Number of People

Chapter 1897: Renzi Juan seeks a long-term plan, and the lingering rhyme will rest

  Chapter 1897 Renzijuan has a long-term plan, and the aftertaste is gone

"Okay, now is the time for us people in the court to work together to face the difficulties together. Don't worry about the little details." Qi Yongtai was also a little tired, and waved his hands: "Ru Jun's words are also true. The reason is that Li Banghua's performance in Shaanxi is not good. If he is appointed as the Governor of Shuntian Mansion, even if Ziying leaves, he may not be able to do well. This Shuntian Mansion is related to the overall situation, and we cannot act rashly. Therefore, I have to discuss this matter with Jinqing, Zhonghan and the others should discuss it, but Ziying really should make a move, and when the situation in Shandong improves, they can consider it."

  As soon as the current situation was mentioned, both Qiao Yingjia and Han Yu's expressions were not very good.

Although everyone has high hopes for Sun Chengzong, everyone knows that the army given to him is made up of seven or eight. It's not easy.

Sun Chengzong performed well in Sichuan, but in the end he left before seeing the results, so many people were still uneasy, including several elders, but there was no one available, so they could only bite the bullet and support Sun Chengzong .

   "Brother Chengfeng, you don't have to worry too much. The Shanshan rebellion and the court are only temporarily weak to deal with it. The Northwest Army controls the key towns, and the rebel army will hardly become a force." Qiao Yingjia coughed dryly.

"That's the case in Shaanxi, but what about Shanxi?" Qi Yongtai glanced at Qiao Yingjia, "Ru Jun, Yuchen, both of you are from Shanxi, don't you know that Shanxi is not much better than Shaanxi? If the bandits are in Shaanxi If it is difficult to get it, it will definitely expand outward, and it will inevitably spill over to Shanxi and Henan. At that time, the rioters in these two places will take the opportunity to gather and respond, what will the court do?"

Qi Yongtai asked gloomily: "Ming Qi (Huang Ruliang) has tried his best, but it is difficult for a smart woman to cook without rice, and things have different priorities. The situation in Shandong is related to the overall situation. We must ensure it, but I am worried that pressing the gourd will cause the ladle to float. If Shanshan and even Henan are affected by bandit chaos, and even turn into an unmanageable chaos, will the imperial court be able to deal with it?"

   "Can we make some preparations first in Henan and Shanxi?" Han Yu pondered: "No matter how difficult it is for the court, this kind of prevention must be done, otherwise we may not wait until Shandong is recovered, and the Central Plains will be completely chaotic."

"Ziying also mentioned this matter to me. He said that it might be necessary to prepare the guards in Shanxi, Henan, and take the most basic precautionary measures, so that the court can barely bear it, and it can also prevent the guards from being stolen. Army coerced, and then became a part of them." Qi Yongtai stroked his beard and nodded slightly.

  Qiao Yingjia frowned, "Could it be that Ziying wants to do such a thing? That would be too wronged him."

"Ziying recommended that Dazhang (Zheng Chongjian) can do it first." Qi Yongtai shook his head, "He can't leave Shuntian Mansion yet, and the logistics support of the immature Northern Front Army still needs to be supported by Shuntian Mansion, but he said that he will do a new job. Scholars spend their days watching politics in various ministries, which is a bit of a waste. Dazhang can take the lead, people like Yuxuan (Chen Qiyu) and Boya (Sun Chuanting) are very familiar with their hometown, so they can follow Dazhang to familiarize themselves with the situation and take the lead. Let’s do some basic work first.”

The guard army has always been a sore on Dazhou's body. The situation in the north is slightly better. In the south of the Yangtze River, the guard army is almost rotten and useless. This is why the Bozhou Rebellion became uncontrollable when it ignited. In fact, the troops of the Sichuan and Huguang guards had no combat effectiveness at all, and they would collapse at the first touch, which would lead to an unmanageable situation.

   Qiao Yingjia and Han Yu raised their eyebrows and said in unison: "This is a good suggestion."

Zheng Chongjian, Chen Qiyu and Sun Chuanting are all from Shanxi. They were known as the "Three Jins and Three Masters" of the academy when they were in Qingtan Academy. It's just that Chen Qiyu failed in the subject in the fifth year of Yonglong, and Sun Chuanting was too young, so the two were in the eighth year of Yonglong. It's the laurels.

"Well, I also think it's okay, let Dazhang and the others go down in the name of the Ministry of War to prepare the guards of the prefectures, and do the cleaning and rectification work first, just in case, if Ziying is free in the future, she can also go there On this basis, he raised an army, and he did it quite successfully in Yongping Mansion. No matter how difficult the court is now, the money that should be spent on this has to be spent." Qi Yongtai also nodded, "I will be with you when the time comes. Huaichang also said."

   Qiao Yingjia and Han Yu both understood it, and it was not that Qi Yongtai didn't think about him as a proud disciple.

  Staying in the capital is indeed not a long-term solution. With the governor, there will be conflicts, which is not conducive to Ziying's work and support. It is better to go to a difficult place, such as Shanshan, or Huaiyang.

