Number of People

Chapter 1926: Ren Zijuan's words can be punished, and its heart can be punished

  Chapter 1926 Renzi Juan, its words can be punished, its heart can be punished

  Feng Ziying's eyes lit up, and the corners of her mouth curled up. She stared at the other party, with a half-smile: "Mr. Qiu, you are playing with fire. You can say such words? Are you not afraid of ransacking your family?"

Qiu Shi'an snorted, and put on a posture that a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, "Master Feng, since the old servant has come to your place, what are you afraid of? There are only you and me here, and God knows what to say You know, I know, what are you afraid of? Besides, even if you are an adult, what can you get if you sell the old slave? To get the loyalty of Long Jinwei, or the appreciation of the court princes? The loyalty of the former, hehe, that is a joke , the latter's appreciation, I am afraid that many people praise it on the surface, but they will greatly disagree in private."

  Feng Ziying laughed and nodded, "Your words are interesting, I would like to hear more about it."

Qiu Shi'an said slowly: "My lord and this old slave know what kind of person Long Jinwei is. It seems that the fighting between Gu Cheng and Lu Song will continue. Without the support of the emperor, Lu Song is also a little confused now. Well, the princes are trying to win over Lu Song, and Gu Cheng seems to want to make a comeback, just like Dai Xiang also wants to return to the palace."

  Feng Ziying couldn't help asking, "Dai Quan really wants to go back to the palace? He's so old, isn't he afraid of exhaustion?"

Feng Ziying's understanding of Dai Quan is only limited to the book "Dream of Red Mansions". He knows that Jia Rong's Wupinlong Banwei was obtained by Jia Zhen through Dai Quan, which shows the power of this person, but after he came to this world, it seems that many There was a change, at least he had no dealings with this person, but Xia Bingzhong, Qiu Shi'an, and Zhou Peisheng, the eunuchs in power, all had dealings.

Dai Quan is the Minister of the Daming Palace, and this position is still retained until now, only because he followed the Supreme Emperor to the Renshou Palace and did not perform his duties on the post. In theory, he still has the possibility to return to the Forbidden Palace, but at least under Emperor Yonglong Before being assassinated and unconscious, no one would have thought that Dai Quan could return to the Forbidden Palace, but now he really wants to go back to the Forbidden Palace.

"My lord, how many people who have tasted the taste of power are willing to let go?" Qiu Shi'an smiled lightly, "Dai Xiang is only seventy years old, and he is in good health. It is said that he can eat half a catty of meat for a meal, Renshou It's not easy when no one cares about the palace, now someone wants to invite him back to the palace, how can he endure loneliness?"

   "Oh? Someone wants to let him come back?" Feng Ziying thought for a while, then laughed, "Concubine Mei really doesn't care, why is the Supreme Emperor willing to let him go?"

Qiu Shi'an was not surprised that Feng Ziying was so familiar with the affairs of the palace, and was even a little happy. This shows that the other party is still interested in the affairs of the palace, and that's good. I'm afraid that the other party is unwilling to interfere with the affairs of the palace. It is difficult to win over or cling to each other.

"The Supreme Emperor has no desires now. Dai Xiang wants to come back. Why should he stop him?" Qiu Shi'an pouted, "However, Dai Xiang has been gone for almost ten years. Times have changed, and many situations may not be like this. Dai Xiangyuan was there at that time."

   "It's hard to get over the water, why should he go back?" Feng Ziying has nothing to do, he doesn't care about it, "Director Qiu hasn't finished talking yet, right?"

"Of course, the old slave still wants to say that even if your lord sells the old slave, the princes in the court may not like it. You are a civil servant, and you should know that if an emperor who is as healthy and energetic as the Supreme Emperor is in power, it will be difficult for the princes in the court. How uncomfortable it is for the prince, that is, the empress has been slacking off for a few years, and the princes in the court can breathe a little bit. The current kings, do you think the princes in the court welcome King Lu and King Gong, or do they welcome the king of blessings? What about people like Wang?"

  Too blunt and blatant, but I like it, Feng Ziying laughed, stretched out her finger and pointed at Qiu Shi'an, "Director Qiu, his words can be punished, and his heart can be punished!"

Qiu Shi'an chuckled, "This old slave is just telling the truth. King Lu is wise, and King Gong is smart, both are unpredictable. King Shou is violent and frivolous, and has a bad reputation. The princes in the court may have concerns because of their reputation, but King Fu King Li is the most suitable for everyone,..."

Feng Ziying lowered her head slightly, and had to say that Qiu Shian's words were really deceptive. Both Fu Wangli and Wang Li are mediocre, and these two are both from Su Lingyao. more convenient.

It is impossible for King Li to think that just because King Fu is older than him, the other party should take that position for granted, and he can only stand aside as a matter of course. He will also have his own ideas, and for everyone, isn't this better? ?

   Of course, these are all follow-up matters, and it is far from talking about these now.

Seeing Feng Ziying nod his head, Qiu Shi'an finally breathed a sigh of relief. At least he was on the right track. This person is not a person willing to be lonely. Having said that, he is a son of a wealthy family in the border town. How can you be mediocre when you are still in the Hanlin Academy, and you are a fourth-rank official at the age of twenty? If you don't have some ideas, it will be even more suspicious.

