Number of People

Chapter 1955: Ren Zijuan is calm and calm

  Chapter 1955 Renzi Juan is calm and calm

  Feng Ziying looked at Jia Lian who was beaming with joy, her face was calm, but she was a little embarrassed in her heart.

   It seems that the first-born male heir is Wang Xifeng's cub. Now that the cub is half a year old, if he hadn't been released to Shaanxi, he would be called father and mother in a few months.

"Ziying, I will trouble you with the matter of the ancestors, his wife, and Baoyu. My current status is also a bit embarrassing. It is not easy to show my face in the capital city. Although the master arranged for me to go to Ping'an Prefecture, I have a clear conscience. , but I don’t know how Long Jinwei and the Criminal Ministry will treat it. If they are caught and cannot escape, it will be a trouble.” Jia Lian sighed and said, “It’s just that I’m a son of man, so I won’t come back and take a look. It’s really unreasonable, but I can’t help much when I come back, and I have to rely on you to do so much hard work.”

"Why did Lian's second brother say that? You and my brother, why are we separated from each other?" Feng Ziying smiled and said, "Your business is mine, and Jia's business is Feng's business. The second sister is pregnant with me." Baochai and Daiyu are both close relatives of the Jia family. They have lived in the mansion for so long and have deep feelings. The matters involved in respecting He Shibo, Zheng Shishu, Wang Ziteng and others are too serious, and it is impossible for my younger brother to violate the court law, so I can only do my best to resolve them,..."

"Ziying, you have done a good job. I heard Yuanyang and Heping'er say that you have done everything for the Jia family. Brother Yu is quite ashamed. It is all thanks to you that sister-in-law Zhu and the third and fourth sisters can get away. If the ancestors, his wife, and Baoyu can get away with luck, then the Jia family must be grateful..." Jia Lian sighed again, "Look at the other families that have been friends with the Jia family, one by one, avoiding them like snakes and scorpions. ..."

   Jia Lian's words are sincere.

Now the Wuxun families in the capital city are all being suppressed intensively by the court because of the first rebellion of the Niu family and the Wang family, and the support of Prince Yizhong from the kings of Beijing County and Nan'an County. The imperial court closely monitored and lived a very difficult life.

  The Wu Xun family like the Jia family is closely related to the Niu Wang family, and there are also Jia Jing and Jia Zheng, the direct descendants of the family who are attached to the rebels. Who would dare to associate easily?

Therefore, when the Jia family was dealt with by the imperial court, almost everyone was silent, and there was not even a single person in the court who helped to speak. Only Feng Ziying, relying on her special origin, dared to help out in it and relieve the Jia family. Even so, Feng Ziying still suffered a lot of criticism from scholars in the north.

Fortunately, Feng Ziying's two wives and several concubines are inseparable from the Jia family, and they were all married or engaged before the Jia family's accident, so it is reasonable to show up to help mediate, and it will not cause too much trouble. criticism.

   But from the Jia family's point of view, Feng Ziying's performance can be regarded as sincere and sincere. How many people are able to ignore the interests of the family and their own future to do such a thing these days? As for the relationship by in-laws, what is it? Even father, son and brother can be left behind at critical times, let alone such a relationship?

"Second brother Lian, there is no need to say these words. Besides, I will make my younger brother feel ashamed. I can only do what I can do, and I am really beyond my ability to do anything else." When it was sold, the King of Shou bought it first and prepared to tear it down. I really couldn't stand it anymore. This is also where I often go after I return to Beijing. It also entrusts my good memories over the years, plus Baochai and Daiyu. I and my second sister miss it very much, so I took the liberty to buy it,..."

"Hey, Ziying, you did a good job on this matter. Brother Yu is even worried that you will offend His Royal Highness Shou Wang because of this matter." Jia Lian didn't care about it, "Brother Yu believes that the old ancestors and the old lady must be the same. Glad to see that happen.”

He had no intention of going back to the capital, and he didn't think that Jinchengfang where Ningrong Street was located was a good place, it was too remote, and the people living around him were not wealthy, far inferior to Nanxunfang, Xiaoyongfang, Baodafang is the area that the Beijing giants like to choose.

  Not to mention that the Jia family is in a state of decline now, even if the Jia family really has a chance to revive in the future, they can choose to buy a better house, or buy land for reconstruction. Why bother to worry about Ningrong Street?

Feng Ziying is young, but he is somewhat nostalgic. If he wants to buy it, he is willing to renovate it and make it his residence. , that's even more embarrassing.

  At least most of the old houses are still there, and there are even people from the Jia family who can live in it openly, which is a consolation.

