Number of People

Chapter 1852: Ren Zijuan goes first and holds the world in mind

  Chapter 1852 Renzi Juan goes first and has the world in mind

   "Is this a slide bayonet?" Approaching the bed in the workshop, Feng Ziying looked up and down the bustling "workshop".

   This is actually a workbench. Craftsmen and apprentices are skillfully operating tools and equipment, processing sharp and sharp three-edged bayonets.

   This is the "idea" contributed by Feng Ziying.

  With a blood groove, it is not suitable for chopping, but it is more suitable for stabbing and is less likely to be damaged. Moreover, a progressive socket seat is added to the rear seat, which can be easily inserted into the special front seat frame in front of the gun.

   In the case of close combat, this light gun can be quickly transformed into a sub-standard spear in this way.

  Of course, the operational flexibility is not that high, but for the situation where life and death are about to be faced, it is much better than a firecracker that is purely like a fire stick.

  After all, many soldiers have undergone basic training on spears before becoming firearms soldiers, and now this nondescript "spear" can at least form an formation to resist in the face of close combat, and even save lives and turn the tide of the battle.

"Yes, according to your suggestion, my lord, our craftsmen have comprehensively tested many kinds, and finally found out that this kind of bayonet bayonet is the most suitable for this kind of ordinary gun. The barrel seat can be perfectly combined with the firecracker, and it is enough to deal with ordinary melee combat, which itself is also a temporary emergency solution."

  The chief craftsman who is introducing is not without emotion, and he is full of praise for Feng Ziying's "creativity".

After the Zunhua Iron Works was handed over to the Gyeonggi Military Factory, it quickly became a part of the Gyeonggi Iron and Steel Military Industry Complex. Its craftsmanship, management and output have undergone rapid qualitative changes. In addition, the Zunhua Iron Works itself has a large number of skilled workers. This metamorphic improvement is much faster than building from scratch.

The military workshop originally had a certain foundation, but its technical level was much lower than that of the original military workshop in Yongping. After the chemical military workshop, the production capacity and technical quality here have also been greatly improved.

Although there are still some difficulties in the production of self-generated firecrackers, the trigger spring completely relying on handcrafting requires high craftsmanship, and the time and cost of random production are also very high. The military workshop here mainly produces ordinary guns. Firecrackers and turtledoves are the main ones. Self-generated firecrackers can only be produced in small quantities, less than 100 pieces a month, which is lower than the military workshop in Yongping Mansion.

   But even so, it is not easy. The Zunhua Military Workshop has only undergone a simple transformation and added some craftsmen and craftsmen to achieve its current state, which has already made the Shanshan merchants very satisfied.

  Feng Ziying nodded with satisfaction.

Although the production capacity of firecrackers has not been fully improved to a satisfactory level, but haste makes waste. As long as there are these craftsmen and craftsmen here, there will be a steady stream of skilled craftsmen to be cultivated, and the production capacity of the military workshop will increase in the future. It will only get bigger and bigger, and the product quality will be higher and higher.

Feng Ziying has already suggested to the Ministry of War to relocate the gunpowder factory of Wang Gong Factory to Zunhua, so that a complete industrial chain can be formed from the production of steel, firecrackers, artillery and gunpowder, which can save costs and improve efficiency. get more.

   "Where are the firecrackers produced during this period of time mainly supplied?" Feng Ziying asked casually.

  Although this place now belongs to Shanxi merchants, the production plan still has to be in accordance with the Ministry of War. They are still major customers and the only customers, so naturally they must respect their opinions.

   "It is still mainly to satisfy Liaodong and Jizhen. Considering that the Beijing Camp has already transferred several departments to form a new Xuanfu Town, this part of the Beijing Camp is also a priority guarantee."

  This question is not answered by the master craftsman, but by Wang Shaoquan.

Wang Shaoquan has now officially become the general coordinator of the entire Gyeonggi Iron and Steel Military Industry and Building Materials Consortium. Now the Gyeonggi Iron and Steel Military Industry Consortium is equivalent to all the industries in Yongping, plus the Zunhua Iron Factory and the soldiers sold by the Ministry of War on the Jingshi side to Shanshan merchants. In addition, there are iron mines and iron smelting workshops newly built by Shanxi merchants in Miyun.

  The scale of iron and steel production in the entire Gyeonggi Iron and Steel Military Industry and Building Materials Consortium has exceeded the scale of Zhuang Limin's iron smelting industry in Foshan, and the production of military industry is even more unmatched by Foshan Zhuangji.

However, Zhuang Limin is also very satisfied. On behalf of this Cantonese businessman, he has also participated in this giant, and the proportion is not small. will get bigger and bigger.

  Wang Shaoquan is now representing the interests of Shanshan merchants and Feng Ziying, and is responsible for dealing with the imperial court including the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Households, and the Ministry of Industry, and other outside parties.

  Feng Ziying actually does not pursue so much economic interests, so he can give up some economic interests, and is more willing to seize the leading control of these industries to serve his own political goals.

