Number of People

Chapter 2076: The fulcrum of the Guizi scroll is leveraged to seek the overall situation

  Chapter 2076 Prying the fulcrum of the Guizi scroll to seek the overall situation

  In Feng Ziying's impression, northern Shaanxi was the birthplace and base of the peasant uprising in the late Ming Dynasty. Wang Jiayin, Gao Yingxiang, Li Zicheng, and Zhang Xianzhong all started their uprisings in northern Shaanxi, and then marched into Shanxi, sweeping the country.

Although the timeline is somewhat different now, judging from the current situation, the successive years of drought in Shanshan and Shaanxi and the tyrannical and slack administration of local officials are the same as the rebels, fugitives, and routs of the three sides and four towns, plus the abolished Postmen, bandits and thieves who have gathered for many years, also made the Great Zhou Dynasty enter a state where the fuse of the last days of the dynasty has been lit in this time and space.

Even though his strategy of opening the sea and suppressing the rebellion in Ningxia had actually saved its life, the Great Zhou Dynasty had its own scourges and weaknesses that were different from those of the Ming Dynasty in the previous life, such as the division of the north and the south caused by royal infighting, Jiangnan Cutting off water transport and taxation to the imperial court of the capital made the imperial court even more difficult and financially difficult. Similarly, in the northern provinces, the White Lotus Sect was even more powerful.

   This made Feng Ziying feel that the current Great Zhou Dynasty seems to be no different from the Chongzhen period in the previous life, or even more so.

In such a state, without Gao Yingxiang, Li Zicheng, and Zhang Xianzhong, people like Wang Yingxiang, Zhang Zicheng, and Li Xianzhong would appear. The inevitability of history and the chance of heroes (xiao) will definitely bloom a tragic story in countless collisions Now, whether these people leap from fish to dragon like Zhu Chongba, or fall into the dust like Huang Chao, even Feng Ziying herself doesn't know.

  However, Feng Ziying is very clear about her role and position. She is the defender of vested interests. The Feng family, her father, and the whole family behind her will not allow him to betray.

  Even if he also believes that the Great Zhou Dynasty is dying, he cannot accept the way of destroying the world and destroying it completely and then rebuilding it.

   Not to mention that the price paid is too high, and it may continue the history of the previous Ming Dynasty, allowing the Jianzhou Jurchen outside the pass to benefit in vain.

  Who dares to say that he can completely reverse history. Facing the sweeping trend of history, what if he really doesn't grasp it well, gets out of play, and becomes a historical sinner in this time and space?

  So the safest way is to promote everything according to the situation that you can control.

I have already become a fourth-rank official in my early twenties and even stepped into the status of a third-rank minister. As long as I operate steadily, it is a matter of course for me to join the cabinet in the next ten years. Zhang Juzheng has more control over the situation, so there is no reason to change course and take another dangerous path.

   What's more, although he sympathized with the desperate hungry and disaster victims, it was impossible for them to tolerate more violent methods to destroy the material and cultural accumulation built up from Ming Dynasty to Da Zhou for hundreds of years.

He would rather work harder by himself, take longer, and reshape all of this with gradual but irreversible reforms and improvements. That is more challenging, but it can preserve the material culture of hundreds of years of economic development to a greater extent. accumulation.

So in this situation, as the governor of Shaanxi, I must of course exhaust all means to completely reverse the situation in Shaanxi. Solving the three chaotic armies of the jumping tiger, the shaking sky flag, and the ground tiger is only the most insignificant first step .

  Compared with the situation where the entire Shaanxi civil uprising has evolved to the current situation where the chaotic army and heroes are rebelling together, the three forces of Tiaojianhu, Watianqi, and Drilling Tiger are not at all among them.

The real expansion of power has already reached a certain scale, such as the little red wolf Prince Shun who runs between Baishui, Yijun, and Chengcheng; Zhantian Zhang Cunmeng, Yanchuan and Yichuan's lighting Buddha Zhao Si'er, Baoan's Tuota Wangshen Yitian.

The size of these rebellious troops has exceeded 5,000 people, and the teams of Wang Zishun, Wang Jiayin, and Zhao Si'er have exceeded 10,000 people. This is not counting the rebellious troops in Pingliang and Qingyang. Jianhu and other rebellious troops of one or two thousand people are too numerous to enumerate in various places in Shaanxi, like crucian carp crossing the river.

  Because of this, Feng Ziying not only needs the strong support of the Yulin Army, but also needs to form some troops of his own as soon as possible.

  That's why he was eager to let Zheng Chongjian, Sun Chuanting and Chen Qiyu come to Shaanxi as soon as possible to help him rectify the guards and train the people.

   This will become my basic board, but it is not enough to rely on this basic board alone. In the current situation, I have to wait until the guards and minzhuang are trained, I am afraid that the day lily will be cold.

  Therefore, under the last resort, it is also an indispensable path to choose some chaotic troops who know the fundamentals, can control and command them, and recruit them for their own use.

  No matter which way you go, people ask for money. Although I brought 300,000 taels of silver to Shaanxi, what can I get with 300,000 taels of silver?

