Number of People

Chapter 1981: Guizi Juan plays with people's hearts, it's none other than me

  Chapter 1981 Guizijuan plays with people's hearts, none other than me

   Taking a quick glance, Feng Ziying felt a little funny when she saw the woman closing her eyes in helplessness and despair, as if letting herself be disposed of.

  He seemed so tough, arrogant and aggressive before, but now he puts on such a posture of being a knife and a fish, how ridiculous?

  But speaking from the bottom of my heart, I have to admit that this woman is indeed beautiful and seductive, even Feng Ziying can't help but want to move next to her, and it's not long since she just got off Yuan Chun.

  Thinking about it, this is the concubine chosen to enter the palace more than ten years ago when Emperor Yonglong was still interested in sex. It was really selected from thousands of people, and the best out of billions of people.

  This face, this figure, and this skin are all one in a million, which is different from the group of Yuanchun and others in the later period.

The group of Yuanchun and the others were mostly done by Emperor Yonglong in order to balance and win over the relations between the various forces. They have more political significance and put everything else in the second place. Of course, they can't be bad. Anyway, they are also in the palace, representing the Tian family. face.

  Of course, Feng Ziying couldn’t have given this noble concubine under such circumstances. Yuan Chun was still ahead, Zhou Peisheng and a group of people were also in front, and she wasn’t that anxious yet.

What Feng Ziying has to do is to completely destroy this woman's will to resist, crush her bottom line, and make her truly realize that if she wants to ask someone to do something, she must show the attitude of asking someone to do something, and come up with the conditions that can be sold , so that in the future "cooperation" process, I can really control the situation.

   As for this woman, Feng Ziying is very curious. At that point, what step is this woman willing to do for her son's future?

  Thinking of this, Feng Ziying showed a charming smile on his face, twisted the head of the sweat scarf around his waist with his fingers, and twitched lightly.

  The woman only felt her waist loosen, her underpants slipped off, her hips and legs felt cold, and her heart felt cold too. After all, she still didn't escape the catastrophe, and tears rolled down her cheeks...

Feng Ziying let go of her fingers, put her body back into the wall-dong posture, retracted her hands, patted her hands, and gave a light snort with a half-smile, "Okay, don't put on a posture of suffering, go back and think about it." I think, listen to Zhou Peisheng’s advice, and be clearer. I can say for sure that if Prince Gong really wants to lose power, it will most likely be because of you. ... Also, I feel that Zhou Peisheng seems to be more important than you He cares about Prince Gong's future, but it's Ni, who is a mother and concubine, who seems to be very willful and escaping, which really makes me a little confused."

  Feng Ziying backed away, glanced at the other party, then put her hands on her back, turned and walked back.

Opening his eyes blankly, Guo Qinyun subconsciously squatted down in shame, reached out to lift up the underpants that had slipped from his ankles, and while busy tying the sweat towel, he gritted his teeth and looked at the background who had left carelessly. Even the mood is complicated.

   It's not all hatred, um, there seems to be some indescribable fear after being overwhelmed, faint anticipation, and even some inexplicable relaxation and pleasure.

   Zhou Peisheng saw Feng Ziying Shi Shi ran out, but did not find Concubine Quan, and asked in surprise, "Master Feng,...?"

"Miss Concubine Quan talked to me. She was deeply touched and wanted to think about it alone. Mr. Zhou, Concubine Quan is too stubborn and impetuous. You still need to train and train her. If Prince Gong wants to achieve great things, don't let him fail." On a woman, no matter which woman it is." Feng Ziying stood still in front of Zhou Peisheng and said "sincerity".

  Teaching? Zhou Peisheng looked at Feng Ziying with a strange expression on his face. He wondered if the editor of the Hanlin Academy, who was born as a second-class Jinshi, had any misunderstanding about the word "tune". Shouldn't this be persuasion?

As if seeing the embarrassment in Zhou Peisheng's expression, Feng Ziying said calmly: "It's about His Royal Highness Prince Gong's plan, about the future of the Great Zhou, Manager Zhou, with Concubine Quan's capriciousness, wouldn't it be a pity to miss a major event because of this? Maybe It’s just irreparable, so Mrs. Zhou shouldn’t explain her interests to her, know right from wrong, and make her take care of the overall situation? Even if the words are harsher, I think it’s hard for Concubine Quan to accept it for a while, but as long as she calms down, she will understand This is for the good of her and His Highness Prince Gong."

   Heaving a sigh of relief, Zhou Peisheng had to admit that Feng Ziying was right, and nodded: "Master Feng is right."

  When Guo Qinyun came out, he saw Zhou Peisheng nodding and bowing in front of Feng Ziying, saying yes repeatedly. He was angry and panicked, and he wanted to ignore him, but he couldn't get around it.

Feng Ziying still only glanced at the other party lightly, and then said in a casual tone: "Director Zhou, I will take my leave first, and hope that the agreement we reached can be implemented. Maybe you also know that I won't be able to stay in Beijing for too long. If there is anything, I'm afraid you will tell me in advance."

   After finishing speaking, Feng Ziying walked out of the gate calmly.

