Number of People

Chapter 2116: Guizijuan integration and acceleration

  Chapter 2116 Kuizi volume integration, acceleration

   Coming out of Wang Chengwu's Yueshan camp, Feng Ziying, accompanied by Zheng Chongjian, Wu Yaoqing, and Li Guibao, entered the city with Wang Chengwu.

  Wubao County is too small. After completely solving the threats of Boyan Village and Baitang Village, Wang Chengwu offered to withdraw the Yueshan Camp from Wubao City, and Feng Ziying also agreed.

  As Boyan Village and Baitang Village were recruited, other small border villages also quickly followed, while the rebel army except the border village fell into chaos and fled.

   Some surrendered, this group accounted for about 60%, and the rest fled in all directions, west and south. Baoan, Qingjian, and Yanchuan were the directions and targets of these rebellious troops.

  The ministries that surrendered first became the targets of Wang Chengwu's Yueshan revenue compilation and reorganization.

  According to the military establishment of the Great Zhou Dynasty, if the Yueshan Camp is to be formed into a complete battalion, there should be five divisions with a total of more than 3,300 people.

Previously, the Yueshan Camp had only about 2,000 people in three divisions. After this battle, the performance of the Yueshan Camp in the defense battle was remarkable, especially Wang Chengbiao's courage to lead 300 people to launch a night attack. The battle is more due to the contributions of Datu Falcon Village and Poluo Temple Village, but Feng Ziying is still very optimistic about this courage.

It is reasonable to supplement and complete a complete battalion, and Feng Ziying also generously allocated 300 firecrackers and several tiger squat cannons to the Yueshan battalion so that the Yueshan battalion can quickly follow the training of the firearms troops. The model is put into training to realize the rapid formation of combat effectiveness.

It can be said that Feng Ziying's generous act made the three Wang brothers feel grateful. You must know that even in the frontier army, the firearms unit is the best among the best. For the Yueshan Camp, Wang Chengwu thinks he is still a backup guard, but Having won such favor from the governor, he felt that if he didn't train an elite teacher, he would really be ashamed of Feng Ziying.

"Cheng Wu, I watched today's rehearsal. I know you have worked hard, but to be honest, your performance is not good enough." Feng Ziying said as she walked, "I know that the short training time is the main factor, but Yan'an In the south, Qingyang, Pingliang, and the eastern part of Xi'an are still in a mess. I am the governor of Shaanxi, and I can't wait too long. It is impossible to wait until you have been thoroughly trained before sending troops to calm down, so you have to speed up,... "

  Wang Chengwu was a little nervous, "Don't worry, my lord, the general will train these **** even if he doesn't sleep,..."

"Well, Mr. Zheng is the envoy of the Ministry of War. According to the regulations of the imperial court, any newly formed army above the battalion must report to the Ministry of War for approval. Only after the approval of the Ministry of War can it be formally formed into an army. Before, I cut it first and played it later, but the documents have already been sent to the capital. Master Zheng will be in charge of the training at the beginning of this training, with your assistance,..."

Wang Chengwu knew the rules of the Great Zhou Dynasty, using literature to control the military. Most of the time when the army went out, the civil servants were the commanders, and the generals were only responsible for specific operations. After equipping the army on a large scale, the imperial court took this point even more seriously.

   "Here." Wang Chengwu also gave a military salute to Zheng Chongjian.

He is a member of the Ministry of War and a Jinshi. Wang Chengwu is born with some awe and respect. After two days of contact, Wang Chengwu also feels that Zheng Chongjian is not as difficult to deal with as he imagined. The opinions of military officers including myself, and make improvements.

"One of the newly-built two departments is the firecracker army. I will arrange for the Shanshan Chamber of Commerce to deliver the more than 300 firecrackers that are still missing within half a month. Dazhang, you and Chengwu need to discuss and study the training strategy. Strive to form combat effectiveness as soon as possible, but the archers still need to be supplemented and strengthened, and the firecrackers and archers can complement each other."

Feng Ziying did not intend to turn the entire Yueshan camp into firecrackers at once. Although judging from the number of firecrackers that Shanshan merchants can provide, two or three thousand firecrackers can be squeezed together, but if all of them are squeezed into the Yueshan camp It is inappropriate, but in the next few months, it should be more reasonable to gradually realize the configuration ratio of two firearms, one archer, and two spearmen.

  Feng Ziying also has to consider the reorganization of a group of frontier soldiers such as Datu False Village, Poluosi Village, and Yuerhe Village.

   In order to calm down the situation in Shaanxi as soon as possible and quickly form a guard army with sufficient strength, one Yueshan battalion alone is definitely not enough, so it is indispensable to form the other two battalions based on the border soldiers.

  The promises made to Datu Falcon Village and Poluo Temple Village seemed a bit too lenient in the eyes of Wang Wenyan and Wu Yaoqing.

The combined strength of the two villages is less than 2,000, and even if the strength of some other small villages is added, it is only in the early 3,000s, which is more than enough for one battalion, but Feng Ziying still intends to fulfill his promise and give other Formation of two battalions.

  Even if it is impossible for them to form a complete two battalions now, the framework of the two battalions must be set up first, and then slowly enriched in the next step.

  Feng Ziying's arrangement Zheng Chongjian is well aware of it.

