Number of People

Chapter 1971: In the wind and rain in the Kuizi scroll view, the red apricots first come out

  Chapter 1971 The wind and rain in the Kuizi scroll view, the red apricot first appeared

   It seems that Feng Ziying can't control this situation.

  He simply picked up Yuan Chun and walked straight into the inner quiet room. Yuan Chun's plump yet slender body curled up in Feng Ziying's arms, looking so pitiful, um, it should be coveted.

   It wasn't until the moment he stepped into the inner room that Yuan Chun supported himself and shouted forcefully: "Hold the piano!"

  Baoqin, who had been waiting outside, heard Yuanchun call her, and her voice was unspeakably trembling and soft, so she hurriedly followed in, but at a glance, she saw Feng Ziying walking in with Yuanchun in her arms.

At this time, the imperial concubine's face was covered with blush, her eyebrows were like water, her white teeth bit her red lips lightly, she was curled up in Feng Ziying's arms like a big boneless snake, her skirt was half untied, and her soft and charming attitude made even those of the same **** feel numb when holding the piano. She has served Yuan Chun for so many years, and she has never seen a noble concubine with such a passionate appearance.

"Niang Niang!?" Although the situation in front of me is too hot, but as Yuan Chun's personal maid, Baoqin and Yuan Chun have long been regarded as one person, so although he is nervous and shy in his heart, it is not too difficult accept.

Niangniang and Uncle Feng have an affair. In fact, Baoqin had a vague feeling long before the last time. The last time Niangniang went to Jia's family to visit her relatives, she felt all kinds of inexplicable melancholy and confusion, which made Baoqin realize that there seemed to be something wrong with Niangniang, but She hadn't thought about that at the time, but everything became clear in the first time in the Chongxuan Temple.

  Being shocked by the empress's choice to hold the piano, she was also a little relieved. At least if it really succeeded, she and the empress would be able to break free from the cage and regain a new life.

After so many years in the palace, both the empress and myself have long been tired of this kind of life without light and no end. If this kind of day-to-day life continues, perhaps the empress will learn from those in the cold palace. Concubine, the white silk is three feet long but she is still alive. This is what Baoqin is most afraid of.

Now Niangniang and Uncle Feng have an affair, which is even a good thing in Baoqin's view. Feng Ziying's reputation has become a gold-lettered signboard. It is infinitely more difficult and risky to escape from the palace, but Baoqin still believes that Uncle Feng can do it.

   With this relationship between Empress and Uncle Feng, Uncle Feng is more motivated to rescue Empress from the palace. From this perspective, Baoqin is even happy to see it come true.

  Although Baoqin has never tasted the love affair between a man and a woman, he can understand from those dramas and novels that the love affair between a man and a woman in this world has the magic power to make people realize it regardless of all difficulties and obstacles.

Feng Ziying didn't expect that Yuan Chun would ask Bao Qin to come in at this time, but after thinking about it, he guessed that Yuan Chun wanted Bao Qin to guard the door, so as not to let the wind leak, he didn't care, his bodyguard and Rui Xiang were outside the courtyard, busy People can't get close.

  Yuan Chun's nervous and shy voice trembled in the air: "Baoqin, you wait outside here, if I want to call you, you come in,..."

   This sentence caused Feng Ziying and Baoqin to fall into petrification. What does this mean?

But Baoqin was the quickest to respond. She and Yuan Chun were very close, and immediately understood Yuan Chun's meaning. The empress and Uncle Feng are in love with each other. Ten days have passed, and it is the most dangerous time. If you hit the gun unfortunately, something serious will happen. The empress wants to let herself block the gun.

  Blushed with embarrassment, but couldn't refuse holding the piano, he could only hum with his head down and nodded.

  Feng Ziying was a little puzzled, but he didn't care much about the situation. He took a look at the qin that was almost shrinking into a quail, and carried Yuanchun inside.


  An unremarkable sedan quietly stopped inside Chongxuan Guanmen.

  Chongxuan Temple is not a popular temple, and the number of pilgrims who come and go usually maintains a relatively balanced number, and most of the pilgrims are regular customers.

  The woman wearing a cloak and a curtain got out of the sedan chair, looked around, and then asked in a deep voice: "Is this Chongxuan Temple?"

"My lady, this is the Chongxuan Temple. It was originally a famous Taoist temple in the Ming Dynasty, but it gradually declined after this dynasty, and the incense was not flourishing. Most of the pilgrims are regulars from around, and there are very few visitors from other places. In addition, the location is relatively remote, so it is quiet." The servant bowed to the side quickly replied.

"Then why did Jia Yuanchun choose this place as a resting place?" The woman's voice was soft, but the ending was a bit long, which sounded very comfortable. "Also, why did she go out of the palace to rest frequently during this time? What was she avoiding?" ?"

  The waiter with a round face showed hesitation on his slightly greasy fat face, "Your Majesty suspects that Concubine Xiande is avoiding you?"

