Number of People

Chapter 1969: How can Ziying come out of the Guizi scroll, like the common people?

  Chapter 1969 Guizizijuan Ziying does not come out, how is it like the common people?

The news that He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji in the northern part of Linqing City joined forces to capture the city was transmitted back to the central capital immediately, and immediately caused a huge shock in the central capital. Many newspapers and periodicals headed by "Today's News" published the news on the front page. , and also invited some wild political commentators to comment on the matter in the newspaper, which also mixed with the views of some military officials.

It has to be said that the imperial court needs such a great victory to boost people's hearts. The drought in Shanshan and Shaanxi has brought about civil uprisings and the spread of the plague, which has affected the hearts of the people in the entire Northland. Whenever there is a disturbance in Gyeonggi, the grass and trees will turn into soldiers. , and the stalemate in Shandong has directly affected the people's hearts and prices in the Gyeonggi area, especially food, salt, oil and other people's livelihood materials have been rising all the way, which has made the court a little bit impatient.

The victory of this war is like the rain after a long drought, which immediately calmed the restless mood in Beijing, especially some "political commentators" in the newspapers began to analyze it with "reasonable evidence". The war situation in one step, proposed that with the fall of Linqing, the old city is still fighting fiercely, so Dezhou and Wucheng controlled by the Datong Army will become isolated cities that are difficult to care about. The Northern Front Army will quickly launch an offensive, and will soon Recover the area north of Linqing, and even Dongchang Mansion will be within the attack range, and it will not be long before it will be recovered.

At present, Nanjing's control area in Shandong is mainly in the two prefectures along the canal of Dongchang Mansion and Yanzhou Mansion, and the southwest of Jinan Mansion, such as Qingzhou, Laizhou and Dengzhou, are still under the control of the imperial court, but the imperial court has no power to withdraw from it. Qingzhou launched an offensive, so before the Northern Front Corps launched an offensive, the entire Shandong was actually in a delicate situation of division, and everyone did not disturb each other until the old city was attacked and captured by the Northern Front Corps. started to be broken.

   While such a huge good news is inspiring, it also covers up many bad news from Shaanxi.

   In fact, in the few days before Linqing was recovered, the imperial court encountered several sap blows one after another.

  April 23rd, part of the civil rebel army captured Luochuan. This rebel army quickly expanded to more than 20,000 people, and began to go south to Yichuan. Yichuan was in a hurry.

On April 29th, another part of the civil rebellion army left Ningzhou (now Ning County) to threaten Binzhou (now Bin County), causing shocks in Binzhou, Yongshou, Qianzhou, and Chunhua. Emergency letters from the company flew to Beijing like snowflakes.

  On the eighth day of May, the three rebel armies joined forces in Yichuan and made a gesture of going south to threaten Hancheng. This also caused a big uproar in Shanxi across the river.

  So far, the civil uprising in the entire northern Shaanxi region has spread to many prefectures and counties in Yan'an Prefecture and Qingyang Prefecture, and has a tendency to develop in the direction of Xi'an Prefecture and Shanxi Prefecture, which has also caused shocks in the entire court.

It’s just that everyone now knows that the key lies in the situation in Shandong. Fortunately, the battle of Linqing came like timely rain, which greatly relieved the anxiety of the princes in the court and gave them the energy to think about how to deal with Shanshan. The situation is messed up.

"The imperial court has sent several waves of people to understand the situation. Now Shaanxi's chief envoy is in chaos, and the people in Xi'an are in panic. Shaanxi's right chief envoy Gao Yang and Gao Jiande have not recovered from his illness. He is an idiot who likes to talk big, but he has a stubborn personality. He swore before that he could stabilize the situation in Shaanxi, but when the rebel army attacked Yichuan, he was so scared that his **** **** and sent three letters a day to the Ministry of War. The army is going south to Hancheng again, and he is worried that he will be surrounded by the rebel army in Xi'an City, so he even thought about withdrawing to Tongguan. I don't understand how this kind of guy let him take charge of Shaanxi government affairs , Ye Fang and the two should bear great responsibility for this!"

  Qiao Yingjia was so angry that she lost her demeanor in front of Feng Ziying.

"Qiao Shimo is about to get angry. I don't think the situation is that bad. Judging from the situation where the three chaotic armies are going their separate ways, it seems that they have not reached an agreement, but are just grabbing territory on their own. However, this chaotic army on the eastern front is indeed a threat. If it is sent south to Hancheng, it may really threaten Tongguan, and it will also bring a bad demonstration effect to Shanxi in Hedong. The drought in Jizhou and Hejin in Pingyang Prefecture is also It is very serious, and the small group of rebellious troops caused by the civil uprising has the potential to start a prairie fire, I am afraid that we must pay close attention to it, otherwise, once it spreads and echoes with Hexi, it will be dangerous."

  Feng Ziying asked Sun Chuanting, who came back from Shanxi, to collect relevant information from the military newspaper on the Shanxi side of the Ministry of War and give it to him before Feng Ziying came to get a general understanding of the situation in Shanxi.

