Number of People

Chapter 1963: The beauty of the Guizi scroll is so kind, she can't stop

  Chapter 1963 Guizijuan beauty is so kind, can't stop

  Li Gonglin's "Mian Zhou Tu" was purchased by Shen Yixiu from a calligraphy and painting workshop in the last two months. It cost less than five hundred taels of silver, but Shen Yixiu liked it very much.

  Li Gonglin is a famous line drawing master in the Northern Song Dynasty. This "Mian Zhou Tu" is also one of his few masterpieces. The line drawing is very exquisite, and the special details are exquisite.

Since Xichun was taken out of the imperial prison by Feng Ziying, she didn't have many other places to live in Feng's mansion. It turned out that she admired Shen Yixiu's painting skills very much, and now she had a chance, so she went to Shen Yixiu's place if she had nothing to do. Come to ask for advice, once you come and go, you will be very familiar with it.

It's strange to say that Xichun is a cold-faced and cold-hearted person, and he seems a little indifferent to everyone. Whether it's Yingchun, Tanchun, or Baochai and Daiyu, they all maintain that kind of alienation that is neither far nor near However, only Shen Yixiu found a rare warmth.

Shen Yixiu also felt sorry for Xichun, a girl who was left aside by her father and brother and no one cared about her. Jia Jing's ruthlessness and Jia Zhen's profligacy made this woman subconsciously keep a distance from other people like a hedgehog. In her opinion, Ling's self-sufficient temperament is just an expression of self-isolation and self-protection, so she also sincerely welcomes Xichun to come to her place, and she also appreciates Xichun's talent in painting.

Shen Yixiu's affinity made Xichun melt into this family relationship very quickly, so from the beginning when he came here every now and then, now he is willing to come here when he has almost nothing to do, and even asked Shen Yixiu worriedly if he would come here Being bored with her coming here, Shen Yixiu couldn't help laughing, but also felt that this girl who was said to be cold-hearted and cold-hearted was not what those people said.

  Qingwen has also been with Shen Yixiu for many years, and Shen Yixiu has never avoided her in anything, so Qingwen also immediately realized Shen Yixiu's thoughts, "Could it be that grandma wants to let the fourth girl..."

"Why, do you think it's feasible?" Shen Yixiu didn't hide anything, "I can feel that Xichun still has a good impression of our husband-in-law. I even tested it once or twice. She seems to be very confused now and doesn't know her future. Where, I even thought about becoming a monk, but now the case of the Jia family has not been settled, whether it is Tanchun or Xichun, it can only be delayed like this, which is a pity."

  Qingwen didn't expect that she really guessed it right.

Xichun is very close to her grandma, just like Tanchun and Lin Daiyu are very close. The situation faced by the young ladies of the Jia family is very bad. The case has not yet been settled, but the crime of treason has been placed on them. I can only procrastinate like this as a criminal woman.

  But Tanchun and Xichun are not too young, so it is time to get married, but as they are criminal wives, who would dare to marry them? Who wants to marry them?

Even as a concubine, this official family would not marry this kind of criminal woman, it would affect their own future, just like when Lin Ruhai fell in love with Miaoyu's mother who was also a criminal woman in the Jiaofang Division, that would not be the case. She dared to take her home as a concubine, and she didn't dare to make it public until the matter faded away.

"But grandma, can Miss Si be my husband's concubine now?" Qingwen shook her head again and again, "I can't quench my thirst if I'm far away, my master is leaving Beijing to take up his post soon, and Miss Si can't get rid of her status as a prisoner for a while. Even if Lang Youqing and his concubine have intentions, they can't make good things come true."

  Shen Yixiu laughed, this Qingwen has been with him for so many years, and she has learned words well. She loves her concubine and accomplishes a good deed. These words can be used.

"Little hooves, your master is so hungry and thirsty, what do you mean that far away water can't quench your near thirst?" Shen Yixiu said angrily, "I can't even say a word, if Xichun wants to, I don't need to be in a hurry, I see Tanchun and Daiyu Good friends, this is intentional, so, the relationship between our Feng family and Jia family is really getting tighter and tighter, so it's not a big deal for Xichun to enter our long room. As for the timing, you can take another look Wait a minute, Xianggong must have countermeasures, but Xichun can find out first."

  Miaoyu's "magic brush" also had a huge impact on Erfang.

  Both Baochai and Baoqin were surprised. Didn’t they agree to let Xiuyan go with them? Why is Miaoyu going again all of a sudden?

I don’t have a good impression of Miaoyu, Baochai and Baoqin. They are arrogant and arrogant. Fortunately, they don’t have much acquaintance. Do not violate the river water.

  But now Baoqin was supposed to go to Shaanxi with Baoqin as the main one. Needless to say, Third Sister You, Xiuyan was the supplementary, and now a Miaoyu suddenly appeared.

