Number of People

Chapter 2070: Guizi Juan is far-sighted, but not published

  Chapter 2070 Guizi Juan is far-sighted, but not published

   The most influential Zeng Qu families in Wubao City were dealt with decisively by means of thunder, and Xia Zhiling was full of emotions when he saw it.

  He thought that even if he was sitting in Feng Ziying's position, he would not dare to resolve the Zeng and Qu families with such a resolute break.

   You need to know that there are quite a lot of connections behind these two families. The Great Zhou Dynasty is a society that pays attention to connections. One can move the whole body, and these connections are all over the world. Sometimes you may not be able to predict them.

  For example, the Zeng family has in-laws in the province, and they are in-laws with the chief envoy, and the other Qu family has a son who is a general in Shanxi Town, but Feng Ziying took them down lightly.

  Wubao City is not big, Zeng Qu and his family were imprisoned and confiscated, and even Long Jinwei directly intervened in the name of colluding with the rebellious army to plot rebellion. The news spread throughout the city within two hours.

   Before the time passed, almost all the big gentry in the city flocked to the county government office to see Xia Zhiling, eagerly expressing their willingness to support Xia Zhiling in defending the city.

   All of this was within Feng Ziying's expectation.

  Choose two big investors to scare the chickens and monkeys. Those retail investors are better at observing the wind and distinguishing the situation than anyone else. When they realize that the wind direction is changing, they naturally follow the scenery.

"As of now, all the servants and soldiers of the gentry and gentry in the city have arrived, a total of 896 people, all of whom have been integrated and handed over to the unified command of the county according to the county's requirements. Strong, responsible for guarding the city."

  Xia Zhiling couldn't suppress his excitement. Although he hadn't slept all night and his eyes were bloodshot, his mental state was unprecedentedly good. Compared with Feng Ziying's sluggishness when he first met him, I don't know how much better it was.

  If it is really facing an offensive similar to the Xuanfu Army or the Datong Army, the effect of this kind of mixed military and family soldiers may be even worse.

   Without sufficient training and cooperation, a little confusion caused by the match will lead to a collapse.

  But now there are chaotic troops outside the city, and they are defending against the city, so this method of inspiring fighting spirit that relies more on the advantage of the number of people is barely acceptable, it can be regarded as weak chickens pecking at each other.

  Feng Ziying arranged for the thirty or forty people recruited by Li Guibao who had some experience in group fighting to join this messy team, acting as the assault sharp-points at the point, in order to play some motivating role in the offensive and defensive battles.

Lacking enough leading officers, weak melee combat capabilities, and insufficient time for training and integration, such a defense force composed of civilians and servants cannot expect too much, and can only grow by itself through the baptism on the battlefield , Feng Ziying can only comfort herself in this way.

"Master Xia, this is not enough." Seeing Xia Zhiling's energetic appearance, Feng Ziying didn't want to discourage the other party, but she had no choice but to pour cold water on him, "Although there are mobs outside the city, our people are also good." Not much, the only advantage may be to rely on the city to defend, but the advantage of the rebel army is enough to offset it, if the information we have is correct, once the rebel army from Boyan Village and Baitang Village arrives, we will not be spared."

Feng Ziying's words gave Xia Zhiling a slap in the face. After being silent for a while, Xia Zhiling said unwillingly: "Come here from the north of Suide, hundreds of miles away, and it's really aimed at our Wubao, Officer Suide Why didn't the army stop them? Why didn't they attack Suide City?"

"Brother Shaowu, this is a lice on the monk's head—it's obvious that the rebellious army is powerful, so how dare those strong people in Suide Prefecture go out of the city to fight with these rebellious troops?" Feng Ziying said calmly: "What's more, Boyan Village and The rebel army in Baitangzhai is different from the general rebel army, many escaped from Yulin, and their combat effectiveness is much stronger than the general rebel army."

   "The Yulin Army should be responsible for this!" Xia Zhiling said indignantly, "Why didn't they send troops to chase them down?"

"This is the result of the imperial court's financial constraints for decades, and the arrears of food and payment to the three borders and four towns. Of course, it also includes the reason why the military commanders in the border towns have no money to eat and drink blood. As a result, soldiers and low-level military officers have difficulty making ends meet, so they simply fled to these towns. They stayed in the fort village to make a living. And the Yulin Army could only turn a blind eye to these people, and they have come here for so many years, forming a routine."

  Feng Ziying's tone was flat, even with a bit of a smile, without much emotion in it.

"It's just that the drought in the past two years has been too severe, making it impossible for these villages that were able to survive before. Naturally, they dare not attack Yulin Town. The attack on Suidezhou City may feel that the price is too high, but you Wubao It’s not necessarily the county seat, who told you to be right on the other side of Qikou Ferry, which is a transit and distribution center for food and supplies? Moreover, the city walls are low and the people are weak, if it were me, I would come here as well.”

  Feng Ziying's smiling words extinguished Xia Zhiling's last hope. He looked at Feng Ziying and said bitterly, "My lord, you are still in the city, but you speak so lightly, but you already have a plan to defeat the enemy?"

