Number of People

Chapter 2200: Guizijuan Live out yourself and live a wonderful life

  Chapter 2200 Guizi Juan Live out yourself, live a wonderful life

   Walking to the gate of the back house, Feng Ziying remembered that Shi Xiangyun and the others should have come here today.

  Shi Xiangyun and the others have been in Xi'an for two months, and Feng Ziying has not seen them.

  The main reason is that he has not yet grasped the initiative in the province, and Sun Yijie himself is not sure that he will let the other party willingly act according to his intentions, or may take the opportunity to manipulate himself, so he simply disappeared.

  On the other hand, I also thought that it would be too unreasonable for Shi Xiangyun and the others to be sent to Suzhou, Ganzhou.

Sinners don't give birth, Shi Xiangyun was involved purely out of thin air. The implicated policy is still a very normal phenomenon these days, but it affects the family, like Shi Xiangyun will be dragged in and ruined because of the so-called fiance and uncle's treason. For the rest of her life, Feng Ziying still couldn't accept it.

  Doing everything in his power to help Shi Xiangyun get out of this vortex was his long-awaited decision, but the specific operation is still quite skillful.

   Entering the door, you can hear the crisp voice of Baoqin and Xiangyun's sharp words intertwined from a long distance, and there are giggles from time to time, obviously the group of people are in a very happy mood.

  Shi Xiangyun has a good relationship in the Rongguo Mansion. Not to mention these sisters, even the servants like her straightforward temperament. Of course, there are still some people who are not used to her carefree temperament.

  But now that Shi Xiangyun has experienced so many things, he is no longer as useless as he used to be. He listens most of the time, and even interrupts, it is all after careful consideration.

Among the few sisters, Baoqin is not familiar with her. Compared with Xiuyan, she is even familiar with her, but now Baoqin is the leader here. Since Xiangyun is here, he must distinguish between the primary and the secondary. .

   "Master is back? Sister Yun and Keqing are here." Baoqin felt a little slip of the tongue as soon as she spoke.

It's okay to call Xiangyun, after all, it's the same generation, and we are very familiar with each other. It turned out to be the case in Rongguo Mansion, but Qin Keqing is different. She turned out to be Jia Rong's daughter-in-law, and Jia Rong wanted to call Feng Ziying her uncle. Qin Keqing Logically, Baoqin and the others should be called aunts, so this boudoir name should not be called in front of other men.

Feng Ziying didn't care too much. Qin Keqing's name had appeared countless times in the book "Dream of Red Mansions". She has always been called Qin Keqing.

  Jia Rong and Qin Keqing have also reconciled now. As for the reason, it is hard to say, or there are many aspects.

It is a semi-open secret that Qin Keqing is Prince Yizhong. Whether it is Shi Xiangyun, Baoqin, or the rest of the Jia family, most of them have guessed a thing or two, but such an illegitimate daughter However, Qin Keqing's identity made Qin Keqing nondescript. The key was that her biological mother was also the emperor's favorite concubine—Concubine Ying.

   This is embarrassing.

   It was also embarrassing for Qin Keqing. Her adoptive father, Qin Ye, did come to see her, but it was only for a look. Her younger brother Qin Zhong is now fooling around with Baoyu as a follower, and she is now unaccompanied.

This time, she followed her out of nowhere, and even the court did not give a clear statement. Jia Zhen and Jia Rong were temporarily released on bail, but she was not released. Obviously, this is not the Jia family's business. Yes, but the judgment didn't say anything else, so she came here in a daze.

Sometimes she thinks to herself, with her unclear identity now, with no relatives or relatives, she dangles like an invisible person, no one contacts her, and no one says anything to her, even She has no friends, but Shi Xiangyun, who is in prison, has the same sympathy with her, so she has no resistance to coming to Shaanxi, and it is almost the same for her to come to.

"Sister Yun is here?" Feng Ziying was taken aback when he saw Qin Keqing. He was also thinking about how to call this woman. It would definitely be inappropriate to call her Brother Rong's daughter-in-law, and Qin's would seem too outlandish, but if she were called Keqing If it is, how can it be impolite, what is it called?

I was in a hurry and didn't think about what to call him, so I simply called the other party's name directly. Anyway, it was introduced by Bao Qin. At worst, I would say that Bao Qin made a slip of the tongue and brought myself into the ditch. As long as I am not embarrassed, It's the embarrassment of others: "Ke Qing is here too?"

   I have to say that Feng Ziying's "Kai Qing" made everyone present look a little complicated.

  Bao Qin was stunned, Xiang Yun was surprised, Miao Yu and Xiu Yan were stunned, and Qin Keqing's expression was complicated and unspeakable.

Feng Ziying, on the other hand, remained calm and calmly resolved the topic, "Do you think my name Keqing is a bit abrupt? I received letters from Lord Zhongshun and Lord Zhonghui before, saying that Keqing was assigned to Shaanxi, and please take care of me. Although Prince Zhong conspired against him, he was still brothers with the Emperor and Prince Zhongshun. Prince Zhonghui was still a brother. You may have a vague idea of ​​Qing’s life experience. Everyone here is from my own family, so I won’t hide it. gone."

