Number of People

Chapter 1869: The Renzi scroll is in danger, and the lips and tongues clash

  Chapter 1869 The Renzi Juan is in jeopardy, lip-tongue confrontation

  When she received her father's letter, Feng Ziying was discussing the situation in the north with Wang Wenyan.

  Su Shengdu's incompetence directly led to the loss of Shanxi Town's 50,000 troops overnight. For the imperial court, which was already short of troops, it was a pain like cramping and skinning.

  The news from Liaodong shows that the Jianzhou Jurchen is about to make a move, and there are constant secret exchanges with the Chahar people. It is obvious that they are colluding. The target can only be Da Zhou, and they are ready to cooperate.

   This put a lot of pressure on Liaodong Town and Ji Town.

It can be said that the current Liaodong Town and Ji Town can't spare any troops to deal with it, and even the imperial court needs to consider a reserve team in case of accidents, especially Ji Town, which has already drawn more than 20,000 people. Especially the pressure.

  The situation of the Chahars coming in the year before last is still fresh in my memory. If this year is like the year before, I am afraid it will not be so easy to end.

Xuanfu Town has just begun to be rebuilt, Datong Town was taken away by Sun Shaozu most of the elite, and Shanxi Town, the only town with all beards and tails, was ruined by Su Chengdu, the idiot. The Northwest Army formed by the three sides and four towns is attacking Shandong in the south, and it is impossible to divide the troops to the north, so the situation in the north is quite dangerous at once.

Of course, for the Xuanfu Army and the Datong Army, their strength is limited, and if they want to go further north, such as occupying places such as Hejian Mansion, Zhending Mansion, and Guangping Mansion, they are still powerless, and they can use offense instead of defense. Threatening the surrounding areas in the north is considered to have achieved the goal.

   What they have to do is to delay the time as much as possible, as long as they can delay the war until the second half of this year, then they will be considered as victorious without a fight.

The Northland itself has been affected by the drought, and now it has lost most of Shandong, which has the best conditions. The water transport has been interrupted and there is no supply of grain, cloth and other materials from Jiangnan and even Huguang. If it continues, the bureaucratic system will collapse, the armies of the Nine Frontiers will rebel, and the people in the North will swarm up without food and clothing, and the entire Zhou regime will naturally collapse. This is not counting the Jianzhou Jurchen and Chaha from outside the pass The Er people took advantage of the fire to rob.

  Although Feng Ziying had predicted that an accident would happen on the northern line, she never thought that such a big event would happen as soon as it came out.

More than 50,000 elites from Shanxi Town, just collapsed without a sound. This is even more unacceptable than the defeat of Santunying the year before last. After all, everyone knows the situation of the Jingying, but Shanxi Town can be regarded as one of the strong towns in the nine borders. One, why did it collapse so silently, even if a general is incompetent and exhausted to death, a thousand troops can't do this.

It is meaningless to think about other things now. Rao You Shilu is bold, and now he does not dare to be rash. He retreated to the line from Botou Town to Nanpi all at once, and even planned that once Sun Shaozu's Datong army continued to go north, he To retreat to Cangzhou.

  This is really embarrassing.

"Lord You can't do anything about it. He only has more than 20,000 people in his hands, and they can fight together. But once the Shanxi army collapses, Niu Jizong's partial division will no longer be restricted. Xie Wensheng can go from Jiaohe to the north at any time. A side spin and then go around to the back to cut off Lord You's retreat. At that time, Sun Shaozu will go north along the canal, and Lord You will be threatened, so anyone in this situation can only protect themselves first and preserve their vitality That's the most important thing, otherwise this army will be surrounded and wiped out, then either the Jizhen army will have to completely abandon the defense in the north and let the Chahar people go south to block Sun Shaozu and Xie Wensheng, or they will have to Let Sun Shaozu march into Shuntian Mansion."

  Wang Wenyan looked at the map, flipping through the news sent back, and said.

"Sun Shaozu and Xie Wensheng won't go north, they don't have the strength, and they don't have the courage." Feng Ziying shook her head, "They are just putting on a posture to go north, so scared that these people can only retreat first Look, this is exactly what they wanted to achieve. Time passed in a flash. It's been three months now. When You Shilu and the others re-raise their troops, gather together, and prepare for the offensive, when will it be? Five Month? Then it’s time to harvest the summer grain again. Isn’t this just giving the Xuanfu army and the Datong army a chance to breathe? The purpose of my father’s cutting off the water transportation is to make the Xuanfu army and the Datong army have no food to eat and force them to self-sufficient. They are in disarray, but now that Niu Jizong and Sun Shaozu can hold on until the summer harvest, the effect will be greatly reduced."

"If Niu Jizong and Sun Shaozu really want to rely on food from the places along the canal, I'm afraid it will break their tacit understanding with these places, and these places will violate the various requirements of Niu Jizong and Sun Shaozu." Wang Wenyan mused Said: "I think Niu Jizong has attached great importance to maintaining the relationship with the Shandong local government in the past six months. Although he knows that it is impossible for Shandong to submit to them, he has always maintained this tacit understanding,..."

