Number of People

Chapter 2055: Guizi scroll Ziying training family members, three women stretching strings

  Chapter 2055 Guizi Juan Ziying’s training family, three women stretching strings

The Cao and Fan families have probably long coveted the special relationship between the Wang family and themselves. In Shuntian Mansion and Yongping Mansion, they could not win the competition, or it was difficult to dig the corner of the Wang family, but in Shanshan, the Wang family does not have so much energy now. Given the balance, this is their chance.

  For myself, this is also a win-win situation where everyone gets what they need.

   It is still unknown what the situation in Shaanxi is. The intentional agreement reached is just to lay the foundation for the next step after they completely control the situation in Shaanxi. From this perspective, Cao and Fan are full of confidence in themselves.

Since it is an agreement, it is mutual. For now, the Cao and Fan families are more like a bet. They must support themselves from various aspects in advance, the most important of which are money, food and various materials. Thirdly, they are in Shaanxi. Some contacts on the side.

  Since they took the initiative to come to the door, Feng Ziying was not polite, and asked for 300,000 taels of silver first, and then a batch of grain.

  The Cao family has also been cultivating in Shaanxi for many years. The money is simple, and it is not easy to get so much food, especially in the case of extreme food shortage in Shaanxi.

  However, Cao Zhengxiu still agreed. Now that he has decided to make a bet, he can no longer look forward and backward. This is the unanimous opinion of Cao Zhengxiu and Fan Yundeng.

  Walking into the backyard while thinking, I heard Miaoyu's surprised voice: "Four more? Who sent them?"

"It's the two people my master is meeting with guests." The voice belonged to Yu Chuan'er, "Because I didn't get my master's consent, I should leave it at the porter's side now, but the slaves went to check, and they were all The pearls are round and jade-like, and the clothes are also very beautiful, which is better than ordinary girls."

"It seems that our master will stay in this Datong city for a few more days, and there will be no room in our house. In just a few days, eight of them have come." Miaoyu sighed, "Some of them are here. Yes, it’s okay if you refuse, but we don’t need so many people here.”

Baoqin's voice didn't really bother her, "Here's what he delivered. I looked at the first four, and to be honest, they're really not bad. After asking, I know a little bit about piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, female celebrities are even better. Those little maids in our mansion are too far away. If you have no objection, please stay here. We will have places that will be needed in the future. We went to Xi’an mansion. We are not familiar with the place, so we will definitely need manpower. Could it be that we will come again at that time? Bidding?"

Xiuyan's voice: "Sister Qin is right. Going to Xi'an Mansion is not a matter of a day or two. It may take two or three years to live there. There will be a lot of manpower needed. It's okay for me to be innocent. Yes, of course it is available, but if you are looking for it temporarily in Xi'an, you have to worry about whether it is available or whether there will be any problems."

  Miaoyu was originally a person who had no idea, but after hearing what Xiuyan said, she also felt that it made sense, so she agreed with her.

Only then did Feng Ziying know that Cao and Fan sent four more maids. It seems that they all knew that they had a habit of widows and diseases, and they wanted to do what they liked. However, Cao and Fan were even more reliable than Cui Chengxiu. On one point, Feng Ziying is very sure.

  The generous gift from others is actually just a test to see if you are willing to accept them.

  Seeing Feng Ziying coming in, all the girls stood up and were blessed.

"Okay, we are all a family, so how can we be so polite? I heard it outside the door. They are kind, so stay and stay. You can see the distribution." Feng Ziying waved her hand, "In the future, I'm afraid There are still more times to deal with them, and this relationship will only get closer."

  Bao Qin's eyes lit up when he heard it, "What do you mean, there will be intertwining in Shaanxi in the future, will it be helpful for you to do things in Shaanxi?"

"Well, it's a win-win cooperation." Feng Ziying nodded, "Both Cao and Fan are members of the Eight Great Masters of Shanxi Merchants, and they also cooperated a few years ago, but it's not the most important thing, but now they want to seize this opportunity. "

  Bao Qin understood, "We can deal more with each other in the future."

Feng Ziying glanced at Baoqin and laughed, "It's not easy to deal with these Shanxi merchants. Their thoughts are quite complicated. Although they put their interests first, they have Lu Buwei's style of betting and doing. Baoqin, you understand?"

  Bao Qin blinked her eyes, "Xianggong means that this group of people will turn to you to support you because of their interests, or they may betray you and oppose you because of their interests?"

"Well, that's almost what it means. When you can't provide him with enough benefits, or when the temptation of greater benefits appears, maybe they will abandon you and betray you without hesitation." Feng Ziying nodded, "But as far as For me, it might be difficult for them to find someone who can replace me."

  Bao Qin was thoughtful, "It's understandable for businessmen to seek profit, but how does Xianggong bind them firmly to your needs? This is a question that needs to be answered continuously, but I feel that Xianggong seems to have a plan in mind?"

"Well said, continuous answering of questions requires continuous interest orientation." Feng Ziying smiled and said: "Or there must be rules that are in line with the interests of businessmen, so that the rules and policies formulated by the court are beneficial to them. Only then will they continue to support the imperial court, and judging from the previous situation, the imperial court's policies are either disorganized, or they are changed from day to day, or they lack clear guidance and are contradictory, and there is no better solution to regional conflicts. Guidance, so businessmen can only pin their hopes on a certain person, and it also allows them to abandon these individuals for their own interests at any time."

  Feng Ziying's words made Baoqin fall into deep thought, while Miaoyu who was beside her obviously couldn't understand, while Xiuyan was concentrating on thinking hard.

   As Feng Ziying's three women of status, after arriving in Shaanxi, they inevitably had to deal with the wives and concubines of the officials in Shaanxi.

  The contact intersection between women often represents the collision of views and interests between men.

  In addition to the relatives of officials, those gentry and businessmen with status will also contact through this channel, so the three of them must be keen and accurate to understand the true intention of these intentions to achieve a certain purpose through the back house channel.

  The more chaotic Shaanxi is, the more problems they will face in the future. They have already felt the challenges brought about by this change of identity in Datong. After arriving in Xi'an, the challenges will be even more severe.

As for the three of them, no one wants to be left behind in this challenge. This is not only a competition between the three of them, but also a competition between the second and third families. Even Miaoyu, who is still a little ignorant, feels vaguely At this particularity, I became a little nervous.

   I wish brothers and sisters a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and a happy and healthy family!



  (end of this chapter)

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