All in all, it is a somewhat challenging task. Even if it is done poorly, at least he can get a comment of being brave in doing things. The foundation is over.

   "Then Ziying won't have a good life for a few days, but he will marry Lin's daughter in the second half of the year." Qiao Yingjia suddenly thought of something, this daughter of Lin Ruhai invited him to fight, what should I do?

"Well, I have thought about it too, but there are many things that are hard to say now. When will the situation in Shandong change, what will happen to the situation in Shanshan and Shanxi, and what will happen to Chen Jixian in Huaiyang, so don't worry too much about it. I don't care, even if the marriage is delayed temporarily because of state affairs, it's not a big problem, Lin's daughter can understand." Qi Yongtai didn't care too much: "Besides, it's only a few days to get married, and these daily affairs will never let you go. Should Ziying handle it by herself? Of course someone in his house will do it, as long as Ziying is in Beijing, it can be done in a few days, if she is really outside, it is another matter."

  Qiao Yingjia thought about it for a while, and this was the only way to go. Who made this year an eventful one.

   While the three of Qi Yongtai were still worrying about planning for Feng Ziying, even taking his marriage into consideration, Feng Ziying was completely free from the worries of her teachers and enjoying the beautiful days of this era.

  As soon as she stepped into the door, a fiery body threw herself into her arms, which surprised Feng Ziying. When did Miss Wan become so active?

  Feng Ziying saw Suyun and Biyue in the outer courtyard, and knew that it was Li Wan who wanted to see her.

  Jin Chuan'er was not there, but let these two girls guard the gate, it goes without saying.

  Jin Chuan'er is also sensible and interesting. Li Wan has been here several times in the past few days, but the uncle is busy outside, so he didn't meet him.

Previously, Jin Chuan'er thought that Grandma Zhu was coming to thank the uncle, or that she wanted to find out about Lang Ge'er's future situation and their future, so she didn't care, and comforted Grandma Zhu, but seeing Grandma Zhu looked a little distracted, and also a little suspicious.

  That day, she was taken away by a mandarin duck, and the third girl stayed in the grandfather's study for a long time before she realized that the third girl had an affair with the uncle, which made her a little unbelievable.

  It’s fine for the second girl to be a concubine for the uncle, her temperament is just like that of a concubine, but the third girl is different, she is a heroic, straightforward, decisive personality, why...?

  But after thinking about it, the Jia family is like this, and the third girl is even reduced to a criminal woman. If she is not sent to the Jiaofang Secretary, she will be considered Amitabha. Under such circumstances, can any high-ranking family be willing to marry her?

  And the uncle and the third girl have always been close. It is a common story in operas that beauties love heroes. Everyone in Beijing knows about the heroism of the uncle. Isn’t it normal for the third girl to fall in love with him? It's just that the second girl has entered the second room, and it seems that the third girl is going to come to the mansion to be a concubine, and I'm afraid she can only be the third room, anyway, she and Miss Lin have a good relationship.

  Jin Chuan'er felt that she could understand how the girls treated the uncle, but when Grandma Zhu came here every now and then, Jin Chuan'er felt a little strange with her expression. Maybe she was really worried about Brother Lang?

   It's just that Suyun and Biyue have to push themselves away every time they come here, which makes Jin Chuan'er a little suspicious. The study has been managed by herself, but the two of them are going to take over the role. As for it?

  So she also pretended to leave the outer courtyard, but she did a cover-up and quietly hid not far from the outer courtyard gate to observe.

  Suyun Biyue is no better than Jin Chuan'er who understands the situation in Feng's residence, so she just guards the gate and asks her grandma to wait inside.

  They all know the truth. In the Feng Mansion, they can cover it up no better than in the Rongguo Mansion. If people find out, it will be difficult for grandma to be a human being.

  Feeling this delicate body pouring into her arms, Feng Ziying was also a little excited.

It is said that a wife is not as good as a concubine, and a concubine is not as good as stealing. This kind of feeling is really different. This pretty widow has completely fallen now. Looking at this pretty face with red cheeks and beautiful eyes that are as charming as silk, Feng Ziying can't help it. Holding the hot face of the other party and kissing passionately, how could Li Wan go through such ravages, especially when his heart was fluttering, this kiss made Li Wan's whole body limp and curled up in Feng Ziying's arms.

  Feng Ziying also only felt that she was very angry now, so she simply put one hand around Li Wan's knee, passed the other hand through Li Wan's armpit, picked Li Wan up and went straight to the quiet room in the study.

  Before Li Wan could react, she could only feel her skirt and cloak falling off one after another, and then her underwear was also peeled off, and soon a big white sheep appeared in front of people.

  Amidst the screams, Li Wan quickly shrank into the brocade quilt, and Feng Ziying was full of spirits, leaping straight into the forbidden area, galloping along with the sound of the little bed.

  Li Wan only felt as if he had been thrown into a melting pot, in a daze, in a daze, completely unaware of where he was, all he knew was to hang on to his lover's collar, whispering softly, begging for mercy.

  At this time, how could Feng Ziying let her go, naturally he lashed out at her heartily, in exchange for bursts of indescribable words, until the lingering rhyme after the final whine.

  (end of this chapter)

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