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Chapter 1983: Guizi Juan made an exception with double titles, shining in Shanshan and Shanxi

  Chapter 1983 Guizi Juan made an exception with double titles, shining in Shanshan

"Hehe, what do you think he can do?" Zhang Huaichang's face was as cold as ice, and his eyes revealed a bit of murderous intent, "He created his own country name Jin, and also established the year name 'Destiny', and added a **** 'Fengtian' to himself To revive the title of "The Wise Khan of the Nations"

  Zhang Huaichang was so angry that he couldn't choose what to say. Obviously, Nurhachi's rebellious behavior greatly angered him.

  Feng Ziying's heart skipped a beat.

He had the impression that after the establishment of Nurhachi, the Jin Dynasty should have happened in 1616, but although the Zhou Dynasty was Ming Dynasty, the historical timeline has not changed much, including the Dutch invasion of Penghu in the east, so the inertia made him feel that the Jin Dynasty after Nurhaci should be established. It will take several years.

   Now, if we compare the chronology of the Western Yuan, it should be in 1612 or 1613. He is not sure about the specifics, but it must be on the original historical timeline, and the later Jin should not have appeared.

However, history is obviously affected by the change of Zhou Dynasty and Ming Dynasty, or because of his own appearance, the old father served as the governor of Jiliao, these factors have caused changes in the land of Liaodong, and also affected various aspects. For example, the Wula tribe originally It should have been extinct long ago, but he promoted Liaodong's support for the Haixi Jurchen, so that the Yehe tribe remained intact, and it still had a certain strength, and even merged the Ula tribe, then the Jianzhou Jurchen would definitely change accordingly .

The Jianzhou Jurchen's annexation of the savage Jurchen has also been advanced, and the strength has also been greatly strengthened. In addition, Li Yongfang's rebellion caused a large number of Han soldiers and civilians in Fushun Pass to be acquired by the Jianzhou Jurchen, which should have greatly stimulated Nurhachi's ambition. Now that there is a civil war between the North and the South in the Great Zhou Dynasty, this makes Nurhachi feel that the opportunity is too late to come again.

  So it seems reasonable for Hou Jin to appear in advance.

Zhang Huaichang's topic also attracted several other people. Qi Yongtai hadn't come out yet. Qiao Yingjia and others were still discussing the next move of Sun Shaozu's Datong Army in Dezhou and Wucheng after the recovery of Linqing, but at this time they were all covered by Zhang Huaichang's words To attract over.

Compared with the situation in Shandong, the situation in Liaodong seems far away, but everyone here is the elite of the Northland, so they naturally understand the threat of the Jianzhou Jurchen. Now that Nurhachi has actually established the country, and it was chosen during the civil strife in the Great Zhou Dynasty. Needless to say.

As a native of Liaodong and Minister of the Ministry of War, Zhang Huaichang is naturally the most concerned about the situation in Liaodong. Jianzhou Jurchen's move made him feel like a thorn in his back, and he was restless. It was used in Liaodong, but now it is powerless.

   To fight against the outside world, we must first secure the inside. If we don’t solve the Nanjing problem, how can we spare ourselves to deal with the threat of the Jianzhou Jurchens?

   Once this is fought, it may be a protracted battle for national destiny. Nurhachi dares to call himself the founding of the country. If he wants to solve him, can he be done without spending huge manpower, material resources and time?

   "Jianguo? A savage in a barren village, he also did a ridiculous thing. He is bringing shame and destruction to himself!" Feng Ziying also gritted her teeth, "What news is there from the secretary?"

"It is said that Nurhachi proposed the 'seven major hatreds', accusing Dazhou of bullying and humiliating him and his people. This is the **** that Li Chengliang made out of raising a tiger, but now he is being beaten up by others, and he is still looking for our fault. It's gone." Zhang Huaichang became more and more angry, "But now we can only watch."

Feng Ziying took a deep breath, "Just watch? Duke Huaichang, I'm afraid we don't have time to watch. Nurhachi founded the country, and he must fight to prove his greatness, otherwise how can he be like the Mongols and Hercynians on the grasslands?" Jurchen and North Korea have proved his 'destiny belongs', so far, our Dazhou and Jianzhou Jurchen are already in an endless situation."

   "Ziying, in your opinion, can Cao Wenzhao of Liaodong Town withstand Jianzhou Jurchen?" Han Yu couldn't help asking.

  Among this group of people, apart from Zhang Huaichang, Han Yuan may be the only one who knows military affairs.

"It's hard to say, but I'm not very optimistic about it." Feng Ziying pondered and said: "My father told me that Li Yongfang's rebellion had a far-reaching impact. The military officers are also inextricably linked, so it is not difficult to win over, hook up and instigate some people, if used well, it may lead to the second Fushun rebellion, and it is also possible."

   Everyone's face changed, and the second Fushun rebelled? Then tens of thousands of people fell into the hands of Jianzhou Jurchen, who can control them?

   "But it's not appropriate to adjust the troops in Liaodong Town now. It will just let Nurhachi take advantage of the opportunity." Zhang Huaichang hesitated.