   It seems to be an explanation, but it doesn't seem to be. All in all, Feng Ziying's words seem to be righteous and upright, which makes people feel that there is nothing wrong with it.

The taboo was lifted, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, everyone could probably guess Qin Keqing's life experience, but no one made it clear, and everyone kept it secret, which made it a little awkward. It became transparent all of a sudden.

   "Did the two lords write a letter to Xianggong? It's to say hello to Xianggong specifically about Keqing's affairs, and ask Xianggong to take care of him?" Bao Qin was a little surprised.

She knew that her husband had a close relationship with the two brothers, King Zhongshun and King Zhonghui, and they could be regarded as his supporters in the Tian family lineage. The two brothers, King Zhongshun and King Zhonghui of Haitong Yinzhuang, were the most important original shareholders at the beginning. With this level of interest relationship, it can be said that it is closer and more stable than any relationship.

"Well, it's still the same sentence. In any case, the grievances and grievances of the previous generation are not up to the younger generation like Keqing, and it has nothing to do with Keqing. Keqing just suffered an indiscriminate disaster, just like sister Yun. The two of you If an uncle is ignorant of current affairs and gets involved in treason, how can you intervene? It’s not up to you to make a promise to someone like Sun Shaozu? That’s why I said that sinners should not be conceived. This is what Yasheng said, and the court law also It should not violate the meaning of the sage, and the "Great Zhou Law" should also be revised."

   Only Feng Ziying dared to say this kind of thing. If someone else dared to say it in public, he would definitely be impeached by the censor.

  Qin Keqing was confused by Feng Ziying's abrupt statement.

She didn't know whether King Zhongshun and King Zhonghui had written letters to Feng Ziying, but in her impression, these two people who were supposed to be her uncles never showed any concern for her. Just a word, why did I send a letter to ask about it after I was assigned?

  Also, revealing her own life experience so unabashedly also made Qin Keqing feel confused, and didn't know what to say for a while.

  Before, everyone was tacitly aware of it, and they could still maintain the superficial politeness, but now that it has been uncovered, what are you?

  The illegitimate daughter of Prince Yizhong, the biggest traitor, and her biological mother is the emperor's favorite concubine. What an embarrassing and even embarrassing identity?

   This is the result of incest. No matter what Feng Ziying said has nothing to do with herself, but in the eyes of others, it will inevitably leave a deep mark on herself.

   Qin Keqing's face turned pale for a moment, but she didn't know what to do. Should she raise her sleeves to cover her face and leave, or keep silent, or burst into tears and thank you in person?

  It seems that none of them are suitable. With such a big life, Qin Keqing thinks that she has experienced a lot and is considered a strong person. Now she is broken by Feng Ziying's understatement, and she doesn't know how to deal with it.

  Both seem to have noticed the change in Qin Keqing's face, Baoqin and Xiangyun both looked at her with concern: "Keqing, don't worry, Mr. Feng (Brother Feng) has said all these things, it has nothing to do with you,..."

   Miaoyu and Xiuyan also exchanged glances, sighing endlessly.

  Anyone who encounters this kind of thing will be confused. It used to be tacit understanding that one can maintain one's dignity, but now it is said that even if Feng Ziying thinks it doesn't matter and has nothing to do with her, how can ordinary people be immune to the worldly vision?

   Even if everyone present can treat each other calmly, if other servants know about it, what should they think?

  Feng Ziying can understand Qin Keqing's distraught feeling now.

  Maybe she is most worried about how she will face the people around her, and how the people around her will treat her. This is the most critical issue.

   As for the outsider, she is already defined as a criminal woman now, so why should others treat her?

  What Shi Xiangyun, Xue Baoqin, Xing Xiuyan, and even the people she is familiar with in the future, such as Baochai, Daiyu, Li Wan, and Tanchun, think of her is the most important thing.

  If I can determine the nature of this matter, unify the caliber first, and let everyone here establish a standard in their hearts, then the situation will be much better.

Walking in front of Qin Keqing, Feng Ziying's face was gentle and her tone was definitely firm: "Keqing, I just said that the grievances and grievances of the previous generation have nothing to do with you. You are just an innocent person. It's very simple, it's hard to say right or wrong about feelings, whether it's Prince Yizhong or your biological mother, they are them, they gave birth to you, this is fate, and evil fate is also fate, but they brought you this life after all, since When you come to this world, you should cherish it, live a good life, and don't need to care too much about other people's eyes,..."

After a pause, Feng Ziying continued: "Although I have only been in contact with you a few times, I appreciate your self-reliance and self-reliance. Your temperament is somewhat similar to Baoqin and Tanchun. I hope you can be stronger than them , more self-reliant, just like Wang Xifeng, even if he is divorced, he is as free and comfortable, and lives an extraordinarily wonderful life."

  (end of this chapter)

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