  Shanshan businessmen and Zhuang Limin are vaguely aware of this, and they are also happy. With a rising political star like Feng Ziying, their business can also be further expanded. Why not do it?

  As Niu Jizong led the old Xuanfu Town to leave Shandong, there was a huge gap in the defense area of ​​Xuanfu Town, and the Ministry of War urgently established a new Xuanfu Town.

Considering that Ji Town and Shanxi Town will face wars, and most of Datong Town was also taken away by Sun Shaozu, so as a last resort, some troops can only be drawn from the newly formed Beijing Camp as the backbone force to form Xinxuanfu Town to prevent the North The Chahar people outside the side wall took the opportunity to attack.

  Yang Zhaoji's 1st Division got such an opportunity and was directly transferred to establish Xinxuanfu Town, and now they are stationed at Longmenwei.

  Feng Ziying was not satisfied with Wang Shaoquan's answer, but knew that it was unlikely to change the situation.

Dad's Northwest Army is still not in the eye, but considering that it is unrealistic to refit the Northwest Army on a large scale now, after all, there are more than 100,000 troops, even if the production scale of the Gyeonggi Iron and Steel Military Industry and Building Materials Complex continues to expand, it is impossible So many firecrackers are produced at once, and technological innovation is also considered. The firecrackers produced now may not be the best.

Another more important reason is that the Northwest Army is about to marry into the Shandong battlefield. At this time, it is too late to change clothes for training, which will affect the combat effectiveness, so only less than 15,000 people are changed for the Northwest Army. Feng Tang deliberately conducted firearms training when he was training in Qingyang, but at that time it was two or three people who trained with firearms in rotation, and when the firearms arrived, they could directly change their equipment and become a real firearms unit.

"My lord, the Northwest Army has also contacted us through the Ministry of War. In fact, the production of self-generated firecrackers on our side basically meets the needs of the Northwest Army. However, the production of self-generated firecrackers is too small. It is estimated that it will not be available until the end of this year." It’s getting better, but even then, the production capacity is still very limited.” Seeing Feng Ziying’s displeasure, Wang Shaoquan took the initiative to explain: “My father meant that there is no need to be in a hurry, and the self-generated firecrackers should be satisfied first to form a combat force.”

  Feng Ziying nodded, her father's opinion is pertinent and practical, blindly pursuing a large-scale change of equipment will not only make the Ministry of War unaffordable and cause dissatisfaction, but it may not necessarily greatly improve the combat effectiveness, and may even be counterproductive.

  Basic training can’t keep up, and tactical training is lacking. If you really go to the battlefield, you may be taken advantage of by the enemy.

  No hurry, take your time, there are still opportunities. For the imperial court, as long as the finances do not collapse, the sea trade continues, and the money and food continue, then everything is not a problem. As for the military strength, there are plenty of manpower to supplement it.

   Putting aside these thoughts, Feng Ziying asked about the cement situation.

   As expected, demand is still in short supply, and it is seriously in short supply, everywhere.

  Currently the cement needs to meet the needs of the Gyeonggi side, but it cannot delay the southward transportation to the Jiangnan side to make a lot of money, so it is also a dilemma.

At present, a new one is being built in Shijingshan, but even if it is completed and put into operation, it is impossible to meet the needs of the capital. Now the cement of the capital mainly comes from Yongping Prefecture, but transportation is a big problem. In the early stage, it mainly relies on large trucks for transportation, and the cost is too high. Some are high, so this greatly affects the promotion of use.

Fortunately, from Yuguan to Dingzigu directly via the Dagukou Weihe River, we can go straight to Tongzhou. The distance is a bit detoured, but the transportation cost is greatly reduced. This is the most popular, and this is also the key to Feng Ziying's optimism about Tianjin's construction. , Choking the throat of river and sea transportation, there is no reason why it cannot develop.

  Feng Ziying and Wang Shaoquan talked about their intention to build a cement workshop in Tianjin, and Wang Shaoquan had no objection.

The location is well chosen, but the scale is not large. For the current Shanxi businessmen, they are still thinking about how to expand their production capacity to occupy the Jiangnan market. There is no objection to building one here in Tianjin. This is Feng Ziying's first request. And I also feel that Master Feng seems to intend to let the other party join the group of Shanshan merchants, which is not a bad thing.

As far as the current era is concerned, fighting a war cannot be said to be based on industrial strength, and more depends on human heads and logistical supplies. However, Feng Ziying knows that with the changes of the times, the large-scale use of firearms will sooner or later be determined by population and industrial strength. The stage of winning and losing, and what I have to do now is to speed up this pace.

Facing the threat of Jurchen and Chahar people in Jianzhou in the north, Dazhou may still be at a disadvantage in Liaodong for a while now, and even for a while. Nurhachi is indeed a character, but that's all. As long as he waits for a while and gives himself a chance to slowly heal Da Zhou, who is seriously ill, he has the confidence to solve the irreparable scourge in his previous life.

  (end of this chapter)

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