Number of People

Chapter 2203: Guizi Juan is not drunk and slightly drunk, ambitions are gradually rising

  Chapter 2203 Guizi Juan is not drunk and slightly drunk, ambition is gradually rising

"Now you shouldn't blame Brother Feng, right?" Shi Xiangyun said in a soft voice: "Actually, Brother Feng has already considered everything before he does everything. He has a heart to help others, but he has more thoughtful means. It is the most important thing for a man, abrupt and reckless, violent Feng He, that is the worst."

Qin Keqing laughed, "Earlier I said I was going to give up, but now I'm showing my true colors? If you really want to give up, you're afraid that you will fall into obsession for the rest of your life. Why bother? I said it a long time ago, Your life experience has no effect on him, and it can even be a help, but after you really want an amnesty, that would be normal."

  Shi Xiangyun is obviously still not willing to accept this point of view. Although it seems that what the other party said has some truth, it always feels a bit deviant.

   "Forget it, let's not talk about this matter, but you yourself, what do you plan to do next?" Shi Xiangyun asked: "Really plan to break with them and cut off all ties?"

   "I'm precarious here now, how can I have the time to ask other questions?" Qin Keqing was absent-minded, "Let's take a step and see."

"Then what are you thinking about? Brother Feng said that we will not go to Suzhou, Ganzhou. It would be much better to be in Xi'an. You have asked me so many things, now it's my turn." I asked you, don't you also get entangled with Brother Feng,..."

"Where do I have it? Hugh is talking nonsense there,..." Qin Keqing's tone was a little anxious, but he tried to remain calm, "Don't guess your thoughts on me, my identity is different from yours, are you Help him, if I fall on him, he will really become the target of public criticism, it will be difficult for everyone to argue."

"Look at you like that, and you still say there are no ghosts. Take a look at your own expression. You can't even fool others, but can you fool yourself?" Shi Xiangyun laughed out loud, "It's nothing to like Brother Feng. It's a shameful thing, are there not enough people in and out of the house who like him?"

   "Others are others, but I can't." Qin Keqing shook her head, "Are you talking about Tanchun?"

Shi Xiangyun responded heartily: "Who else can there be except her? The whole family knows her thoughts, and only she thinks that she has hidden them well. Sister Bao and Sister Lin both know it well, and they don't want to expose it, so as not to cause trouble." She's just embarrassed..."

  "Her situation is the same, and she also said that the solution can be the same, but they all use this method to stir up trouble for the Feng family, which can confirm his reputation as a suave." Qin Keqing's mouth curled into a smile.

The two were laughing and squabbling again. There was no one else in the snow, but the relationship formed from the imperial prison made Shi Xiangyun and Qin Keqing very close. That's why there were many people who had a good relationship with Xue Baoqin and Xing Xiuyan. Topics that neither sister can share can be freely exchanged between the two.

  The two were laughing and joking there, but they embarrassed Feng Ziying, who was blocking this side, and could only shrink their necks and wait for them to leave.

   Fortunately, the weather outside was really too cold, so the two daughters also joked for a while, watched the winter plum snow scene for a while, and then turned back.

Feng Ziying was finally able to go back. Today is New Year's Eve, and everyone has to wait for the New Year's Eve dinner to reunite with everyone. Logically, Jia Amnesty should be called, but Feng Ziying didn't say anything, and Bao Qin and Miaoyu Xiuyan said to call Xiangyun and Qin Keqing, Feng Ziying nodded again.

Back in his own courtyard, Lao Yuan Ping'er saw Feng Ziying's face was blue and pale from the cold, and he ran over quickly, and shook Feng Ziying's hand, he was shocked, and Feng Ziying's buckskin boots were already soaked through , quickly complained: "Master, why are you so careless? You don't cherish yourself in this hot and cold weather. The whole family relies on you. What if someone has a headache?"

Feng Ziying held Ping'er's hand, which was soft and warm. Before he could speak, Ping'er pulled him into his room and asked him to sit down. At the same time, he ordered the little maid to bring Feng Ziying's shoes in exchange for him, and he was busy doing it himself. Feng Ziying took Mrs. Tang and put it in Feng Ziying's hand, and asked Feng Ziying to cover it.

   Leaning comfortably on the kang, the hot ground dragon in the room made her body warm all at once. Feng Ziying let Ping'er change her shoes for her, and asked, "Everyone is back?"

"Well, it's almost there. Miss Yun and Miss Qin are both here. Yu Chuan'er just came back and went to the street to buy some things. New Year pictures and couplets are also ready, and I'll post them up tomorrow." Ping'er said softly. : "It's coming soon here, I guess it will be on the table after a while."

"Well, this is the first year our little family has spent in Xi'an. I don't know if we will spend it in Xi'an next year, but this first year, we must have a comfortable time. You and Qing Wen needs to take care of her more, don't get too fussy with Bao Qin,..."

