Number of People

Chapter 1993: Li Wan solves the case by peeling off the cocoon from the guizi scroll

  Chapter 1993 The guizi scroll peels off the cocoon, Li Wan solves the case

  Feng Ziying's heart moved, could it be that her flaw is so big, and the matter between herself and Wang Xifeng was leaked so quickly? Or are women's instincts too sensitive in this regard?

  Feng Ziying thought that the affair between herself and Wang Xifeng was well concealed. Except for Yuanyang who might have guessed some of it, the whole family probably didn't notice it.

   It cannot be ruled out that a delicate person like Baochai has some doubts about Wang Xifeng's strange whereabouts, but he probably hasn't doubted himself yet.

  However, Xue Baochai couldn’t hide the fact that Wang Xifeng kept asking her for help because of the cement business, so she definitely felt that she was too active in helping Wang Xifeng.

It's just that I have always been on good terms with Jia Lian, and Wang Xifeng is a woman who can put down her face. Now that she is so down and out, it seems that she can't justify not helping her, so Baochai may just feel that it is a bit inappropriate, but probably I didn't think too deeply.

  Of course, this is just Feng Ziying's own wishful thinking. Who knows if Baochai, who is deeply in the city, knows it?

Now he has more and more confidence in Baochai's ability to be a qualified old woman. Although Baochai and Shen Yixiu are two completely different people, their respective talents are not weaker than others, even higher than others. My own expectations, so I really can't underestimate people.

   This kind of thing is not uncommon in big families. A truly big-hearted woman would not openly criticize her. At worst, she would quietly remind her husband, don’t let the rumor spread all over the city and lose face.

   It's just that such things were pointed out by Li Wan, which is a bit embarrassing. What are the identities of Li Wan and Wang Xifeng, and what is the relationship?

Jia Zhu and Jia Lian, corresponding to Li Wan and Wang Xifeng, cousins, cousins, one is a widow, the other is a woman who was married and divorced, they should be sympathetic to each other, but now they all have an affair with themselves by accident. It seems that I still enjoy the excitement brought by this kind of cheating. I have to say that the sense of challenge and breakthrough brought by this kind of taboo love is really hard to extricate myself.

  Although she was a little surprised by Li Wan's sudden question, how could Feng Ziying, who had been through a lot of ups and downs, be afraid of this, and besides, so what if Li Wan knew about it?

   Lao Ya laughing at pig black? Let's not talk about the second brother.

   What's more, Li Wan's current situation is just a heart of gossip and a bit of sour desire to compete for favor, so what else?

   "What should I say? Wang Xifeng is worse than you. Anyway, you still have Brother Lan. She only has one Qiao sister. Who can she rely on in the future?" Feng Ziying seemed careless, but her fingers slid on Li Wan's naked back.

  Women from rich and noble families are indeed well maintained, unlike those from hard-working families, women in their thirties already have dark and loose skin, wrinkled foreheads, eye corners, and rough and strained palms.

  Like Li Wan, who was born in a family of poetry and calligraphy since childhood, the family loves like treasures, married into Jia's family and is a first-line wife, pampered and pampered, it can be said that his fingers are not touched by the spring water, and naturally he is also graceful and graceful.

Feng Ziying heard from her that she gave birth to Jia Lan very early, married into the Rongguo Mansion at the age of fourteen, and gave birth to Jia Lan at the age of fifteen. Now that Jia Lan is fourteen, she is also a woman who is twenty-nine and almost thirty Yes, but when it comes to this skin, it is no different from that of a girl, even more so, it is as delicate as new, only the amorous look between her eyebrows can reveal her young woman's background.

  Speaking of which, Li Wan and Shen Yixiu are quite alike, they both came from a family of poetry and calligraphy in the south of the Yangtze River.

The two girls are both very well-proportioned, slender but not thin, and they are similar in size, but Shen Yixiu seems to be more elegant and generous, while Li Wan treats people with the kind of indifference that is neither far nor near, unless they are very familiar with each other. Get a little closer, and usually maintain that sense of rejection that makes people dare not play with it.

When she was in love with Li Wan, Feng Ziying also felt that this woman who had been widowed for many years was still desperately longing for caress and warmth. Jia Zhu should not have much relationship with her, and the married life in the boudoir was not very good. Feng Ziying vaguely heard that Rong Some old people in the national government inadvertently mentioned that Jia Zhu seems to be as good as Long Yang, which seems to be similar to Jia Baoyu, no wonder he died of illness so early.

There seem to be quite a few people in Rongning and Ningfu who like masculinity. Starting from Jia Amnesty, Jia Zhu, Jia Lian, and Jia Rong all seem to have this hobby to some extent. Maybe arty, maybe it is really good. In short, Rong The lion in front of Ning Erfu's gate is the cleanest and it's not a curse word.

It's just that this kind of atmosphere seems so natural and even a kind of elegance among the rich and powerful in Beijing, which makes it difficult for Feng Ziying to accept it. No wonder some people say that the romantic and suave style written by Xiao Feng Xiu is not worthy of the name, because he has no such elegance , which made Feng Ziying dumbfounded.