"Huh, in classical Chinese, times change. Niu Jizong's low-key attitude in the early stage is good because he needs to maintain this situation to avoid affecting their survival in Shandong. It’s hard to keep going, do you think he will still be polite to Shandong? Although the Shandong gentry’s inner feelings are inclined to the imperial court, when they find that the northern land is in chaos and the imperial court is difficult to maintain, they will give up their emotional inclination, and I have turned to Prince Yizhong, family interests will always trump pure emotional inclinations."

   "Then what should we do?" Wang Wenyan was also a little anxious.

"My father's purpose is very clear. It is to force Niu Jizong to lead the army to go south to get through the water transportation and take back Xiazhen. My father plans to have a battle with Niu Jizong in Yanzhou to decide the situation of the war in Shandong and even in the north." Feng Ziying said solemnly. "If it is delayed until May and June, then Niu Jizong may not be so motivated to go south to retake Xia Town, so Sun Shaozu and Niu Jizong cannot be allowed to consolidate their current control area in such a leisurely manner. If it is delayed until May, when the summer grain is harvested, They can drag it down."

Wang Wenyan understood Feng Ziying's meaning. Now Sun Shaozu and Niu Jizong control Dongchang Mansion and Yanzhou Mansion in the west of Shandong, as well as the west and north of Jinan Mansion, the south of Hejian Mansion, the east of Zhending Mansion, and the east of Shunde Mansion. Compared with the area that only controlled Dongchang Mansion, Yanzhou Mansion and Jinan Mansion at the beginning, it is much larger, at least more than ten counties and counties. Once the grain in these places is harvested, it will be enough for the Xuanfu Army and the Datong Army. Support two months of income.

   "However, with Master You's strength, how could he take the initiative to confront Sun Shaozu's Datong Army?" Wang Wenyan asked back: "There are no available soldiers around the capital right now."

   "It's not that there are no available soldiers, but it depends on whether the court dares to take this risk." Feng Ziying said in a deep voice: "The Beijing camp, and the new Xuanfu army that is being formed, are not unable to spare some troops."

  Wang Wenyan was taken aback, "My lord, is the Beijing camp available? Also, the new Xuanfu army has just been formed, and it hasn't yet formed an army."

"That's why I said it depends on whether the imperial court dares to take this risk, or whether to draw the three-parent army?" Feng Ziying sneered, "They can't fail to see the bad situation right now. They really want to let the Xuanfu army and the Datong army be together. If Shandong survives until the second half of the year, the situation will be dangerous."

  Feng Ziying's guess was correct. The princes of the court were not fools, and they all saw the danger of this situation, especially Zhang Huaichang, Zhang Jingqiu, Chai Ke and others who were quite accomplished in military affairs felt strongly uneasy.

"We can't drag on like this any longer. We must let You Shilu go up. Sun Shaozu's posture is to scare You Shilu away and delay time. Sun Shaozu has only 50,000 to 60,000 people in total, and the main force is still there. In Dezhou and Linqing, why dare to go to Jiaohe and Dongguang?" Chai Ke was furious, "Ningjin was also occupied by Sun Shaozu, how many thousand soldiers went there? Are there two thousand? Are Yanshan and Qingyun going to be lost?"

  Xu Dahua strongly recommended Su Shengdu as the commander of the expeditionary army in Shanxi Town, which led to the defeat of the Shanxi Army. He was impeached by many censors and took the initiative to take the crown. Now the left servant of the Ministry of War is vacant.

Qi Yongtai suggested that Sun Chengzong, who had just returned from Sichuan, should take the post directly. This suggestion also caused some controversy. Ye Xianggao, Fang Congzhe and Li Sancai all urged caution. The Zuo Shilang of the Zhizheng third rank is a bit out of line, but Qi Yongtai insisted, and he couldn't stand it for a while, so he had to put it aside.

  Xiong Tingbi, the right servant and the commander-in-chief of Jingxiang Town, who served as the temporary post, was in the midst of fighting Yang Yinglong in Sichuan.

"Feng Tang can't be too conservative. It's a good thing to capture Xiazhen, but it can't quench your thirst. What is Liu Baichuan, who is stationed in Jize, doing? He didn't even see the enemy's shadow, so he was so scared that he peed on his ass. Liu, lost Julu and Guangzong and ran south in one breath, by the way, there are Wei County, Qinghe needless to say, and even surrendered to Niu Jizong without bloodshed." Li Sancai said in a deep voice: "This guy himself It’s because they were traitors, and the court gave them a chance, so that’s how they acted? Didn’t the Metropolitan Procuratorate and Long Jinwei not check it out?”

As a cabinet minister in charge of military affairs, Li Sancai was also under a lot of pressure. In fact, many people opposed Xu Dahua's recommendation of Su Shengdu, including Zhang Huaichang, Minister of the Ministry of War, and Ye Xianggao, Fang Congze, and Qi Qi among the cabinet ministers. Because Yongtai didn't know Su Shengdu, he didn't express his opinion, but it was Li San who got Xu Dahua's reassurance, and finally supported Su Shengdu, which led to this situation.

Although Xu Dahua resigned to assume most of the responsibility, Li Sancai also knew that many censors at the Metropolitan Procuratorate were eyeing him and were planning to impeach him, so he knew very well that if he could not Come up with the right advice and win a victory, I'm afraid it will be him who asks to resign next time.

  (end of this chapter)

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