Number of People

Chapter 2084: The delicate situation of the Guizi scroll is at both ends

  Chapter 2084 The delicate situation of the Guizi scroll, at both ends

  Feng Ziying's proposal was not unconsidered by the imperial court.

  Shaanxi has not been going well in the past two decades, with alternating floods and droughts and locust disasters, especially the continuous droughts. It is not an exaggeration to say that the people are struggling.

   And the rich Hetao in the north is in the hands of the Tumed people, making it difficult to get rid of the threat of the Tumed people, so they have to maintain the necessary military deployment on three sides and four towns.

  Shaanxi has struggled to make ends meet year after year, so where does the food and salaries come from? Especially the supply of grain and grass logistics materials can only come from the rear, and the transportation consumption in the middle is a big problem.

  The second towns of Yulin and Guyuan are slightly better, but they are much more difficult than other border towns, while the second towns of Ningxia and Gansu are really too difficult.

It is impossible to guarantee the military base alone, and it also greatly weakens the combat effectiveness of the frontier army. It is difficult for an army to maintain sufficient combat effectiveness for a long time when it is facing the Mongols and Yili. When the human cavalry harassed, they would be in a difficult situation of being passively beaten, and they would take advantage of it if they were a little careless.

  Whether it is importing food materials from Huguang and Henan, or importing directly from Shanxi, Shandong and Beibei, they all face the problem of huge consumption caused by road transportation. Under the current worrying traffic conditions, even Feng Ziying is helpless.

The introduction of potatoes, sweet potatoes and corn is a countermeasure, but the traditional influence cannot be eliminated in a short period of time. Suspicion and distrust of this imported food will always interfere with the promotion of these crops. Without persistent efforts for a decade or two, Feng Ziying believes that it is difficult to popularize these crops in Northwest China.

Even if these exotic high-yielding crops can solve the food problem to a certain extent, but to expand the territory to conquer the Northwest, and then march to Central Asia, and recover the homeland of the Han and Tang Dynasties, there is still a huge demand for various strategic materials. It is difficult for the Great Zhou Dynasty to bear it now, so in this case, it is wise to shrink first to ensure stability and wait for the time to mature.

"Not only in Shaanxi, but in Henan, Shandong, and even Jiangnan, there are problems of less land and more people, and the contradiction is becoming more and more obvious. So when Anfu businessmen moved to the East, I personally supported it." Fang Congzhe couldn't help but continue, "But Shaanxi is a border area, and there must be enough people to guard the border. Otherwise, where will the soldiers in the border town come from? The soldiers from the south of the Yangtze River are simply not used to life in the northwest. To adapt to the hot and humid climate in the south, if everyone has moved away, how can we recruit people to deal with it if something happens?"

"This matter still needs to be discussed in the long term, but what Ziying mentioned is indeed a problem." Ye Xianggao thought for a while before saying: "This can only be considered after the situation is stable, but the current situation that Ziying actually proposed It is the problem of how to deal with these rebels once they surrender, if they are not handled well, these rebels will surrender and rebel again, which is always a disaster."

  The three of Qi Yongtai nodded slightly. They all understood that this was the most urgent issue, and Feng Ziying wanted such power.

   "At the moment, I'm afraid we can only suppress and appease first. Can the rebellious army recruited be transferred to the auxiliary army of the guard army first, and then worry about it after they are calmed down?" Li Sancai hesitated.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple. There are smart people among these rebellious troops, and they will definitely ask the court to have a clear strategy. If the court approves their recruitment, they will use it as evidence in the future. Question." Fang Congzhe frowned.

   "Now that the Northwest Army is fighting in Shandong, what will the court think about next?" Qi Yongtai asked suddenly.

  Ye Xianggao and the others were all silent. In fact, there is one of the simplest solutions, which is to collect the chaotic army, save the chaff, and then enter the three sides and four towns.

  Because the Three Sides and Four Towns are now missing as many as 80,000 to 90,000 people after the Northwest Army went east. If the Northwest Army does not come back, then it is the best way for these chaotic troops to supplement the current Three Sides and Four Towns.

   But the problem is that if the Northwest Army does not come back, once something happens to the south of the Central Plains, where will it be put?

  Liaodong? It seems that it is most appropriate to only go to Liaodong, and such a powerful force is needed to deal with the Jurchens.

  But such a huge Northwest Army went to Liaodong, and Feng Tang was the governor of Jiliao, plus his old department in Liaodong, wouldn't Feng Tang become Li Chengliang again? Even better than Li Chengliang, the real king of Liaodong.

   This is the last situation civil officials want to see, even Feng Ziying is actually a civil servant.

   "I think it's too early for the Northwest Army to finish fighting Shandong and Jiangnan." Ye Xianggao said flatly, "Chen Jixian went south to Yangzhou and handed Xuzhou over to Niu Jizong. They colluded and tricked us."

   "Huh?!" All three were shocked.

They have always placed high hopes on Chen Jixian, hoping that Chen Jixian can help Feng Tang block Niu Jizong and Sun Shaozu, and completely annihilate the Xuanfu Army and Datong Army in Shandong, but they never thought that Dongping Prefecture and Jining had not yet been captured, but Xuzhou had already fallen. In the hands of Niu Jizong.

