Number of People

Chapter 2167: Roll the scroll and sharpen the knife

  Chapter 2167 Kuizi rolls hands, sharpens the knife

  It took only three days for the governor's office to be quickly listed and activated. This efficiency shocked the people in the chief envoy and the inspector's office.

Originally thought that after Feng Ziying came, most of them would have to recharge their batteries for a period of time, such as convening the chief envoy, the inspector, and the commander of the envoy for a liaison discussion, or visiting the third division and the Xi'an government first to understand the situation , He listened to the opinions of the officials of the third department, and waited until the time was right to list for office, but he did not expect that Feng Ziying's actions were so swift that both Lu Chuan and Sun Yijie were caught off guard.

The relationship between the Governor’s Yamen and the Sansi’s Yamen is relatively complicated. In theory, the chief envoy is responsible for five of the seven ministries of the imperial court. The positions of the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the Metropolitan Procuratorate have guiding powers and responsibilities for the Procuratorate and the Metropolitan Division, and more supervisory powers for the Chief Procuratorate.

But this is on the bright side. As a representative of Tian Xunhun, the governor has the right to intervene in any affairs of the province, but intervening and specific handling are another matter. It depends on the influence the governor has on the officials in the entire officialdom. And how much control there is.

It’s like a chief envoy, in addition to the left and right chief envoys, there are also a number of political and counselors, including the Experience Department, Zhaomo Institute, Liwen Office, Prison Division, Miscellaneous Bureau, Military Bureau, Baoquan Bureau, etc. Bureau, Weaving and Dyeing Bureau and other institutions, as well as countless low-level officials, finally figured out that there are as few as five or six, as many as eight or nine, participating in politics and councils from the third and fourth ranks alone.

These are the deputies and assistants of the chief executive officer, and their role is also very important. The chief executive officer can suppress and idle some political councilors who don't listen to you and who are in the wrong direction, but it is absolutely impossible to put a large number of political councilors on hold Of course, if you get to that point, you, the chief envoy, can't play anymore.

So this is a question of influence. When these political and political councilors feel that the governor’s order must be accepted and implemented, it is meaningless for you, a chief envoy, to oppose it. It is even impossible for you to oppose it openly. , but people’s participation in politics and councils are carried out according to the governor’s order, and you have nothing to do. After all, if you appear on the stage, it means that you may be impeached by the governor as the chief executive.

   In the final analysis, it still depends on who has more dominance in the officialdom of the province, and whether the governor can convert the trust of the court into influence on the entire officials.

   What Feng Ziying is doing now is to quickly build up his dominance and influence control through the military operation of quelling chaos.

For the officials of the whole province, especially those living in Xi'an, the civil unrest in the east has seriously endangered their own safety. Many local officials either died in the chaos, or fled back to Xi'an to be dismissed pending investigation, and some dereliction of duty were even sent to prison.

  In addition, the situation in northern Shaanxi has deteriorated in an all-round way, making all the officials in Xi'an feel like ants on a hot pot, having trouble sleeping and eating.

  The arrival of Feng Ziying and the listing of the governor's yamen undoubtedly became the backbone of officials and people in the entire city of Xi'an.

  No matter what, the presence of the imperial envoys in person, and coming to the city of Xi'an at such a precarious time, made everyone feel more at ease.

   Moreover, this Lord Governor was born in Hanlin. He came from Shuntian Fucheng, the capital. If it were someone else, he might not be able to hide, but he came here without fear of hardships. Naturally, he has confidence.

The son of the trilateral governor, he participated in Ningxia's suppression of the rebellion a few years ago, and he was still beating the invading Mongolian army in Yongping Mansion. No matter how you look at it, he looks more like a general, but he was born in the Imperial Academy. This halo of identity is intertwined. It makes Feng Ziying's mystery even more extraordinary.

   In addition, when I came to Shaanxi, I didn't sit in Xi'an, but visited northern Shaanxi in person, and settled down most of Yan'an Prefecture after three times, five times and two divisions.

   Now that those who have been recruited, it is still unclear whether it is the former rebellious troops of the Weijun and Minzhuang. No matter how you look at it, they look more like a mob, and they actually drove the remaining rebellious troops in northern Shaanxi to rush.

Seeing that the situation in Qingyang and Pingliang has also been quickly reversed, everyone has to admit that the imperial court chose such a young governor to sit in Shaanxi. Some opinions have arisen.

Why when the two of you were here, you were in a hurry everywhere, and Feng Keng came here alone. In less than three months, the whole situation changed. Could it be that just because of the status of an imperial envoy and governor of Shaanxi, Has great power?

  If this idea exists in the hearts of those who are interested, it will naturally germinate, and it will continue to grow as the situation in Shaanxi further improves.

At this time, Wang Wenyan and his team’s pre-intelligence collection and preparation work began to take effect. Which officials are available, which officials are neutral, and the officials’ respective connections and backgrounds, will all be included in Feng Ziying’s vision, and then they will be carried out one by one. comb.