  Whether it is to reorganize the army, relieve the victims, or appease the rebellious army, it is far from enough. More ruthless means and more unpredictable tricks are needed to do it. Feng Ziying is as clear as a mirror about this.

The war lasted until noon, and the people who had lost their backbone were completely defeated and fled in all directions. This kind of rebellious army composed of victims, hungry people, some bandits, local scoundrels, and some fugitives and rebels was fine. , once encountering setbacks, the morale will be demoralized, and it can easily become complete destruction, and this time is no exception.

  Because the arrangements had already been made in the early stage, some of Wang Chenghu and Gu Xiuzhong's troops were in ambush, so most of the people who waved the sky flag were wiped out, including casualties and prisoners.

  Injured this year, and it is summer, basically not many survive.

  The more than 1,200 people who were captured were also added to the army of Wang Chengwu and Gu Xiuzhong according to the same division.

   It's just that they are no longer the rebellious army (rebel army), but they have officially accepted the recruitment and formed an auxiliary army, which is actually a guard army that has not yet officially obtained their status.

  The guard system in Yan'an Mansion is basically in name only, the main reason is that Yulin Town is too strong.

  Like the entire northern part of Yan'an Prefecture, Yulin Township is basically the sphere of influence, while the military guards under the jurisdiction of Bingbei Road in the central and southern regions are also very small, mostly Tuntian soldiers.

Because of the government's embezzlement of the three borders and four towns over the years, the frontier troops of the three borders and four towns have continued to shrink from more than 400,000. For example, Yulin Town, the most powerful of the four towns, should have a staff of 120,000, but in fact There are less than 100,000 people in the government, and the worst towns in Gansu and Guyuan have 96,000 people, but in fact there are only more than 70,000 people.

  After the Ningxia rebellion, the actual number of people in Gansu Town has been reduced to more than 50,000, Guyuan Town has only about 60,000, and Ningxia Town has remained at about 70,000.

However, with the formation of Feng Tang's Northwest Army and its eastward departure from Shandong, the elites of the three towns of Gansu, Ningxia, and Guyuan came out, and Yulin Town also had a small number of troops following the expedition. The strength of the entire four towns in the Northwest was greatly reduced, and the more critical The surviving frontier troops are all troops with poor combat effectiveness, and it is extremely difficult to maintain the current situation.

  So when the chaos in Shaanxi started a prairie fire, Yulin Town could barely mobilize part of the army to deal with it. The other three towns were stretched.

   Now what Feng Ziying has to do is to rebuild the guard system of Yan'an Prefecture.

   This originally belonged to the responsibility of the Shaanxi capital, but the current capital system of the Great Zhou Dynasty is actually similar to that in the late Ming Dynasty, and it also feels a bit existent in name only.

Perhaps in the documents of the provincial capital, you can still see the rosters and catalogs of the personnel, materials, equipment, and residences of the various guards, but in fact, the actual situation of the guards in each place may not be clear to the person in charge of the guards, let alone Said the group of Shaanxi Dusi.

To be honest, Feng Ziying never expected the people in the capital to be of any use. All he had to do was to rebuild the guards in prefectures and counties one by one. It has to be said that it is a great spectacle in the officialdom of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

  The hustle and bustle outside the city gradually subsided, and the panic inside the city also slowly subsided.

After learning that the three rebellious armies were completely "eliminated" almost in a day, the entire Wubao County was filled with the excitement of desperate survival. Those who were forcibly disarmed and incorporated into the family soldiers by the "Dragon Forbidden Captain" before returned their hearts. The dissatisfied gentry and gentry felt a little uneasy.

The Zeng family and the Qu family were imprisoned, and they were directly identified as colluding with bandits and rebellious parties. The whole family was confiscated, and they were only waiting for the county or the mansion to convict them. The Forbidden Captain has to get to the bottom of it, how many gentry and country gentry in this city dare to say that they have no collusion with these rebellious troops outside the city? Even if these two chaotic armies have now been transformed into auxiliary armies.

   "My lord, a few more gentry have come to see you." Li Guibao walked in with a smile on his lips.

  In this battle, besides Wang Chengwu, he made the first contribution. Although he, as the leader of Feng Ziying's guard, did such a thing, it was considered extra, but if this kind of credit can be recorded, it may not mean that there will be no chance in the future.

   "Oh, shouldn't you go see Shaowu?" Feng Ziying was still watching the results of the battle.

The county has already listed all the assets and materials of Zeng and Qu's families for confiscation. If you don't die if you beat a snake, you will be bitten by a snake. There must be an explanation over there, not to mention those in the province.

"Lord Xia must have gone to see them too, but now that Master Xia is so busy, he doesn't have the energy to talk to them. The county town is saved, but the people from Boyan Village, Baitang Village and Baiyun Mountain are still asking for help. Advance here, there will be many battles to come, and the city wall of Wubao County needs to be further heightened and reinforced. In addition, the combination of the people and the family soldiers is not doing well. Master Xia is also very annoyed, and he is rectifying it..."

  (end of this chapter)

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