The key is that even Baochai and Baoqin are vaguely aware of Miaoyu's temperament. It is a weird temperament, and it will definitely be a moth, and Xiuyan and Miaoyu have a good relationship. Don't make the Houzhai restless, it would be a joke if Feng Ziying was distracted to take care of the messy affairs of the Houzhai during his expatriate trip.

   Baochai glanced at Baoqin calmly, "It's no big deal. Although Miaoyu has a weird temper, she won't do anything out of the ordinary with Xiuyan around."

"Sister, it's not Miaoyu's problem, but what Sister Lin thinks about the third room." Baoqin suppressed the anger in her heart, her face worried, "Didn't you say well, let Xiuyan go?" Why did you go back on your word? Miaoyu and Xiuyan are going to go, and Xianggong will go to Shaanxi for a year or two. As for so many people going with him? Are you worried about anyone?"

   Baochai frowned, "Didn't it mean that Miaoyu wanted to go on her own initiative? Maybe she felt that Xiuyan left, and she was too lonely and boring here alone."

"Sister, do you believe it?" Baoqin resentfully said, "Without Sister Lin's consent, Miaoyu can make her own decisions? Is there any rule? Anyway, without my sister's consent, it is impossible for me to do such a thing. Yes, Miaoyu took the initiative to go because of Xiuyan? Why is she lonely? Now that she is married, she should think about how to serve Weng Gu well and take care of the people around her. This is a serious matter. She is not Have you been pretending to refuse to marry into the Feng family? Why are you still reluctant to part with your husband after this night? Isn't this too strange?"

  Xue Baoqin's words hit the nail on the head, making it difficult for Baochai to refute.

In fact, Baochai also had some doubts about whether Miaoyu's abrupt decision to go to Shaanxi was due to Daiyu's instigation. With Miaoyu's temperament, it seemed that she didn't have so much scheming to consider these issues. What was the purpose of going to Shaanxi? It's doubtful, but Baochai doesn't think Daiyu has any deep meaning here.

Miaoyu is a person who doesn't understand world affairs. In terms of agility and sophistication, she can't compare with Baoqin. Can't please.

Doubts are doubts, but Baochai will not go to war because of this. Xianggong’s trip to Shaanxi this time is a big deal, and whoever delays will definitely only gain more than the loss. Baoqin understands this truth. If Miaoyu does not understand this, but It's not a bad thing to cause trouble after the past, but it will only make Miaoyu and Xiuyan's status in her husband's heart decline.

"Okay, Baoqin, you don't have to worry about this. Do your own thing well. I believe that Xianggong knows it well. If Miaoyu wants to go, let her go. Let's see how big things she can do. If she really wants to do it." Well done, that's a good thing, if it's done poorly, it can also make Mr. Wang feel confident, and it's only good for us."

  Xue Baochai picked up Fenglu tea and took a sip, "When I went to Shaanxi, it was a mule or a horse, so I will understand after taking it out for a walk."

   Baoqin was unwilling to reconcile, "I'm not afraid of her going, so what if I go? I just think it's boring to do so, why bother to engage in a sneak attack like this? Or how meaningful is it to guard against someone so painstakingly?"

Baochai knew that Baoqin's words were still alluding to Daiyu, but she didn't think Daiyu would do this, most likely it was Miaoyu's own intention, but this woman has never been brainless, and somehow she persuaded her husband , making it hard for her to say anything.

  Feng Ziying naturally didn't know that because Miaoyu's sudden desire to go to Shaanxi would cause such a big disturbance in the second room of the long room, even Daiyu was very surprised. How could Miaoyu, who had always been incompatible with Feng Ziying, become so eager now?

But Daiyu doesn't care much about this, she's even happy to see the success, she just goes if she wants to, anyway, it's all in her own room, with Xiuyan watching, Miaoyu won't cause any trouble, just in case Yu went to Shaanxi to conceive a child, and gave birth to a son and a half daughter, who was also from Sanfang's side. As a concubine, she also has face.

  Daiyu never felt that Miaoyu could share her favor with Feng Ziying, she had the confidence.

Fortunately, Xiuyan's body was inconvenient, so that Feng Ziying could finally breathe a sigh of relief. The fierce battle at Miaoyu's place the first night was hearty and hearty, which made him taste something new, and also made him feel a little nervous. tired.

  Continuous "fierce battles", besides having excellent skills in the body, but also need to relax properly, it happens that Xiuyan's body is inconvenient, so you can rest assured and boldly sleep peacefully with Xiuyan in your arms.

At this time, Feng Ziying finally realized the trouble of having too many women, and she didn't know how those officials in Beijing who had many wives and concubines survived. There is also the ability to fight continuously, but what about those officials?

  Thinking of Yuanyang and Ping'er, Feng Ziying felt guilty and short of breath, thinking that there were Yuanyang and Ping'er, how could she let them down?

But I just married Daiyu, Miaoyu and Xiuyan here, so it seems that Ping'er and Yuanyang can only be let go. Ping'er can say that she will go to Shaanxi anyway, but Yuanyang will stay. It's just a year or two, so you have to give the other party an explanation, right?

  (end of this chapter)

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