Number of People

Chapter 1907: The Renzi scroll is ready for battle, and the battle is imminent

  Chapter 1907 Renzi Juan is fighting hard, the battle is imminent

   "Bang bang! Bang! Bang!" As the smoke gradually dissipated, the entire formation began to change.

Under the urging of the officers' whistles, the spear teams on both sides quickly assumed a defensive posture, and began to advance steadily and rhythmically, with firm steps and neat lines. Phalanx.

The ten-foot-long spears are black and dense like a forest, and the angle presented makes the spearheads shine a blue light in the sun. This is not to mention that it can have a huge deterrent effect on any animal, even the cavalry on the horse. They all felt the biting killing intent, which made them have to slow down and start to think about the price they would pay if they charged.

  The hollow formation in the middle is still a three-stage serial transformation shooting, and Sun Chengzong couldn't help but sincerely admire its formation transformation speed in an orderly manner.

At first, Sun Chengzong had doubts about the situation of He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji. On the one hand, the reputation of the Jingying was really bad. Second, although many officers of He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji were from Liaodong Town, the main soldiers were still from Yongping Prefecture. What is the state of the people, whether they can go to battle, these are not things that can be explained in a simple sentence or two.

However, through many days of actual combat exercises, Sun Chengzong finally had a good idea. Because the strength of these two troops has been expanded after being assigned to the Xinxuanfu Army and the Fifth Army Battalion, the combat effectiveness seems a bit uneven, but the combat effectiveness of the basic troops Really good.

For example, there are 12,000 people in Yang Zhao's base, of which 3,000 are the main firecrackers. They are well-trained, especially in the formation change and the rhythm of firecrackers. They have done quite smoothly and perfectly. In Sun Chengzong's view, even the elite of the Denglai Army is at this level, and its strength is on par with the elite firearms of the Datong and Xuanfu Army.

This may be due to the fact that this army has strictly abandoned the traditional infantry maneuvers from the very beginning and completely accepted the firecracker formation model. All training is completely centered on the decomposition and combination of the steps of firecracker shooting, efficiency improvement and The resulting formation drills also greatly exceed the training intensity of ordinary frontier troops, because their formation time is too short and they have to pay more.

In other words, this is a completely different firecracker army that was transformed from the infantry in the past, but it was positioned as a brand-new firecracker army from the very beginning. power to the extreme.

Compared with the 3,000 elites, the remaining 9,000 people have to be divided into two parts. One part is to enrich the basic strength of some officers. Although the level of training is still not comparable to that of the elite, after careful observation and understanding, Sun Chengzong still believes that this force is already comparable to that of Wang Ziteng's Denglai Army. The traditional infantry with swords, shields and spears is basically qualified, but if compared with the firearms army, it is still a bit out of place.

  The situation of He Huchen's department is roughly similar to that of Yang Zhaoji's department.

In contrast, Liu Baichuan's Northwest Army is a purely traditional infantry army, with less than 20% of its firecrackers, and has just completed the transformation from the most primitive three-eyed firecrackers to matchlock guns , Its combat effectiveness is still recovering. Sun Chengzong believes that the strength of his firecrackers team is similar to that of the basic army of He Yang's Second Division, and it is a bit worse than the elite of the Second Division.

However, the combat effectiveness of the sword and shield soldiers and spear soldiers of the Northwest Army is not bad. They can be called elite troops. They are not inferior to the Xuanfu Army and the Datong Army, especially the fighting spirit that is eager to fight. incomparable.

   Accompanying Sun Chengzong to watch the actual combat drill were You Shilu, Liu Baichuan, He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji.

   These five people are basically the core command of the Northern Front Army.

The defeated army in Shanxi Town is still undergoing training. According to Sun Chengzong's point of view, instead of forcing an army that has lost its fighting spirit and morale to the battlefield, the risk is completely uncontrollable, it is better to put it in the rear and reorganize it into a reserve team. Supplement the four main forces that are about to go into battle.

In Sun Chengzong's view, You Shilu's Jizhen Army is the most powerful and worthy of great responsibility. In addition, the Northwest Army is slightly inferior in firearms, but has the strongest fighting will. He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji are the youngest and full of vigor, but Tenacity is still lacking, and he may be very good at fighting with the wind, but his performance in the face of setbacks remains to be seen.

   But in any case, these armies are enough to support him to launch an offensive on the northern front.

  Sun Chengzong also vaguely noticed that the Northern Front Army seemed to have something to do with the Feng family.