  Wang Chengwu's Yueshan camp should be the focus of training, but the cavalry camp based on the Datufalcon village and the infantry camp based on the Poluo temple village should also keep up.

  The training of the riding battalion in Datu Falcon Village will be handed over to Chen Qiyu, while the riding battalion training in Poluo Temple Village will be handed over to Sun Chuanting.

  The men and horses of Yu'er Hezhai will be integrated into Feng Ziying's next personal battalion. Of course, this personal battalion is a battalion in name, but in fact it is only one, with more than 600 people.

   This is Feng Ziying's preliminary plan.

  Everything can’t be done according to the conventional system. The purpose of keeping Xie Zhenye is to let the Shaanxi Metropolitan Division ratify the formation of these battalions. After returning, quickly report this plan to the Ministry of War in the name of the Shaanxi Metropolitan Division.

"Then my lord, we must hurry up on the training, but the rebellious army has already fled west and south, I don't know you, my lord..." Wang Chengwu knew that if his Yueshan battalion wanted to quickly gain recognition from the Ministry of War, it needed continuous military exploits to honor it Adding to the fun, you can't earn a real name by training alone.

"Why, I'm not in a hurry yet, you guys are in a hurry?" Feng Ziying glanced sideways at Wang Chengwu, "There are enough battles for you to fight, but I'm afraid that your Yueshan camp will be exhausted after a few battles. Once you are firmly established, how many battles can you survive if you lose a group of old soldiers in each battle?"

Wang Chengwu laughed in embarrassment, his ugly face became even more ferocious, "My lord, the sons and daughters are all looking forward to making meritorious deeds, and the more you beat them, the more you will get stronger. As for the loss in battle, hehe, I have already eaten this bowl of rice. Who doesn't understand the principle that the earthen jar should never be broken from the mouth of the well? Life and death are fate, wealth and honor are in the sky, as long as you can win, then it will naturally be supplemented."

   This can also be regarded as a means of supporting war with war. Wang Chengwu doesn't mind recruiting subordinates from other rebellious troops.

   Isn’t this the case for all rebels?

   Mutiny, fire, and collapse can all produce a large number of soldiers. Who cares about this?

   Isn't it all for this to serve as soldiers and eat food?

  Although they did not reply clearly to Wang Chengwu's words, both Zheng Chongjian and Sun Chuanting felt that Wang Chengwu's words made some sense on the way back.

  If you really have to wait until the soldiers are almost ready to start operations, it must be a bit late, and the battlefield situation is changing rapidly, just like who would have expected that the result of the fall of Hancheng would be the disorderly army entering Jin Dynasty?

   Fight out one step earlier, at least you can control the situation earlier and prevent it from developing into an out-of-control state.

Of course, Feng Ziying understood what Wang Chengwu and the others were thinking. Although as a governor, he could cover the sky with one hand in Shaanxi, but before the reputation of the Yueshan Camp was established, the bigwigs in the imperial court would not pay attention at all, they would only stare at him, and would only think it was I am afraid that the guards formed by myself will be ignored by others.

   If Wang Chengwu and the others want to have a greater future in the future, they can only rely on continuous fighting, winning battles, accumulating reputation with the big bosses in the court, and finally realizing a leap and a change in identity.

  Since they are working as errands for food, they must be counting on to go further. The status of a thousand bosses is now enough for the Wang brothers, but who doesn't have higher expectations?

  Defense, guerrilla, general, and even deputy commander and commander, who can not admire and yearn for it?

  Zheng Chongjian and Sun Chuanting also have some thoughts of their own.

Shaanxi is a good place to do practical things and achieve political achievements, especially in such a chaotic situation. Zheng Chongjian is already a member of the Ministry of War, and Sun Chuanting and Chen Qiyu are still in the period of observing politics. Based on his actual performance, his promotion and position arrangement in the future will definitely be of great benefit.

  Seeing that I am already a member of the party who sits around and looks around, and was a classmate in the same college in the past, if I say that I don’t have any envy in my heart, then it must be a lie.

  Of course Feng Ziying understands, and is willing to create some opportunities for students who are close to her, to form a party instead of selfishness, just like-minded.

Back in the "Governor's Yamen" in the county seat, Zheng Chongjian and the others were sent away, only Feng Ziying, Wang Wenyan, and Wu Yaoqing were left. The Shaanxi Chamber of Commerce..."

"Dengfeng has already arrived at Qikoudu, and it will arrive tomorrow at the latest. You go and explain to him, ask him to contact Shanxi merchants, list out the list of materials needed, give them to them, and send them to Wuyuan within one month. Bao, I only plan to stay in Wubao for one month and then go to Fushi, within one month I will stabilize the northern part of Yan'an Prefecture,..."

  Feng Ziying was calm and calm, her tone was beyond doubt.

   "I'm afraid one month is a little tight?" Wu Yaoqing hesitated.

"I didn't ask them to send firearms. They are very capable. Do you think they are good people? The Mongols outside the side wall, and the towns of Shanxi, Yulin and Datong inside the side wall all have traffic connections. It's not a problem to take out some half-worn armor, but as for weapons such as swords, guns and shields, I plan to borrow some from the Yulin army." Feng Ziying had already made a plan.

  (end of this chapter)

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