"If that wasn't the case, why would she avoid me like this?" The woman raised her head slightly, her eyes resting on the ancient pines and giant locust trees in the courtyard, but she didn't stop talking: "The news from Qiu Shi'an said that Jia Yuanchun and Su Lingyao had a falling out, and the two turned against each other. I was a little surprised. How could Jia Yuanchun have such confidence that he dared to challenge Su Lingyao? Didn't she always beg for mercy behind Su Lingyao? Xu Junru beat her down She couldn't even breathe, the entire Jia family was imprisoned, and the family and husband had become a thing of the past, how could she still be jumping like this? It was only later that I heard that Feng Ziying married Jia Yuanchun's cousin, and all of a sudden Jia Yuanchun It seems that I have found a backing, and I am showing off,..."

The greasy middle-aged servant seemed to be taken by surprise by the woman's words. He looked around subconsciously and saw that the guards were all guarding in the distance except for the close maid. Shaanxi, in response to the growing rebellion momentum in Shaanxi, and the plague in Shanxi and Shaanxi is also spreading day by day. Now that the situation in Shandong has improved, the imperial court may have to consider solving the predicament in Shanxi and Shaanxi as soon as possible. ..."

  The woman was taken aback, and she couldn't believe it, "Governor of Shaanxi? How old is Feng Keng, and he is going to be the governor?"

"The situation in Shanshan and Shanxi is very bad. It needs a person who understands military affairs and is good at civil affairs to deal with it. There may be such officials in the court, but they are either unwilling to go, or they are afraid that if they deal with it improperly, it will affect their future. Feng Keng is young. If you are aggressive and enthusiastic, even if you do poorly, you just quit the errand, and you will recover slowly in the future. Others don't have such an opportunity, and they can't stand such a toss. This is Feng Keng's advantage, and his father Feng Tang is the governor of the three sides, and he has a high prestige. The Feng family is also a famous family in Datong. In Shanshan, others do not have these advantages. Therefore, although there are still disputes in the court, the old slave probably has to ask him to go. ,..."

Although the middle-aged greasy servant had a flattering look on his face, his words were clearly analyzed, "What's more, Qi Ge's old man who is a scholar in the North must also hope that Feng Keng can restore the situation in Shanshan on behalf of the scholars in the North. In any case, it is much better than a scholar from the south of the Yangtze River helping the court to clean up the situation in Shanshan and Shaanxi, and it will be easily accepted by scholars from the north."

"Peisheng, you have figured out the minds of these scholars very well." The woman reached out and raised the curtain on the veiled hat, looked around and said: "Even if Jia Yuanchun found With such a big backer, so what? It's nothing more than to make her situation in the palace better. She has fallen out with Su Lingyao, and has an old feud with Xu Junru. How can she still go to win Mei Yuexi's favor? Okay? Mei Yuexi has never put Jia Yuanchun in the eye before, and how many times he has run on Jia Yuanchun and the others with sarcasm, Jia Yuanchun can still let this face go?"

  The fat, greasy middle-aged man called Pei Sheng is Zhou Dehai's uncle, Zhou Peisheng, the **** in charge of the palace, and Guo Qinyun's most trusted servant.

Among the four concubines with children in the palace, Qiu Shi'an has always been very close to Su Lingyao. After Dai Quan returned to the palace, on the surface he was cultivating his mind, but in fact he was manipulating his two nephews, Dai Pang. He and Dai Zong played for Mei Yuexi, while Xia Bingzhong followed Xu Junru all the time.

  Guo Qinyun was the most unfavorable one, because Prince Gong was too young, and it seemed that he would never get his turn, so when Zhou Peisheng in the palace bet on Guo Qinyun, many people found it incredible.

"Hehe, ma'am, times have changed. Today is different. Now Concubine Mei has become a thorn in the side of Concubine Xu and Concubine Su. Both sides are concentrating their efforts on finding trouble with her. Concubine Xiande has no children and no daughters, just begging for help." It's all about living a good life in the palace. There is really no conflict. At this time, Concubine Mei may take the initiative to show favor to Concubine Xiande, so the old servant said, such a Austrian aid, you can't lose it for nothing, and you can't let Concubine Xiande be taken by Mei. Concubine is gone,..."

   Zhou Peisheng shook his head, obviously not agreeing with the woman's point of view.

  These women have long hair and short knowledge, and they don’t even understand the principle that the enemy of the enemy is a friend, and they don’t understand that the switch between friends and enemies depends on interests.

A hopeless person like Jia Yuanchun, but with a background behind him, can be said to be the best person to win over. If he still wants to be limited by his face and refuses to hand over the details, he doesn't think about it. The fate of this person is even more tragic than that of a harmless imperial concubine like Jia Yuanchun. Do you still need to care about that little face that is not worth mentioning at this time?

  The woman saw that Zhou Peisheng was very decisive, and she was a little moved, "Mei Yuexi is really trying to win over Jia Yuanchun?"

"It's absolutely true. Concubine Mei can afford to let go. If you say that you didn't have much trouble with Concubine Xiande before, even if there was some disagreement, it's nothing to worry about. It's much better than Concubine Mei's attitude towards Concubine Xiande. Right? Concubine Mei can change the situation at once to please Concubine Xiande, what can't you do?" Zhou Peisheng's attitude was very firm: "This is an excellent opportunity."

  (end of this chapter)

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