Number of People

Chapter 1943: Ren Zijuan decided with one word, with the help of girlfriends

  Chapter 1943 Renzijuan decides with one word, with the help of girlfriends

   To say, it's time to take care of the mandarin duck's affairs, Feng Ziying thought, this girl also deserves his courtesy.

Through observation in the past six months, Yuanyang has completely transformed from the chief maid of the Rongguo Mansion to the chief maid of the inner courtyard of the Feng Mansion. Character, loyalty, intelligence, tactful in small things, but has its own bottom line in big things, and will not give in unprincipled, which is especially rare.

And as I left Beijing, if Yuanyang didn't give me an identity, even if it was the identity of a girl in the house, it would seem a bit weak when facing girls like Qingwen, Jin Chuaner, Siqi, Yinger, and Zijuan, even Most of these people have a good relationship with her, but if they are private or public, he should let her establish her position in Feng's house, which is what I promised her.

  Feng Ziying told Shen Yixiu and Xue Baochai explicitly or secretly about this point, and they had no objection, and Daiyu even took the initiative to tell herself that mandarin ducks are the most suitable, and she also respects mandarin ducks the most.

"When you talk about Ping'er, you have to talk about yours first." Feng Ziying looked at Yuanyang and said calmly and seriously: "There is no reason to talk about Ping'er, and your matter has to be put on hold. Why are you still planning to wait for the master to go?" Is it okay to come back after coming back from Shaanxi? You are about the same age as Heping, right? How old are you when the master comes back in two years?"

Feng Ziying's words hit Yuanyang's weakness. She is really old. If she was outside, the children could run around on the ground, but these words were really embarrassing. Yuanyang's cheeks became hot like fire, but her mouth Unwilling to back down: "That's what I want, so many years have passed, so what if I wait another two years?"

"Hehe, your mouth is quite hard. Grandpa Jin Chuan has taken her in for five or six years. She is younger than you. Qingwen is just as arrogant as you. After two years of delay, he still took her in." , and Xiangling, Siqi, I will not be stingy with what I should give you, now that Pinger is here, how can I make you feel wronged?" Feng Ziying shook her head, "I don't want to be poked in the back by someone, Said that the master favors one and treats the other more favorably, and that's it."

Yuanyang didn't expect that she would speak for Ping'er, but now she let herself in, and she felt a little anxious. Others would hear about it, and she didn't know what to think, especially with a knife like Siqi who is not forgiving. Yes, but how to tell the truth.

"Master, why don't you care what the servant thinks?" Yuanyang's eyes turned red with anxiety, "After all, it seems that the servant is trying to please his own affairs, and the outsiders don't know what to do. Speaking of slaves, how will slaves deal with themselves in the mansion in the future?"

Feng Ziying laughed, "Yuanyang, Yuanyang, you are good at everything, but you care too much about other people's opinions. You are the person appointed by the father to contact and coordinate the affairs of the inner house. The grandmas have nothing to say, so who can have any objections? If anyone has any objections, let them come to me! Besides, their mouths grow on them, and they can say as much as they want, can they change anything?"

  Mandarin duck still doesn't follow, just stomps.

   "Okay, I know about this matter, Jin Chuaner, do you think what the master said makes sense?" Feng Ziying glanced at Jin Chuaner, who had been pursing her lips and chuckling.

"Of course what I said makes sense. It's only natural for Yuanyang to have her concerns. After all, she will have to deal with these people in the house in the future. If I have a better way to solve it, that would be the best." Jin Chuan'er After thinking about it, I said.

   "It seems that you have a good suggestion? Tell me." Feng Ziying asked.

"In my humble opinion as a servant, I might as well draw up a statement first, let it out, and say that I want to take mandarin ducks as concubines..." When Jin Chuan'er said this, the mandarin ducks became anxious, which was a bit over the top. How could it be possible to change a concubine in one step? Jin Chuaner, Qingwen, Zijuan, Siqi, and Xiangling were all still staring at them. Then he said: "Then Yuanyang expressed his attitude and did not accept such an arrangement, but he was willing to help the three grandmas coordinate the affairs of the house after the master left. Isn't this the best of both worlds? It not only reflects the master's heart, but also pulls out It raised the weight of the mandarin duck, and at the same time let people inside and outside the mansion understand the will of the mandarin duck,..."

Feng Ziying couldn't help raising her eyebrows. She was very moved by Jin Chuan'er's suggestion. It would definitely be inappropriate to directly accept mandarin ducks as concubines. This would cause many conflicts. The rule of this era is the theory of family background. She can only take over the house first and become a housemaid. If she can give birth to a son during the housemaid period, then she is eligible to be promoted to a concubine. It is obviously impossible to be promoted to a concubine suddenly.

In this way, let yourself express your attitude first. In the future, you will definitely let Yuanyang have the status of a concubine, and then Yuanyang will come to express your aspirations. This also reflects Yuanyang's obedience to the rules and etiquette. All parties can understand the mystery, and many things are self-evident. If you don't declare it, you can get along well and deal with it after you come down, it's nothing more than a collection of houses.

"What Jin Chuaner said is very reasonable, I understand." Feng Ziying nodded, "I will decide and arrange this matter. As for Ping'er, I will also discuss with Wanjun, Baochai and Daiyu. Let me tell you, Yuanyang, you and Heping'er can do it together, I believe they can all understand the current situation, so they won't be jealous of this little thing, right?"

  Seeing that Feng Ziying settled the matter in a few words, Yuanyang was also ashamed and happy, and still had some expectations.

To be honest, if she really asked herself to wait for two years, she must be extremely disappointed in her heart, but if she asked herself to bring up the matter earlier, she felt that she couldn't say such things, but fortunately, Jin Chuan'er Only the help and assist of this good teammate can break the matter, and Feng Ziying is also decisive, which is why he can make such a quick decision.

  Seeing that the mandarin duck finally stopped talking, Jin Chuaner was also blessed with a smile on her face, "Then congratulations to my sister, I hope my sister can achieve good things soon,..."

   At this time, it is not easy for Yuanyang to be hypocritical, especially for Jin Chuaner, so she can only let this blessing shyly and timidly.

   This blessing also represents the recognition of Jin Chuaner, the eldest girl who first followed Feng Ziying, to the status of Yuanyang, the chief maid in Feng's house, or the status of the maid in the house.

  With Jin Chuaner's attitude, girls like Qingwen, Yinger, and Siqi are much easier to talk about, but Zijuan should have no problem.

  A big stone fell from her heart, and the mandarin duck became extremely shy. It was the first time Feng Ziying saw the mandarin duck like this. Recalling the situation when she first saw the mandarin duck a few years ago, she was a little dazed.

   Runny nose and sneezing, this cold is too uncomfortable, it is estimated that I will have to stay up for two days.



  (end of this chapter)

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