"No, at least not now." Feng Ziying spread her hands, "It's hard for a smart woman to cook without rice. You have to count on the number of untrained civilians and soldiers to defend the city, let alone the people from Boyan Village and Baitang Village. , even if the people who shake the sky flag unite the jumping gorge tiger and the ground burrowing tiger to attack the city with all their strength, I think it will be terrible."

  Xia Zhiling was furious, "My lord, what should we do now? We can't sit still and wait for death."

"We have to eat one bite at a time, and we have to do one thing at a time. Haven't we solved our internal worries now?" Feng Ziying calmly said, "Integrating the forces in the city, controlling the gentry and gentry, and preventing them from hindering them, this is The first thing to do is to eliminate the threat of shaking the sky flag as much as possible before the arrival of Boyan Village and Baitang Village..."

  Xia Zhiling was also very careful. Hearing that Feng Ziying only mentioned Yaotian Banner, but did not talk about Tiaojianhu and Tiaojianhu, his heart moved slightly, "My lord, this side of Drilling Tiger and Tiaojianhu..."

Seeing the pensive expression on Xia Zhiling's face, Feng Ziying nodded slightly: "Well, Shao Wu, you guessed it right, I just want to use the people who are jumping jianhu and burrowing tigers to solve the problem of shaking the sky flag. .”

  If you don't have enough strength in your hands, you can only use some tricks.

Although in the face of absolute strength, deception is not worthwhile, but in the situation where the strength of this chaotic army is not absolute strength, especially when you have the sharp knives of Li Guibao, Liu Dingfeng and other famous people in the world as the means of thunder, sometimes it is still Can play an unexpected role.


  Li Guibao looked at Liu Dingfeng who was walking in quickly, and asked in a deep voice, "What about the surname Qian?"

   "I have confessed, he is the insider of Tiaojianhu, who has been responsible for contacting these merchants in the city to buy road money out of the city,..."

  Liu Dingfeng nodded: "Basically, the fee is 50 taels of silver per person, which can be offset by gold, silver, pearls and jade, but other belongings that you carry are charged separately and need to be paid according to a certain percentage..."

  Li Guibao disagreed: "Do these businessmen dare to believe the promises of these rebels?"

"If you don't believe it, there's nothing you can do about it. There is no oil and salt on the side of Yaotianqi, and the side of Drilling Tiger has its own way along the road, and the well water here does not interfere with the river water. They have changed their ways to make money. In addition, they may have achieved some Transactions, such as the property they looted along the way, can be handed over to some of the merchants for sale, which can be regarded as selling stolen goods."

  Li Guibao has been in the rivers and lakes for many years. He has a lot of contact with refugees and knows the virtues of merchants. As long as it is profitable, they can sell everything at any time, so there is no problem with Liu Dingfeng's words.

"The person surnamed Qian can make the decision for the Tiaojianhu?" Li Guibao said in a deep voice: "Dingfeng, you know what Master Feng means. If you want to pull the Tiaojianhu over, the side that shakes the sky flag is the most dangerous and the most powerful. For Tianqi, we can only start from the inside, jumping into the ravine is the most suitable condition."

   "Can't the burrowing tiger?" Liu Dingfeng couldn't help asking.

"The Digging Tigers are so muddy that they can't play a big role. My lord analyzed the situation you provided him, and contacted the informant of the Ministry of Criminal Justice here to find out more. I think Wang Ermazi is still A bit desperate and desperate, dare to put all your eggs in one basket, the ground-drilling tiger can't do it, maybe it will do bad things, so I can only start with the jumping tiger." Li Guibao looked at Liu Dingfeng, "What do you think?"

Liu Dingfeng thought about it carefully, and said hesitantly: "But the jumping tiger came from Qingjian, so it's hard to convince the crowd, and its strength is far inferior to that of Yaotianqi. If you can buy Yaotianqi and Zhao'an, that would be the best. .”

Feng Ziying did not hide her intention from Li Guibao and Liu Dingfeng, that is, to cause the jumping tiger Wang Ermazi to attack the Yaotianqi, and even annex the Yaotianqi people, and then use this team to deal with Boyan Village and Baitang Village going south The rebellious army.

  The rebellious army in Baiyun Mountain is available, and Liu Dingfeng's cousin can be regarded as an available internal response, but there is still work to be done.

However, the rebellious army in Baiyun Mountain is still far behind the strength of Baitang Village in Boyan Village. In particular, Baitang Village in Boyan Village is still constantly recruiting troops along the road, and many of its troops originally came from the Yulin Army. , can quickly form combat power, so Feng Ziying had to think one more step and make two plans.

"The Master Yaotianqi also made a special investigation, and it was very difficult. The man Yaotianqi has always been ambitious and wants to unify the rebellious army. This kind of person feels that he must kill it in the bud in one fell swoop. Don't let it become a climate, otherwise, even if it is called for security, if there is a disturbance in the future, you may surrender and rebel, and you don't want to leave a bigger disaster for the future." Li Guibao stated Feng Ziying's intentions very frankly.

Liu Dingfeng was silent for a while, and finally nodded: "Lord Feng is very worried, that Waving the Sky Banner is indeed a person, who donates money with righteousness, and is very prestigious in the local area, but many gentry respect and fear him very much. It is indeed very troublesome for people to gain power.”

  (end of this chapter)

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