  Of course, there are also the procuratorate censors who stayed behind in Xi'an, and this is what Feng Ziying should focus on.

  The Metropolitan Procuratorate The procuratorate established in the city of Xi'an, that is, the Shanxi Taoist censors and the established tea inspection procuratorate are jointly operated.

The tea inspectorate is responsible for the jurisdiction of the tea horse trade in the western Xinjiang region, and there is also a tea inspector, which is similar to the salt inspector, but the division of labor is different. The control power has weakened, and the censor of Xuncha has been vacant, or directly served by a certain censor from Shaanxi Province of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

It is slightly different from the former Ming Dynasty’s system of science and Taoism. Although the Metropolitan Procuratorate of the Great Zhou Dynasty inherited the Fengxian powers of the former Ming Dynasty Metropolitan Procuratorate, the Thirteenth Dao also established a Taoist censor with a similar number of personnel, but the rotation of the censor The system is different.

The thirteen censors of the Dazhou Dynasty took turns to inspect and rectify the localities, either overtly or secretly, or sit in the capital to conduct detailed investigation and review of the case, or stationed in the province for inspection, or made unannounced visits. Take Shaanxi Province of the Metropolitan Procuratorate as an example. At present, Feng Ziying knows that two are stationed in Beijing, three are in the province, that is, in the city of Xi'an, and one of the three is on the way back to Beijing. The whereabouts of the other two are unknown, and it is estimated that they should be unannounced in Shaanxi province.

  Such a rotating inspection system, on the one hand, can prevent one person or a few people from monopolizing the power of inspection and correction as much as possible, and prevent the use of power for personal gain or forming a party for personal gain.

   "My lord, the censors from the Procuratorate have arrived." Ruixiang came in on tiptoe, interrupting Feng Ziying's meditation.

   "Oh, they're here?" Feng Ziying nodded, "Please come in and make my good tea."

  Feng Ziying still respects these censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate very much. As a person who is attached to the position of the censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, he may not be as senior as these censors.

The censors have high requirements. Although they are basically the seventh rank, as the censor, the seventh rank is basically equivalent to the sixth rank of the local officials. .

As long as the censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate have been working for a few years and then released, as long as they don’t make mistakes or offend the boss, they will basically be promoted to the third level, that is, the censors of the seventh rank will go out to work , Most of them start from the fifth rank, and some are particularly outstanding, and it is not impossible to be appointed as the fifth rank.

   "The next official, Xiong Jianqiu (Lu Minghao, Chang Xuande), has met the Governor." The three green-robed officials, who were fat, thin, and tall, came in, and when they saw Feng Ziying, they all saluted respectfully.

  Of course the official circles of the Great Zhou had to talk about seniority and age, but such direct superiors, coupled with the fact that they were Shujishi and scholars from Hanlin background, were enough to overwhelm the factors of age and seniority.

"Hehe, you three are free of courtesy. Before I came, Mr. Ru Jun specifically told me that Shaanxi Road is the most important road in the north of our Metropolitan Procuratorate. They are all elite scholars in the Metropolitan Procuratorate..." Feng Ziying replied with a smile After a salute, he extended his hand to signal the three of them to take their seats.

  Xiong Jianqiu is the leader among them, and the other two are in subordinate positions. Although they are both Zheng Qipin, seniority is still an important basis for the primary and secondary status in the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

  Xiong Jianqiu was probably in his early thirties. Feng Ziying roughly remembered that this person was a Jinshi in the 39th year of Yuanxi, and the other two were a Jinshi in the 42nd year of Yuanxi and a Jinshi in the second year of Yonglong.

"My lord has gone through twists and turns to come to Xi'an this time. I'm afraid the journey has been extremely hard." Xiong Jianqiu is a short and fat man who sweats when he moves, but his fat face is very lively, and the chest and back of the green robe are covered with bruises. There was a big ball of sweat.

"I can't say how hard it is, as long as the hard work pays off, it's worth it." Feng Ziying smiled, "I originally wanted to cross the river from Laoniuwan, or come in from Tongguan, but after thinking about it, I still feel that I can't take the usual way. If you want to come to Shaanxi, you want to take a good look at the worst real situation in Shaanxi, so you finally choose to cross the river from Wubao, which can be regarded as seeing the worst side of our Shaanxi."

  The three of them couldn't answer for a while. The most ugly aspect was probably not only the arrogance of the rebel army, but also the officials' ability and actual performance.

In the end, it was Xiong Jianqiu who continued: "Your Excellency, the procuratorate has made many unannounced visits to the three prefectures in northern Shaanxi in the past two years, and has also found out some problems. The officials were forced by the local gentry, controlled by the powerful, and timid in doing things, which led to such disasters..."

"Jianqiu, I'm afraid that's not a reason." Feng Ziying looked at Humpty Humpty, "It's not a situation where officials can neglect their duties and slack off, nor is it a reason for us all to let the censors of the Procuratorate let it go or even deliberately ignore it, what do you think? ?”

  (end of this chapter)

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