"Of course there is no way to make big changes now. The small adjustments were started before my father left, and Cao Wenzhao should continue, but Li Yongfang has been in Liaodong Town for decades, and there are many relatives and old friends. How can we clean it up in a short time?" Feng Ziying Sighing, "And you have to worry about not affecting the morale of the army too much. I'm in a hurry. Maybe I didn't plan to hook up with the Jianzhou Jurchen. Maybe I will go there if I'm cruel..."

  Feng Ziying's words also convinced Zhang Huaichang, how many of these generals in the border town are really clean? It is perfectly normal to do business with these foreigners and sell embargoed materials. As long as the big festival is not bad, and you don’t remember the benefits when you fight, then it is not a problem, but if you want to hold on to it If you don't let go of these questions, it's hard to say.

  The good mood of Linqing's recovery was completely destroyed by the dialogue between Zhang Huaichang and Feng Ziying. Qiao Yingjia, Wang Yongguang, Cui Jingrong and others fell into silence.

Even if Linqing was regained, it would only bring some confidence to the people in Gyeonggi, but for these people in the court, they knew very well that the restoration of Linqing was still not at the same level as the chaos in Shanshan. Compared with Jin after the establishment of Nurhachi, the situation is still very dangerous.

  Dazhou is still riddled with holes and leaks everywhere. If you don't pay attention, the ship may run aground or even sink.

   As the helmsmen and rowers on this ship, their responsibility is to make up for the loopholes and steer the direction well, so that the ship can sail out of the vortex and rapids steadily and move forward safely.

It was Feng Ziying who realized that her words might not be very pleasant, and took the initiative to change the topic: "Soldiers come to cover up water and soil, no matter how hard Nurhachi is, his strength is limited, and logistical support determines that he can only toss on the border of Liaodong for the time being. If we solve the Jiangnan problem, we will be free to deal with him."

"Ziying, the imperial court really needs some good news to boost morale and people's hearts, so the Linqing Great Victory imperial court is planning to hold a celebration party to boost the morale of the people." Qiao Yingjia still looked solemn, "The other thing is the governor of Shaanxi. , You may have to start preparing, and Chengfeng is going to talk to Ye Fang, the news from Shanshan is not optimistic, and the two of them are also a little anxious."

   This is probably the most accurate information Feng Ziying has received about her going to Shaanxi, which is enough to show how bad the situation in Shanxi is.

  Feng Ziying nodded silently, of course he had nothing to say about such an arrangement, he could only prepare silently.

"I'm afraid you also know that your mission in Shaanxi is to calm down the chaotic situation in Shaanxi as soon as possible, stabilize the situation in Shanxi and Shanxi, and wait until the south of the Yangtze River is settled." Qiao Yingjia said bluntly: "No matter what method is adopted, the court only Ask about the result, not about the method, not about the process, Ziying, you should understand the meaning of this."

"Understood, the general will not accept the orders of the emperor. Ziying is only responsible for the request of the court, not to any other individual, so all measures may be taken, including some actions that may attract accusations, attacks, or even impeachment." Feng Ziying simply said Just lay it all out.

  The group of people nodded appreciatively. Feng Ziying's words undoubtedly suit their appetite. If you hold Shanshan firmly, you can buy time.

   Qi Yongtai finally came out, his face was not very good-looking, and when he saw Feng Ziying, his face softened a little.

"Ziying, I may have told you that you are fully prepared. The rebellion in Shaanxi has intensified. The court has suppressed it for the past two days and dared not disclose it, because it is afraid of affecting the situation in Beijing and China. But now we can say, Linzhou, Yichuan, etc. Luochuan and Luochuan were all captured by the rebel army, Hancheng was besieged, and it was in danger, maybe it has fallen by this time, but we don't know it yet."

  Qi Yongtai was exhausted with a bit of determination, "I will discuss with Jinqing and Zhonghan. You are the governor of Shaanxi, and you will be granted full authority, including the transfer of frontier troops!"

   All of a sudden there was an uproar in the hall.

  The frontier army can be mobilized, so it is not a governor, it is a governor, but since the founding of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the frontier army can only be mobilized by the governor, and the governor is mainly responsible for civil affairs. There is a big difference.

Including Qiao Yingjia, Han Yu and others, everyone was shocked by this. Why Qi Yongtai suddenly became so radical, and the only exception was Zhang Huaichang. Meaning.

   "Chengfeng, Ye Fang and the others might not agree, right? Should Ziying be awarded the governor of Shaanxi, or even the governor of Shanxi?" Qiao Yingjia felt incredible, how could this be possible?

Qi Yongtai shook his head, "Of course it's impossible. The governor only grants the border land, how can he grant the provincial government? But the rebellion in Shaanxi is too serious, if we can't coordinate the frontier army, it may be difficult to suppress, so Huaichang and I also discussed it. Take a flexible measure, give Ziying a double title, the right servant of the Ministry of War and the censor of the capital, and the governor of Shaanxi."

  Qiao Yingjia frowned, "Ziying is the fourth rank, and the right servant of the Ministry of War is already the third rank. This is over,..."

   "Xuhang, wait until it's done, and then it's just a matter of avoiding it, or Ziying is also eligible to be promoted to the third rank at that time?" Qi Yongtai's face remained unchanged, "It's enough for everyone to understand the meaning."

   The first update asks for votes!



  (end of this chapter)

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