Number of People

Chapter 2198: Gui character scrolls are like broken bamboos, wind and clouds

  Chapter 2198 Gui character scroll is like a broken bamboo, wind and clouds

   "Sit down." Feng Ziying raised her hand to signal, "Is this the first time you two have met?"

   Sitting next to him were Ma Jinbao, deputy general of Guyuan, and Guerrilla Modren, a defender of Xi'an. It was indeed the first time they met.

Guyuan and Yan'an are far apart. Ma Jinbao has been in Guyuan Town, so although he knows about Yan'an, Modren only followed his father when he was in the Yulin Army, and his father was in Yulin Town. It's just a general manager, not well-known, let alone Modren. When he became famous, he was the leader of the border village.

Ma Jinbao still has some understanding of these frontier soldiers, and they are indeed much stronger than the guards under the jurisdiction of the Shaanxi Capital, especially not to mention the waste of the Xi'an Four Guards. Ma Jinbao still admires Feng Ziying's courage and skills How dare they forcibly eliminate a force of more than 30,000 people in the Four Guards of Xi'an, a force of nearly 20,000 people.

   What is even more daring is that Feng Ziying dared to directly incorporate the border troops who had surrendered to Zhao'an into the Four Guards of Xi'an.

   You need to know how many people's interests will be affected by this, and it will inevitably attract hatred and even revenge from countless people.

However, for him, the deputy commander of the frontier army, the fighting power of the frontier soldiers seemed a little insufficient. Although he also admitted that the elite of the Guyuan army had been taken away, he felt that the reserved frontier soldiers were the same. Crush these frontier troops who have just stepped into the guard system.

   What's more, the opponent is just a guerrilla. He is already the deputy commander in chief, and he is advancing towards the position of commander in chief.

   But Ma Jinbao’s emotional intelligence is not bad. Knowing that Modren can change from a pheasant to a phoenix, he must be inseparable from the support of the governor in front of him, and he has no need to offend the other party, so he politely greeted Modren.

   Modren was flattered by Ma Jinbao's politeness.

From the moment he was recruited as a guard and then turned into a guerrilla himself, he has been in an inexplicable state of excitement. Although he has committed a lot of crimes in Qingyang and Pingliang, all this has finally paid off. is worth it.

After Ma Jinbao and Modren exchanged pleasantries for a while, Feng Ziying got to the point: "I'm looking for you two, naturally there is something to do, and I'm afraid you all know the situation now. I have ordered the assault battalion to station in Yongshou and is rushing to Chunhua, while the Yueshan battalion and the destroying battalion will go south from the central part to recover Yijun and completely drive the rebellious army from Baitangzhai out of Yan'an mansion, but this is not the final game."

  Both Ma Jinbao and Modren became serious and sat up straight.

"It's November now, and I want to completely resolve the chaos in the entire eastern part of Xi'an Prefecture before February. Whether it's eliminating these rebellious troops, recruiting them to surrender, or expelling them, I want to completely eliminate the rebellious troops before March." Disappear from the ground in Shaanxi!"

  Feng Ziying doesn't talk much, but she is full of domineering, unquestionable.

Ma Jinbao immediately became excited. This is the opportunity to make meritorious service. He couldn't help but licked his lips, "My lord, the last general of the third battalion army will follow your orders. Wherever you point, the Guyuan army will attack. It is definitely not a problem for the last general to deal with this gang of chaos, and it will definitely not disappoint you!"

Seeing Ma Jinbao's arrogance, Modren knew that he couldn't compare with him, but he couldn't show weakness either, "Despite the order, my lord, after such a period of tempering, the two battalions dare to confront any army. A frown is a coward!"

"Very good, what I want is your attitude!" Feng Ziying nodded with satisfaction, "The rebellious army is not small, except for the Baitangzhai team, Xing Honglang, Zhang Miaoshou, Bai Jiuer, Mang Zhangfei, this The Four Divisions and Four Divisions were originally the main forces occupying the eastern part of Xi'an Mansion, among which Mang Zhangfei and Zhang Miao's hands were the most powerful. Zhang Miao's hands exceeded 10,000 people. Mang Zhangfei claimed to have 2,000 cavalry, but in fact it was estimated to be around 1,000. Xing Honglang and Bai Jiuer each have around six or seven thousand people."

"My lord, the Baitang village is the biggest threat. Qiu Zixiong is known as a firefighter, and now he has at least fifteen thousand men and horses. The general heard that he not only has three thousand cavalry, but also a firefighter." Gunner,..." Ma Jinbao couldn't help but slapped his chest, "Let the future solve his part, if he can't be taken down, the general will issue a military order!"

   Modren looked at his nose with his eyes, and his heart with his nose, without saying a word.

Although I don't know the content of the secret agreement between Qiu Zixiong and the governor, Qiu Zixiong is also a **** in the governor's hands. Although he has been tossing around in Yan'an Mansion, he is following orders, and he is more thorough and determined than himself. This point Modren sighs to himself.

Feng Ziying waved his hand lightly, "Don't worry, Jinbao. When you are fighting, since I have transferred your Guyuan army, it must be good steel for the blade. Now the people in Baitangzhai come from Jin After Suoguan went south, he didn't stay in Tongguan, but turned to the east and went straight to Baishui. Zhang Miaoshou still guarded Tongguan, but Bai Jiu'er had already retreated to Pucheng, and Mang Zhangfei retreated to Pucheng. Tongzhou."