With Jia Lian's attitude, Feng Ziying felt more at ease. Although it looked a bit like "taking advantage of others' danger" or "taking advantage of the fire to rob", if you think about it carefully, you can understand that even if Feng Ziying doesn't buy it, the court will not buy it. Selling, you have to sell it anyway, and if someone else buys it, maybe it will be completely dismantled, and it will never return to its original appearance, which is even more regrettable.

"Second brother Lian said so, and I feel a little more at ease. I also told the old lady about this situation, and they all supported it, but second brother Lian is the eldest son of the eldest son. More calm." Feng Ziying sighed.

"Why did Ziying become so sentimental and cautious? This is a sale by the imperial court. If you don't buy it, you will have to be bought by others. Even if you can't sell it, it will be confiscated by the imperial court. Maybe it will be dismantled someday." It doesn't matter which meritorious official you will be rewarded at will, anyway, you will definitely not return to the Jia family, and the Jia family is not qualified to live in this kind of house now." Jia Lian was quite emotional, "Don't be moved by this. , I know this matter well, and everyone understands it.”

"Forget it, I don't worry about it anymore." Feng Ziying shook her hand, "By the way, second brother Lian is back, do you have other arrangements? I heard that second brother Lian has been in Yangzhou for the past two years. Things are going well, both sons and daughters are happy, that little brother is really going to be congratulated."

As soon as this matter was mentioned, Jia Lian smiled brightly and nodded repeatedly, "Hehe, Brother Yu is disrespectful when Ziying said that. Well, the concubine gave birth to a son and a daughter, and now the wife is also pregnant. To produce,..."

"Oh?" Feng Ziying couldn't help raising her eyebrows. Jia Lian didn't mention this matter in the letter. I didn't expect that Jia Lian didn't mention any of his children. Now even his first wife is pregnant. Ping'er Didn't it mean that Jia Lian had a silver-like pewter tip and a small whirlwind on the bed, and he was defeated by Wang Xifeng after three or five blows? Why did it become so powerful all of a sudden?

But after thinking about it again, this kung fu in bed is not the same as whether it can make a woman pregnant. It is not contradictory to disarm a weapon in twos and threes, but it can also make a woman pregnant. It's normal to be overwhelmed, and it might be the same with another man.

Seeing that Feng Ziying didn't believe it, Jia Lian also explained with a smile: "Brother Yu was in Yangzhou. Before he married his wife, he took two concubines, and after he got married, he took another concubine. Now he can be regarded as one wife and three concubines. You, Ziying, can be regarded as a harmonious family."

  Feng Ziying nodded, it seems that she still has to work hard.

Now I have three wives, two concubines and four concubines, and this is not counting Qingwen, Jin Chuaner, Xiangling, Siqi, Yunshang and other common house girls who took over the house, but so far, with the addition of Wang Xifengsheng and Yingchun There are only three pregnant women in her stomach, and she can only compete with Jia Lian, a silver-colored pewter gun.

   No, Jia Lian and Qiao Jieer are stronger than me, but I am too inferior. I still have to work harder, even if I go to Shaanxi, I can't relax.

   "By the way, Second Brother Lian, have you seen Sister Qiao when you came back this trip?" Feng Ziying pretended to be casual and asked.

"Well, I haven't seen each other yet, but Ping'er told me that Sister Qiao is now with Lin Zhixiao's family and is in Tianjin Wei. I heard that Sister Feng has found a family to make a living, Yongping, Tianjin, Cangzhou and The capital is running back and forth and has become a busy person, Lin Zhixiao and Wang Xin are helping her to run around, which makes Brother Yu look at her with admiration."

  Jia Lian's expression was a little uncertain.

  He also has mixed feelings about his ex-wife.

Wang Xifeng's personality is too strong, so that he has been oppressed and breathless after being married to her for several years. He has to follow her opinion in everything he does, and he is not allowed to touch other women. Liao Ping'er couldn't succeed, so he had no choice but to find an excuse to reconcile with her. Now he finally escaped the sea of ​​suffering, so he didn't miss the old days at all.

  However, I heard that Wang Xifeng has now started a cement business by herself, and that people like Lin Zhixiao are willing to help her. This shows that the scale of this business is not small. Without Feng Ziying's support, it would be impossible to think about it.

   And Sister Feng was willing to give Ping'er to Feng Ziying, and let Ping'er accompany Feng Ziying to Shaanxi to serve, which shows how profitable this business is.

  I have been trying to steal Ping'er for so many years but failed. I didn't expect to be given to Feng Ziying by Sister Feng. Thinking of this, Jia Lian still feels a little sour.

But he also knows that he can't compare with Feng Ziying, and what he wants in Yangzhou, Jiangnan girl's temperament is much better than this Beijing woman, if she really wants to let go, Yangzhou Shouma and West Lake Boat Girl needless to say , so it's just sour, not too much resentment and unwillingness.

  (end of this chapter)

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