   This means that the two armies have gained the fulcrum to go south, and they can safely and boldly retreat south. Then, wouldn't Chen Jixian become the vanguard to stand in front of Niu Jizong and Sun Shaozu?

  Li Sancai got anxious and stood up, "Brother Jinqing, when did you get the news?"

"I got it just now." Ye Xianggao sighed, "Is Feng Tang old? After fighting for so long, he didn't even win Dongping Prefecture. It's not as good as Sun Chengzong's beautiful fight. At least the north of Shandong was won in one go. Sun Shaozu of Jinan Mansion fled in embarrassment, not even having time to plunder."

"It's still different." Li Sancai explained: "Dongping Prefecture and Jining are the main throats for Niu Jizong and the others to go south. They will not give in even if they die. As for Jinan, it doesn't mean much to them. Losing Dongchang Jinan will not be able to defend the government, and everyone knows that.”

   "Damn Chen Jixian, does he want to occupy Jiangnan as a feudal town?" Fang Congzhe gritted his teeth and said, "He can't think about it!"

"I'm afraid he just saw clearly that the imperial court is now in a difficult situation, so he is afraid to smash Jiangnan into pieces, right?" Ye Xianggao sighed, "These military leaders disregard the interests of the national court and only care about their own small calculations and calculations. When it comes to these things, he is smarter than anyone else.”

"I'm afraid that Niu Jizong, Chen Jixian, Wang Ziteng, and Yang Yinglong have all connected together, echoing each other, and hindering the court, so that we can't deal with it with all our strength." Li Sancai's tone became a little more anxious, "And Fengzhou Bailian and Mongols, will they also be involved?"

   "Didn't Fei Bai say that Yang Yinglong is already a bird in a cage and cannot escape?" Qi Yongtai frowned, "Is there any problem?"

"Wang Ziteng is fighting fiercely in Huguang now. Maybe it's the idea of ​​besieging Wei and saving Zhao. He wants to keep Yang Yinglong. In addition, the Shui'an family is also showing signs of instability. I'm worried whether Yang Yinglong and Wang Ziteng have also promised the Shui'an family. What good."

  The news of Li Sancai made everyone's scalps tingle. The Yang Yinglong Rebellion in Bozhou has not been completely settled, and the Shui'an family is going to be a demon again. Who can bear it? The court's financial resources can't support it either.

   "Daofu, is the news true?" Ye Xianggao asked in a deep voice.

"I'm not sure, but the news from the Ministry of War's Fang Si and Long Jinwei all point to a lot of changes in the Shui'an family, which makes people worry." Li Sancai is not sure, but things have to be prepared for the worst, "She Chongming The collusion with Yang Yinglong is basically confirmed, and Xiong Tingbi also knows, but the strength of the She family is much weaker than that of the Shui'an family, so the influence is not too great, but the An family is different. In trouble, Xiong Tingbi may have to reconsider his strategy, and the imperial court may also consider supporting him."

  There was a depressive silence in the hall, the year is unlucky, all kinds of troubles are gathered together, this is not counted as the Mongols and Jianzhou Jurchen staring at each other.

Ye Xianggao stabilized his mind, and after some calculations, he slowly said: "This matter needs to be verified carefully, but don't make it easy, write to Xiong Tingbi and the Sichuan side, so that they will not be caught off guard by the National People's Congress. , but now we can no longer start a war. Everything is focused on solving Yang Yinglong and Wang Ziteng. If Wang Ziteng can't solve it, at least we must stabilize the war situation. We must clearly distinguish the priorities. Our first problem is still Shandong, and Shaanxi again."

  Qi Yongtai also nodded in agreement: "Shandong's relationship with the Central Plains is stable overall, but I think Sun Chengzong and Feng Tang have to work harder. No matter what activities Niu Jizong and Chen Jixian have, let's take back Shandong first!"

   "Yes, taking back Shandong first and restoring shipping in the northern section of the canal will also ease the pressure on Gyeonggi." Fang Congzhe also echoed.

"I am more optimistic about the situation in Shandong, but the situation in Shaanxi is not optimistic." Li Sancai said hesitantly: "Chengfeng, is Ziying in Shaanxi? Don't get into trouble as soon as you enter Shaanxi, and fall into a somersault, which will damage the court. face."

Qi Yongtai's face became hot for a while, and he gritted his teeth and said: "There must be difficulties, but it is too early to say that he is in trouble. I believe Ziying should have countermeasures. Since the imperial court has given him full power to deal with it, I believe he will use all kinds of power means to deal with it. Use them all, we can observe them for the time being,..."

   "Very good, I also believe that Ziying can handle it." Ye Xianggao immediately continued, "As for how to do it, Ziying has her own discretion."

Qi Yongtai didn't understand that Ye Xianggao was secretly flattering him, but since Feng Ziying took over the position of governor, it is only natural that he should show a decent ability to prove himself to persuade everyone, otherwise you are a fourth-rank official in his early twenties , why do you jump to the governor's side?

  At this time, he could only grit his teeth and bear it, but he still had to think about how to reply to Feng Ziying's letter, but after thinking about it, he was afraid that Feng Ziying would have acted according to his own ideas in Shaanxi by the time he wrote back.

  (end of this chapter)

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