Number of People

Chapter 2209: Gui character scroll female Bodhisattva, good woman

  Chapter 2209 Guizi scroll female Bodhisattva, female good person

  Listening to the groans of suppressing the pain inside, Wang Xifeng also had to admire the strength of this woman.

  Since she came to Tianjin Wei, Wang Xifeng has been very interested in this woman.

  One is that the origin of this woman is indeed too unique. The Jurchens, although they are not Jianzhou Jurchens and Haixi Jurchens, are all Jurchens after all.

  Secondly, this woman is actually a Jurchen aristocrat. It is said that she is the princess of the Yehe tribe. She looks good and has good martial arts.

  Third, this woman has an independent personality, which is also somewhat similar to her. The key is that she dared to have an affair with Feng Ziying without getting married, without any shyness or shame.

  Taking her own words, she should have been a person who was not suitable for marriage. She promised her three times, and three times led to the destruction or withering of the tribe. It is said that there are still rumors about her marriage on the grassland.

  But Busia Mara still refused to say what the rumor was about.

  Wang Xifeng became more and more interested, and always felt that the rumor was a bit weird. It was really rare that Busia Mara dared not speak lightly even if he was not afraid of the sky.

Maybe they have similar temperaments, maybe they have sympathy for each other, or maybe this woman doesn't pose much threat to him, and women don't like to be troublesome, so they basically live in the house, so Wang Xifeng quickly became acquainted with Busia Mara, and Later, it was already a bit of a sisterly commensurate feeling.

In terms of age, Busia Mara is actually older than Wang Xifeng, but with her social experience and way of dealing with the world, Busia Mara is not even as good as Wang Xifeng's student in this Great Zhou Dynasty, so no matter how you look at Wang Xifeng More like an older sister, Busia Mara is like a younger sister.

Seeing that Busia Mara's stomach swelled up like blowing air, although Busia Mara has a strong body and has been practicing martial arts, no one is worried about the size of her waist and hips. Although she is the first child, her age It is also a bit big, but Wen Po has seen it and thought it was nothing.

   It wasn't until the belly got bigger and bigger, even a little outrageously big, that Wen Po and Lang Zhong were sure that they should be twins, and then they got busy.

  The first child, at thirty, is still twins, which is a bit risky.

  But Busia Mara doesn’t seem to have much sense, what to do, what to do, what to eat and drink all day long, and it’s seven or eight months old, and it’s still moving around in the yard, without support and service at all.

   Until it was about to give birth, Wang Xifeng couldn't see it anymore, so she allocated the fourth son introduced by Xiaohong to Busia Mara, and asked her to wait on her.

  Even two days before giving birth, Busia Mara was still going in and out of the yard, and had to trot all the way to keep up.

  Today, this one finally started to cry and is about to give birth. Wen Po has already prepared it, so naturally it should be ready.

  Wang Xifeng has been rooted in Tianjin Wei for so long, and at least he has managed some connections on Tianjin Wei.

  She is not ignorant, and all kinds of personal connections are also deliberately maintained and managed, and all parties can manage them.

  It turned out that many of the methods used in Rongguo Mansion were equally useful when used locally.

Everyone in the guard knew that although this woman He Li had some relationship with the Jia Wang family who had already been imprisoned, she had a strong enough backer. The Feng family is now the number one boss in the army, and it is the chief soldier of Ji Town, You Shi. Gong was also brought up by the Feng family, so they took good care of them.

   Coupled with the support of businessmen from Shanxi Province, they set up a cement workshop in Tianjin Wei. It can be said that they are both proud of the officialdom and shopping malls, and they can be regarded as a "rich family" in this small place of Tianjin Wei.

  Wang Xifeng even bought hundreds of acres of land near Xianshuigu, and planted the potatoes that Feng Ziying has always praised, which is even more convenient and quicker than Feng Ziying's in Shaanxi.

   After all, this place is not far from Jinghai, where Xu Guangqi's experimental base is, and someone willing to take the initiative to help promote it, Xu Guangqi's side is also what he wished for, and it has given a lot of convenience.

  At present, the first batch of potatoes has been harvested and put into the warehouse. Wang Xifeng even went to taste the taste of the potatoes. According to Feng Ziying, the baked potatoes and steamed potatoes seemed to taste decent, not as unpalatable as previously feared.

  According to what Feng Ziying said, potatoes are not bad in nutrition, not much worse than corn and flour. If you add some sauce and vinegar seasoning, it will still taste good. At least Wang Xifeng thinks she can get used to it.

However, the idea of ​​selling potatoes for profit has encountered setbacks. Those who can afford them are unwilling to buy them, and those who are willing to eat them have no money. As a result, Wang Xifeng simply puts the potatoes in the workshop as an extra meal, and provides them free of charge to those who live there. The workers working in the workshop immediately aroused great popularity among the workers.

According to the regulations of the cement workshop, although the two meals at noon are basically corn porridge and cooking cakes, but the number of cooking cakes is limited, and now potatoes are suddenly added for free. In the eyes of the workers, potatoes are not unpalatable. It fills my stomach greatly, and after eating a meal this evening, I can survive until tomorrow morning. I also have a few potatoes for free when I come in the morning, so I can work harder.

