Number of People

Chapter 1850: Ren Zi Juan said that it was tested and Ziying denounced the disadvantages

  Chapter 1850 Renzi Juan said that Ziying passed the test and denounced the disadvantages

  Meeting Chai Ke was also accidental.

  During this time, the other departments were very busy, but the official department was a little more relaxed.

   Meeting Chai Ke outside Wenyuan Pavilion, Feng Ziying naturally wanted to talk for a while.

   After talking a few words, I felt that it would be better to find a place to talk in detail, so I made an appointment at Daguanlou to listen to the play and talk at the same time.

  Chai Ke hesitated for a while, but agreed.

  The reason why he hesitated was because he still felt that the theater building in Daming Qibai area was a little inappropriate, but Feng Ziying didn't care.

"Meng Zhang did a good job in Dong'an. In his own words, what he did in one day was more fulfilling than ten days in the Ministry. Okay,..." Feng Ziying smiled and raised the teacup as a gesture.

  Chai Ke and He Fengsheng are both from Huguang, so naturally they are very concerned about He Fengsheng who has left the prefecture and county.

"So Mengzhang is still very satisfied?" Chai Ke nodded slightly, "You dragged all three of your subjects to Shuntian Mansion, and I heard that you even went to the Metropolitan Procuratorate for this. Do you want to go to war with the county officials in Shuntian Prefecture?"

Speaking of this matter, Feng Ziying became annoyed again, and couldn't help complaining: "Mr. Chai, it's not that I treat people harshly, and it's not that I'm too demanding, but that I don't understand how the imperial court selects and employs people." What you do, it seems to be assessed every year, and the Beijing police seems to have always had plans, why are these officials so unbearable?"

"What's the matter?" Chai Ke laughed, "I just said something casually, which caused you so much emotion. If it is really unusable, you, as a superior official, have the right to put forward your own opinions to the officials who are evaluated at the end of each year. The Metropolitan Procuratorate will also give evaluation opinions based on your suggestions. If you fail, you will naturally have to deal with it, but you have to explain what mistakes they made and what they did poorly. You can't just rely on your impressions. People have decided their nature, and they only got ahead after ten years of hard study, so there must be an explanation."

"Hmph, Mr. Chai, I knew you would say that, and the officials below are also well aware of the assessment regulations of your official department, so they deal with Yuru, making it difficult for people to catch them, and they can't even tell what happened to them. What did they do wrong, but there is one thing, that is, many of them have this kind of mentality, muddle along, hide when they encounter problems, push them away when they see things, fool them if they can be fooled, try not to do what they can not do, Do as little as possible, but what is the use of such officials? Other than wasting court salaries in vain, it is useless to bother one party."

  Feng Ziying's unceremonious criticism still surprised Chai Ke. These remarks did not seem to be aimed at a certain person, but more like a criticism of the officials of the entire prefecture and county in Shuntian Prefecture.

"Isn't that likely, Ziying, from what you've said, it seems like you've knocked down a whole bunch of people with a stick. Is the situation in Shuntian Mansion so bad?" Chai Ke frowned, "But I don't think the situation in Shuntian Mansion last year was much worse than the year before. .”

  Feng Ziying curled her lips, "Then you are taller than the short ones, right? There is no worst, only worse?"

I was amused by Feng Ziying's words, "Ziying, it's rare to see you complaining so much, and you are still complaining to the state and county below you. Why, your work has been so unsatisfactory this year? But I think you still do it. It’s so windy and watery, it’s very hard work.”

"If others lie down, it doesn't mean that I will be willing to degenerate." Feng Ziying casually used a word that crossed the era, and said bluntly: "When I was a co-prefect in Yongping Prefecture, I was very dissatisfied with the situation in the counties and counties below. Satisfied, but I didn’t expect to see a worse scene after going to Shuntian Mansion. Of course, I don’t deny that there are outstanding talents in more than 20 counties in Shuntian Mansion, but it really makes me satisfied. It is said that the Ministry of Officials and the Metropolitan Procuratorate report that most of the annual assessments are good, and even excellent, which makes me speechless. Last year’s assessment was delayed due to the North-South War, but I want to say hello to Mr. Chai first, maybe It will be embarrassing for me, I will not be a good gentleman like Mr. Huifu, and I must give an evaluation based on facts."

Chai Ke's complexion changed slightly, and he didn't even bother to ask what the word "lay flat" meant, but he knew it was not a good word when he heard it, so he pondered for a while, "Ziying, I don't know what made you feel bad about it." The situation in Shuntian Mansion is so dissatisfied, but I have seen that the tasks entrusted to you by the imperial court in Shuntian Mansion have been completed well from last year to now, and the relief of more than 100,000 people is almost flawless, and the Ministry of Industry is also full of praise , and I've heard that the plan for the whereabouts of these refugees proposed by your Shuntian Mansion is also remarkable. You can't say that so many jobs were done by you, Feng Ziying, right? People have worked hard and made great achievements, but the people in the counties and counties below are all a bunch of idiots??"