"My lord, what this old slave said may be a bit straightforward, but the current situation is like this. If King Lu and Gong Wang really become the Lord of the Great Treasure, I am afraid it is not a blessing for scholars." Qiu Shi'an's tone also slowed down, "This old slave believes Grown-ups can understand that."

"Mr. Qiu, you know the mentality of our scholars very well. Indeed, no one likes to see the situation of Yuanxi thirty years ago. It violates the rules and regulations of the emperor and the scholar-bureaucrats. If the emperor is arbitrary, Then what else should the cabinet do? If you encounter a foolish monarch who is arbitrary, conceited and unrestrained, wouldn’t the Great Zhou Dynasty be ruined? To put it bluntly, the current dire situation of the confrontation between the North and the South is the disaster planted by the Supreme Emperor back then. Because, if he hadn't been too lenient towards Jiangnan, how could these Jiangnan gentry be so rampant that they thought they could fight against the imperial court."

  Qiu Shi'an felt that his words were bold enough, but he was a servant, and there were only two of them, even if he said some exaggerated things, he was not afraid.

But this one is a scholar-in-law official, and he dared to be so unscrupulous, which made him heartbroken. The more he dared to say such things, the more confident the other party was. He knew that Feng Ziying was not that kind. For those who are rebellious, if they dare to say such things, they have the confidence.

   "My lord, what you said is also embarrassing." Qiu Shi'an chuckled.

"Hehe, punishing one's heart also depends on who one is dealing with. The attitude of the scholars is like this. The emperor's rule is not just empty talk, but relying on the scholars. This is the will of the people in the world, and even the emperor cannot disobey it. , or you will be punished.”

  Feng Ziying was not afraid that Qiu Shi'an would do something because of what he said. If he dared to report on himself, he would only get his own head broken, and he would not be so unwise.

   "Okay, my lord, you can do whatever you want. I dare not argue with you, so can we talk about how to cooperate in the next step?" Qiu Shi'an smiled slightly.

"Mr. Qiu, in my opinion, instead of spending your thoughts on Su Shengdu, you should think more about other things. Su Shengdu's poor performance, even if he escapes to death, there will be no chance of turning over again." He is not the same as Chen Jingxuan, he has humiliated the country and put the court in a dangerous situation, and everyone hates him from top to bottom. At this time, it is meaningless to waste too many contacts and energy to help him." Feng Ziying saw said to the other party.

  Qiu Shi'an frowned, "But if Su Shengdu is lost, now Gu Bingqian and Wei Guangwei are also retreating, and Qiu Shiben is even more shunned like a tiger. How can King Fu and Li come to power?"

"Mr. Qiu, let a person take off his cotton-padded clothes. Is it better to have a heavy snow or a big sun?" Feng Ziying laughed, "If it is true that Su Shengdu wins a big victory and takes command of the army, Gu Bingqian, Wei Guangwei, and the others will be better." Waving the flag and shouting in the court, the momentum is loud, do you think the princes in the court will let the king of blessing and the king of ceremony supervise the country?"

  Qiu Shian's eyes lit up, and he subconsciously stroked Guangshengsheng's chin.

   "Showing that you are weak, sometimes you can gain something." Feng Ziying has a deep meaning.

   "Your Excellency, you mean that we don't do anything?" Qiu Shi'an still felt that this was a bit unbelievable.

"Mr. Qiu, why do you have to tie your fate completely to a certain person?" Feng Ziying's tone became more and more intriguing, "Whether it is King Fu, Li Wang or King Gong, you should know that it is not the palace that decides their fate, but the one who decides their fate." In the court, what you have to do is not to find someone to help them and support them, but to guide them to take the initiative to approach the attitude of the princes in the court, and let them understand this truth."

  After being stunned for a moment, Qiu Shian fell into deep thought. He seemed to recognize the hidden meaning in Feng Ziying's words, and asked hesitantly, "My lord, what is this..."

"I don't mean anything else. Maybe King Fu and Li is a more suitable candidate in the eyes of the princes, but there are many variables here. They may not be able to go to the end. Your current situation is that you are being led by them to follow them. I think this seems too passive. Why can’t you be an active leader? That’s true for King Fu and Li, but it’s not necessarily the case for King Shou, and it’s the same for King Lu and Gong. Dai Quan is old, Xia Bingzhong is stupid, Zhou Peisheng is cowardly, Manager Qiu, shouldn't you try to behave like Dai Quan thirty years ago?"

  Feng Ziying's teasing made Qiu Shian's heart flutter, but he immediately calmed down and shook his head: "My lord, you are praising this old slave too much. This old slave doesn't have such abilities..."

"You don't have such ability now, but if you cooperate with the princes in the court, you may not have this ability. An emperor who meets everyone's wishes can satisfy everyone. Do you understand what I mean?" Feng Ziying looked at The thoughtful Qiu Shi'an's tone became more gentle and full of deep meaning.

  (end of this chapter)

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