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Chapter 1858: Ren Zijuan Talks about Military Affairs and Private Affairs

  Chapter 1858 Ren Zijuan Talks about Military Affairs and Private Affairs

   With this in mind, Feng Ziying naturally paid more attention to Yang Zhaoji's request for help.

  Although Chen Jingxuan has friendship, he is not from the same way, and now he is suddenly appointed as the general soldier of Xuanfu, so he has to be vigilant.

  So if Yang Zhaoji can stand out in Xuanfu Town now, can he be regarded as his arm in Xuanfu Town in the future?

  Since this is the case, of course Feng Ziying will spare no effort to support Yang Zhaoji.

   Agreeing to Yang Zhaoji's request for help, Feng Ziying also planned to find Zhang Huaichang.

As Minister of the Ministry of War and a native of Liaodong, although Zhang Huaichang is not particularly close to him, he has a relationship with people from the North, and he has always regarded Jianzhou Jurchen as the biggest threat and the most vicious enemy. Recognition, based on this, Feng Ziying believes that she can still speak up in front of Zhang Huaichang.

  In the office of the Ministry of War, Feng Ziying met Yang He and Yang Sichang and his son who came back to pay the order.

   "Mr. Crane, Weak!"

  Yang He stepped down as the governor of Yunyang and the commander-in-chief of Jingxiang Town, and returned to Beijing to serve as the censor of Zuoqian Capital of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, which can be regarded as returning to his old profession.

   "Ziying!" Yang He was also very happy to see Feng Ziying, and Yang Sichang needless to say, they were old friends.

   "It's been a long time since Mr. He has weathered the wind and rain, and his demeanor is still the same. This time he finally returns to Beijing, so he can take a good rest." Feng Ziying stepped forward to salute.

  Yang He smiled wryly, "It's impossible to talk about it, but it's a pity that the scourge of the Southwest was not eliminated. It's a shame to expect the princes in the court. It's a pity."

   "Don't blame yourself, Mr. He. If Wang Ziteng hadn't harbored evil intentions and caused troubles in it from the very beginning, Mr. He would have taken Bozhou long ago." Feng Ziying said leniently.

This is not a lie. Wang Ziteng played his hands in it, and the court couldn't cooperate, so it turned into what it is now. Now that the court asks Sun Chengzong to dispatch and command in a unified manner, it is much simpler, even Yang He can see it. Come out, the Bozhou Rebellion is no longer a problem. What the court needs to solve now is Wang Ziteng's Denglai Army, which is the biggest disaster.

But even so, under the unified government order of the imperial court, the advantage of concentrating troops can be used to fight. Although the Denglai army is not weak, the people of Huguang are not in Nanjing. The same is true for the Yang Yinglong Department of Shangbo Prefecture.

   "Hehe, a tiger father has no dogs. If Ziying doesn't take the civil service route, she will be able to achieve something in martial arts, and her achievements will not be inferior to her father's in the future." Yang He said sincerely.

   After exchanging pleasantries, Yang He and his son said goodbye to Feng Ziying, and made an appointment to find time to sit down in the future, and Feng Ziying also entered the office of the Ministry of War.

  The minister of the Ministry of War is busy with affairs, even Feng Ziying can't see it immediately after coming to see him, Feng Ziying also waited for a long time before he was allowed to see him.

When Zhang Huaichang saw Feng Ziying, before Feng Ziying could speak, he said first, "Ziying, you came just in time. Shen Yourong sent a letter to the Ministry of War, requesting to build the second home port of the Denglai Navy at Dagukou, saying that this is the place where the Denglai Navy will be built in the future." What do you think is the only way to go through Liaodong, Japan and North Korea?"

Feng Ziying was stunned for a moment, thought for a while, and then said: "Master Shen's plan is far-reaching. Dagukou is located in the hinterland of the capital. With the prosperity of the sea trade in Dazhou, the line of Liaodong, Jingdong, and Denglai is becoming more and more important. The main area of ​​the country, if Japan and North Korea are included, it will also require a force like the Denglai Navy to deploy more, but this may require long-term investment from the imperial court."

"Hey, who's to say it's not?" Zhang Huaichang sighed, "I also know the importance of the navy. In the long run, the status of the navy will increase with the development of the Great Zhou Maritime Trade, but from the current point of view, Apart from the Nanjing Puppet Dynasty, the imperial court’s confidant’s troubles are Jianzhou Jurchen, so the construction of the navy still has to be put in the back, if the imperial court has sufficient financial resources, it’s all right, but the current situation is stretched.”

  Waved his hand, Zhang Huaichang stopped talking about this topic, and asked instead: "Why Ziying came to see me?"

The straightforward question made Feng Ziying feel a little awkward, but after thinking about it, Feng Ziying started from the production capacity of the military workshop of the Gyeonggi Iron and Steel Military Industry and Building Materials Complex, "Wang Shaoquan came to tell me about the order plan of the Ministry of War. Constant adjustments, but the deposit and subsequent appropriation funds have not kept up, come to me to inquire about the situation."

Speaking of this, Zhang Huaichang also shook his head: "Ziying, you know that the current financial situation of the court is like this. These Shanshan businessmen only focus on money and have no intention of serving the country. Now I have money everywhere. They all need firecrackers, gunpowder and armor, but now the output and price of the weapon workshop are too much for people to bear,..."