Not to mention the Northwest Army, it is not an exaggeration to say that the Feng Family Army is not an exaggeration. The Jizhen Army and You Shigong, the general soldier, were recommended and promoted by Feng Tang. There is some involvement, many officers are from Liaodong Town, and most of the soldiers are from Minzhuang, Yongping Prefecture. After the army was defeated in Santunying, Feng Ziying left a deep impression on it.

But Sun Chengzong doesn't care about these. In his opinion, it is enough for the army in his hand to fight. As for factions in the army, this is not a new thing. The Wu Xun family has been immersed in the border town for decades, so it is strange that they have no foundation. However, this era is not when the feudal town was separatist in the late Tang Dynasty. Stretch the army to death, otherwise these warriors in the border town would have rebelled long ago.

  Retracting the binoculars, Sun Chengzong let out a sigh of relief.

The combat effectiveness of He Yang's Second Division is satisfactory. During this period of time, he has continuously deployed the Northwest Army and the Jizhen Army for actual combat drills, in order to grasp the actual combat effectiveness of these armies in the most intuitive and true way. It is the basis for his next deployment and decision-making on the northern front.

   Without a solid understanding of the combat effectiveness of these armies, he dared not make this determination.

  The imperial court could no longer bear a defeat, especially when the rebellion in Shaanxi was getting worse, the Ministry of War still withstood the pressure and did not force him to send troops to Shandong immediately, but he could feel the pressure.

   "My lord, how is it?" He Huchen asked first.

  Master Sun's standard is really too high. He checks his combat readiness in various ways, and also needs to prove it through actual combat drills. This shows that he is worried about himself and Yang Zhaoji.

  However, even the Jizhen Army and the Northwest Army were treated equally, and He Huchen couldn't say anything, and Mr. Feng had also specifically instructed them, so although He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji were a little dissatisfied, they still firmly obeyed the rules.

"It's okay. The firearms army is first-class, the spear army is not satisfactory, and the sword and shield soldiers are much inferior to the Jizhen army and the Northwest army. They are generally a bit rough and need a few real battles to polish them." Sun Chengzong was not polite. "Perhaps this Shandong war can help Hu Chen and Taichu and your two departments to achieve transformation."

Both He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji rubbed their faces and smiled wryly. This Lord Sun is really impolite. When Liu Baichuan and You Shilu said this, Yang Zhaoji scratched his head and said, "My lord, your request is too high, isn't it?" ?”

"In the beginning, if 12,000 people in your department could be as good as the Firecracker Army, the world would be able to go there that day, but can the other departments reach this level? Not to mention training, even the firecrackers and gunpowder cannot guarantee it." Right?" Sun Chengzong squinted, "And your artillery team, the training intensity is obviously not as good as that of the gun team, and the shooting accuracy and efficiency are not as good..."

   "My lord, the barrel of a cannon has a limited lifespan, so I really dare not use it like a blunderbuss..." Yang Zhaoji quickly explained.

"Not only that, as far as I know, the artillery is now different from the original one. The long-barreled cannons of the Xiyi people are far more powerful than before, and they also have high requirements for operating soldiers. They need to know how to calculate angles and landing points. How many people in our army know how to do arithmetic?" Sun Chengzong looked at each other, and then turned his eyes around the others: "Someone talked to me about the importance of firearms and their importance to the original infantry. Instead, I have been hesitating, but now I think I am afraid he is right, but there is a premise, that is, our firecrackers and artillery can keep up, our soldiers can keep up with training and learning, and the future of the court will definitely be It will start to change in this direction, and those who come to the front can lead the trend, do you guys feel this way?"

   Several people were silent. This involves a major change in the entire Dazhou military system, from armament manufacturing to the overall change in the training system. No one person can make a decision.

Although everyone has consciously or unconsciously adjusted the ratio of the number and ratio of the various units in the army such as gunners, archers, spearmen, swords and shields, and logistics support teams, but after all, everyone is just an attempt, and they are still In a process of exploration, and although firearms have shown great advantages in some occasions, on the whole, no one dares to completely replace the equipment of the traditional infantry. Until today, Sun Chengzong clearly put forward this Viewpoints, only to make a few people realize that perhaps an era of change is coming.

Seeing that everyone was thinking silently, Sun Chengzong didn't say much. The immediate priority is to open up the situation on the northern front, and he just expressed his feelings, so that they can consciously explore and summarize in future battles, but This premise is to win the battle.

"Okay, let's think about it on our own in the future. Now we have to think about preparing for a battle." Sun Chengzong retracted the topic and looked to the south. "Everyone can discuss where we should start our first battle and how to finish it in one go." , played beautifully, the imperial court needs this victory too much."

  Everyone's eyes are looking to the south. It's time to exercise and fight a good battle.

  (end of this chapter)

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