Number of People

Chapter 1953: Jia Lian's visit to the guizi scroll with deep affection

  Chapter 1953 Guizi scroll with deep affection, Jia Lian visits

"The only way out is to dissolve her engagement with Sun Shaozu." Feng Ziying pondered for a long time, "The key is that Shi Ding Shi Nai is the closest elder of Yun girl. Her parents died early, and the only close relative is Shi Ding Shi Nai, old man. The Taijun will be at the back, if Shi Ding and Shi Nai don't agree to dissolve the engagement, they won't be able to break free from this bondage, and it will be difficult for Yun girl to be exonerated."

"However, Shi Ding and Shi Nai are already criminals of the imperial court. Under such circumstances, the theoretical criminals should not be qualified to act as the elders in the legal sense to exercise power. If the Ministry of Criminal Justice believes that Shi Ding and Shi Nai are not qualified to exercise this power, so can the ancestors be taken into consideration?"

  Xue Baochai had a delicate mind, and she was not ignorant of such matters, and what she said was not unreasonable, even Feng Ziying was slightly moved.

"I have to ask the Ministry of Criminal Justice about this matter to see if there is any loophole to take advantage of. What you said is quite reasonable. As a criminal, Shi Ding Shi Nai lost his patriarchal qualifications, so is the elder's power It is debatable if it can be transferred to the old lady. If it is possible, the old lady can say to withdraw the engagement..." Feng Ziying thought for a while, "But even if the engagement is withdrawn, firstly it will damage the reputation of Yun girl, and secondly Still can't get rid of Shi Ding Shi Nai's implicated influence, at most it can get rid of Sun Shaozu's relationship."

"Sir, how can we still think about fame and influence at this time? It's not too late to think about other things after Yun girl can save her life. If she is listed as a member of Sun Shaozu's family, and Sun Shaozu asks to kill her, she will probably end up with a gift." Death, now that this relationship is broken, it is nothing more than imprisonment and exile, and life is always the priority." Baochai stomped.

"That's right." Feng Ziying thinks about it too. If he can save his life, let's talk about other things. There is room for both imprisonment and exile. It is not too late to think of a way in the future. As for Shi Xiangyun's reputation, he has been in prison for so long Well, what reputation can there be? Is it still time to worry about this situation?

   "Then I'm afraid that Mr. Xiang must hurry up and ask about this matter." Baochai finally breathed a sigh of relief.

She is also a kind-hearted person. She and Daiyu have a good home now, and even the third girl is out of prison now. It seems that there is no such thing as a bad result. It turns out that walking in the Grand View Garden is the closest Among the close friends, only Shi Xiangyun is now in prison, and his life and death are unpredictable. If he can be rescued, Baochai will naturally spare no effort.

"Well, I will definitely ask before I leave, but I just don't know if I can finish this matter before I leave, but even if I leave, I will definitely arrange suitable people to take care of this matter, Uncle Fang In the Ministry of Punishment, this matter will always fall on him." Feng Ziying glanced at Baochai, "Sister, don't worry about it."

   "The concubine will first thank you for your troubles on behalf of Yun girl." Baochai stood up gracefully, and gave a blessing with a smile.

  Feng Ziying also laughed, "My younger sister is still as polite as my husband. If you really want to thank your husband, you might as well work harder at night so that you can give birth to a boy and a half girl for your husband earlier. It is serious."

One sentence broke Baochai's defenses, her cheeks were on fire, and Xia Fei flew into her temples, but Baochai had been married to Feng Ziying for so long, and there was only Xiangling, a personal maid who knew everything about her, thinking that her husband would not want her. How long will it take to leave the capital, naturally I still feel reluctant to part with it, and bravely retorted: "That depends on the Xianggong's own family. I am afraid that the Xianggong will be powerless in the past two days, and I will definitely sweep the couch in two days."

   After saying "sweeping the couch", Baochai was too ashamed to lift her head, and Feng Ziying was also itchy in her heart.

  Yesterday I couldn't enjoy myself at Daiyu's place. Daiyu's melon has just broken, and it's the first time to bear the grace, how can it stand the toss? I can only hold back my pity, now seeing Baochai's shy appearance, thinking of Daichai's side-by-side, comparable to Shuangfei, Feng Ziying couldn't bear it, got up and embraced Baochai and Xiangling amidst the screams of Baochai and Xiangling. Baochai then went into the house.

  Being hugged by Feng Ziying so rudely and walking into the house is tantamount to publicizing prostitution in the daytime. In the past, Baochai would have absolutely refused, but today is different.

Firstly, my lord just got lucky with Daiyu yesterday, and today's eagerness to want me is clearly due to my dissatisfaction yesterday, so Baochai naturally wanted to compare Daiyu, and secondly, he was also thinking about his lord. It won't be long before she will leave Beijing, it will take many years, she has not conceived yet, if she can take this opportunity to conceive, that would be a beautiful thing.

  So Baochai just struggled coyly and feignedly, and let her husband hold her inside, but this surprised Xiangling so much that Zhang Datan couldn't believe it. Why did grandma become so bold?