"The imperial court must have a choice and focus. The firearms battalion needs training. The more proficient the training, the better the performance on the battlefield..." Feng Ziying talked eloquently, but Zhang Huaichang had already tasted it, and said with a smile "Ziying, why are you still playing sloppy in front of me? Tell me, who are you acting as a lobbyist again? Your father's military department has a plan, and it has been equipped according to the plan, and your father is also in the letter with me." We have communicated, and we will not be too eager to transform all weapons."

Knowing that Zhang Huaichang, an old Jianghu, could not be concealed, Feng Ziying no longer concealed it, introduced Yang Zhaoji's situation, and also talked about the new formation of Xuanfu Town, which also needs one or two signature troops that can reflect the combat effectiveness. Considering the army's reserve team, the Xuanfu army also needs one or two elite divisions that can be dragged to the battlefield at any time for preparation.

Zhang Huaichang has no objection to the fact that the Xuanfu Army needs one or two elite troops capable of fighting as their signature troops. Zhang Huaichang became a little vigilant.

   "Ziying, from your tone, it seems that you are not very optimistic about the situation of the Northern Route Army?" Zhang Huaichang frowned.

  The war on the northern front is about to kick off. The Shanxi army has moved eastward to Jizhou, and the Jizhen army is also pressing down on the front line of Jingzhou and Wuqiao. The war is imminent. It seems that there is no problem with cooperation, but Zhang Huaichang is not at ease.

  The general will not accept the orders of the foreign monarchs. The Ministry of War has granted full power to the armies on the two northwest lines. The west line is naturally Feng Tang, and the north line is given to You Shilu.

But Zuo Shilang Xu Dahua has always believed that the western front should be dominated by Su Shengdu's Shanxi Army, because the Shanxi Army has a strength of 50,000, while You Shilu's Jizhen Army has only more than 20,000 people, and Su Shengdu is a veteran deputy. The chief soldier, and You Shilu was appointed as the deputy chief soldier, and his qualifications are far behind Su Shengdu.

   This disagreement was eventually suppressed, and Li Sancai, who was in charge of the Ministry of War, made the decision to hand over the position of coach to You Shilu.

   It is conceivable that the differences within the imperial court will definitely be passed on to Ji Town and Shanxi Town. Su Shengdu can also predict what he thinks in his heart. It's just that the enemy is now, and I hope the two houses will work together.

"My lord, the North Route Army is advancing at both ends, and cooperation requires higher requirements. Shanxi Town has not fought this kind of offensive battle for many years. Ziying is a little worried that they and Ji Town may not be able to cooperate tacitly." Feng Ziying can't talk about Shanxi either. There is something wrong with the town, so I can only talk about it in general terms.

  Zhang Huaichang frowned and shook his head, "The imperial court also took this into consideration, and wrote a letter to Su Shengdu, reminding him to take care of the overall situation and obey the command, otherwise military law will be followed..."

"My lord, anyone who has led soldiers knows that it is impossible to ask for instructions on everything in front of the battle. It will only delay the opportunity of the battle and bring greater harm. Ten or eight can be found..." Feng Ziying laughed, "and many times even if the Metropolitan Procuratorate checks after the fact, it will definitely not find anything, and we can only rely on subjective deduction based on objective conditions, unless This general is too stupid and too obvious."

  Feng Ziying's father is a veteran general who has experienced many battles. Feng Ziying has been familiar with it since he was a child, and he has personally participated in it. He knows how tricky it is here.

   This is also the military supervisor system that has been followed since the pre-Ming Dynasty until now in the Great Zhou Dynasty. The reason why the emperor often sent internal servants to supervise the army is to prevent these generals from acting as evil spirits.

However, since Emperor Yonglong took the throne, he didn't like the military supervision system very much, so he was very restrained about it. Whether it was the Ningxia rebellion or the Southwest Bozhou battle, he did not send the internal guards to supervise the army. Now that Emperor Yonglong is in a coma, it is naturally even more impossible. However, it has a history. Once there is soil, it will germinate naturally.

   "From what you said, it seems that the war on the northern front will go wrong?" Zhang Huaichang became more and more uneasy, "Where will the problem lie?"

"My lord, please don't say that. I didn't say that something would go wrong. I just said that there are hidden dangers in the two-lane configuration of You Shilu and Su Shengdu on the northern line, and there is a lack of a strong coach. Unified command is prone to problems, but this is only a possibility, not that there will definitely be problems." Feng Ziying waved his hands again and again, "In this case, it is better to give priority to the formation of the reserve team to prevent problems before they happen. If there are any accidents , you can also make a patch and push it up.”

Zhang Huaichang pondered for a long time, and finally agreed with Feng Ziying's opinion. There are thousands of firecrackers left and right, and Xinxuanfu Town also needs to be equipped, but it's all in advance. It's right to make emergency preparations. If something really happens , it can be pulled out.

  Seeing that Zhang Huaichang agreed to her suggestion, Feng Ziying was also delighted.

  Although he didn't want to see the North Route Army go wrong, he felt in his heart that there was a high probability that this problem would happen, but he didn't know where it happened and what it would turn into.

But he can't take care of this kind of thing for the time being, as long as he achieves his goal, the Ministry of War agrees, and it is directly named to Yang Zhaoji in the name of the northern line reserve team, so Chen Jingxuan can't say anything, Jingji Iron and Steel The military-industrial building materials complex can quickly distribute the firecrackers to Yang Zhao's base, so that Yang Zhao's base can practice now.

  (end of this chapter)

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