   "Ziying, you are changing the subject." Li Wan coquettishly raised her head and glanced at Feng Ziying, "Did Feng Lazi also fall into your hands?"

   "Why do you say that?" Feng Ziying didn't care, as if she didn't mind such topics.

"Hmph, don't men like this kind of flirtatious fluff?" There was an unspeakable pleasure in Li Wan's words, "Look at Jia Lian, Wang Xifeng took care of him so much that he often couldn't get into bed. She is not allowed to touch her son, but now it is cheaper for you, so that Jia Lian can only vent out with a servant, or hang out with a woman like Bao Er's wife, so Jia Lian wants to be with Wang Xifeng and Li me. Surprised, which man can stand her torment?"

   "I didn't expect you to look indifferent and seem to be indifferent to the affairs of the Rongguo Mansion. You can know all these things?" Feng Ziying laughed dumbly, "Then you still say that Lian's second sister-in-law got into my hands?"

  Li Wan's face became hot.

   This gossip is everyone's nature. Although she pretends to be indifferent to world affairs, but this widow spends all day in the house, doing nothing, don't you feel bored?

So naturally, maids like Suyun Biyue went outside to inquire for her, and Li Wan was always kind to others, and Suyun Biyue could fight with other maids outside, so naturally there were many sources of news. Narrating for Li Wan can be regarded as satisfying Li Wan's desire to gossip.

   "Wang Xifeng is also a dog, and she also judges people. When she meets someone who is powerful, she will wag her tail and beg for mercy. Let you toss and see her virtue in front of her ancestors and wives. When she meets you, is it different?"

  Seeing that Feng Ziying neither admitted nor denied it, Li Wan was sure that something was wrong here.

  In fact, she had been suspicious for a long time.

  Before Wang Xifeng moved out of Rongguo Mansion, one day when she went to Wang Xifeng's house, she happened to meet the little maid, Sister Shan, who was wiping Wang Xifeng's body. Because she was used to going there, Sister Shan didn't avoid her.

  She felt that Wang Xifeng would not be seen for a month, but her body had become much plumper, especially the pair of human weapons on her chest were even more terrifying, so she was a little suspicious at that time.

But at that time, she just wondered if Wang Xifeng and Jia Lian had reconciled and divorced, so she overeat and gained weight, but not long after that, Wang Xifeng abruptly left Rongguo Mansion and moved to Baodafang to live alone, which made her really suspicious.

  Later, she went to Baodafang to visit Wang Xifeng. Although Wang Xifeng did not avoid her, she was also bedridden, so she observed carefully.

Although it was deliberately covered up, Wang Xifeng's waist was obviously thicker, and the radiance on her face was unique to pregnant women, but untrained women like Daiyu and Tanchun might not be able to see it. Only those who have given birth like Li Wan can know, it is all nourished.

It didn't take long for Wang Xifeng to claim to go to the south of the Yangtze River for a visit. After leaving the capital, Li Wan knew that Wang Xifeng was probably hiding to give birth. It might not be in the capital, or it might be near the capital. It's just that the capital is so big, and Wang Xifeng wants to hide. Can you find it?

  But there is no one who can help Wang Xifeng cover up.

  Li Wan hadn't suspected Feng Ziying before, because it was too shocking.

  In her opinion, with Feng Ziying's identity, it doesn't make sense to get involved with such a problematic woman like Wang Xifeng, so she has always been curious about who it is.

  Jia Rong and Jia Rui were once Li Wan's suspects, but they were all ruled out.

Later, she wondered whether Wang Xifeng had an affair with Jia She, playing a double reed. After all, it is not uncommon for a big family to climb ashes. This is completely different from the attitude of other people in the house to persuade peace and not to leave, which makes people feel even more suspicious.

  It wasn't until Feng Ziying stole her, and Wang Xifeng started to make a living in cement again, that Li Wan gradually understood, who else could this capable person be, who else could be besides his lover?

   I just didn't expect that my wife and Wang Xifeng, one widowed and the other reconciled, would both have an affair with a man. This is too unbelievable.

"Hehe, Sister Wan, you are also lonely and proud in front of others, and everyone says you are a cold-tempered person, but why are you so passionate and hot?" Feng Ziying squeezed the double pills on Li Wan's chest, laughing Said: "Are you the same as Wang Xifeng?"

Li Wan was so ashamed that she slapped Feng Ziying hard, "Don't change the subject there and talk about Wang Xifeng, did she give birth to a son for you? She has been hiding for so long, and now she refuses to show up in Beijing. To and fro, Shenlong sees the head but doesn't see the end, isn't it just to avoid the people of Jia's family, for fear of being spotted by them? The old ancestor and his wife have been out for a few days, and she refuses to come to see each other. ..."

   "No, sister Feng went to see the old lady and his wife when they were in prison, right?" Feng Ziying said casually.

  Sister Feng? Sister Wan? Li Wan finally made a solid statement.

  (end of this chapter)

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