the guards who followed had already searched around in the usual way, and then returned to normal.

   When Feng Ziying entered the hospital, it was unavoidable to be noisy and noisy.

  Wang Xin, Laiwang and the others almost laughed out of wrinkle, bowed their backs and came to say hello. Pinger and Xiaohong also greeted them at the door early, so they went in together.

   Feng Ziying was still a little uncomfortable with the warm breath coming towards his face, but he was immediately attracted by the woman sitting on the kang.

An apricot-yellow silk ribbon was wrapped around his forehead, and his slightly lazy face seemed to be more even than when he left, not as round and plump as when he left. Maybe he didn't have a good rest, and there were still spots on his white face like jade. A bit tired and haggard, but the appearance is a bit less dry than before, a bit more bright and soft, or a bit more maternal?

The loose green undershirt was slanted to reveal a small half of her chest, a bright yellow tube top crossed, just right to reveal two plumps and a ravine, and a purple-red double phoenix silk embroidered brocade jacket was draped over her shoulders, just leaning against the head of the kang, With one hand under his chin, his eyes are half closed, as if he is dozing off, and he seems to be looking at the sleeping baby beside him.

  Feng Ziying smiled slightly, obviously doing it for herself. There was so much noise outside, how could it be that Wang Xifeng couldn't hear it? It's nothing more than wanting to make a show in front of him to show his status. The more inferior a person is, the more he needs this to cover up his inner panic. How can Feng Ziying not understand?

With a wave of his hand, Feng Ziying signaled Ping'er and Xiaohong to go out, and Ping'er and the others also retreated knowingly, closing the door behind them. Before Ping'er left, she blushed and said in a low voice that the days were not enough. It is absolutely impossible to have **** with Wang Xifeng, but she is really a caring and elegant padded jacket.

  The room fell silent.

After a long while, Wang Xifeng didn't hear the slightest sound. She was a little puzzled, a little reserved, and took a few breaths. She couldn't bear it anymore, and then she raised her eyes, only to see that haunted and masculine face just in front of her. In front of them, less than a foot apart.

Subconsciously, "Ah", Wang Xifeng, who was blushing in embarrassment, raised her hand to hit Feng Ziying, but Feng Ziying, who was already sitting on the kang, grabbed her wrist, and the other hand went around Wang Xifeng's back under the armpit. , took her into his arms.

  Fathering into her arms with the scent of milk, Feng Ziying's unfamiliar feeling that she was not used to before disappeared without a trace.

To be honest, Feng Ziying and Wang Xifeng were not very familiar with each other before, and the few times they were happy and loving, it was more like an arrow on the string had to be launched, or they were so excited that they couldn't control themselves, and they really communicated emotionally. On the contrary, it is not as good as women like Heping'er, Yuanyang and even Li Wan.

  But all of this was dispelled by the smell of milk and the tangled emotions mixed with panic from the woman.

   After all, this woman gave birth to a son for herself, and she was pregnant for ten months, and being in such an environment was undoubtedly a kind of suffering for Wang Xifeng, and Feng Ziying could understand it.

  Feng Ziying calmly endured the severe pain in her shoulders, warm tears, silent choking, and curses in a low voice mixed with hysteria, but just hugged each other and let him pour out to his heart's content.

  Sunlight came in through the window paper, and Feng Ziying glanced at the little guy who was lying on the side sleeping very soundly.

  As if feeling Feng Ziying's gaze, Wang Xifeng's gaze became gentle and calm, "I just fed him, and you came when he fell asleep. He will sleep for an hour."

   "It's good to be able to sleep. It's only good for children to sleep more." Feng Ziying leaned on the head of the kang and moved her body, but Wang Xifeng still hugged him relentlessly.

   This feeling is very strange. When a woman has a son, she will naturally feel dependent on the man. Before, even if she had an affair with Feng Ziying, Wang Xifeng had never felt this way.

   Continue to ask for a few monthly tickets for Sister Feng! ^_^



  (end of this chapter)

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