  Hearing what Feng Ziying said, Ping'er laughed, "How dare the servants argue with the second grandma Qin? It's just that sometimes when the servants don't do well, I ask the second grandma Qin to forgive me."

Hearing that there was still some emotion in Ping'er's words, Feng Ziying also raised her head and held up Ping'er's chin, "Why, are you still angry? Baoqin is sometimes too strong, even Baochai is sometimes angry with her, she The quarrel with Daiyu is not unknown,..."

   Ping'er raised his head in surprise, "You know...?"

"Don't you know what's going on?" Feng Ziying stroked Ping'er's face and said with a smile: "This family of people will inevitably have bumps and bumps. Everyone has their own personality. My point of view is that you can't cross the bottom line. You can have your ideas and opinions, and you can even do things according to your ideas, but you can't hurt others, and they also have the right to refute and object, and this should be the case in our family,..."

  Ping'er became more and more curious, "Master, what you said is a bit indiscriminate. How can a slave and a servant still argue with the master and go against the master's wishes?"

"Why can't it be?" Feng Ziying disagreed. "If you make a mistake, of course you can point it out, or even ask for correction. Of course, you can be particular about the method. For example, what decision did Baochai make in Erfang, Xiangling or Yingying? Son, or Yingchun Siqi, you can’t object to disobedience in person, but you can question it and discuss it. If Baochai insists, then implement it first, and then you can continue to discuss it later, just like me. The decision at home is the same. Didn’t say you can’t question it, you have to do it if you make a mistake? How can there be such a domineering thing? If you make a mistake, you can correct it. There is nothing good about it. I don’t think there is any problem with it, and I don’t think it will damage my prestige.”

"My lord is open-minded. Grandma and servants share a master like lord with the blessings of virtue and cultivation in his previous life. If he changes to another family, there is no such thing." It is very good for the servants, and it is impossible to do it like this. If you make a mistake, you have to argue, at most, you just don’t do it next time, and it is absolutely impossible to admit your mistake in person.”

"It depends on how you look at this matter, so generally speaking, I will try my best not to make mistakes, but as long as I am an ordinary person, I will make mistakes, but I just try to make as few mistakes as possible." Feng Ziying cheerfully picked up Ping'er's body and let him go Next to her on the kang, her warm hands also took the opportunity to slip under the hem of Ping'er's embroidered jacket, heading straight for the plump place.

Ping'er took a deep breath, pressed himself close to Feng Ziying's side, not letting the other hand loosen his sweaty scarf move, and whispered: "Master, I can't do it now, I'm going to eat soon. If we let them see the clues, the servants will not be able to see people."

  Feng Ziying withdrew her hand regretfully, and patted Ping'er's buttocks, "I'll let you go first, I'm getting older, everyone is happy, don't be angry..."

  Ping'er smiled sweetly, "Look at what I said, what kind of temperament is the slave girl, I don't know yet? It's just a trivial matter, and the slave girl won't be so ignorant."

  After changing her shoes and warming her hands, Feng Ziying came out of the house contentedly and went straight to the flower hall.

Counting today's New Year's Eve dinner, there are quite a few people. It turns out that Feng Ziying planned to invite an opera troupe to sing, but no one has such a good mood this year. It should be like this in the first month, so everyone The guys also objected, so Feng Ziying gave up.

  The table has been set long ago. Feng Ziying lives alone at the table, next to Baoqin and Third Sister You, at the other end are Miaoyu and Xiuyan, and at the bottom are Xiangyun and Qin Keqing.

  Ping'er and Qingwen, who are also considered to be big maids and have taken over the house, sat a little further back.

   It is reasonable to say that before they have clarified their status as concubines, the housekeeper alone is not qualified to sit on the table, but Feng Ziying insisted on letting the two of them sit on the table.

   It may be the norm in this era, but it is not a big deal for Feng Ziying to make an exception. Of course, Feng Ziying also needs to take care of Baoqin and the others' emotions, so Qingwen and Hepinger are placed in a later position to show the difference.

  The dishes were served one after another. Feng Ziying sat in the middle, looking at the scene in front of her in a daze.

I actually came to Shaanxi, and there is such a big half of the family. At first glance, there are several hostesses. I am thinking that there are still a lot of people waiting for me in the capital city. Even if more than half a year has passed, I have worked hard to figure out a clue in the past six months. In the next year, I should sort out the current situation well, so that the people in the court can convincingly recognize me.

I haven't drunk the wine for a while, but I am already slightly drunk, my eyes are like beautiful flowers, and my eyes are bright, and an inexplicable ambition is inadvertently born in my heart. Maybe I really should start a different career and follow the rules blindly Is it a bit disappointing to travel through this time?

  (end of this chapter)

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