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Chapter 2220: Guizi Scroll Alternative Choice, I Want to Walk Alone

  Chapter 2220 Guizi Juan Alternative Choice, I want to walk alone

  Feng Ziying's eyes suddenly sharpened, staring at Wang Wenyan.

  Wang Wenyan was not afraid, and remained the same, calmly said: "This subordinate has long wanted to ask your lord a question, what do you think of the situation in the future?"

   "Wenyan, your topic is a bit big, so big that I don't even know how to answer it for a while." Feng Ziying said flatly: "What do you want to say, just the two of us, can we always tell the whole story openly and honestly?"

"My lord, you should also feel it. After experiencing the Jiangnan rebellion, as well as the constant pressure from the Liaodong and Shanshan rebellions, the pattern of using literature to control martial arts is changing. Although the court is still working hard to maintain this pattern, the power of generals is increasing. It is an indisputable fact to strengthen this trend." Wang Wenyan said every word.

  Feng Ziying felt a slight shock in her heart, and it seemed that the other party had also noticed this.

  Papa led the Northwest Army after the First World War in Shandong and has become an important soldier. In the eyes of the court, it may have become a hidden danger.

  On the one hand, the imperial court had to let Sun Chengzong lead the northern front army, and took advantage of the situation to integrate the first part of the Jizhen army, the first part of the Beijing camp, and the defeated army in Shanxi town.

  According to common sense, since the Battle of Shandong has ended, Sun Chengzong's Northern Front Army should be abolished and rebuilt.

For example, although You Shilu led one of the Jizhen Army, it should be returned to the Jizhen Army, and He Huchen and Yang Zhaoji's Five Army Battalions should be returned to the Beijing Camp, and even reorganized from the Shanxi Town Su Shengdu's defeated army. This army should also be returned to Shanxi Town, after all, Shanxi Town is now very weak.

  But now the court has no such intention.

  Why? On the one hand, the sufficient reason is that there is a change in the Jurchen in Jianzhou, allowing this army to live in the east of Beijing and the west of Liaodong, so that they can reinforce Liaodong at any time. In addition, there is also a faint factor of guarding against the Northwest Army, but the latter may not be clear to the court and Chinese officials. The words, everyone tacitly.

   In addition, I still feel that it is not enough, worrying that the Northwest Army will not lose its tail, and even would rather accept the "anyway" of Chen Jixian's Huaiyang Army, even if Chen Jixian can take Jiangnan, so that Lao Di and Chen Jixian can check each other.

  Feng Ziying felt that the princes in the court did not think that her father was unreliable, but that her father and a group of warriors under his hands were unreliable.

Liu Dongyang, Liu Baichuan, Tu Wenxiu, these are all unruly and ambitious people, and these people are very good at fighting, and they have high prestige in the army. Once they get out of control and really mess up in the Central Plains, that would be genius The imperial court couldn't even spare many troops to deal with the big disaster, which is why both Sun Chengzong and Chen Jixian's troops were kept.

  As for Chen Jixian, the same is true. If you really want Dad to lead the Northwest Army to fight and destroy the entire Jiangnan and Jiangbei, with the current financial resources of the imperial court, it will really collapse.

In order to ensure the victory of the Shandong War and the subsequent pacification of Jiangnan, the towns of Liaodong, Jizhen, Xuanfu, Datong, Shanxi, and Yulin have already begun to owe food and salaries. If they are given, they must be made up before the end of the year. To put it bluntly, if the situation does not improve this year, let alone Jiangnan, the North will collapse first, and the frontier troops in these towns will have to rebel first.

   "Well, the current situation is not stable. Frontier troops and guards are fighting everywhere. It is true that warriors have more power." Feng Ziying nodded.

"But can this trend be reversed within a certain period of time in the future?" Wang Wenyan continued: "The subordinates find it difficult. The Jurchen in Liaodong Jianzhou, the Chahar people outside the walls of Jizhen, Xuanfu, and Datong, even now The honest and obedient Tumed people are a little ready to move. For a long time to come, the border towns in the Northland will be further strengthened. But besides Sun Chengzong who can barely lead the army, who else is there among the civil servants? Xiong Tingbi How long has Yang Yinglong and An Yu's family been fighting like **** in Huguang? Sun Chengzong and Geng Ruqi have left him with such a good foundation, but he is still stretched, so he forced Wang Ziteng to leave Huguang easily,..."

  Feng Ziying frowned, Wang Wenyan said it too harshly, but in fact Xiong Tingbi was pretty good, if it was Yang He who continued to be there, I'm afraid it would be even worse.

   There are not many civil servants who can fight in the first place. They don't lead troops themselves, and they temporarily give them important powers. They just want a group of warriors to obey orders willingly. How can it be so easy?

   Chai Ke quelled the Ningxia rebellion. It was because he himself was also the Minister of the Ministry of War, and he had his father to help him, and the court also fully supported him, so he won the battle.

  Now that fires are burning everywhere, the imperial court can't fully deal with a certain place, so it can only deal with it everywhere. Naturally, the battle in Huguang and Sichuan is not so easy to fight.

