Number of People

Chapter 2222: Guizi Juan determines the goal, tacitly

  Chapter 2222 Guizi Juan determines the goal, tacitly

Feng Ziying was also a little moved, and said movedly: "Wenyan, it's hard for you to see it that way. I don't know how many people think that I am sensationalizing, or that I believe in Mr. Xu because I am dying. These Xiyi crops, they still have the same thinking in their minds, they hate those new things,..."

"My lord, this is also normal, because they have come here step by step. Of course, I don't want someone to break these rules and let them adapt and relearn. How much worry and tiring is that?" Wang Wenyan There was a smirk on the corner of his mouth.

  There are so many people in the court who are sitting on vegetarian meals, and how many of them really want to think for the court and the people? Feng Ziying's actions will definitely touch the backs of many people.

So although it seems that Feng Ziying's official career is going smoothly and seems to be bright, it is because the situation is turbulent and Feng Ziying needs to put out the fire. Feng Ziying set up various obstacles.

  Wang Wenyan asserted that if the chaos in the south of the Yangtze River was put down smoothly, the deterioration of the situation in the north was not serious, and the court situation could be maintained as before, Feng Ziying might linger as a third-rank official for many years.

  No matter what he proposes, there will always be a group of people who will oppose and fetter him from the front, back, left, and right, making it difficult for him to let go.

"My lord is still thinking about how to better evaluate the daily performance of officials. My lord, I have to say that you have seen one of the most critical problems in the current situation, but it is also the most deadly problem. I believe you can definitely understand, and you are too sensitive, if you don't pay attention, it will cause a huge storm, even Mr. Qi Ge can't protect you, so on this issue, my subordinates want to advise you, be careful Be careful."

Wang Wenyan's reminder Feng Ziying certainly understands that if you want to emulate Zhang Juzheng's "Testing Method", don't even think about it without Zhang Juzheng's strength, courage and skill. Right now, even if Qi Yongtai and Qiao Yingjia fully support themselves, they can do it. If not, it will only plunge the entire court into turmoil and division, which is meaningless.

Of course, it doesn't mean that you have to wait until you have the power to do it. Some things can be released first, and some things can be piloted first if they are easy to do. It's like a potato pilot. , Slowly map it.

"Classical, I understand that the method of success in the examination is related to the interests of thousands of officials, and it affects the overall situation. Now I only dare to think and plan, but I don't have the ability to implement it. Such things will always touch the interests of some people. But among the officials in the court, how many people can give up their own self-interest and take care of the whole court? As you said, even Master Qi can't do it." Feng Ziying sighed, "Sometimes I also I was thinking, why did I come here, choose to take the first road, and enjoy the wealth and glory, isn't it good? But I always feel unwilling."

"How can a sparrow know the great ambition?" Wang Wenyan's eyes flickered, "There are many things that cannot be broken or established. If you want to achieve the great cause of the Han Wu Tang Zong, you must have great determination and perseverance, recharge your energy, and wait for the time to come. It will come to fruition, adults are people who want to accomplish great things in life, now it is better to keep a low profile and wait for opportunities, and adults do not need to be too eager to achieve success, as the subordinates said before, there are still many things we can do , Your Excellency is already on the right path. Whether it is the scholar system or the group of warriors, although your Excellency has only been an official for a few years, you have already laid a good foundation, and in the future, your Excellency can still accept what your father left for you. These contacts will definitely be more handy,..."

  Wang Wenyan did not say clearly what path Feng Ziying would take in the end, and Feng Ziying did not explain, but both of them agreed to take a path that is inclusive of civil and military.

   It is impossible to lose the way of civil servants. This is the right way. Without this way, you can't do many things at all. After all, this is not the end of Tang Dynasty.

  But the road of warriors in charge of soldiers cannot be given up.

After all, the Great Zhou Dynasty has gone through several internal and external ups and downs, and the ability of the civil service system to control the entire government has been greatly weakened. Internal aggression and foreign enemies may have a huge impact on the court situation at any time. Myself, Da Zhou is a little bit going to develop like the small court of the Southern Ming Dynasty in the previous life.

At that time, although civilian officials were still in power in name, in fact there were already many warlords. The four towns in Jiangbei, Zuo Liangyu, He Tengjiao, Zheng Zhilong, and Lin Zongzong, there were countless warlords, big and small. Everyone has their own interests, listen to what is beneficial, and go if there is no benefit.

Now Dad and Chen Jixian have already shown signs of this trend. Feng Ziying even suspects that in the end, Niu Jizong and Sun Shaozu are hard to say, but Wang Ziteng's entrenched Jiangxi is just waiting for an opportunity. Bargain, and finally make a move.

If we really come to that point, then the Great Zhou Dynasty may really be transformed into the Southern Ming Dynasty. Of course, in terms of the current situation, the imperial court will definitely not accept the recruitment of Niu Jizong, Sun Shaozu and Wang Ziteng, but if the situation When some unexpected changes occur, it is difficult to say, especially when foreign enemies invade, it is even more difficult to say.

  So in this regard, if a civil servant can command an army, or even a group of troops, then in the future, whether it is doing things or dealing with the situation, it will be much easier.

"Written Chinese, I understand, but this road is not easy to walk. It's like walking a tightrope. If you are not careful, you will attract suspicion, and even the two sides will not please you. In the end, you will end up with nothing." Feng Ziying said lightly. said a word.

"My lord, if the current situation can really calm down completely, you can choose either way, but if the current situation is unstable, you can only choose the second way. It is impossible for the imperial court to have too much spare energy to consider other things, and the subordinates feel that this is actually an opportunity for adults."

Wang Wenyan also has a clear view of the current situation. Based on the information he has obtained from various sources around Feng Ziying, as well as Feng Ziying's unreserved exchanges of information with him, he believes that the chaos in the south of the Yangtze River will not be so easy to resolve satisfactorily. However, the foreign enemies in the north will not give up easily, and the White Lotus Sect has a huge conspiracy, and even has something to do with the Shanshan Rebellion Army.

  Under such circumstances, Feng Ziying couldn't abandon the warriors any more. He could only strengthen his control over the army's strength and try to get his brothers and sisters into various military systems as much as possible.

   My body has basically recovered, and I will resume normal updates tomorrow, thank you brothers.



  (end of this chapter)

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