   Ma Jinbao reacted quickly, and immediately exclaimed: "These gangs want to escape? They want to escape to Hedong?"

"Well, looking at the situation, it's possible, but Zhang Miaoshou hasn't retreated yet, and Xing Honglang is still in Huazhou. Maybe their internal opinions have not yet been unified and they are still hesitating. We have to take advantage of their undecided Let’s get rid of them completely.” Feng Ziying nodded slightly, “So Jinbao, I want you to lead the army eastward immediately, defeat Xing Honglang in Tongzhou, turn to the north, and block Mang Zhangfei’s troops as much as possible, Delun, you Lead the army northward to attack Tongguan, I will ask the assault battalion to cooperate with you, make sure to wipe out Zhang Miao's hand to the west of Pucheng, and not allow him to join Bai Jiu'er's army,..."

  Seeing that Feng Ziying did not mention Baitangzhai, the largest rebellious army, Ma Jinbao was a little surprised: "My lord, you are the one who intends to let the Yueshan camp and the destroying city camp go to fight Baitangzhai? I'm afraid it's a bit..."

   "People from the Yueshan Camp and the Destroying Camp are going south, but they may not be able to stop the people from Baitangzhai, but they will bite and eat. We will wipe out these first, and we are not afraid that the people from Baitangzhai will run to the sky..."

Feng Ziying's words made Ma Jinbao very puzzled. If the people in Baitangzhai wanted to escape at ease, it would be difficult for their own people to catch up with them when they crossed Chengcheng from Baishui. Cross the river from Pujin.

  Mo Delun was shocked. It seems that the governor wants to let Qiu Zixiong and the others cross the river into Shanxi. The governor has already aimed at the rebellious army in southern Shanxi. Is this to let Qiu Zixiong go to Jinnan to act as an internal response? Already arranged to this situation?

"Jinbao, don't worry, Baitangzhai's troops are strong, and it's still difficult for us to take them all at once, and we may let the other ones escape. They have been entrenched in Xi'an Mansion for a longer time, and the most important thing is to exterminate them." Task,…"

Ma Jinbao finally understood, it seems that the Governor is going to drive the biggest rebel army out of Shaanxi, and want to completely wipe out the remaining ones. That's fine, the Baitangzhai rebel army is running too fast, and it's true that they can't catch up up.

   It’s just that if such a huge rebellious army crosses the river and enters Pingyang Mansion, will Shanxi be overwhelmed? Would the imperial court allow Shaanxi to do this?

   This problem has been bothering Ma Jinbao until one day, this chaotic army galloping across the Jin Dynasty and the Central Plains suddenly "disintegrated".

As the Guyuan army marched eastward and went out of Weinan along Gaoling, they immediately bit Xing Honglang's troops in Huazhou. Xing Honglang's troops occupied Huazhou Yicheng and stood firm. Ma Shoucai went to the city in person.

  Guyuan army wiped out more than 3,000 rebels in the city in one fell swoop, and the rest of the defeated army fled to Tongzhou with Xing Honglang.

Ma Jinbao did not directly enter Tongzhou, but first regained Huayin, and then went north to stop Mang Zhangfei's troops who had joined forces with Xing Honglang. The two sides fought fiercely on the line between Tongzhou and Chaoyi. The cavalry played a role. First, they succeeded in a surprise attack on the periphery and defeated the Guyuan army, but then they were ambushed by the Guyuan army to lure the enemy into a deep round to pull back a round.

  The two sides fought fiercely on this front for five days, and finally Ma Jinbao personally led the army to defeat the main force of Mang Zhangfei's tribe, forcing Mang Zhangfei's tribe to flee northward. On the ninth day of December, Tongzhou and Chaoyi were recovered.

At the same time, Modren's Xi'an guard and Kuang's father and son's assault battalion also launched a fierce battle in Tongguan and Zhang Miao's hands. It was considered that the city of Tongguan was broken, and Zhang Miaoshou died in battle. Even so, the losses of the three departments were not small, and they had to temporarily rest in Tongguan.

However, after learning of Zhang Miaoshou's siege, Bai Jiu'er's tribe quickly led their troops to the east, closely following the Baitangzhai tribe that was traveling eastward, and offered to obey Qiu Zixiong's arrangement, and the two tribes crossed the river together to the south of Shanxi earn a living.

On December 22, Qiu Zixiong led the main force of Baitangzhai and Bai Jiuer's tribe to cross from Hejin to the south of Shanxi. Before that, on December 17, Mang Zhangfei's tribe also crossed from Pujin to Shanxi. , the main force of the entire Shaanxi rebel army is running out in Shaanxi, and the rest are some small bandits who are not good enough.

When the war was a great success, the people sent by the procuratorate and the procuratorate to Zhejiang to investigate the case also brought back good news. Mentally prepared, he was soon overwhelmed and confessed to many cases of bending the law for personal gain, including the most famous case of "destroying the family's yellow books".

With the uncovering of this case, a series of evil-related vicious cases were uncovered, which caused a huge shock in Xi'an Mansion. All of them involved Lu Chuan, the Zuo Buzheng envoy.

  (end of this chapter)

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