Seeing that Feng Ziying was about to say more, Chai Ke interrupted with a wave of his hand: "Ziying, listen to me, I know that Huifu did not do well during his tenure as governor of the government in the past few years. All kinds of bad habits, so you have to change one or two, and I and Cunzhi support you to adjust, but if you say that the officials of the twenty states and counties are unusable, your request is too high, and that is to point directly at the imperial court's evaluation and appointment mechanism Ah, why, do you think Cunzhi and I are not qualified as Minister of the Ministry of Officials? Or are the princes of the Metropolitan Procuratorate blind?"

Being blocked by Chai Ke's words, Feng Ziying also had to admire this eloquent person, but he couldn't just admit defeat like this. If he didn't straighten out the land of Shuntianfu, how could he become his? basic disk?

He said angrily: "Gong Chai, maybe my requirements are indeed higher, but there is a reason for that. If the most benevolent place in Shuntian Prefecture cannot set an example for the entire Zhou Dynasty, how can the word Jingji be used?" People? Perhaps you are used to seeing officials in the frontier state goofing off to eat and wait to die, but it is a time of great strife, and it is time to strive for strength. If the officials trained by the court are so indulging in romantic affairs, they are satisfied that there will be no problems in the territory. , go around as a paper painter, smooth things out, as long as there is no accident in my position, as for the next term, I will take care of him, then this kind of situation may not last long."

It was only then that Chai Ke realized that this person did not just express his feelings, but really had his own profound insights on this. It's just that this guy has only been in the Shuntian Mansion for a year, and he has such insights, which is too much. "Sentimental", although I haven't been serving as the left servant of the Ministry of Officials for a long time, but I have worked in both the Ministry and the lower level before, how can I not know the situation below?

   Whether this guy is too demanding, or the situation has changed too fast in the past few years, and the situation is getting worse and worse, Chai Ke is a little suspicious.

  The big plan of the Jingcha has been going on all the time, and it seems that there is nothing new, but Chai Ke is a little unbelievable to say that this model can't last.

"Ziying, it seems that you have been depressed for a long time, and you want to talk to me on purpose. It's okay, just listen to you, a senior member of the first good place, talk to me about what's wrong, what's wrong with you? What else do you think?" Chai Ke collected his mind and relaxed his body, he wanted to listen carefully to what this guy had to say.

Chai Ke's posture stunned Feng Ziying, and she collected her thoughts before slowly saying: "I can't talk about other places, after all, I have never stayed, but I have stayed in Yongping Mansion and Shuntian Mansion. , I also have a certain right to speak, and I have also communicated with Brother Junyu several times. It should be said that he felt similar to me during the year he was in Yongping Mansion. In Yongping Mansion and Shuntian Mansion, the situation is not optimistic, and I also believe that the whole of Beizhili and even Beidi is similar."

  The sentence "It's like abalone, you won't smell it for a long time" stung Chai Ke. This was a big negation of the work of the Ministry of Officials and the Metropolitan Procuratorate. Even though he was always modest, he was also very dissatisfied with this evaluation.

   "Ziying, are you a little alarmist?" Chai Ke's face remained unchanged.

"Is it alarmist, Chai Gong understands in his heart, even if it is a little exaggerated, but this kind of situation is probably very common in Beidi." Feng Ziying said indifferently: "This is an official who is like a monk who hits the clock every day and is perfunctory. But there are a lot of them, and they can be seen everywhere.”

"Ziying, you speak so embarrassingly. So what are the specific things and which aspects are not satisfactory? The imperial court investigates the big plans in Beijing every year. It doesn't mean that you can't tell right from wrong? Maybe you say one or two? There are favoritism or negligence, but if this is the case, I am afraid it will be difficult to justify." Chai Ke frowned.

"To be more specific, it's not something that can be finished in a short while. Let me just ask, the imperial court inspects officials, mainly the Ministry of Officials and the Metropolitan Procuratorate. So what is the standard for the assessment? Morality is one of them. , What about others? Others are general, or those daily affairs, enlightenment, litigation, taxation, water conservancy and transportation, and other tasks assigned by the side. Whether these matters have been done or not, but this is my decision I think it is too broad, and there is no specific standard. After answering, it is considered to be done. If it is handed over to others to fool at will, it is also considered to be done. When it is left aside and asked for a reason, it is still done. In the end, there is no one. In the end, it can be regarded as done, or it can be done halfway, and it can be done. As for various objective reasons, it is easy to come by,..."

Feng Ziying's series of comparisons gave an overview of the matters in the entire prefecture and county, and more importantly, vividly portrayed the various methods used by the prefecture and county to deal with the higher authorities, which made Chai Ke frown. It seems that Feng Ziying is also right. This situation is extremely dissatisfied, and it took a lot of thought to investigate and verify.

  (end of this chapter)

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