"Don't mention Xiong Tingbi, let's just talk about the specific situation of this imperial court. The enemy outside the northern wall is watching fiercely, and the interior is not stable. The subordinates of the Shanshan Rebellion have investigated and found that the White Lotus Sect has actually infiltrated. Fortunately, Shaanxi is still here. That's good, but there are shadows of the White Lotus Sect in Zijinliang, Xu Cong'er and Zhang Cunhou's rebellious army..." Wang Wenyan said with certainty: "This subordinate can affirm that there will definitely be troubles in the second half of the year, Shanxi, Beizhi, Shandong, Nanzhi, both are possible, Beizhi and Shandong are more likely,..."

"Under such circumstances, even if the imperial court takes Jiangnan smoothly, it may have to rely on the Northwest Army, Huaiyang Army, and even the Jingxiang Army, which are currently in the interior, to deal with it. Even if Wang Ziteng's Denglai Army is still in Jiangxi, how to solve this is a big problem."

  Feng Ziying rubbed her face with both hands, and had to admit that Wang Wenyan's analysis of the current court situation still had some insights.

  Once the Beizhi or Shandong Bailian sect breaks out, Liaodong, Jizhen, and Xuanfu are held back by the Jurchens and Mongols, and there is no way to draw troops. Then who will shoulder the important task of countering the rebellion? I'm afraid there are only the Northwest Army and the Huaiyang Army, and if Wang Ziteng continues to toss in Huguang, Jiangxi, if he can't find a good solution to solve it, Xiong Tingbi may not be able to fight Wang Ziteng, and that will be another big trouble.

"My lord, I don't know how you think about you in the future. Maybe you think that you can solve the chaos here in Shaanxi, and you can return to Beijing with peace of mind. Maybe you can be a servant of the household department, or a governor of Shuntian Prefecture, but I I feel that you may not be able to do it for a long time even if you sit on the position of minister and governor. I am afraid that the court will have to leave the most difficult job to you in the end, but whether you are asked to deal with the Jianzhou Jurchen or the Chahar people, Or Fengzhou Bailian, it is also possible for you to deal with the Bailian rebellion in Dongzhi, Shandong, or even let you go to Jiangxi to deal with Wang Ziteng, if you do not have enough military power, it is absolutely impossible."

Wang Wenyan spoke more and more freely, "My subordinates see what you have done in Shaanxi. You shouldn't interfere too much with the frontier army, but Ma Jinbao is convinced by you now. There are also Yueshan Camp, Destroy City Camp, and Tufeng Camp. , plus Modren and Zhao Qianshan stationed across the border in Puzhou, the subordinates feel that you are all planning, so the subordinates dare to think that since this is the case, for example, send Qiu Zixiong to Shanxi Town, if Beizhi or Shanxi want to Let you solve the problem, and you will have an extra army in your hands."

  Feng Ziying didn't expect Wang Wenyan to see through every detail of her arrangement. Although she didn't intend to hide it from the other party, she didn't deliberately make it clear, but in Wang Wenyan's eyes, it was written clearly in black and white.

"Wenyan, you are far-sighted." Feng Ziying sighed, "Yes, I also feel that the situation in Dazhou is not optimistic. The chaos in the south of the Yangtze River seems to be an internal strife among us, and it doesn't seem to cause much turmoil. But this kind of internal strife The biggest problem is that it consumes our own strength, giving internal and external enemies an opportunity to take advantage of..."

  Wang Wenyan understands Feng Ziying's meaning, Great Zhou internal friction, but internal and external enemies take advantage of the opportunity to grow stronger, one ebbs and the other, if the enemy can choose the right time to attack at the same time, then Great Zhou will be in trouble.

"So it is very necessary for your lord to hold on to the military power. After all, the court now treats your lord as a fire brigade. If there is a problem, let your lord take the lead. But what you have to face is almost all disasters, civil uprisings, If there is not enough troops to deal with difficult matters such as rebellion or even foreign invasion, it will definitely be timid and powerless."

  Feng Ziying laughed, "Classic Chinese, is that all? Is there any more? I think there is something unfinished in your words."

  Wang Wenyan took a deep breath and nodded: "In addition to what I just said is considered from the perspective of adults, the other is the problem of the Feng family, including your father."

   Sure enough, Feng Ziying expected that Wang Wenyan would not fail to see the deeper intentions. He has been by his side for so long, and he has been training personnel in the army since Yongping Mansion. How could it be such a simple purpose?

"go on."

"The current situation of the Feng family is very delicate. The subordinates feel that there are two ways to go. One is that the father can choose the opportunity to retreat and spoil his grandchildren. After all, the father is also in his early fifties. It is not too old to say that he is old, but he is not too old. It’s small, as long as your father retires, I believe the imperial court will definitely change the position of General Shenwu and confer a Marquis, it shouldn’t be a big problem, and it’s not impossible to even give it to a Duke, since they’re all vain nobility anyway.”

Wang Wenyan said with a smile: "In this way, my lord, you can work **** the road of civil service. With the support of the elders of the Qi Pavilion and your influence among the scholars in the north, you should enter the cabinet and pay homage to the prime minister after thirty. It is a matter of course and a matter of course, and it is normal to be the first assistant in the future."

"Well, it seems that this idea is not too bad." Feng Ziying nodded leisurely, "Countless scholars may not be able to achieve my current position in their lifetime, let alone being the chief assistant in the cabinet. Le is right, such a choice is the most appropriate, classical Chinese, what do you think? I think you seem to think that this road is the next best thing?"

  (end of this chapter)

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