Number of People

Chapter 1913: The Renzi scroll is suspicious, and the plague suddenly rises

  Chapter 1913 The Renzi scroll is suspicious, and the plague suddenly rises

  Sun Shaozu moved his gaze upwards again.

  Tangyi and Boping face each other across the canal, between Dongchang Mansion and Linqing Prefecture, and further up is Weijiawan, where the old Yellow River and the canal meet, which is the key place.

   Guantao, Tangyi, all the way to Liaocheng in Dongchang Prefecture, Sun Shaozu is still sure of this line.

  Qingshui Town Fort and Jia Town Fort are both nails on this plain that can be defended by relying on the fort. They are firmly nailed to this piece of land. It is not so easy for Liu Baichuan to break through easily.

  I can rely on Guantao, Qingshui Town, and Jia Town to fortify layer by layer, and then use cavalry maneuvers to harass, forcing the opponent to go eastward with all their strength, otherwise I can cut off his retreat and supplies.

  As long as he slows down the opponent's progress, he can use the canal maneuver to achieve the advantage of strength. As long as the opponent dares to go too deep, but Liu Baichuan is also a veteran, so he can't be so stupid.

   Could it be that Liu Baichuan just feinted his shot, and his real target was Guan County?

  Guan County is too close to Daming Mansion, and can get support from Daming Mansion at any time. Although there are only some guards there, it is hard to say.

  Sun Shaozu stationed 2,000 troops in Guan County, but it was not secure. If Liu Baichuan from Daming Mansion wanted to take Guan County, unless he sent reinforcements from Dongchang Mansion, he would not be able to stop it at all.

  The defense posture of Guantao, Qingshui Town, and Jia Town further north is obviously better. Even if Guan County is captured by Liu Baichuan, so what? As long as Qingshui Town Fort and Jia Town Fort are in his hands, Liu Baichuan will not dare to attack Liaocheng.

   Or is Liu Baichuan planning to fight steadily like this, swallowing up all the towns and forts in the Guantao area step by step? Then this hillbilly from the Northwest has too much appetite.

   It is safe to do this, but Sun Shaozu is happy to see the results. Although the opponent wants to adopt this strategy, although it will ultimately be detrimental to his own side, he can win time.

   It's not that easy to take down this town. I have enough energy and strength to play with the opponent and see who can stand it.

Thinking about it made my head ache, and Sun Shaozu also knew that it would be a bit theoretical to think about it just by looking at the map, but now it is getting more and more difficult to understand the intelligence spying of the opponent's army, and the role of scouts has been affected by the opponent's various methods. Such restrictions, especially the uncooperative support of the local government, have greatly restricted his own side, and he can only rely on the map to conduct research and judgment.

   Linqing Prefecture in the north has a lot of troops stationed on its own, and Niu Jizong's last attack on Shanxi Town was also from here, so it is estimated that Sun Chengzong would not dare to take risks here.

  Of course, even if Sun Chengzong wants to take risks, he is not afraid. The Linqing garrison and his own support arrangement on Dafu Mountain in the north of the city are enough to deal with ten days and eight days without the city falling.

   This battle is still inevitable, Sun Shaozu secretly sighed in his heart, he has also heard about all kinds of **** in Nanjing, it's time to wait, and there are still internal strife and strife, what the **** is this called? It's just that I have already boarded the boat, and I have come to this point. If I want to get off the boat, can I do it?

  I can only take one step at a time, and I am a little worried, but Sun Shaozu also knows that he has to win the battle before him no matter what, before he can talk about other things, otherwise, what is waiting for him is a knife and an axe.

"grown ups!"

  The personal soldiers reported the information collected by the scouts. Sun Shaozu glanced at ten lines, read it quickly, frowned again, and immediately called in his staff.

   "The 20,000 people in the Beijing camp went south from Nangong?" After reading the information, the staff members were also a little puzzled, and their eyes lingered on the map, "Do you want to reinforce the Northwest Army Liu Baichuan?"

"It's not sure yet, but You Shilu is so confident that he can fight us in Dezhou? He only has less than 30,000 people. If he wants to fight Ling County and Dezhou, he is not afraid of knocking out his teeth?" Sun Shaozu sneered, pacing back and forth with his hands behind his back.

"My lord, the combat effectiveness of the 20,000 people in the Beijing camp is worrying, but they are just for show. You Shilu probably doesn't like it, so they are sent to Liu Baichuan. The Northwest Army is far away. How can I understand this? In the doorway, Yang Zhaoji is wearing the guise of the new Xuanfu army, does he really think he has the ability of the Xuanfu army? Sun Chengzong is also fooling Liu Baichuan." The staff laughed.

   "Looking at it this way, Liu Baichuan is really planning to fight us in Guanxian and Guantao?" Sun Shaozu was a little moved.