  Following Feng Ziying's departure, Guo Qinyun also walked away with a frosty face, and Zhou Peisheng also sensed that something was wrong.

   It seems that the conversation between Feng Ziying and Concubine Quan was not as harmonious as he said, but this is not important. From what Feng Ziying revealed, it can be understood that the other party is willing to help His Highness Prince Gong, that's all.

Guo Qinyun and his party returned to the palace almost non-stop, until there were only two people left, and even the personal servants were sent out, Guo Qinyun suddenly changed color, and said coldly: "Zhou Peisheng, you said we must Are you working with Feng Keng?"

   "Cooperating with Feng's family is the best choice now." Zhou Peisheng also saw some clues, probably because Concubine Quan was embarrassed in front of Feng Ziying, so she was so reluctant.

  With a lot of thoughts, Guo Qinyun breathed out, "But the other party is too bullying!"

"Madam, Feng Keng is young and vigorous, even if he has some outrageous words and deeds, we also need to be patient. Now we can hardly find anyone who is willing to support His Highness. It is best to just sit on the sidelines. Feng Keng promised the old slave to let His Highness Prince Gong enter Qingtan Academy, and you can enter it immediately. King Lu has the current momentum because he has made friends with a large number of scholars in Qingtan Academy. The "Yuedan Review" published several articles by His Highness King Lu, which were sent to the court. In the hands of the princes, the reputation of His Royal Highness King Lu will be raised at once. If His Royal Highness King Gong can enter the academy and follow this method, in less than half a year, His Royal Highness King Gong will also be able to gain the reputation of a heavenly genius. Squeeze into the list of candidates for prison."

  Guo Qinyun was quite moved, "He promised to help King Gong do this?"

Zhou Peisheng smiled wryly, "How can Mr. Feng be so straightforward? But the old slave knew that King Lu took this path to achieve great success. There is no reason His Royal Highness King Gong can't do this, and according to the old slave, the "Today's News" It should also be inextricably linked with Mr. Feng. If it is used to promote the reputation of His Highness Prince Gong, it will definitely have a miraculous effect. In addition, Mr. Feng also has the support of a group of scholars from the North, which is quite influential, so... "

  Guo Qinyun was silent for a while before saying: "What if he makes unreasonable demands and conditions?"

"Unreasonable request?" Zhou Peisheng asked suspiciously, "Is there any requirement that is greater than the future of His Royal Highness Prince Gong? No matter how harsh and unreasonable it is, we might as well agree to it first, and make it later when Prince Gong really wants to take the throne. It’s not too late to worry about it, ma’am, it’s time to endure the anger for a while, and what you get in return may be that the Great Zhou Dynasty belongs to the line of Prince Gong. Do you think how many years the emperor has endured since he took the throne from Prince Yizhong? The Supreme Emperor Once you get the throne, if you don't recognize your relatives, imprison you and ... how many brothers you have killed, you will understand that as long as Prince Gong can succeed to the throne, any price and any condition are worth it!"

  Guo Qinyun's heart was surging, no wonder Feng Ziying was confident, Zhou Peisheng was indeed thinking about his son's future with all his heart, and any price was worth it, which meant that even if he paid everything for himself, it seemed worth it?

  Feng Ziying returned to Chongxuan Temple after Guo Qinyun and his group left.

  Although there were accidental interruptions from Guo Qinyun's line of business, Feng Ziying didn't think they could bring her much trouble.

Although Guo Qinyun is a bit brainless and willful, Zhou Peisheng can suppress her very well. Even if Guo Qinyun really told Zhou Peisheng everything, Feng Ziying is not worried that Zhou Peisheng will do any irrational actions, and may even Take the initiative to persuade the other party not to care about these things, and everything should revolve around the future of Prince Gong.

  Feng Ziying sees through these people more and more now.

In fact, during the ten years since Emperor Yonglong succeeded to the throne, he was largely controlled by the court officials. Originally, the imperial power could use the conflict between the North and the South scholars to divide and disintegrate, but who would have thought that the unexpected factor of Prince Yizhong would be involved. , firmly grasped the main force of the scholars in the south of the Yangtze River, so that Emperor Yonglong could not take advantage of this contradiction, and often had to compromise with the scholars in the court.

As soon as Emperor Yonglong fell into a coma, the power and influence of these princes are now so weak that anyone who wants to ascend to the throne can only depend on the attitude of the court sergeant Lin Wenchen. There are all kinds of flattery and flattery to please the princes in the court.

Perhaps this time is the happiest and happiest time for civil servants. It is no wonder that the princes in the court are not at all worried about Emperor Yonglong's coma, nor do they mind the endless battles of the princes. It is up to the princes to make a decision. In their eyes, everything performed by the princes is nothing more than the appearance of actors on the stage, and they don't care.

It is precisely because of this that Feng Ziying treats Guo Qinyun so contemptuously and casually, even if he promises all kinds of conditions, so what, needless to say, if it is done in the end, you should be worried about the new king all day long Could it be that the Brothers of Cooking Beans and Burning Beans are fighting against the wall, so how can they still have the energy and qualifications to compete with themselves?

  (end of this chapter)

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