Number of People

Chapter 1941: Ren Zijuan learns from the pain, and expresses love with one word

  Chapter 1941 Ren Zijuan learned from the pain and made love with one word

   Shocked by Feng Ziying's dignified and deep words, Yuan Chun didn't know whether it was joy or sadness for a while.

  She was called Guanyin Master by the other party. Although she knew that she had a plump face and was said to be a majestic treasure, she still felt a little ashamed and happy when she said that she was Guanyin Master.

   "Since I had bad thoughts at that time, why did it take me so long to..." Yuan Chun asked quietly.

"Even the emperor, it is impossible to get whoever he likes, right? Conditions and opportunities are needed, not to mention that you are in the palace, and I don't know your intentions. You are too rash and reckless, isn't it an abrupt beauty?" Feng Ziying said lightly. He smiled and said, "But since then I have been working hard to prepare, but you didn't feel it."

   "I've been working hard to prepare? What have you prepared?" Yuan Chun asked in surprise, "Why didn't I feel it at all?"

"Of course you can't feel it anymore. Your thoughts were not on this before, and you were all around Su Lingyao and Qiu Shi'an." Feng Ziying smiled disapprovingly, "In fact, I have been reminding you constantly, Don't get too involved with Su Lingyao and the others, it won't do you any good. If you feel that you are in a bad situation in the palace, you would rather make friends with power servants like Xia Bingzhong and Qiu Shi'an than Xu Junru and Su Lingyao Getting too close, people like Xia Bingzhong and Qiu Shi'an have been in the palace for many years, even if they seem to be very close to a certain one now, but their status as servants determines that they are just the emperor's servants and have no integrity There is nothing wrong with morality, so you can change the family at any time without any taboos, you can't explain anything if you make friends with them, but getting involved with people like Su Lingyao and Xu Junru means that your position is locked,..."

Yuan Chun thought about it carefully, it seems that this is really the case, why was he so naive and naive back then, thinking that following Su Lingyao would be able to get rid of the situation of being neglected, isolated or even bullied in the palace. A backer can no longer worry about these things, but now it seems that it will only make me more involved, and after losing the Jia family as a backer, my little connections are even more pitiful, and I may be used as an abandoned child at any time Sacrifice, as a sacrifice to please a certain party.

"I even suspected that you were in a difficult situation at the beginning. Maybe it was an atmosphere Su Lingyao could create to make you feel fear and threat. That's why you asked her for help, and finally took you in smoothly. Of course At that time, she may have taken a fancy to the Jia family and Wang family behind you, but when the Jia family was destroyed and the Wang family became rebellious, your value would no longer exist, and you would even become a street mouse. Everyone shouted and beat you. She might not have thought There is a bigger and more valuable backer behind you."

  Feng Ziying smiled authentically.

  Yuan Chun rolled Feng Ziying's eyes charmingly, "Who would have thought that you would have such wild ambitions, that you would..."

"Hehe, it's not really about wolf ambition, it's just that everyone has a love for beauty." Feng Ziying showed an unspeakably complicated look on her face, "I don't understand why Uncle Zheng Shi let you enter the palace, why did you It’s nothing more than being a female historian. You should leave the palace when you’re about the same age. Why do you have to go to the palace at such an old age? Even people like me who don’t care about the affairs of the palace know the situation of the emperor, so it’s impossible to have any results , Could it be that Uncle Zheng Shi doesn’t know? Doesn’t he know that this will make you spend the rest of your life in the melancholy of watching your black hair turn gray?”

Feng Ziying's words made Yuan Chun's face change suddenly, and even the arms holding Feng Ziying were suddenly tightened. Obviously, Feng Ziying's words were a huge stimulus to her, and they made her unable to answer, and even thinking deeply would make her feel breathless. Feeling angry.

This is because my father sacrificed his life's happiness to seek the continuation of power for the Jia family, and my uncle also wanted to benefit from it, so he supported his father's behavior. On the contrary, people like Feng Ziying put such things See clearly, and don't care about this so-called benefit, how big is the contrast?

   "Then you will let me sit and watch my hair turn white all my life?" Yuan Chun finally took a deep breath, straightened his body, looked at Feng Ziying, and said every word.

  Feng Ziying also looked back calmly: "Of course not, I have always adhered to this sentence, if the true feelings are hidden in my heart, time will never defeat a beauty, this sentence is my gift to you."

   "If the true love is hidden in the heart, the years will never defeat the beauty", Yuan Chun chanted this poem repeatedly, and for a while, he felt a little ecstatic, and fell into it, unable to extricate himself.

Feng Ziying did not expect that she could casually add a nondescript prefix to half a sentence of Su Shi's poem, which could make Yuan Chun so moved and obsessed. It can be seen how lethal the poems and songs of this era are to these female literary youths. , It's almost always going against the odds, even a woman like Yuan Chun who has been in the palace for many years is not immune, of course the madman combined her current state of mind with the benefit of the madman who knows herself and loves to pinch her, so she can break the defense in one fell swoop.

   After a long time, Yuan Chun finally calmed down, "Ziying, do you know? In fact, I have been in touch with my uncle,..."

  Feng Ziying was slightly startled, "Wang Ziteng?"

"Well, almost every one or two months, they will contact me through Baoqin, and they have people inside and outside the palace, who can contact me at any time." Yuan Chun said lightly: "I don't know his purpose , but the situation they want to know is similar to what you said at the beginning. I guess maybe he also wants to intensify the conflicts between King Shou and King Fu and King Li and King Lu at the right time, and then make trouble It's out of control, and it will finally achieve the purpose of disturbing Chao Gang,..."

Feng Ziying thought for a while, then nodded slightly: "Well, although I don't think he can achieve his goal, they overestimated the skills and abilities of these people, and also overestimated their influence on the court. The emperor has five sons. The court just needs to make it clear that whoever is obedient will be able to sit in that position. I believe that whether it is the King of Shou, the King of Fu, the King of Li, or the King of Lu, King Gong, as well as their mothers and concubines, will become more honest than anyone else. Be obedient, of course, this is indeed a good way to make a lot of money, anyway, there is no cost, even if it fails, it will not have much impact, and they will not pin their hopes on these little tricks..."

"Maybe, maybe I'm just an insignificant role in his mind that can be discarded at any time." Yuan Chun laughed at himself, not without sentimentality: "It's just ridiculous. I still think that I am both the Jia family and the Wang family every year." People, even fantasized that if Nan Bian'er wins, my uncle will become the minister of the dragon, and maybe I can jump out of this cage,..."

Feng Ziying didn't just slander and trample on Wang Ziteng, she thought for a while and said, "It's not impossible, if the Nanbianer can really win, Wang Ziteng might be able to get a minister of the Ministry of War or reopen the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion as a grand general." Governor, you will become abandoned concubines, thrown into the cold palace or put aside in another way, it is not impossible for Wang Ziteng to get you out, but Prince Yizhong is not that stupid, and more importantly, the South has no chance of winning, so the premise It doesn't exist, everything is illusory,..."

  Yuanchun shook his head, Qingling smiled, "Don't comfort me, I understand, maybe now you are my only one to rely on, right?"

  Feng Ziying didn't speak anymore, but deeply cupped the other's cheek and kissed him in response.

   Feeling dizzy with a cold, keep asking for votes.



  (end of this chapter)

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