If you really want to fight a battle in Guanxian County and Guantao area, it is acceptable. You can ask Niu Jizong to give some support in the south, and this battle can be turned into a war of attrition. The other party, gaining time, can only do so.

   Gain time for Nanjing. If Nanjing cannot tighten the various blockades to the north as soon as possible, then there is really no way.

"Well, look at Liu Baichuan's next stage of offensive and you will understand." The staff analyzed: "Then Xin County is a little dangerous, and we have to guard against Liu Baichuan's increase in troops. There may be more options. If he Let's attack east and west with one move, and shoot at Guantao, but we want to attack Shen County in the south, we may be caught off guard by the big ones."

  Sun Shaozu also has some headaches. This is the passive side of the defender. He needs to defend everywhere, but he doesn’t know where the enemy’s main attack direction is.

   "Yanshan Mountain is the key. Holding Yanshan Mountain can prevent the Northwest Army from going south and support Guanxian County." Sun Shaozu hesitated for a long time before saying slowly.

   "But Liaocheng's troops are a little weak." The staff reminded.

"We can consider drawing one from Linqing, but we must determine Liu Baichuan's main attack direction before making a decision. We have the advantage of the canal, and we don't need to rely on two legs like the Northwest Army." Sun Shaozu pondered: "This I always feel that there will be some accidents in the first battle, but I can’t see where the problem is, so I can only be more careful.”

   After saying this, Sun Shaozu glanced at the staff with some hesitation, and said in a low voice, "Maybe we can get in touch with the people from the imperial court?"

The staff was taken aback, and looked around, seeing no one around, so they whispered: "My lord, I'm afraid I'm not mature yet, we can only talk if we can fight, if we can't resist Liu Baichuan's offensive, the court may not What good conditions are given to us, only by winning this battle can we have the qualifications to negotiate."

  Sun Shaozu sighed, but nodded: "I also understand this truth. If you can't win, what are you going to talk about? Just surrender? I can't do it yet. Forget it, let's fight this battle well."


   Just as the Shandong war began to enter the pre-war stage, the rebellion caused by the refugees in Shaanxi became more and more intense.

   "There's a pimple plague over there in Gushan Castle!"

  He Shixian jumped up in shock, his voice trembling, he grabbed the other person's chest, "What? Where did you get the news? If there are lies, I will make your life worse than death!"

"My lord, how dare such a small person lie about such things?" The soldier who came to report was sweating profusely, his face full of despair: "Actually, there were signs of this half a month ago, and it was in the countryside of Fugu at that time, because They were all in the village, and everyone knew the danger of the pimple plague, so the villagers locked those families in the valley and let them perish by themselves. Who would have thought that two of them escaped from the crevice of the valley, It was not found outside, so these two fled to Fugu County, one died in Fugu County, and the other crossed the river and fled to Baode Prefecture in Shanxi."

  He Shixian's face was pale, it was really a leaky house and it was raining overnight, if he had known that he would have worked hard and not stay in Yulin, he would go to the Central Plains with the governor.

I thought I was able to stay in Yulin, even if there was a little bit of thieves, it would be a great achievement to put it down, but now, the thieves are rampant, and the chaos is on the side, that’s all, there is also a pimple plague, how can this be good ?

   "I don't care about Shanxi, how is the situation here?" He Shixian stabilized his mind, it was useless to jump now, and he had to figure out how to deal with it.

"Hundreds of people have died in Fugu, and hundreds of people have been infected with pimple plague..." Before the soldiers finished speaking, He Shixian became impatient, "I don't care about local affairs, I only ask our soldiers How's the situation!"

"My lord, I'm still counting. Fugu County has a lot of contact with us in Qingshui Camp, Huigou Camp, Papaya Fort, Zhenqiang Fort, and Yongxing Fort..." The guards stammered: "In addition, Shenmu County has also found a disease. people, but not many, Shenmu County is already under emergency blockade and control."

  He Shixian sat down with his hand on his forehead.

   This area is close to Fugu, Shenmu and other counties. Many daily supplies come from the local areas. How can it be cut off? The Zhenqiang Office is next to Shenmu, which is also an important place in Yulin Town, and Yao Weikun, the deputy commander of the division, is stationed there.

"Immediately notify Jiazhou and Mizhi to block this line, from the Yellow River to the side wall, prohibit the movement of people, prepare horses, and I will go to the Zhenqiang Office immediately." The more panicked, the more serious things are going to happen. It is obvious that pimple plague is hard to stop. The only thing we can do now is to prevent it from spreading as much as possible. Including the purchasing staff, no one should be ordered not to go out."

   "My lord, you can't go to Zhenqiang's office!" The soldiers were shocked, and hurried forward to hold He Shixian.

"Go away!" He Shixian was furious, and he raised his hand to beat the soldiers, "Who will I go if I don't go? Before leaving, the governor told me to lead the Yulin Army well. This is the root of our Northwest Army. If we lose Yulin Army, the governor can kill me!"

  (end of this chapter)

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