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Chapter 1905: Ren Zijuan joint bed night talk, sisters talk heart-to-heart

  Chapter 1905 Renzi Juan couple bed night talk, sisters talk heart-to-heart

   Not to mention that Feng Ziying was fighting in Baochai's house, enjoying tenderness to the fullest, the news of her pregnancy in spring was like the water in the spring, and it quickly spread in the back house of Feng's mansion, and everyone knew about it that night.

  Mandarin ducks stayed at Jin Chuan'er's side that night, talking in bed together.

According to common sense, Yuanyang already has the status of the liaison of the entire Feng Mansion, Feng Ziying trusts him very much, and what is rare is that several unruly characters in the mansion, such as Qingwen, Siqi, etc., have nothing to say and are convinced Orally, so the mandarin ducks still live in Sanfang more often.

   But it's not on the study side, but in a solitary wing next to Xichun's current living room.

Feng Ziying even allocated a little girl for Yuanyang to take care of her. Naturally, Yuanyang resolutely refused to accept it, but Feng Ziying insisted that Yuanyang had no choice but to put the little girl in the room over there. Doing chores and talking about other things, Yuanyang dare not let go.

  Jin Chuan'er lived in the East Wing in the outer courtyard of the study, and Yu Chuan lived in the West Wing.

  The room is quite spacious, and the Kang is comfortable, more than enough to accommodate Mandarin ducks and Jin Chuan'er.

   "Is Yu Chuan'er asleep?" Yuanyang went to bed first and lay down, Jin Chuan'er went out for a walk, inspected around before returning to bed.

   "Well, she came in again?" Jin Chuaner also asked.

"Come in and talk for a while. I saw that she was sleepy, so I sent her to bed early. She still wanted to sleep here. I said she couldn't lie down here, so she went to sleep." Yuanyang Shaking her head and chuckling, "She's a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old, but she still doesn't seem to have grown up."

Jin Chuan'er also laughed, "Who says it's not? The day before yesterday I was still saying that the bellybands were too small, so I came here to find my old ones, but I measured them, and the ones I used before are not enough." On her chest, it's bigger than mine two years ago,..."

   "Then yours now..." Yuanyang suddenly realized that Jin Chuan'er had been taken over by the uncle a long time ago, and her body had also changed a little.

"My current girl can use it, but she doesn't like the color and style..." Jin Chuaner likes cool colors, and the embroidered patterns are different from when she was a girl. Naturally, this kind of intimate underwear is to please Feng Ziying. Yu Chuan'er is still a girl with yellow flowers, so naturally she can't use such flamboyant tricks.

"Yu Chuan'er has grown up too. I remember when I was still at the Rongguo Mansion, I often quarreled and cried with you, and your mother often beat you,..." They were all born at home. The Chuan'er sisters are more familiar than Qingwen and Zijuan, and closer than playing chess.

   "Yeah, ten years have passed in a flash, and before we know it, we are all like this."

  Jin Chuaner stood on the edge of the kang and took off his clothes, while feeling emotional, he took off only his small clothes and underwear, and then went to the kang and squatted, while arranging the thin quilt.

The bare arms and long legs, and the slightly plump buttocks dazzled the mandarin ducks, and couldn't help pinching Jin Chuan'er's buttocks, "It's really different. In the past, you This body is so thin and tight, why has it changed a lot inadvertently now, and this place is also a lot bigger,..."

Jin Chuaner squinted at Yuanyang who was huddled in the thin quilt, and smiled, "Why, are you envious? Yuanyang, it seems that your good days are coming soon, and you can't wait until Miss Lin and the others have passed the door. The housekeeper of a family with three rooms is still a sister-in-law alone? After the master takes you into the room, you will understand what is going on and what will become, maybe you will change more than me at that time. "

Only the two of them were there, and Yuanyang didn't care about the "provocation" in Jin Chuan'er's words. After all, the two grew up together. He also had an agreement with her early on, so Yuanyang still has a certain resistance to such words.

After spitting on Jin Chuan'er, Yuanyang gritted his teeth and said: "Look, if it was a few years ago, I can't believe that these words would come out of your mouth. If you want to be so unscrupulous, maybe within a few years, you will Become that dead fish-eyed woman that Second Master Bao said,..."

Jin Chuan'er snorted, "Don't mention Second Master Bao, what kind of good things can such a dude who doesn't know the price of oil, salt, and rice have to say? He is still dreaming about the heights of the sky and the earth all day long. Now that the Jia family is in trouble, what happened to him?" Power? What responsibility? What worries? The uncle is a few years older than him, but he has already been famous in the capital, praised by the government and the public. In the face of the uncle, how many girls can come out? Can they live so peacefully in the imperial prison?"

   Jin Chuaner's contempt for Baoyu surprised even Yuanyang.