  Of course, the consumption of the workshop is a drop in the bucket for the yield of 300 mu of potatoes planted. Wang Xifeng harvested more than 500,000 catties of potatoes from 300 mu of potatoes, which is much higher than the yield per mu in Shaanxi.

   On the one hand, it is due to the soil quality, and on the other hand, Xu Guangqi sent people to guide him personally, so the output is indeed higher.

  So Wang Xifeng simply set up a relief point by himself, steamed potatoes, and provided them to the hungry and disaster victims around for free, which can be regarded as accumulating blessings for her son.

   I have to say that this move is quite beautiful. It turned out that Wang Xifeng only had some contacts in the officialdom and the army, but now he immediately established his prestige among the poor.

   Saying a thousand words and ten thousand is not as true as a few potatoes can save the lives of my family.

  Although there are also porridge stalls in the local area, the porridge with clear soup and little water can't bear hunger at all, and it is far less reliable than potatoes.

Feng Ziying probably never dreamed that what she said unintentionally to Wang Xifeng would bring about such a big change. Wang Xifeng has also become a female Bodhisattva praised by everyone in Tianjin Weizuo. Is the Bodhisattva's happy taste a little different?

   "Grandma, it seems that Grandma Bu is still having some difficulties." Hongyu twisted her sweat towel in her hand, and stretched her neck to peek into the room. Busia Mara, who had always been strong, moaned and screamed, and couldn't help but shudder.

  If you changed yourself, wouldn't you pass out from the pain?

   "Well, she is in her thirties and is her first child. It would be nice if she could give birth naturally. Thanks to her usual martial arts practice, she is very active. Otherwise, she would be killed twice."

  Wang Xifeng also felt a little bit emotional, this Busia Mara is really stubborn enough, she dares to conceive a child by herself, just come to her like this, and if she wants to give birth, Feng Ziying also trusts her enough.

   "These twins, can Granny Bu handle it?" Lin Hongyu blushed, "You are really amazing..."

   "You don't know if you're great or not?" Wang Xifeng sneered, "You were tortured to death by him on the bed too, little hoof, do you miss a man too?"

  Lin Hongyu glanced at Wang Xifeng, saw that the other party also had some hopeful eyes, and said stubbornly: "Look at grandma, doesn't grandma miss you? Huzi also misses you."

  Wang Xifeng sighed, "So what if you miss him? Shaanxi is three thousand miles away, and it takes two months to get a letter. He is so busy now that he doesn't touch the ground, so he still has time to think about other things."

   "That's right, the slave girl sees that grandma often tosses and turns and can't sleep at night, so she must be missing you." Lin Hongyu pursed her lips and said, "It's different for a woman to have a man and not have a man,..."

   "Sao Hoof, how dare you tease me?" Wang Xifeng blushed, "You are worse than me, every day..."

She was only twenty-seven, in the prime of her youth, and had two men, not to mention Jia Lian, with a silver-like pewter tip, but Feng Ziying really satisfied all her fantasies, no matter what aspect she was able to give herself to. She ate so much, that's why she gritted her teeth and wanted to give birth after she was pregnant, otherwise she would have a hundred ways to prevent pregnancy, even if she was pregnant, she could still get it off.

Before giving birth, Wang Xifeng didn't feel it, but after giving birth, Wang Xifeng found that she seemed to be more dependent on Feng Ziying and longed for it. She often dreamed of being in love with Feng Ziying in her dreams at night, but when she woke up, she was alone in her boudoir. Fortunately, there is still a child, otherwise I really don't know how to get through it.

  Lin Hongyu is her personal girl now, and she can't hide many things from herself, and she doesn't plan to hide them, but Wang Xifeng is a little annoyed when Hongyu sees that she is tossing and turning and even can only be self-satisfied.

It's not that she can't find a man, but she has a high vision, and she doesn't look down on ordinary servants at all. Even the handsome guys like Jia Rong and Jia Yun in the Rongguo Mansion look like dogs now. It's not that I can't live without Feng Ziying, but I really look down on other men.

"Hee hee, the slave girl thought that the master never concealed it, just hoped that the master would come back soon, and the slave servant could also have a good time..., unlike grandma, who is also obtrusive and embarrassing, how many people in this house are not happy?" Do you know the relationship between grandma and master?" Lin Hongyu's tone could match that of that reckless girl in Siqi.

  Since Da Ping'er left, Lin Hongyu's ascension speed was like a rocket, and she quickly became the number one maid beside Wang Xifeng, making Feng'er and Shanjie, the maids who had been with Wang Xifeng for a long time, jealous.

  However, Lin Hongyu is really capable in doing things, and she is also sharp-tongued, and even dared to argue with Wang Xifeng, which made Feng'er and Sister Shan sigh to themselves, so they put off their desire to compete with Hongyu.

  The two masters and servants were bickering, and accompanied by a clear cry, Wang Xifeng was refreshed and gave birth.

  (end of this chapter)

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