Feng Ziying was a little surprised by Baochai's flattery. In the past, this kind of situation was absolutely impossible, but today I didn't expect that Baochai just slightly refused and then complied, allowing himself to carry her into the bedroom. , and a pair of arms hooked her own neck, Feng Ziying was a little surprised, but also guessed Baochai's mind, compared with Daiyu, eager to leave a seed to conceive a child, Baochai is most eager at this time Looking forward to it, of course I can't let her down.

After entering the room, he kicked the door shut, and Xiangling who followed in could only carefully pick up Baochai's clothes that Feng Ziying had unloaded one by one. The two couldn't help but put on the shark gauze tent and quietly hid in the outhouse.

  Baochai didn't expect Feng Ziying to be so impatient. She was amused and angry in her heart, and while catering to Lang Jun's affection, she asked in a low voice: "How did Xianggong become like this? Could it be that Miss Lin is so unbearable..."

Feng Ziying also didn't want to talk about Daiyu's situation in front of Baochai, so she could only vaguely say: "Daiyu is weak, and she is the first benefactor. alright."

Hearing what Feng Ziying said, Baochai was quite proud of herself, thinking that her days just happened to be these few days, if she could seize the opportunity to conceive, but she would settle her mind, thinking of this, she even crossed her body, His eyebrows are affectionate, and he only wants to have a lin'er after he is happy.

This blow was out of control, the Babu bed was shaking and shaking, and the gauze tent was swaying like fallen leaves in the wind, so Xiangling could only wait outside with a red face and her legs crossed, and then Afraid that Ru Baoqin and the others would come and disturb grandma's good work, she could only watch outside in fear, until the clouds and rain cleared inside, and grandma's lazy and moist voice came out, and Xiangling went in quietly.

  Xiangling waited for Feng Ziying to get dressed and got up, but Baochai could only lie on the bed with her legs curled up, in order to maximize the chance of pregnancy.

  Feng Ziying also ordered Xiangling Haosheng to wait on Baochai, and she had warmed up with Baochai before going out.

Tonight I have to rest in Miaoyu's house, and I have to recharge my batteries, not to be too wasteful, so even though Baochai was defeated just now, Feng Ziying also kept his hands, otherwise he would go to Miaoyu's house to rest at night, Then it will be revealed.

  Jia Lian came at the right time.

  Feng Ziying met him in the study.

   Having such an opportunity, Jia Lian also told Feng Ziying what he had seen and heard in Yangzhou, including some actions and measures of the Yangzhou government and Nanjing.

Although Yangzhou is not Jinling, the officials of Prince Yizhong's puppet dynasty are basically in Jinling, but from the perspective of wealth, Su Huchang's taxes are indeed a bit harsh, but in terms of the flow of money and silver, Jinling is not as good as Suzhou, let alone Suzhou. Don't talk about Yangzhou.

  The salt merchants in Yangzhou have also become the key targets of the Puppet Household Department. However, the salt merchants have their own backers in both the court and China. It is not easy for the Puppet Household Department to pinpoint the Yangzhou salt merchants.

In addition, there are business gangs such as Dongting, Longyou, Jiangyou, Huizhou, etc. The puppet dynasty is also trying its best to win over these businessmen. They maintain a supportive attitude, but when it comes to specific quantities, the attitudes of these businessmen have changed a bit. All in all, they are far from the expectations of the Puppet Ministry of Household Affairs.

"These businessmen are all cunning, so they don't hand over their cards so easily. At first, Nanjing didn't want to have a showdown with these people so early, but as Chen Jixian continued to make small moves in Xuzhou, Nanjing also made some progress. , so the idea of ​​forming Jiangnan Town was brought up, but the question of where the money comes from is clearly on the surface, and in the end I had to reach out to these businessmen..."

Jia Lian was very interested in talking, and he talked about the situation in the south of the Yangtze River with eloquence. It can be seen that Jia Lian is still doing well in Yangzhou, and the status of the big shopkeeper of Haitong Yinzhuang Yangzhou makes him feel like a fish in water, and he enjoys it very much. this identity.

"The attitude of the salt merchants in Yangzhou is the most ambiguous. They did not refuse to agree to the request made by the Nanjing side, but they pointed out that there are difficulties now and hope that there will be less, so they have been bargaining in Nanjing. In addition, Chen Jixian sent people to Yangzhou to negotiate. The salt merchants in Yangzhou felt that the rare goods were worth living in, and they also took the opportunity to ask the Nanjing side for a price. However, the Nanjing side was very angry when they learned that Chen Jixian was also reaching out, but they didn't dare to tear themselves apart with Chen Jixian, so the two sides broke up again,... "

  Feng Ziying heard that Chen Jixian took the initiative to contact the Yangzhou salt merchants, and realized that her father's scheme might still be working.

After all, Chen Jixian couldn't bear it anymore, and began to reach out to Yangzhou. This should have happened before Sun Chengzong launched an offensive against Shandong. This also shows that Chen Jixian also noticed that the imperial court was preparing to use troops against Shandong, so he was not optimistic about Niu Jizong and Sun Shaozu's presence in Shandong. result of resistance.

   This is a good thing, as long as Chen Jixian is moved, it is a good thing whether it is for the quick pacification of Jiangnan, or Chen Jixian wants to take the opportunity to occupy Huaiyang and even Jiangnan.

  (end of this chapter)

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