According to his judgment, as long as Shanxi can stabilize the situation and resist the chaos in Tongguan and Puzhou, the situation will not be too bad to be out of control. The key is that Shaanxi seems to be in a mess now. Under such circumstances, it is extremely easy to be taken advantage of by the enemy.

"Well, I hate that Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe are still chattering, saying that you are too young to be competent. Brother Chengfeng and Li Sancai have communicated twice, but this old fox refuses to offend Ye Fang and the two of you. I am willing to express my opinion." Qiao Yingjia sighed deeply.

  Feng Ziying didn't expect that there would be discord in the cabinet for her own governor of Shaanxi.

From the bottom of my heart, who is willing to go to Shaanxi to endure hardships? In this precarious situation, whoever does not pay attention is a scapegoat, and it is not known whether he will even throw his life there, but everyone knows that this is also a Gambling with extremely high risks and returns, once the bet is successful, no one will be able to suppress him when he returns. At the very least, he has to arrange for himself an important position of the third rank.

"Mr. Qiao, if there is really another suitable candidate, then the student may not necessarily have to go." Feng Ziying smiled and said, "It's not a good job to go to Shaanxi. The student just married a third-bedroom wife. In case of contamination Wouldn't it be painful to suffer from the plague?"

Qiao Yingjia snorted softly, "They also took great pains, and there are some candidates, but they also know that this is a heavy responsibility. If it is not done well, one or two people's black hats are not a big deal, and it will be a disaster if one party's situation is corrupted. That's why there are all kinds of entanglements there, this person, if he has selfish thoughts, it will be difficult to deal with things with a fair attitude."

  Feng Ziying knew that Qiao Yingjia was very dissatisfied with Ye Xianggao and Fang Congzhe, and even criticized Qi Yongtai's attitude, thinking that Qi Yongtai's attitude towards Ye Fang was too soft, and he dared not argue with reason.

But Feng Ziying also knows that Qi Yongtai is also very difficult. One of Ye Fang is the first assistant and the other is the second assistant. Gain sufficient support in the cabinet.

Governor of Shaanxi seems to be a hard job, but once it is done well, it is equivalent to building a ladder for oneself, even Ye Fang and the two can hardly stop him from taking the position, especially when his age advantage is here. , they need to consider for their Jiangnan scholars, so it is reasonable to refuse to agree to their own governor of Shaanxi.

It's just that it's not a long-term solution to delay it like this, and the more it drags on, the uglier the situation will be, and the more troublesome it will be to clean it up in the future. I have some relatives, and I can be regarded as a villager, but in fact, I don't have much contact.

  This person is very happy, and has a somewhat extreme personality. Sometimes he is arrogant and headstrong, and sometimes he is as fearful of the enemy as a tiger. He has a bad relationship with Xiao Yijie, the inspector of Shaanxi Province, and often sues each other.

After listening to Qiao Yingjia's complaints for half an hour at Qiao Yingjia's mansion, Feng Ziying realized that her desire to be the governor of Shaanxi was far from simple. Scholars and northern scholars' future hopes have risen.

  I am already far ahead now, if I give myself another chance, after twelve or twenty years, who among the young scholars in Jiangnan can compete with me?

   This made Ye Xianggao, Fang Congzhe and others not think too much. They are not only the first and second assistants of the court, but also the leaders of scholars in the south of the Yangtze River, and they also need to think about their descendants.

   While thinking about the complicated relationship here, Feng Ziying returned to her house in a dispirited mood.

  Shen Yixiu also noticed that Feng Ziying was in a bad mood, and he didn't mention it when he was eating with Feng Ziying. He didn't ask about it casually until he went to bed.

"The two elders of Ye Fang are too narrow-minded. Whether they are scholars from the south of the Yangtze River or from the north, they are all courtiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty. The chaos in Shanshan is not just the chaos in Shanshan, but It was the chaos of the Great Zhou Dynasty, allowing the chaos in Shanshan and Shanxi to rot, hurting the vitality of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Now the Jurchens are still eyeing the north, the Mongols have not disappeared, and there is the White Lotus Sect. There are so many internal and external troubles, but there is still The opinion of the family is not the blessing of the imperial court." Shen Yixiu is not polite, it is related to her husband's future, and this is also a moderate theory.

  Feng Ziying was a little surprised. This virtuous wife of hers has extraordinary knowledge, but it is still rare to be able to analyze it so sharply.

   "Right now, we can only wait. I originally wanted to lobby many parties, but now it seems that it will backfire..." Feng Ziying said in a deep voice.

  Shen Yixiu nodded slightly: "Msanggong is thinking rightly. It is not appropriate to ask more questions now. You might as well take this opportunity to take a rest and sit back and watch the changes. I feel that if the situation in Shanshan continues to deteriorate, the court will think of you sooner or later."

  Feng Ziying laughed, with a cheerful tone, "You said that as a husband, this is An Shi, so what if you are like a common man?"

   "It's impossible for these matters to drag on for too long, and it won't exceed a month at the latest. There will definitely be a result, and the two of you, Ye Fang, will think it through after all." Shen Yixiu replied with certainty.

  (end of this chapter)

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