Although I know that Baoyu has a bad impression in the minds of these maids who came out of Jia's house early, like Qingwen, Jin Chuan'er, Yu Chuan'er and Xiangling all dismiss Baoyu, thinking that Baoyu is the son of the Rongguo Mansion in vain , can't study well, can't do things well, hang out with her sisters all day long, not to mention, and hang out with low-grade seeds such as Qin Zhong and Jiang Qiguan, compared with Feng Ziying's extraordinary, it is simply a heaven and an underground, naturally It's true that Baoyu doesn't like Baoyu, but such a contemptuous attitude still shocks Yuanyang.

   "Jin Chuaner, although Second Master Bao is useless, he is still not bad..." Yuanyang subconsciously defended Baoyu.

"Mandarin duck, it would be fine if the second master Bao was born in another family, but Jia's family started to go downhill a few years ago, but he turned a blind eye to it. But the son-in-law writes some legendary stories all day long, can that save the Jia family?" Jin Chuan'er did not hide her inner disdain, "Looking at the current situation, let me say that if you want to save the uncle, you should save the ring first. Third Master and Lan Geer, the Jia family can still have some hope in the future, save him, why don't they come out and fool around again?"

"No matter how incompetent I am, I also know that as a son of man, I should shoulder the responsibilities of the family, but the second master Bao is like this. How can I convince the public? It's a pity that the old ancestors, the old man and his wife have expected him a lot, but he is a banker. A sample pewter gun head is not useful for its appearance."

Jin Chuaner's final make-up made it difficult for Yuanyang to answer. The silver-like pewter tip has become the most appropriate evaluation of Jia Baoyu by many people in the Jia family. accept.

  Seeing that the mandarin duck had stopped talking, Jin Chuan'er stopped talking, and got into the bed by himself, and fell asleep next to the mandarin duck.

She also knew that Yuanyang had a good impression of Baoyu in the past, and maybe even the ancestors wanted to arrange Baoyu for Yuanyang to some extent. Baoyu, but he still has some affection for Baoyu.

   Hearing such "defamation" of myself, I must still feel a little uncomfortable.

However, Jin Chuan'er will not be used to it. Ever since she left Jia's house, Jin Chuan'er knew very well that her identity and Jia's family were about to be completely separated. I've done it all, and I don't owe Mrs. Wang anything. As for Baoyu, it's really mud that can't support the wall.

"Okay, Yuanyang, don't worry about Second Master Bao all the time. Everyone has their own destiny, and the uncle has done enough for the Jia family. The old ancestor is as healthy as a few months in prison at this age. Is it possible to change someone?" Jin Chuan'er changed the subject: "If you have that thought, you should think about your own affairs, I've said it all, you can't let Miss Lin come in, and you still have to be arrogant and refuse to come in." Master?"

"If I want to get involved again at this time, wouldn't it add to the chaos? I'm afraid outsiders will still suspect that I have some intentions, which is not good." Yuanyang also knew that Jin Chuan'er had good intentions, and said hesitantly: "Two The girl is pregnant, I'm afraid Miss Bao and Miss Qin won't be able to sit still, Siqi's little hoof is even more arrogant now, I think Erfang will be in chaos for a while, and there will be quite a lot of discord."

"Yuanyang, you think too much. Miss Bao has a calm mind, and the uncle appreciates it very much. If there is something wrong with Miss Qin, I believe it, but with Miss Bao, I believe she can control the situation. As for the chicken feathers, it’s out of control.”

Jin Chuan'er said with certainty: "In the second half of the year, when Miss Lin marries in, there will be many things. Ms. Miaoyu, Miss San, and Miss Xiuyan, how can we arrange it? If they really want to enter the house and enter the third room, How about the attitudes of the eldest room and the second room? Miss Lin's temperament is not easy to get along with. Miss Qin and Miss Lin did not get along well in the Rongguo Mansion, and there will inevitably be some open and dark confrontations. It's the hardest thing to do, I'm afraid you will have to think hard about it now."

Hearing what Jin Chuaner said, Yuanyang also frowned, "Don't be alarmist, the relationship between Miss Bao and Miss Lin is actually closer than what the outside world said, not as bad as you imagined, as for Qin There are indeed some problems with the girl, but Miss Bao will definitely restrain her. The second bedroom and the third bedroom each have a family. In addition, have you considered that with the eldest grandma Shen, Miss Qin will definitely be more scrupulous. , she should know that it's not good for her, and the uncle can't touch the sand in his eyes, and if you don't ask about small things, it doesn't mean that you don't know what's going on here."

Jin Chuan'er smiled "puchi", "You can comfort yourself, if the third girl really wants to get started, then she is an unforgiving person, if she really wants to meet Miss Qin, then that is the real needlepoint. At that time, you will have a headache, and let me remind you, that Miaoyu is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and there may be many things in the future."

Yuanyang eyebrows frowned slightly, "How can it be so fast? Miss Lin hasn't passed the door yet, so why did she talk about the third girl? The ancestor and his wife are still in prison. As for Miaoyu, it doesn't mean that she devotes herself to worshiping the Buddha, but she also knows how to talk about it." Care about these mundane affairs?"

  (end of this chapter)

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